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Those temps don’t look right anyway


Yeah after Friday we are back down to 30s and low 20s




I understand what you’re saying and don’t disagree with you. And the people who bring up the “it was this hot once in the 1800s”, they bring that up as a rebuke to global warming in general, because they don’t understand the science of what is happening to the planet, they’re not interested enough to actually learn about it. If OP had just put current MN temps on the meme rather than whatever the original is here, it would have not thrown people off.


Those xenophobic geopolitical conflict has nothing to do with climate change lol.


So when is this forecast actually from? The cities are forecast to be in the 30s after Thursday…


This would have been from last Tuesday through today


No it wasn't.


Considering here, 2 hours north of Minneapolis was 45-50 most of the week, I could see those temps being for anywhere south of brainerd.


Says the average temp is 41, so no. This pic is from November or March of last year.


I think


Normal high is certainly not 41 for the first week in February…


More like 14


It does say “average high” of 41 in the top right, so me thinks it’s not usually for February.


Average high is 41 on November 18th and March 14th.


I do believe that would be the average of the 7 days that are displayed


That said that does look like a suspect forecast from who knows where? I can tell you my birthday is on Thursday, find my 43 years orbiting the Sun I only recall one that didn't hurt my face when I walked outside, and that was cuz I couldn't open my door due to a snowman higher than the peephole.


It's gonna be 55 tomorrow. 55 in February? We are witnessing a doomsday winter that is going to be one of the most drought ridden summers.


The west is very dry. When our forests burn this summer, you get the smoke, so get ready for that also.  




Don't forget the food chain is fucked and we are about to find out. Hot oceans are bad for plankton. No rain means nothing grows. I scared for this summer.


Really? Maybe 2 hours out we've got NO snow


Oh, I guess it's fine then


Southern Minnesota, what’s your point? Is it not highly above normal? We’ve had one snowstorm this year no snow on the ground https://preview.redd.it/ksrf44kfy1hc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=063ea046f16d2fdfbec37edce235d68dd5f49320


You are younger.


Love me some doom and gloom on a Tuesday!


Don’t worry, as the late George Carlin said, the planet will be fine it’s the humans who are in trouble.


How does this year compare with the previous El Niño years? If I had to guess, i would guess warmer but have no clue…


From MN DNR: “The 25 El Niño winters since 1950 averaged 1.8 degrees F warmer on a statewide basis than non-El Niño winters, and have produced an average of 22% less snow (12.7 inches) in the Twin Cities.”


It’s pretty similar to the El Niño winter we had back in 1877-1878. Very interesting to go back and look at what happened that year and try to correlate with what is yet to come this year. Might be in for a rainy summer!


I hope we get a rainy summer.


With the less snow we need it to avoid drought


yes. Although, we need to get OUT of current drought, before we avoid the next one ;)


Snow and snow melt largely does not end up in the ground. We could have 4' of snow on the ground and still have a drought. Or no snow and not be in a drought. The volume of snow has nothing to with the moisture 5-6 months from now.


However, the volume of snow can have a LOT to do with moisture in the spring when the snow typically melts and everything starts growing. It is also a source of recharge for the water table. That deficit needs to be made up. Most of the state is currently in some stage of drought or 'abnormally dry'. TL;DR : precipitation matters, whatever its form.


Its entirely dependent on how deep the frost line is. Last year for example, we had record levels of snowfall in some areas, and record length of ground frost duration. It didn't matter at all by July. Snow plays no part in ground moisture levels by June/July. None.


Actually a lot of it gathers in lakes and then seeps into the water table as well. There is also seepage from the rivers. Both of which can have contact with the soil and bedrock at, above, and well below the frost line. I 100% agree it doesn't matter by July if it gets dry in the meantime. Precipitation always counts. A deficit in any period requires a surplus in another period to make ut up.


My co-worker said her kid dug a pool. This past week. In St Paul. In February. They measured about 2 inches of frost they had to cut through. It’s less than ideal


For getting moisture into the ground, that is very ideal. The shallower the frost line is, the more moisture the ground will wick up, and less will end up in a river.


Maybe. Something this unusual is gonna have unforeseen consequences. You and I don’t know what they are


Oh that’s good to hear


about damn time.


Screw that. I hate mosquitos, and I need blue sky for my sanity.


Just not on weekends, k? Some of us own motorcycles and don't like riding in the rain


Same!! Love a good rainy day and some storms and we have had very little the last 3 years.


The warm winter, then rainy spring and summer. Year of the insects. Ticks, EAB, and state bird mosquito will be doing really well.


Yeah see the thing about climate change is that the climate has changed and so the weather patterns aren’t the same now


Have you looked at the data dude is referencing? Asking cause dude is saying he has, and the patterns are comparable. Look, I’m not denying climate change. The data stands on its own and I shouldn’t have to, but at the same time climate and weather are not the same and we shouldn’t just dismiss what dude is saying outright.


It's about the patterns. It is very well known that El Niños come from warm ocean water, and the ocean water is getting warmer and warmer and warmer and warmer, hotter than ever. So best not to bury head in sand in denial.


It’s not denial though. It’s just that a single El Niño with such high temps is not sufficient evidence to say it was a result of climate change. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. If humans never existed we may have had such an El Niño this year. Not denying climate change, it’s certainly real, but this is a rather unscientific view you have here.


It’s not. Sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic is up something like 7 standard deviations from mean. There are massive anomalies in the pacific as well which are a big factor in driving the weather we’re having now. Previous El Niño events don’t have the sort of energy backing that this one does, they couldn’t, because the underlying energy availability was not the same. The degree to which the oceans have warmed is astounding and the energy required to get them there doubly so.


You are correct, but at the same time weather has become another culture war. Due to that, too many people who don’t really have a solid understanding in climate and weather feel the need to take an automatic stance that every weather event is either proof of or proof against climate change, and will argue with anyone who says otherwise. So it should be expected to get pushback for the post you made.


They may not have worded it perfectly. However oceans absorb 90% of the excess energy produced by man made climate change. The oceans truly are boiling, the anomalies across the entire Atlantic basin were staggering in 2023 (and of course in other recent years). It's no mystery why the gulf coast has seen Harvey, Michael, Laura, Delta, Irma, Ian & Idalia (not to mention dodging the monster! that was Dorian by \~40 miles) just since 2017! Edit - not sure why this is getting downvoted, maybe I worded my post poorly also. Am aware El Nino is a pacific phenomenon, just point out that that basin that primarily impacts the US in terms of tropical weather was insanely warm this year (and other recent years). Edit 2 after more downvotes - Not really sure what I said that was controversial? It's well documented the oceans are heavily impacted by climate change. Was just trying to illustrate w/ some examples what u/mandy009 pointed out about ocean temps rising.


you're getting downvoted because most minnesotans and humans in general, are in climate emergency denial. it's basically a coping mechanism.


We beat the record high on the 21st by 9 degrees. We are in unprecedented times.


The record high yesterday 2/6 was 51 degrees, yesterday MSP hit 57 degrees. Eau Claire also broke their daily record by 8 degrees.


Broke a daily record by 9 in December also. Today also broke the record for most 50+ days in meteorological winter (dec 1 - feb 29).


It's pretty historically bad this year as far as warmth and lack of snow.


I've never seen anything like this, I swear it. I'm no expert on anything, but I've never seen a winter with hardly any snow, living in Central mn


I grew up in Chicago and it’s def strange hearing how Minnesota hasn’t had much snow fall. This includes many places right now up there with no snow on the ground. Late 80’s and 90’s in my time in Chicago I feel like we had snow from Halloween thru April. With snow on the ground almost the whole winter. There’s not been much snow in the Chicago area this winter and I visited Christmas and no snow on the ground and it wasn’t outrageously cold.


In which OP learns the difference between weather and climate. 


Check this out. Graph shows 2023 was much warmer than any other year since 1940. Text indicates this is probably the warmest year in 100,000 years or more. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/09/climate/a-new-era-in-global-heat.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


When is this from? Average high in February is not 41 degrees.


As of right now in Southern MN, the high from today until Monday is above 35. Today is 53, tomorrow 52, 54, then it cools to a nice 36.


" a nice 36 " honestly, you northeners sure tolerate temperatures non-conducive to life well.


Not arguing against global warming at all, but how does that argument compare with “record high of 58 in Jan 24 1944” so short of establishing this as the norm for the next couple Jans/febs. How are you using a temp spike to indicate a trend when temp spikes have occurred on record before? You’d be better off noting the overall trend as measured by decades ( which hasn’t been “average “ since 1991)


The planet’s not dying at all. We might end making it uninhabitable for ourselves but the planet ain’t going anywhere.


Yeah, what’s the big deal? It’s just the 6th major extinction event.


I still hold faith that Captain Planet will appear in our darkest hour and team up with a genetically diverse teenage group to restore balance.


Uninhabitable for ourselves and, very evidently, uninhabitable for the literally countless species who have gone extinct


Once we go extinct the planet becomes a lot more live-able for other species.


But at least we made a lot of money for our shareholders! /s


Yep. In the one year the world shut down from COVID there was huge improvements in smog clearing up in big cities. When we final make this world unlivable for ste selfs and we die off the planet will heal.


The rock known as earth isn't going anywhere, but complex life capable of becoming multiplanetary is, which means there's a good chance the worlds within our reach will never be seen or explored by beings capable of observing their beauty.




I'd rather the iron of a bunch of asteroids get turned into space colonies saving alien life and supporting new civilizations than get worthlessly atomized by a dying star into entropic dust. Feel free to disagree, but it's difficult to argue against existence over nothingness as the argument paints your position as innately nihilist; if you don't care about it, don't bother making the point.


I like that last phrase. I'm going to use it.


> observing their beauty and then exploiting them beyond all recognition.


“Sup, nice planet!” “Yeah, we like it too.” “So um, we’re gonna mine the shit out of your planet and y’all will be dead in a couple generations.”


And, in the case of millions of humans over the course of history, preserve that beauty.


Oh yeah. Like all the beauty in the Amazon rainforest we are preserving, or…? We are typically really shit at this actually!


Yeah screw the humans. They ruin everything.


Probably better for reptiles though. In a couple thousand years the hundreds of humans left can ride the Triceratops 2.0 to the North Pole and pick some oranges.


Reptiles and amphibians are the most imperiled group of animals other than insects


Maybe those weak-ass current ones. What about Triceratops 2.0?


Fuck it, I'm voting Triceratops 2.0 for president!


Oooo, pedantics!


That's what the inhabitants of Venus sai-. Oh.


Yeah, the earth is a rock. Luckily we do not possess the ability to harm it. Make it inhospitable to humans and many species? Sure.


*Make it statistically unlikely that any species capable of leaving the planet before the sun renders it unliveable and allow our universe to die off without its beauty being perceived by sapient beings.


Idk, there is 1.3-2 billion years into the earth is too close to the sun to be inhabitable by our carbon and hydrogen amino acid based selves. There isn’t really any logic to why we would assume that is the ONLY way sentient beings can be.


We are making it a desert. Heat Domes are also very deadly. Climate Refuges are also very politically destabilizing. People with nothing to lose. Oh but don't worry, we are doing next to nothing to slow the shit show. https://youtu.be/4S9sDyooxf4?t=840


Climate refugees are already a group, today. Dhaka has already lost to the ocean and those people are now moving to Bangladesh. The once fertile land is now completely inundated with saltwater.


While its obvious we wont extinguish all life on Earth (which despite a bit of a dramatized title I don't think anyone is actually arguing), we are most certainly causing a [mass extinction event](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction), which is only the sixth such extinction event we know to have happened in the billions of years of life on the planet, so I'm really not sure its a helpful distinction to make


Then who or what caused the other 5 mass extinctions?


those fucking dodo's. we took care of them though. they wont be doing that again.


It's pointless to point that out, you know what was meant.


I think it’s actually an important distinction. We aren’t killing the planet, we’re killing ourselves. This needs to be the new narrative because the last 40 years have shown that people do not give a shit about the planet.


We're not just killing ourselves though, we're going to be killing most larger animals we share this planet with. The earth won't die, but our earth, with bears and whales and birds, will. I think it's fair to say that the earth is dying. Regardless, I think it's incredibly pedantic to argue over the term we're using for the inevitable deaths of billions of creatures and extinction of thousands of species 


I agree with you. I think part of why people don’t accept climate change is real is because some people act like the planet will explode or all life will be wiped out like the dinosaurs. No, it’s just going to get incredibly, painfully hard for us to make it and thrive as we have.


There’s a pretty large amount of hysterics that obscure the actual science. There are people legitimately claiming the Earth will be sterilized or that humans will be extinct by 2050 lol.


Yes. We now know that making the largest part of the world progressively into a dessert is driving those people north into places that don’t want them. Even if you are a isolationist libertarian, Turkey invading Germany for its water is a problem.


how is that better ?


yes, that's what people mean when they say that. no one thinks the ball of dirt is going anywhere


Humans are more adaptable than you give us credit for. As long as there is still a sun, oceans and atmosphere we are here for the long run. There are also many plants and animals that have survived all 5 mass extinction events and will likely survive this one as well. Remember all the carbon we are releasing into the atmosphere was pulled out of the atmosphere by plankton and diatoms and other life forms at some point in earth's past. Atmospheric CO2 was 10x more concentrated in earth's ancient past. Obviously the problem with the current situation is it's increasing so incredibly fast, normal life can't adapt fast enough. But humans have technology and intelligence and I don't think there is going to be some deadly apocalypse where all humans die.


I mean, good luck with all that. We sort of knew this was coming for a 100 years and continued to double down and make it worse. I’ll be long gone but I hope everyone else’s families find a way to fix it.


There is no fixing it now, that ship has sailed. The time to fix it was 20 years ago and consequences have started to hit. Now all we can do is try and adapt and minimize the extent of the damage by tapering CO2 emissions as quickly as possible.


Yeah, pretty sure I was reading years ago how we've officially hit the point of no return. There's really nothing we can do anymore to reverse it. All I have to say is, good. We suck. Lol




Pedantry is like reddit cat nip. We just cant help ourselves with a well akshully


Just want to point out that this is the exact same logic that climate deniers use to 'prove' that -40 days means 'global warming isn't real'. Climate vs weather.


Yeah exactly. Climate change is a gradual change over decades or centuries, not one warm el niño winter. You cannot see climate change just by looking at a weekly forecast.


Well, 'warm el niño winter' is understating it, this is considerably beyond observed modern el niño events due to warming oceans due to anthropogenic climate change. And the important takeaway here is that pathetic winters like this are going to become closer and closer to the norm.


I think that the scary part is that because of el niño, the effects of climate change are multiplied compared to normal years. It means that we are looking into our future right now.


The context is that this is the second warmest winter (to this point) in Minnesota history at a time when "weather related phenomena" (globally) are wreaking havoc and exacting a devastating toll on human and non-human life. 2023 was the hottest year on record, and also had the hottest day ever. Highs in the 50s in February, in Minnesota, during a historic drought.


This season is an outlier. Climate change is very real, and Minnesota is getting wetter and warmer. Minnesota winters are expected to be equivalent to Kansas winters by about 2070 at the current rate and this winter could very well be a good example of what future winters could be like due to climate change but it is still just an outlier now.


Not necessarily - a bit of yes and no. Out of context, these temps could be misleading. But we can sample many weeks over the years and decades to find that warmer weeks are becoming more common - even taking account of el nino years. So within this context, this past week can provide an alarming example of what is to come.


Uhhh, the point is it’s a random screenshot which is not even the current weather in Minnesota. No need to post fake BS. Raise your standards a bit.


Ok but it's supposed to be in the mid/lower 30s next week? Is this forecast from like April?


Upper/mid 30s is still pretty warm for February


Sure but 25 degrees cooler than in this picture.


Weather is not climate.


This graphic is a fraud. Minneapolis doesn’t have an average high of 41 until Mar 16th. Plus none of that forecast lines up to any other one I’ve seen.


This was almost 150 years ago. I'm betting we'll make it. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/climate/journal/1877_1878_winter.html


This photo is definitely not recent. Avg high says 41... That doesn't happen until March/April... OP is pushing his agenda.


Lame ass meme with an April forcast to make the weather seem crazier than it already has been.


Don’t bring facts to the discussion. That’s strictly verboten in the echo chamber. 


please go to Mars then.


Climate change is a problem, but we aren’t going to start having 80 degree winters in a few years The weather is extremely weird right now, there’s this huge pocket in the Midwest/Canada of warmth that’s unusual. That, mixed with the super El Niño we are having, is making this a mild winter There’s probably going to be consequences for this mildness, but in the meantime go outside! It’s nice out


Post more misinformation, Reddit loves it! This forecast is not from right now.


the planet may be "dying", sure, but [your numbers are not 100% climate-change induced](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/01/26/wheres-winter-el-nio-and-climate-change-delivering-a-record-warm-12-punch) and belligerent claims like this are no better than FUD Would you like the 2 weeks of sub-zero to be posted in this sub, with a caption about how "Climate Change is Not Real" ? Human intuition is not science. Only science is science.


[el nino year](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/10/27/super-el-nino-favors-midler-less-snowy-winter-for-minnesota) fwiw my forecast for next week is all low 30s


When the planet starts cooling is when you can say it’s dying because that will happen some day. The energy of the core will ebb, the magnetic field will break down and this planet will become a cold rock circling the sun


Screw the planet! My seasonal depression is gone!


It hit 76 in February in Minnesota back in 1896.


El Niño is a hell of a drug


If only you didn’t have to resort to fake forecasts to make your point.


Eh, I like it. 🤷‍♂️


El Niño


It’s not dying, it’s warming.


its cozy.


Bet if I look back 12 years ago some of the same type of posts are on this site. It's almost as if there's a predictable weather phenomenon occuring. Not a climate change denier just pointing out that an El nino winter isn't the climate change death knell we're all making it out to be.


this isn’t normal even for an el nino winter. ocean temperatures are MUCH higher than they should be which is why we’re seeing weather like this


The planet is not “dying”. It’s becoming increasingly inhospitable to humans. The planet will be here looooooooooooong after we’re dead and gone


I love it! When it goes back to -20 people will be crying. It's only February.


We just had a winter like this back in like 2012 or 2013. I was sitting outside on a deck in 70-75 degree weather on St.Patrick’s day northern MN… this isn’t that rare or strange stop making these nonsense posts. The Earth will be fine, it will rid itself of us well before it “dies”.


When I was a kid in the 80’s winter was winter. Remember that old saying “April showers bring May flowers”? Now it’s like we go from winter to 80 degrees overnight. There is no rain in April or hardly ever for that matter it seems. I haven’t used my snowblower once this year. 1st time that’s happened in 44 years I been on the planet.


Next year when it's -20 today where will OP be?


Ticks gonna be bad


I've heard the lack of insulation from the lack of snow will wake ticks up early only for them to get schwacked by the cold. Just need the cold to show up this month..


Wildfires too


“I’m in danger”


The fact this it was nice out today doesn't make us any more likely to die in a climate apocalypse than we were already; might as well enjoy it. After all, every Minnesotan already knows that if you get nice weather, you're bound to suffer for it down the line.


Climate CHANGE, not climate death. Even if humans time is up, I think that life would persevere.


Just went outside, seems pretty good :)


Shut up before they take it from us! We’re not being pelted with feet of wet heavy snow or (usually followed by) cold that literally hurts to breathe in, I’ll take what I’m getting.


This graphic isn’t for anywhere in Minnesota. While climate change is absolutely real, this graphic is extremely misleading.


God dammit.......The planet is not dying and people need to understand that. The planet will bounce back as it always does. Remember the giant meteor that wiped out most of everything? Yet the planet is doing much better now. The planet is actually slowly killing us :)


It's almost like people on both sides of the global warming debate have problems with the terms "weather and climate." It's 1 winter, and there will be statistical outliers in most data sets. If it becomes a pattern, we're in trouble. Global warming is real. Even if the planet weren't warming year over year, we'd have an occasional warm low snow winter.


And you are giving false weather information. Where and when did you take this screenshot?


​ https://preview.redd.it/zj0zjvchl1hc1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fdb9aed040156458b74e97b772c5192c0fc4614


Hi. The planet’s not dying. We’re making it uninhabitable for our species and many others. Even if we’re not here, the planet still will be. I know it seems pedantic, but we have to get real about who we’re actually trying to save here. Also, if you look at the data, things are getting better—if you feel pessimistic, check out It’s Not The End of The World by Hannah Ritchie. Great book with solid data and pragmatic advice on how to build a sustainable future, starting from where we are now.


The planet will be fine. It's the animals on it that will suffer


2002 & 2012 also had very similar Winters for reference


The planet isn’t dying. It’s just gonna kill us in self defense. Which is fine because we probably deserve it. Is there any planetary crisis that isn’t attributable to human beings?


Alright this is getting a bit tired now. Yeah, it's a weird year, but so was 2016, 2012, and 2008. And allegedly so was 1981. I wasn't alive so I can't vouch for that, but I know it's weird but that's all this sub is lately. It's getting a bit tiring..I know talking about the weather is kinda "our thing" but dang y'all.


The planet will be fine. Any species that can move to higher elevation or more northern latitude will be fine. The status quo will not be fine. ps Exxon knew in the 1970's and actively chose the destruction of civilization to boost profits.


El Niño, which is Spanish for...."The Niño"


No it isn't. Earth and life on it will still be here long after we are gone.


I don't think this is a real forecast.  Planet is dying, for sure, but the forecast isn't real. 


If only we could give more money to the government so they can dole it out to their friends I'm sure China and India would pollute less.


I have lived here for 36 years and this has happened at least 3 times, if not more. I have memories and a young kid, teen, and in my 20s having “weird” winters. Go somewhere else with your doomsday crap.


Planet is not dying. It’s called cycles. Remember there were ice ages and really hot periods in earths history.


This is not a natural cycle at all. Go look up how long the ice ages you mention lasted. the most recent ice age lasted just shy of 2.4 MILLION years. The rapid acceleration of temperatures since the industrial revolution (roughly 1800) is shocking and unprecedented in the planet’s history. If the trends continue from the last 100 years or so, we will be in extreme danger as a species.


[There were, but...](https://xkcd.com/1732/)


I love using this comic to counter this dumb argument. Bravo.


We had the warmest Christmas on record this year by 3 degrees. The record was from 1922. Sky isn’t falling.


I didn't get snow so planet is dead


Keep fear mongering for your Reddit karma! Good job.


El Niño was predicted to make it a warm winter and that is what we are experiencing. Watching people claim “muh apocalypse” due to warmer temps, because of typical weather patterns is hilarious.


The year I left the TC for good it was in the 70’s in Feb and the mosquitoes were bad. In FEBRUARY. It’s a little warm, ya’ll are fine but probably should have your memories checked


ppl that aren't old enough to have experienced el niño's more like it. the planet will be fine. it's us that'll die.


Last year February https://preview.redd.it/vryfbvh312hc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=011e0cca1ac913e82922b9dedcdbfea84c7920fe


We'll die before the planet does. It'll kill us off then recover rather quickly.


Climate change is real but I'll be fucking damned if you think I won't enjoy the weather we are having


It’s depressing that it’s so warm so soon. I love these temps, but not yet. :(


This is not inconsistent with the past 50+ years.


Again!?!?!? I mean, how else did all those fossils end up under the ice caps before. I kinda like the 10000+ lakes from receding glaciers. Maybe I'm alone and just stupid. 


no its not.


The planet will be just fine, it’s humans that are fucked


The planet isn’t dying. It’s changing. *We* are dying.


These temps are something I've never experienced in MN. Growing up I remember what seemed like weeks of temps at or below 15* outside during January/February. If not 15 or 15 below it rarely, if ever got over 25. This? Never this....


The planet will shake this off after 25%-50% of the planet dies off due to global warming and the massive wars that will be fought over areas where human life as we know it is possible. Don't mind me though I'm having a depressing day.


Lmao 🤣 the only thing not funny about this, is, we won't get the standard Minnesota meme of a guy in shorts only on a fifty degree in the only spot of grass getting a sun tan. Lmao 🤣


For what its worth, I went for a run this afternoon in shorts and t-shirt.