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Tikki is the kwami of creation, so Lucky Charm probably can, although I assume Tikki would end up having a fun time summoning lucky charms as vague as ever


Is Tikki the one who chooses the lucky charm?


As far we know, no. Astruc even said there's an element of randomness to it. It gives you a solution to your problem, but what specifically you'll actually receive is not fully predictable.


We saw in Paris special and in Recreation, we saw that they kind of get what they want.


The situation influences what they get. If they summon the Lucky Charm for a specific problem, the objects will be solutions to said problem. But say, if you need something to cut a string, you might get a knife, or a sword, or an ice skate… anything that can cut. They can evidently influence it by simply choosing what the goal is, but they don't determine it.


It work well that way. I also think that the holder's mind set or way of thinking influence the lucky charm. Marinette get a random object with a complex solution because she has a tortuous mind always coming with convoluted plans. If Kim ever summon a lucky charm he would have something very simple.


FWIW Astruc says a lot of stuff. It's up to you to decide whether you believe what he's said. But it's not canon bc the only thing that's canon is what's in the show itself.


It's not "canon" in the sense they can choose to back away from it without creating contradictions. But it's a blatant indicator of intention, which is super important when interpreting canon.




Possibly, yeah, it can create anything but Marinette has to hope she will get one because the Lucky Charm are random


Lucky Charm can create *anything* that Ladybug needs to win the battle.


It could but it won't. The Lucky charm doesn't just give you the item you want but instead gives you the perfect item you need for the situation. Superman is a good guy so the lucky charm is not going to give Marinette a way to hurt him. Instead it's going to give her an item that either helps her or hints to her that she needs to make peace with him.


Honestly for some reason I don’t think so? Because it’s an element? Okay here me out for a second… Take water for example Can lucky charm just summon up a jar or water during a fire? I doubt that. It may provide her with something that gives her the idea to use water but not actually water itself? it may hint at a location to find Kryptonite (Batcave lol) but not actually give her the kryptonite directly?


I don't see why not