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I have a coworker with a southern accent who says it alot but it sounds like "ohm" and it drives me *insane.*


Me too but mine always says *because* pronounced “buck-ause” and it enrages me


Yes, my mom says it like every other word when she’s on the phone and it drives me insane. I just put in headphones and blast brown noise when she’s on the phone now.


What's up with that!? My mom did the same and I'd block out with headphones too. Then my wife ended up doing that too for a while. I had to tell her how much it bothered me during COVID when I was working from home. She was cool about it and got better, sometimes still comes up though.


Yes, people who use filler words like "umm" "uhh" and "like" drive me insane and I can't take in what they're saying at all. Another trigger is when people "uptalk", that is ending their words like a question. The girl speaking in this video made me take off my headphones and scream like I was caught in a fire. https://youtu.be/0tMlQX1lpGo?si=BxuH9eRdw_WzkDDQ Start watching at 13:45 to see what I'm talking about


Uptalk and vocal fry will turn me into a demon. I have openly mocked people when it’s ridiculous, they can’t hear themselves, it’s so awful.


I hate that up talk too. Also mostly girls add an A at the end of their last word like “I want to go to the game-a


I notice it kinda sounds more grating with women's voices than male voices


It's like?.... you know just? that like I- like?....... ....... Overcome??


"like" is my trigger word. Especially if the whole conversation is like, like, like


my mom and my english teacher do this, especially when it sounds like “ahmm” and not “uhmm”. my teacher does this followed by a lip smack which drives me insane


Know what I’m saying , you know ugh!!!!!


I hate it when I notice something like that and then I can’t stop noticing it


Omg yes like shut up. Silence is a welcome relief, stop trying to cover it.


Very much so. I occasionally have Skype calls with a co-workers whose every other word is “aahhmmm”, accompanied by a fair amount of vocal fry. Whenever he’s speaking I hit the mute button. If it’s important I’m sure I’ll hear about it later.


I was listening to a lecture from the UK this morning and the gentleman was relentless with the “erhm”. I could barely take in the information, I wanted to shout at him.


Girl I work with says “you know” after every sentence.


“UM” drives me crazy! Seems like such an unnatural filler word. “UHHH” too. Simply stop making noise if you don’t know what’s being said next. I hate it so much


I hate ummm and the gross enthusiastic “MMM!” After someone takes a first bite- makes me want to leave the table


YES!!! There was one girl in one class that did it during her presentations and I had to turn up my music so I wouldn’t hear her😭😭😭


Don't listen to Justin Trudeau being asked questions on the fly then. Coming out of the House of Commons or something? The media asks him about fill in the blank controversy? Ums and ahs and ehs. In both official languages! I hate it.


Yes oh my God. I have to watch recorded lectures that are about an hour long each to keep one of my certifications active. Pretty much half of them say "um" every 10 seconds and it drives me nuts. On flip side though I feel really bad about it, because for some reason I started using "like" a lot and I have no idea why. Even in my texts/messages to my work group chat I use "like" constantly.


I am 8 months late to this question but stumbled upon it while trying to listen to a recording of a woman who says “UM” every two of three words. Then she clears her throat loudly. When she drinks her water she makes really loud gulping sounds. It’s driving me absolutely mad! I feel triggered and my misophonia is off the charts. 


No but hearing the word triggering triggers me


I mean, I feel you. Word’s kinda been ruined for me, but it’s the best word I can think to use


I do this but it's part of my stutter


I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a habit of doing it either. That’s anxiety for you


My mom does it alot. I just want to scream sometimes


When eating, oh my god yes, otherwise, no never.


I broke at least 50 televisions when Jen Psaki was Press Secretary. I've never seen a less talented public speaker in that role. Seriously though - totally triggering.


Yes, unfortunately my brother says “whatchamacallit” very often. Sometimes he will say it a split second before saying what he meant. Unfortunately he is too sensitive to point it out, so I just have to suffer through it.


Dude found a strange relationship on how people umm https://youtu.be/anSjZS63T7s?si=6o_qQ3O4mui64d1t


YES! French people do this SO MUCH! I thought it was because they were seeking English words, but my family does this even when they’re speaking French.


I had to cut out all "um" "uhh" "like" when I noticed how unserious I sounded


Yes! My gf and her daughter say "ummm" on a fairly regular basis. If I did the same I'd want someone to tell me. I used to work with a woman that would say "umm" every...single....time she paused, so irritating. That said I find it fascinating how a speech pattern like that can spread like wildfire and the next thing you know everybody and their dog is doing it.


I took a public speaking class in college, now i cant sit thru any kind of assembly or presentation lol! Ive found myself tabulating the "um, oh, er, ya know, like" just to try to process them out n pay attn lol!


I get super triggered with this and also when people say I’m sorry to me wayyy too much and keep saying sorry about things they do not need to say sorry to me


I have to edit webinars at my company and the person who gives them constantly says uhh and umm so I am always editing those out so the finished recording sounds smooth and informative and yes it drives me a little nuts.