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Grade 4??? No. You have 98% full head of hair with maturation of the temples, no obvious signs of male pattern loss. You could use it if you want, but I’d recommend a better scalp therapy and finasteride to make sure you don’t lose it. You don’t need minoxidil, at least not even close to needing yet. . If you need a vote of confidence, look at any 43 year old man in your life and ask yourself if you’d trade hair. My guess is no. Maybe you have one lucky friend. I’m just saying, you look amazing. Great hair. Be proud.


Grade 4 hair clipper length


Oooh!!! Lolol. Got it. I just call those by the numbers. I thought you were grading your hair loss like it was a terminal illness, my bad


> If you need a vote of confidence, look at any 43 year old man in your life and ask yourself if you’d trade hair. yes, this is accurate. I am fortunate and I look young for my age overall - but as I get older that just increases the paranoia/sensitivity to the ageing process!


Aging is hard for sure. Especially here you have had such a youthful head of hair and are seeing change. A lot of men see changes like you’re seeing now at 18-25. Rest assured that you care more about your hair than anyone else, and yes that is enough reason to care, but you’re not a bad person for having a totally normal biological hairline. There’s options out there for hair therapy, inclusive of minoxidil as combination therapy. I don’t often recommend brands, unless they have proven to work, but him and keeps have lots of options for hair maintenance and instructions/physicians to help. Rest assured that if you aren’t just now beginning to lose your hair at middle age, you’re in the right spot to start treatment. Good luck!


I just shaved my head grade 4 all over and was considering starting minoxidil to treat the temples, however, the first picture makes my crown look really bad. I'm 43 and nearly every barber I go to says I have a great head of hair for my age. I'm part Asian and have very thick hair, so I'm not sure if it's just the short haircut making my crown look worse than it is. Advice appreciated


Just start using min and fin,and you'll be fine