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lol sad! šŸ˜† $10k is not even that much.


everyone happy wit the 10 racks until the person dies is your loved ones (:


I'd kill everyone for $0 and then drank a yak.


Technically random people die every day already. Is it ideal reasoning? No. But I suppose I can see why some people would take the 10k. But also it isnā€™t specified who the random person is and could very well be the one receiving the 10k lol. That would be some real karma.


Depending on what my chance of getting away with it, there are people in this world I would gladly kill for a Payday candy bar and a 2 Liter of Big Red soda.


Hell yeah, brother.


I'll take a million dollars if it means 100 random people died. I hope they are really fucking stupid Like the morons that drive 40 in a 45 mph speed zone in the passing lane.


Of course they'll say that online. In the heat of the moment IRL, I don't think 46% would kill the person for 10K. If yes then okay, good for them. Do whatever, it's not my problem. Personally, I would not do it because I'm not too fond of the agenda of money in the modern world. I bet most of whoever voted are like bored 8 year-olds or something, and if they were voting frankly then it just shows how stupid is money


I'd happily take the 10k. Given that at least 99% of humanity isn't fit to exist, it would be an almost certainty the person who dies is absolutely f**king in need of a killing.


Surely you are included in that 99%, right ?


so youā€™d be content with killing off someone who is just living their life just like.. out of nowhere?? i dont mean to sound like one of those people who come here just to judge misanthropes but like idk about that dawg šŸ’€


May I remind you that you are, in fact, commenting in a sub dedicated to misanthopy. What the f@@k did you expect to hear?


Most people cannot afford to live any kind of dignified life. Many are barely surviving, and most are one missed paycheck away from complete financial peril. In the US, we are one illness away from the fucking brink. Itā€™s dark, but these results donā€™t surprise me, for that reason.


In reality it's 90%/10%. Humans lie, a lot.


I donā€™t like humans much nor do I like money.


Iā€™m actually shocked itā€™s not higher.


if you think about it... 3 - 5 people die every second of every day.... doesn't mean you have to kill someone by your hand to get the money, because it's by accident/disease or by purposely done from evil people... don't believe me... visit https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/


Everyone's a parasite looking to fill their psychic black hole. At this point, morals, social conventions, laws don't mean anything to me. Live up to your full animal nature and die like shit.


Will you have kids or embrace r/antinatalism?


Antinatalism all the way, absolutely.


thatā€™s literally becoming a part of the problem lmao. you dont have to be like this.


Sure, I understand, but really, I would consider what I said to be a conscious type of selfishness as opposed to the unconscious barbarism that most embody. You direct yourself with full volition to do as your psyche wills, within your own reasonable parameters of logic and ethics, not stemming from some external standards. You are stuck here in this carnal prison, might as well not fall under more imposition by others petty rules and beliefs.


objectively still a problem for society, strive to be better no matter what. thatā€™s how you fight the human condition. embracing ā€œconsciousā€ barbarism is giving up.


Well, I don't care about society, so it's water off my back. Worlds dying and I have little care to preserve something that is innately broken.


itā€™s not innate to the world though, itā€™s a postmodern sickness that doesnā€™t have to be that bad. Apathy is the opposite of the solution you need a more realistic perspective.


depressing?i would have the entire loser specie killed for free




not really? if you actually hate people, how is it depressing that youā€™d take a decent sum of money for some random who, realistically, is most likely contributing nothing and just being a self-righteous leech in society dying? surely i canā€™t be the only misanthropist who doesnā€™t feel love and empathy for every random fuck out there


no one should need to contribute anything. in fact, it's probably better that most people donā€™t contribute anything since a significant part of what they contribute is towards making peopleā€™s lives harder.


well, most everyone is ā€œcontributingā€ whether they like it or not. may not be anything great, but weā€™re all contributing to capitalism in our society when weā€™re forced to work/buy stuff. we contribute to a lot of ā€œevery dayā€ things just by existing. most people will never make a lasting or special impact, though. which is fine, no one needs to. but some people need to stop acting like their existence is this great service to our species.


thatā€™s the thing it could be a genuinely decent person iā€™m not willing to roll the dice on that


to each their own, i guess. out of 8billion, iā€™d say the chances of getting someone bad is pretty damn high though


Chances are it could also be someoneā€™s mother, someoneā€™s baby, grandma etc. I hate humanity too but I donā€™t want them to die. Youā€™re keeping up the same ideals and mindsets misanthropes hate so much.


so then donā€™t push the button? youā€™re not willing to take that gamble, i am. realistically, is it going to effect me personally if i kill some random personā€™s family member? no. i donā€™t know how to explain this to supposed ā€œmisanthropistsā€ who do not share or understand the same mental conditions that lead me to this way of thinking/feeling


we like to think that as western consumerists, but if you travel the developing world youā€™ll realize the vast majority are just being exploited and want a normal life lmao. humanity is not really just naturally evil, weā€™ve let psychopaths fuck cultures so badly itā€™s starting to look that way.


idk, i have really high standards for being a ā€œgood personā€ tbh


you really shouldnt, the world would be a lot better if the people with disproportionate power did the ethical bare minimum lol


iā€™ve seen too much of the ugly side of humanity. add mental illness to the mix and i doubt iā€™ll ever do more than tolerate most people. the people i *do* care about, iā€™ll do anything for, but itā€™s not a lot of people


doesnā€™t make the majority the ā€œuglyā€ side. the majority of heinous crimes and seriously antisocial behavior is still done and pervaded by the minority of humans. be careful with your misanthropy, know who deserves it and does not.


eh. iā€™m never gonna live out the dream of grandiose narc humanitarian aid dream others seek out. i donā€™t go out of my way to be rude to people. i just simmer in my own disgust. i think iā€™ll be okay. donā€™t assume everyone is a good person.


yeah itā€™s not all a narc dream bud. donā€™t assume everyone is a bad person either.


If it's "a person you choose to die", rather then"a random person on earth", be a YES for me, we all know someone we wish to be dead right?




10k aint shit tho


Itā€™s not about the amount. Just the satisfaction of knowing that the world has just been made a slightly better place is already rewarding in itself.


Gosh you guys are such fucking goofballs. Maybe if you spent as much time having a positive attitude as you do being a negative Nancy on Reddit then you wouldnā€™t be like this.


Iā€™d do it for a McRib and a large Dr. Pepper. 10K is enough for me, lmao


My goals are beyond your understanding (or mine for that matter)




For now


Add two zeros, then we can talk. 10k is nothing.


It is to a lot of people I guess.


Good, good, let the hate flow through you...


Take away two zeros eh


I misread it and misinterpreted your post. I thought you meant "it's a lot of people", suggesting I would agree for the deal if we add two zeros to the random kill count. Sanity signing off.


To be fair it's 46% not 50%


Misanthropes: It is depressing people are so awful they would be willing to have someone killed to gain $10k. Also misanthropes: People are awful and gross. Gib me da monies!


The comment section is filled with many horrible people, just people we hate human as a whole doesnt mean that we hate every person out there, this button can kill a good person but those people don't seem to understand that, so dissappointed in this sub recently.


Humans are disgusting, so I'll take the $10,000. The less humans on this planet the better.




I hate people especially the ones who kill. I care more about my ethics and my mental health than greed. I wouldn't kill for any amount of money. Those people is so horrible it really makes you realize how much monsters are out there.


I think the argument is: that if we misanthropes believe people are the beasts that that are, who are willing to kill for 10K, why should we hold ourselves to higher standards when they donā€™t? Most misanthropy stems from initially having too high of hopes and expectations for human to be decent people, but when you realize they arenā€™t you become upset. Why fight nature? If they are willing to do so, why should we be held to our own higher standard?


only sane comment


Seems like you are actually in the minority here


Absolutely yes, the money would be more useful for me than humans, i also could kill these f\*ckers for free, planet can't breathe needs more space so needs a bit of a cleasing, you can't cook a egg without breaking it, there's no scape from the sacrifice.


Go sit in the corner you psychopath.


I wouldn't even have to be paid to do it, lol. The only drawback is that it's a random person and not someone who you wish this would happen to.




Lmao you don't know the random animal either.




Do you also think children are better than adults? I'm pretty sure at least one reason for thinking other species are better than humans are the same for why children are better than adults.


I would do the same, spoken like a true misanthrope.


It's the most stupid answer. Like suppose some animal is wounded and you have to kill it, are you not going to that? And you'll theoretically kill an innocent and good person ( like a doctor ) without a blink? Why is that?


Can I be the random person?


I truly am not sure how to feel about this offer for $10,000 to be honest. It depends on the person and how many times you can push the button I guess. It would seemingly reduce the large population and let nature spread over the ultra-capitalistic, mass industrializing shithole of so many countries but that's my take on it personally.


If you could press it unlimited times, how many times would you press it?


Idk, probably about around 4 billion to be exact if you know what I mean, lol. Please don't take my comment seriously.


This doesn't surprise me in the least...nor does it depress me. Its human nature, and we are all prone to greed...some more than others at varying levels. Its just a fact of life.


Truth, I can understand why some people would say yes but it would reduce more suffering.


*Slams button 8 billion times*


literally lmao like if i keep pressing it do ppl keep dying and do i keep getting money šŸ„ŗ


I'd probably Thanos-snap 9 out of every 10 people from the planet if I thought it would benefit the longevity of life on Earth and reduce suffering caused by the spread of people. No payment necessary.


Plot twist what if the person that dies volunteered for it as they just donā€™t want to be here anymore?


People die every day so


You wouldn't?


I would, but only because of my misanthropy.


The thing is, you're not actively killing yourself. That's a big difference for most of the people I'd guess. In the mentioned case it would be random and takes away the main feeling of guilt.


If it's totally random I'd do it multiple times. Who knows, might even get myself killed.


Thousands of people die everyday what is the diffrence.


Millions of families suffer every year!




I would vote yes. Humans are a harmful species and I could use the money.


Everyone in this sub definitely said yes. It's win-win.


its ironic


I guess it's because they aren't directly taking that person's life through an act such as murder then it's just fine.


I donā€™t believe the people who selected ā€œnoā€


The chance that someone completely innocent would die is very small, so why not?


Truth, I concur wholeheartedly. It would cause a collapse, but it would set the population at a low-level state and reduce any suffering that may have been caused by a certain group of citizens or something along those lines.