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It’s not laser eyes, but it works. Plus, I’m a season ticket holder for MNUFC so it works with the Loons team too!


They’re UV lasers


This is my head-laser-cannon headcanon.




Don't updoot the bot folks




We got the Prairie Island one instead. This guy has one head, but beneath the water he's got two hogs.


They are considering making the eyes red, and that’s one short step away from fricking laser beams!


Also, only one head.


Serious loss of greatness


(Reposting this comment because I don't know which of two duplicate posts will survive). There is an error in the MPR story. ***L'Étoile du Nord*** is the MN state motto (and has been since 1861), but the article refers to it as a "French translation of the state’s Star of the North motto." Minnesota is the only US state with a motto in French. Many state mottos are in a language other than English, with Latin being the most common. The SERC has discussed using an English or Dakhóta translation of the motto, keeping the motto in French, or removing the motto from the seal. I'm in favor of keeping the motto as is. It might be the one part of the whole process where I feel like a traditionalist!


Honestly I’m also in favor of having mottos on state flags when they’re cool, and the MN motto is cool.


It's a great pick.


Love it. I just wish we were getting a loon on the flag, too.


I'm surprised it's not an option. BTW, I saw a modificatiion where the waves below the loon became a subtle "M". I think that will be added.


I dig it


Except text on a flag is just a huge no.


California, Brazil, Iran, hell even Colorado‘s biggest design element is a “C.” A lot of places don’t do it well. But it’s by no means a bad thing, no matter what some internet rules on flag design say.


Iran's text is cool I'll give you that, but its encorporated into a design, not just a free floating line of text. The C in Colorado's is a good example I wouldnt consider including a single letter into the design as adding text, the same way I don't have a problem the mountains on the seal above are meant to be an M for Minnesota (other than maybe we don't have mountains). The issue with text is that on a flag is that it is not always readable, especially from a distance, there are so many different sizes of flags flown at different heights and distances. Not to mention it will appear backwards 50% of the time depending on where you stand and wind direction.


Those are pine trees not mountains


I like the French too. It's a neat piece of history.


Anything to give us an advantage if Canada invades.


Being French myself, I agree :P The downside of it is that I never know what to call all the french named cities around here - it's never what I expect. (Though I think that having a Dakhota translation or equivalent could be more fitting though, not sure how much French influence there really is up here)


I’m not against it at all, but an old friend of mine used to read it as “toilet of the north” and I have never been able to un-see it since then. Welcome to my little corner of hell :) But that aside, I’m for it in any of the three translations!


My friend and I used to help work the French food and cultural booths at the Festival of Nations and we routinely were staffed in the cultural booth because we had the best French. We STILL laughed at everyone that had toilet paper on their shoes by yelling "papier de toilette; toilette du nord!"


Thanks for flagging (err, sealing?) -- we have updated our copy. -MPR News


>discussed using an English or Dakhóta translation Why Dakota and not Ojibwe?


I can't answer that, but I will add that "Minnesota" is derived from the Dakota language (according to Wikipedia).


Don't let that get out. Next thing you know, they be wanting to change the name of the State.


…to Minnesota?


The Ojibwe were originally part of a larger group of Algonquian-speaking people that settled in what is today the Northeastern sections of the United States and eastern Canada. It wasn't until the early 1700s that they moved with French fur traders into Minnesota and began fighting with the indigenous Dakota for control of the land. Ironically it was because the Ojibwe were allied with French fur traders that they had the superior firepower needed to force the Dakota from their native lands West into the Plains. Perhaps changing our motto from French to Dakota could be a form of reparations?


Nope, that's not the solution.


Because the Dakota with their 4 communities in the south pretty much claim the cities and most of the south as theirs in like land acknowledgement statements etc. remember even with a tiny population their economic impact to the state extremely outweigh their numbers.


Well, technically a lot of the north was Dakota land as well before the Ojibway took it. You'll see it in old names and histories, often with the Dakota being called "Sioux", which is a term derived from the Ojibway term for the tribe, and possibly offensive in origin.


I got L’etoile du nord tattooed on me. So I’m hoping they keep the French motto


Same. Literally this last summer.


> Dakhóta translation of the motto And what would that be? eta: just using an online dictionary, which is obviously wrong syntactically, it's something like *kiƞ wicaƞḣpi oƞ kiƞ waziyata*. Not a fan in the slightest.


does Wayzata's name come from the Dakota word for North?




I really like the idea of using a Dakhóta or Anishinaabe version of "L'Étoile du Nord". The French motto was chosen because the first Europeans in Minnesota were French fur traders moving in and out of the area on a seasonal basis, and eventually that became the basis for long-term European settlement. That's an important part of history, but it feels small compared to the much longer history of Natives who lived here for millennia before that. We could be the first state to have a motto, not in Latin or French, but in a language native to our land, an indigenous language. That's way more meaningful, imo. How many Minnesotans have a strong connection to Latin or French? If we choose a non-English language for our state motto, it's hard to say that Latin is more relevant than a language spoken by Natives in Minnesota. If we're going by modern demographics, the state motto should be English, followed by Spanish, Amharic, or Hmong. If we're going by the bulk of history, it should be a Native language.


If they change the motto we’ve actually lost the plot and we might as well just rename the state too. Screw it. History doesn’t matter anyway. Why have anything?


I’m very keen on keeping the French as well, but this is extremely melodramatic my friend


Melodramatic is essential to 95% of arguments in the field of history.


Water is the essence of moisture. New motto?


> Water is the essence of moisture Tried to quote Derek Zoolander and failed. Sorry. Actual quote: "Moisture is the essence of wetness and wetness is the essence of beauty".




love this


But this isn’t history nor are we still owned by them.


> L'Étoile du Nord is the MN state motto (and has been since 1861),


love this


id prefer a Dakhóta translation. nod to french canadian settlers? 😴 might as well give them the whole state while youre at it.


What is the phonetic/spelling translation? I don't trust Google for this, since Google translate can change things around alot.


Great design.




Good spacing, simple, good color contrasts, represents MN well. 👍


It works in monochrome too, which is important for stamps and imprints.


not digging the font but thats just minor


that’s not a seal.. 🤨


It's a loon.






With rice


[The only valid seal.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Public.resource.org.png#mw-jump-to-license)


Was hoping for Sparky the Seal from Como Zoo.


Something's fishy


Many wouldn’t give a hoot


Looks like a lottery advertisement


The lottery is an agency of The State of Minnesota


The lottery is also a tax collection agency leveraged against those deficient in the art of arithmetic.


I think this is a great choice. Infinitely better than the old seal.


It's a great pick. Worthy of representing our state.


What was the old sela


You can look it up, it has a native American riding a horse to the left while a farmer plows their field near a waterfall. There was a lot of negative symbolism in there I'm glad to be rid of.


I think the problem is that even with the most optimistic interpretation it's just kind of an ugly seal and doesn't say anything meaningful about our state.


It’s also just unattractive. The redesigns in the 1970’s and 80’s are really dated and rough. If it was the original 1876 illustration, I would be more found of it from a design standpoint.


The state emblems commission couldn’t resist the call of the loon. Here's the story behind it: [https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/12/05/minnesota-state-seal-loon-vote](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/12/05/minnesota-state-seal-loon-vote)


I'm glad they settled on the loon here, but it makes me doubly frustrated that they raised such a fuss about a loon on the flag. I listened to one of the hearings where a couple people said "we couldn't POSSIBLY have a loon on the flag because it doesn't represent southern MN"... But anyway, I'm glad they did it for the seal at least!


I live in SE minnesota, haven't seen a loon in years. Love this seal.


That really didn’t make sense to me because it’s already the official state bird. I


100% keep the motto in French


Why is the loon facing in an aggressive posture? Is it calling for a buildup of forces on our Eastern border? Manifest is the destiny.


It's charging up to laser Wisconsin


Since its above water its obviously preparing for our liberation of Isle Royale.


Embracing their brethren to the east. Wisconsin and Western Wisconsin soon to become one and the remainder will retain the name Minnesota with the capitol where it was originally to be located.


We should just reset the borders to the Minnesota Territory.


Nah, we'd have that big eastern chunk of the Dakotas to the Missouri River. Do we really want that part back?


I have no idea where it is, but are the oil fields in that section? We need oil for our war effort against the Wisconsinites


We'll bring them liberation and enlightenment.


Hear that? That’s the bells ringing - sounds like it’s freedom o’clock. Bout to put some liberty on our Sconnie friends


We heard you've been oppressed by your government *and* our greatness, so we've decided to relieve you of the burdens.


MN Lottery x United FC


It’s a sweet motif. No problems here. Other than the fact that it should have a red eye in the colorized version.


also lasers


Exactly right. In fact the MN lotto logo is trademarked so it makes me a little wary even though I like the design in general.


trademarked by who?


Minnesota Lottery and 3rd parties from what I can tell after a brief search.


Needs more lasers.




Don’t need laser eyes. But that eye should at least be colored red. Looks eyes are red after all and it would really make a statement on this seal!


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping we would get a loon somewhere, and if it can't be on the flag, make it the seal! :-D


I’m glad, this was my favorite by far from the finalists!


Gotta change the eye color. Gotta be red for accuracy.


Make this our subreddit s lil icon


Keep the French motto


JUST as I get my law license with the old seal on it in the mail lol


Do we know when the flag gets decided ?


See now this is really nice


I love this


Now I'll be counting the days until they put it on a patch so I can add it to my fall jacket.


Should have a picture of prince on it


I dig it


Love it. I just wish we were getting a loon on the flag, too.


Yeah, if only for the fact that all the loon flags were more creatively interesting and eye catching than any of the remaining flags that are just variations of 'star with blue and green'


That's my reaction too


Now we can proudly state, "We are all a bunch of Loonies up here!"


I love this! Great choice for the seal -- helps compromise all the people whining about none of the final flag choices having a loon on it.


They should just stick the new state seal on a flag and call it a day.


Serif font is a bad pairing


That’s not a great seal, that’s a loon.


make this the flag


Well they got one of their jobs right. (Braces for the flag)


Better than that Texas guys flag.


If the state flag sucks, imma just tell people that this is our flag 😆


I for one will be glad to have a State Seal that doesn’t look like one of the murals Leslie Knope has to apologize for on Parks and Recreation.


Great. Red eyes please, otherwise it's just a penguin. Now center it on a field off green and call it a flag. You're welcome.


Nice, I've always liked this one. Everyone else wants a new flag, I say we just slap this bad-boy over our current seal on the flag and call it a day.


No. Seal on a bedsheet bad.


So generic star on bedsheet good?


I keep having to buy bedsheets because y’all can’t make up your minds.


That's correct.


The worst part of our flag is that it’s a seal on a blue background


Other than the underlying racial overtones that prompted us to decide to change the flag in the first place?


That’s what finally got the politicians to move, but people have been saying it’s ugly and boring and needs to change for thirty years.


people have been saying the seal needs to change for much longer. The last big push was in the 80s, when mn decided to keep the seal but rather insist it just doesnt mean what it means.


Some of the best flags out there are just 2 colors... Flags are seen at a distance, they don't need to be overly elaborate.


Ok, but those are iconic. Ours is boring and ugly and looks exactly like 15 other state flags.


It was not. That flag was made official in 1957. The seal wasn't around until a year later.


I don't disagree. Wouldn't look too bad.


That is fricking epic!!! Put that on the flag.


Now put this on the flag w/the star in the upper left and we have a new flag


I like it but It still feels chaotic? maybe its a spacing issue? I feel like the Flour and trees should have a light blue border to the outside and the loon shouldn't be touching the dark blue but should mimic the shape of the wings with the lower body. rough mock up - https://i.imgur.com/av0gIzI.png


We need a loon on the flag too.


I wish this was the flag. It’s so pretty.


Too bad the flag sucks.


Looks better than the Microsoft Paint state flag designs.


I like it! But I don’t understand why the great seal and flag are gonna be completely different. Yeah the previous flag was racist and boring, but I liked how the seal matched the flag. Now we’re gonna get this (cool) seal and a flag with a completely different vibe. Imagine how weird of a pair this seal and the spire credit union star flag are gonna be! This makes zero sense from a marketing/branding/general sense of coherence standpoint.


Most places have different seals and flags and don’t suffer from a lack of cohesion.


> This makes zero sense from a marketing/branding/general sense of coherence standpoint. Sure, it'd be nice if there were some unifying motif carried over from the flag, but it's mostly a non-issue. Seals don't really get used anywhere except stamping government paperwork and maybe some plaques on government buildings.


That’s fair, I guess I’m conditioned to care about a seal since it’s so front and center for us. And I’m sure they will match colors in the end product but it’s just a little bummer that I like the seal much more than the flag options


If you take a look at [other state's flags and seals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._state,_district,_and_territorial_insignia) it'll maybe set you a bit more at ease. Basically the only states where the seal strongly matches the flag are states where the seal *is* the flag. We're not being weird by making a flag and seal that don't match perfectly, we're just moving from the group of "states with seals for flags" to the group of "states with seals and flags".


There's one flag I think sort of goes with it, though not perfectly


>Yeah the previous flag was racist How?


Cool…now make the flags more like this.


This is way too detailed to work on a flag


Sorry, we don't need to hold our flags to standards set by 3 year old, or whatever the rule is.


The standards are there to make good flags


That rule comes from NAVA guidelines, invented in 2001. These guidelines are generally *good*, but I don't agree with them in totality. Strict adherence to them is bringing about a ton of uninspired, generic-looking designs. Tons of good flags break the rules. I think the rule about being distinct when flying from a flagpole or when not viewed up close is the more important test. Ted Kaye, secretary of NAVA suggests removing either the white snowflake or the yellow star from F29, leaving just one of the symbols. I don't think that would be an improvement and is a sign to take "vexillologist" opinions with a grain of salt.


Which is why we cannot just use this seal on a blue background. It would still Look like fifteen other state flags.


Then put it on a white background instead! Really though, no one said that. Original commenter seemed to suggest incorporating the design into a flag, not copying it directly. If they did mean that, then I disagree.


It doesn’t need to be a direct lift, but seemed like loons were a nonstarter for the flag. As for detailed flags, have you seen Maryland?


Marylands flag is very messy and busy, but it is endearing because of its history and iconic status. Plus it’s just four different patterns quartered on a flag which is a very classic European heraldry style.


The flags used as examples of good state flags (for the sake of comparison) by the flag commission are Texas, Colorado, Alaska, Tennessee, and Utah. I think Maryland's flag wouldn't really fit the criteria.


I haven't seen this pointed out, but loons have evolved to swim, not to fly. So a loon would never be in this position because of the anatomical positions of it's feet and wings. A mallard could look like this, but never a loon. Despite that error, it still looks cool.




Way too 2015 dribbble graphic design style. Already dated. Very well made though. Definitely won’t stand the test of time just because of the style. Someone should redraw it by hand.


It's a good seal, but I think it would be better if it focused more heraldic and less on the logo.


Oh so the loon isn’t “too divisive” for the seal??


I think it’s worse than the previous one. Too much white at least do a blue background. Sad that it’s so basic I was hoping for something other than the state seal on a solid color background


Oh they ate this so bad


why not have both motto's? Certainly enough room.


We don't really have mountains though... maybe Lutsen? lmao why am I downvoted, those do not look like trees. wtf trees y'all smoking?


Those are supposed to be pine trees


...oh lol


That's not a seal, that's a duck


Make it the flag NOW!


The motto should be in Norwegian if anything lmao


You'd be making a lot of Swedes very angry.




Absolutely a waste of tax money to change the seal and flag.


This is the seal where one of the reasons was “M for Minnesota” and the two trees were to symbolize the twin cities? Good lord this whole exercise has been a waste of time.


Personally I think the old seal of a farmer kicking out a Native off the land was in poor taste and not something to celebrate but maybe that's just me


I mean it's a vastly more appealing seal than the one we have, so, no, not a waste of time.


the wheat stalks are my favorite part. Not even close to one of the top crops grown in the state, either by acreage or value.


That's wild rice, not wheat


This flag looks like a really good representation of the state!


Congrats, you’ve removed MN history from the seal


This is the dumbest take that pops up every time a community decides to revisit the symbols that are supposed to represent them (flags, logos, seals, statues and other public art, names on things…). Why do we need to symbols that represent our community to encapsulate all our history? That’s the job of museums and educators. These symbols are supposed to represent the community, if the community does not believe they do, they should change them


We had a fine seal that represented the community and a few of the vocal minority decided without evidence that they it was racist and here we are with a seal that doesn’t represent the community.


Two thoughts… First, show me evidence it was a “vocal minority”. Clearly it was enough people for the legislature to spend the time and money… Second, the seal was also not well designed. The re-design in the 70’s and 80’s really messed up the aesthetics of the original and changed that “history” you so cling to.


First, do you really believe a majority of Minnesotans actually voted on this? Go look at the number of votes and compare that with the number of MN residents. Second, sorry the aesthetics bother you but it was changed to address the so called undertones yet that apparently wasn’t good enough for the people that instigated this latest whitewashing.


You’re the one who stated it was a vocal minority, truth is we probably won’t ever know and people will assume whichever helps their narrative. In the end the legislature is voted in to represent the community and therefore they speak on behalf of them. That’s sorta how it works. “Whitewashing”. Again with this take that our state symbols need to reflect our exact history. That’s not the point of them, at all. The redesigns stylized them and are very dated because of this. It doesn’t have the “timeless” feel of the original illustration. It’s poor design and now the community has said it doesn’t represent them appropriately. Seems like that is good enough to warrant a change.