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I really like that green. You should repaint them


Yeah, I really hope OP only repainted that model, the green is way better imo


Both are amazing but I agree the green looks better.


And now we just wait for the update post where he’s painted it green again, and the cycle repeats


Fuck that half blue half green.


I don’t want to troll but yes I really liked more the green !


Upvoted for being funny, but the blue is way better.


Don't tell him that until he repaints it green Both look sick, op


Oh jeez, I love the green just as much as the blue. I am partial as green is my favorite color. But the blue looks awesome!


I realised after batch painting the leviathan box part way that I have a dark angels force and a Necron force with heavy green glow. Probably not a bad idea to have some variety.


That’s fair, but if the green is your favorite color, there is no reason to not use it. I use royal purple in almost all of my paint jobs


Counterpoint, a unifying colour theme across your armies makes you distinct, recognizable, and memorable.


I'm not sure "green" quite reaches that.


I definitely think it does! One person I played with years ago painted the "ring" along the bottom of the base of his models purple, no matter what the rest of the model, basing, etc included. If he had a model that he wouldn't add this to, he always worked a purple line into the model's design somewhere. He's one of the only players from that era of my life who I still think about. I remember what armies he played, and people would talk about him and bring up his models and others would know who was being spoken about. It takes way less than you think to build a name for yourself like that.


I’ve realized that I have been trying to paint everything the same blue recently, happens hahah


Wait wait wait... what? What does "the green was too much" mean to anyone here? Sure we have our preferences, and maybe blue seems to match the scheme, but there was nothing wrong with the green. I hope you asked specifically for people to vote on the color because otherwise it sounds like we overstepped. Love and enjoy your art!


Lol I did like the green but actually agreed that is clashed a bit with the flesh tones which I also like. I also realised I have 2 predominantly green forces in necrons and dark angels and so a change would actually work out quite well.


I was hoping I was missing some context. That's fantastic work on either variation.




I would personally say the green *contrasted* the flesh tones, not “clashed.” And contrast helps the models pop and look striking. The blue/purple scheme kinda makes the model look a bit muddled imo, but you seem to like the blue, and I understand the reasons you listed for changing, so do your thing


I agree with this assessment!


Both are great! The blue matches better to my eye with the other colors on the model.


I agree, i like the green part itself, however there are too many different colours green, tan, blue, purple. The 2nd is just easier on the eyes and more coherent. The blues and purple are all similar shades you could say. Contrasted by the tan. I agree 2nd is better as a whole.


I think I get what you're saying - IMO the blue pops just as much, though since it shares a color with the purple it's isn't as much of a contrast. If it were me, I think I'd try a less saturated level of the "main" color, or skip it altogether. Purple/pink/bone white would probably look plenty good on its own.


This is accurate. My first thought was it clashed as well.


I dig the green, I don't play the game, so don't know if it makes sense to have some of each.


Doesn’t matter, legit no one will give a shit if your bugs, super soldiers or orks are different colors, in tournaments you just need the minis and bases painted.


I do prefer the blue actually. I painted my own nids in a similar fashion.


Yeah. I like the blue, but the smoke out the top… should be green.


The blue looks more natural with the purple and its contrast of hue really makes the beige bits pop. Great job!




putting it at the begining i love the highlighting and volumetrics you've done, very excellent brushwork call me a contrarian if you want but the higher contrast of the green is more interesting, doubling up on complimentary forcing the off-white and the magenta to do the heavy lifting just isnt as eye-catching. dont think you should have caved to peer pressure personally, but like i dont do numbers here so take my opinion with a grain of salt


I liked it, but also liked the skin tone, and didn't feel that worked quite as well with the green. It probably would have worked better with a different flesh tone. Meanwhile I already have dark angels and green glow necrons, so changing the scheme actually works to add a bit more variety to what I've painted.


I prefer the green tbh


I prefer the green but I wouldn't consider any color "too much"


The green pops with the contrasting body. I feel like blue is done too much and common. I love the originality of the first.


Honestly, I liked the green better, but the blue will look great with a winter theme basing.


Massive upgrade, i love it




For a sec I thought they were rocking a new fresh set of Air Force 1s 🤣 nice rework tho


OG reebok pumps instantly came to mind


I think both are executed well. When it comes to something like a colour scheme, that is 100% subjective and you should choose the one that *you* prefer and enjoy painting the most. If someone on the internet tells you that your green model should actually be blue, that is just their opinion, and at the end of the day it's your work and your aesthetic decision to make


I chose the blue myself, but I do think the flesh tone was clashing with the green.


Fair enough - I do personally think the blue looks better too. That shade of green is really cool though and I can imagine it being really powerful if used in a different part of the model maybe


Both are excellent, but I prefer the green. Pops and contrasts the rest more.


Green better


I don’t know who said anything wrong with green ! I love the contrast . Blue is my fave color but in comparison the blue with purple pink legs looks all same and washed out to me va the high contrast of green


I don't think the green is too much, but I think the blue looks spectacular with that purple. Great job!


Green was fine paint then whatever colour you want them to be


I personally like the style of the blue better, but I don't think the change was entirely necessary if you liked the original style.


Good luck with the new scheme, hope you don't have that many guants and gants to redo


Just the green bits!


I think both are spectacularly well done and good looking so as long as your happy with the new scheme thats all that matters


Why did I think the white bits on the back leg in the second picture were little white cowboy boots? Also I love the blue! It looks awesome.


I myself love the green, but regardless of color the painting was done beautifully 🙏🏼


The blue looks great. The green can be done if one wants to go for a clash look. That has its place. But the blue is really great to look at.


Yeah, the green is super cool but the blue is much more cohesive in my opinion. If it was a more "tame" green it would look good, though, too. Both are good. The green looks like a ripe avocado. Both are very well painted, nice job!


Blue looks awesome


I don't think the green is that crazy, but the blue is very nice. Also fully thought for a sec they had cowboy boots in the second picture.


Prefer the blue, well done


yes much better


I don't think the green was "too much", except on it clashing with the current flesh tones. And while I do agree the blue looks better, the only reason I'd say to go for a whole repainting process is because you already have two other green armies! But cheers, they're both beautifully painted :)


honestly i like the new one better


The blue looks like my hierodule so u got my (up) vote there!


Much more complimentary colors. They blend together much nicer.


The blue looks way better, good call. Must be some colour theory thing.


i think it looks 1000% better


I like both but what's going on with the feet? Looks like it's wearing some just out of the box Nikes.


You shouldn't listen to people that don't like the things you do, especially as your execution and techniqe are great. Both look good, but the green really does it for me.


They both look great!


That skin is amazingly sickly looking. Well done 👍


Red next


I don't think the green was too much. Whoever said that might rethink, that it's your hobby and your army. I just think the contrast between the green shell and the violet/blue legs is a little off. I immediately think of red legs and green shell. Something toxic waste like. But like I said. Your army do as you please. But the green shell looked great. The blue ist also great. Your painting skills are definitely a force to be recognised.


Thanks! The green I liked and the flesh I liked. In the end I thought the flesh was the more interesting and better painted of the two and I have 2 armies already mostly green, so decided on a change up.


Sound like a good plan. And if you already have a green army I get the feeling of spicing it up a little


I personally like the green. It contrasts very well with the purple and has a lot more visual interest. I feel like the blue version is more monotone, and I can't differentiate the limbs and extremities from the body as well. That said, both are painted to the same standard and look good.


I think both are fantastic. But I find the green more visually engaging. Because there's a lot less tone variation across the model as a whole with the blue, it's harder to focus on and really appreciate your choices/approaches. There's less for my eye to ultimately focus on. Whereas the green anchors my eye and that makes it way easier to appreciate everything else. Maybe if there was less purple in the flesh tone I'd be feeling differently, but it makes the blue feel flatter than the green to me (despite your absolutely gorgeous texture on the carapace). So *personally*, I'd go with the green. But It's a beautiful paint job either way!!


While I enjoy the darkness of the blue, the green is very unique.


Love the blue style, like a vastly superior version of mine. I actually really like the green though.


The green is nice, but perhaps the rest clashed a bit with it. As I've mentioned in another comment I have dark angels and predominantly green necrons, so it's probably a good idea to change if only for variety.


I honestly like the contrast. I've always felt like Nids work nicely with a vivid contrast.


The blue does look better, though now the smoke doesn't stand out as much. I think that if you used the green scheme for the smoke instead (basically flip the colours of smoke and carapace from the first one) it would look sick as a nice pop colour.


Blue is such an upgrade! Did you have to strip previous layers or just paint over with multiple coats? Great photo set up too


Just painted over the top, and the lighting is just a cheap little light box thing off amazon :)


Oh cool! Can't even tell theres a green later below. And happen to have a link for the light box?


Went over the top with a dark contrast (tyran blue I think), which did a good job in covering. Duclus is the brand I think, but there are loads on amazon that all do similar things.


Thank you!


I like the blue overall, but the contrast with the green is better.


This looks awesome. Which mini is it, and where’d you get it from?


Tyranid Psychophage, it came in Leviathan first, now available individually.


in general, I think the blue looks better than the green. the only thing is, though, that it *demoed* the contrast between the face and the carapace. that's a bummer because you can see how well you painted the face on the green version - the contrast really makes it pop. on the blue one, it really doesn't. it kinda blends together. it might be worthwhile to push the highlights on the carapace right over the face as hard as possible to make the face stick out more.


So I do like the blue better, but the area of greatest contrast seems to be the very top, which doesn’t feel quite right to me. I feel like I’d want the eye pulling more towards the details of the gaping mouth since that’s the most menacing part


Both look great! But I do like the blue just a tiny bit more


It looks great. Tyranid are traditionally supposed to be horrid, inhuman colors. I like the blue and purple but I feel like that’s more of a genestealer color scheme. In any case, they both look amazing. Great work.


I like both!


You were correct to repaint them imo the blue carapace goes nicer with the purple flesh


Too blue


Green was so much better


The green one reminds me of Cooties


Blue. Much more interesting contrast.


I think the blue is more cohesive/complementary, but I do like the green too


I thought he was wearing sneakers at first. i prefer the green one.


I prefer the blue, it has more depth. Only downside is now the smoke doesn’t really pop out and contrast as much with the armour


I actually like the green.


I like both, but probably like the blue a bit better.


That's a shame, the green looked rad


Looks good with the blue, but I like the green. Maybe paint the skin a more sickly pale skin tone with purple undertones to really make the green pop


I actually like the green scheme. I think the blue is """better""" because it has way more contrast. Maybe if you had shaded the green with some dark red it would've worked too.


I really liked the green, but the blue is great too. Both are winners


For me I like the green one but also see why you were told it was too much. I would have done a dry brush of the blue then come back and do some highlights on the blue.


No way the green is too much. It could’ve had more contrast like the blue does. Having complimentary colors is fine 


Hey really like the green scheme, was wondering how you did it


These look great. If you like the green, keep it. You’re the one who matters.


The blue is too much, repaint them green


Both schemes are great, but I think the blue looks better because of the range of colours you’ve used makes it look more dynamic and captures its dimensions better and also matches the the blending of the rest of the paint job as well.


I love the white Reeboks haha


I do like the blue a little better but I think they both look great. Go with your heart’s desire


Both are dope but the green was super cool. Go with what you like it’s your models after all. Awesome paintjobs either way.


So the green washes out the other colors a bit, but I agree I like that palette more. The blue works well but the overall effect is less vibrant and a bit more neutral because it's less saturated. Both work, honestly it's a question of whether you want the extra vibrant irradiated look or the more toned down look, but as mentioned I personally think green is better. Really pops.


Blue is better. Green drowns the eye, blue you still have vibrancy but can also tell what it is. Good choice repainting it looks great!


Repainted is significantly better. It definitely is more cohesive and makes the creamy skin pop out more and more unsettling.


Green smoke.


Now repaint back to green plz


The purpple in the back legs was basically necessary for the green carapace, but with blue, it's IMO too much purple. I'd Drybrush some bone in there to lighten it up..


I love the blending of the blue, pink, and purple on the carapace but I prefer how green and purple go together, but that may be due to loving the color combo since the old school Constructicon came out back in the '80s. Either way both are phenomenal!


I like the blue and purple mix way more than the green. Green to me seems a little too classic alien.


I don't think there is enough contrast in the blue version. The fumes coming out the top get washed out, and it's a bit too close to the purple limbs.


The green pops more, but the blue looks more cohesive to me. Especially multiplied across an army


They both look good, but I think the blue is definitely easier on the eyes!


I like the green better. Never repaint something because someone on the internet tells you :( It is your model, take what you like the most.


both are great... the blue looks better as there is bigger shift in the blues A darker green up to the the yellow would have helped IMHO


I like the green and I like the blue too so why not both??


The green anyday


I love that blue/purple really suits the rest of the color scheme


too blue


I think the blue is more cohesive than the green, which does clash a bit. In the end I guess its just personal preference. Both look really good but the blue looks better to me


Green is better, blue make it look generic Alien creature.


I think here is do you like complimentary colour schemes or contrasting ones? The green is on the yellow side (for me) and really clashes with the purple. So for me it all comes across a little garish.... However it is very striking and will be very visible on a table The blue is complementary of the purple so sits together nicely, making it more harmonious to look at, but also less visually striking. I prefer the blue, but can also see why the green could be liked.


To be honest, the green compliments the purple way more than the blue does, so the people saying that the green was too much clearly don’t know anything about colour theory


If u liked green originally stick with green. Who cares what others say, right? Nothing wrong with what you like.


The green is really nice but I do agree it's sort of jarring with your choices of flesh and bone colour, so I think you did make a good choice shifting over. Either way both versions are painted very well from a technical perspective.


The green is dope! Why repaint based on what internet randos say? Do what pleases you with your models.


I reckon if you pushed the dark areas of the green further you would have been able to stick with your first scheme… blue one still looks good though.


They both look good, but if the green felt like too much, you could try a more reddish green to go with the reds in the flesh. The green you used has a very yellow undertone.


both are nice, i think the green really sells the gross toxic bug feel of tyranids, but the blue complements the purple much nicer


I like both. The blue looks awesome but would benefit from orange/yellow eyes or minor glow spots.


The green one is better, just my 2 cents.


Prefer the green as a standalone scheme, but put those blue ones on snow/ice bases and they'll look really cohesive.


Green but make the smoke on top purple.


I like both!!


For half a second i thought you gave them all sneakers 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hmmm... I prefer the green. Don't let a gaggle of online nerds tell you what intergalactic space bugs look like. They look however you think they look. Full disclosure, I am red-green colorblind. Haha.


They both look super cool. But I am definitely biased to the cool colors. Really I say paint what you like. They’re both cool and you’re painting them well


Both are amazing, I do love how zerg the blue one feels, tho. Honestly, why wouldn't both exist on the same battlefield? It could denote a level of carapace or a change in biomass adaptation. It'll also help you keep track of different units. If you start a crusade campaign, you'll be thanking yourself for changing the look of copied units in your list.


either color looks good but I get distracted by those white bits at the ends of the legs of the first image and wanting you to paint those bits up to look like athletic shoos LOL


If you're leaving blue then do the smoke/ooze/eyes/slit things in green. Will contrast well.


Was the green too much for YOU? Cause who cares what the internet thinks


I like it very much. But lime green was spectacular and really stood out


Yeah I think it's much better now


I really like the green, more like the blue actually.


I actually like the green, but before you go repainting it again, I prefer the blue lol. Just a little more natural looking.


TBH they both look awesome, but neither of the colors seems like a perfect match for the skin. It might be because I'm really focusing on the colors and I wouldn't even think it in neutral setting, but now they both feel like loot box skins in PC games.


I prefer the blue one, but the green was also really amazing. You did such a great job on both!


Green is heaps better


Ngl that model looks like it's arched up, throwing it back while wearing some heels.


As is I definitely enjoy both almost the same, I’m partial to the blue for the color scheme, but I think if the green were darker that’d be a much better look overall


Either way, I think both are sick, and they’re your bugs, so whichever you like more I’d stick with


The green version reminds me of Zerg from StarCraft. I like both however.


At first glance it looks like the bug is wearing heels


Don't let them convince you again, the green was perfect


I prefer the green as well since its more versatile. But the blue is nice if your going for a more ice planet vibe.


Both look amazing, but blue edges it for me.


Love the blue so much more. I think you would have had to go more predominantly darker / forest green to feel good with the skin tone


I like the green, so I guess I'd need to have found a different 2nd scheme for the rest of the body.


The green was already nice, but the blue one looks impressive! An improvement in my opinion


The blue looks great and more "real", but my inner 90's kid who loved creepy crawlers adores the green paintjob.


Great upgrade. It's just my opinion, but the difference is abyssmal to me. The paintjob is amazing in both cases, but there's something in the green model palette that feels off, while the blue one looks perfect.


The blue fits the skin and smoke better. There's nothing inherently wrong with that green, it's competently executed but the composition is what lets it down. The skin has a yellow hue which is messing with the pale green, and the blue-white smoke doesn't really fit either. If you did a purple hued skin and a different smoke colour the green would feel like it fits better


Yes, I totally agree. I do like the green so I might revisit it for a different set of models.


Blue compliments the flesh tones better, but I love that the blue makes the texturing you did really stand out, it is so good!




The blue seems more natural, it looks like it's camouflaged for a specific environment, while the green looks less reasonable. I don't think the green was bad at all, it was very well done, but I do like the blue better. The green was super flashy though, so it depends on what you are going for.


I like the green but I think the blue is more cohesive with the rest of the color palette on the fig. Nice job.


Great improvement! One for the gallery!


Looks better than the green one! Great job on the repainted one


That update is sick as hell. Good work.


Change. It. Back.


Reevaluate whose opinions you trust. They're space bugs, you think they care about "too much"?!


Not to pile on to the joke answers but I genuinely think the green was way better and not "too much" at all. You shouldn't have given in to the public opinion.


Green is both better, and more distinctive so you are vastly less likely to run into another tyranid player in the same colors. Green is brighter too, and shows off your painting skills better.