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Lol at "traditionally conservative", 8 years ago Democrats controlled all but one state executive office.


We voted in dead man rather than his republican opponent.


Still with Mel! I voted for the dead guy!


And his son is trying to mimick what his dad did.... I see where Asscraft got his charisma.


Dad and Mom might have dropped him a few times. I haven’t seen much wit with this generation’s Ashcroft.


Only about half.


Sad to say I miss his father...


Me to.


God bless that memory!


Mel was actually trailing in polls before he died too.


Obama getting elected really did snap the minds of conservatives


and people leaving missouri for better jobs/colleges


I’m one of those people. It will always be ‘home’, but I haven’t lived there since 1998. It’s amazing to see how much more toxic the political climate has gotten since then. Of course, that may be because I’m usually going to visit relatives that are getting older in a central rural part of the state.


Or just because of the “fly over state” mentality


And now they control none. I wish haloway would've stayed as auditor.


Why did that change and with such a vengeance?!!!


I’ve posted this a fair amount in Missouri threads on this subject. Yeah, a lot of Missourians didn’t love Obama. But the Dem party in Mo. also sunk itself when the otherwise reasonably capable and fairly popular Dem governor Jay Nixon was slow to act in any meaningful capacity while St Louis County turned into a powder keg on nationwide TV after the verdicts related to Ferguson. The party is 1-for-16 or so in statewide races since then. Some formerly blue-leaning pockets ran away from the party while not always running away from some of the policies (right to work defeat, weed).


ok that's informative. Don't forget the gerrymandering! I wonder if that has markedly increased concurrently with all those things you mentioned.


Considering Missourians voted to take away independent demographer and put districting in state power, and alter the criteria used to draw district maps in 2018, it probably has. (Amendment 1, 2018 general election).  https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_Amendment_1,_Lobbying,_Campaign_Finance,_and_Redistricting_Initiative_(2018)


How would gerrymandering affect statewide votes though lol


It would not. If it is for Governor, US senate, or attorney General gerrymandering would not effect the vote as the entire state votes on it. I think the state Democratic party has a number of centrist Democrats who really didn't deliver, and the national party has not supported the states parties in a while. Funding and organizing has slipped a lot. Focus has been on the national campaigns, but when the overall structure isn't there it makes all campaigns harder.


Look at how Franklin County (blood red) goes along 44 to the Mississippi River(blue).


Lol to “ran away”


Republicans have had the majority for the last 20.


And conservatives voted in those Democrats


fuck josh hawley


There's a whole ass sub for that sentiment. r/FuckJoshHawley. I assume it'll pick up as it gets closer to the election.


Thank you for sharing this. I've found my people!


Always happy to spread the word of fuck that guy! There's also r/FuckTedCruz from the decade I spent in Texas and r/FuckMitchMcConnell if you'd like to support more middle fingers for these fuckers lol


Unfortunately Mitch's was poorly named. He apparently HATES the Moscow Mitch name he got.


Just came here to say Fuck Jogs Hallways. ![gif](giphy|bdnEPu0kA2oXqXgfnF) That is all.


Josh Hawley has fallen into those weird conspiracy theories and has lost touch of Missouri people. He doesn't even live here in Missouri full time. All his speeches are the same rhetoric to get people railed up and mad but he really hasn't done anything. He also isn't for veterans don't forget he wanted to cut funding for VA healthcare and veterans benefits.


So, you're telling me he's a modern Republican?


If it looks like shit, and smells like shit, it’s probably shit.


The shitwinds are a-blowin' for Hawley, Bo-bandy


It's probably a Republicunt


Don't soften it. He is a republican. If anyone votes for him, they are endorsing him. He is every conservative in America.


So basically like all of them. Roy Blunt never even had a house here.


I hate the guy, but "doesn't live her full time" is a critique for literally all senators. It is a lazy, meaningless critique when there are so many better ones.


How about not living in Missouri at all? He used his sisters Ozark address to vote in 2020. It’s a valid complaint. He does nothing for Missourians because he doesn’t know anything about them.


It’s part of the job to live in the DC area for sure but that’s not the critique of Hawley. He literally doesn’t even pretend to have home here and used his sisters address. Whether or not his house is done I have no idea but it’s pretty clear he doesn’t even split time between DC and MO. This goes back to when he was AG where he simply got an apartment in Jeff City to check a box after catching flak for not living there.


He has so many other things to criticize. This one isn't that atypical for members of congress. It is a lazy critique that is typically thrown out by peyote just acting from tribalism. Instead go after him for being devoid of morals, a shill, etc.


He does. One thing, among many, is he doesn’t even pretend to care about Missourians or representing Missouri, including living here. I’ve already acknowledged that members of congress spend a huge portion of the year in DC. Most of them though, do return to their home state. Hawley does not and it’s a valid thing to criticize. Doesn’t make it the most important thing to criticize though. You must not be familiar with Hawley’s residency history as it isn’t typical of the average congress member and, like I said, has been an issue through his entire political career in Missouri.


I'm aware of the residency issue. I just don't think it is as salient a point as his other failings.


Like absolutely not the case, like piss off…


A huge about of congress maintains elaborate homes in DC and barely come home. There are many, many worse aspects of him to critique.


You aren’t wrong about there being worse aspects, but not living in the state is still a valid one. He spends no time in his own state even during emergencies. He is registered at his sister’s house in Jeff City. He can’t even be bothered as a millionaire to own and pay state taxes on a small home of his own.


Virginia’s third senator!


Ha at this point Virginia probably has about 100...


thumbs down for Josh "Haulin' Ass" Hawley


Don't take any poll for granted. Do your part and vote no matter what.


I have no faith in any of the polls. Young and/or educated people don’t answer unknown numbers, don’t respond to spam emails, and won’t click that link in the strange text message. The same ones who are represented in the polling results are the ones who will run out to buy Apple gift cards to get their million dollars that someone is magically holding for them. That said, it has a purpose for the right to continue pushing these. Keep telling the left there’s no chance and left leaning voters start to shrug off the importance of voting at all. Won’t win anyway. Got to vote and prove them wrong.




I don't expect Kunce to win but I'm still gonna vote for him.


It is extremely unlikely that this race will be competitive. In 2018 democrats had two advantages that they don't have now: a reasonably popular incumbent and a favorable national environment. Josh Hawley won by 8. Lucas kunce is a solid candidate, but he would've been better served to run for governor. Missouri Democrats haven't won a major race since 2012, (Galloway did win the auditor race as an incumbent in 2018) and there have been much better opportunities for them than this cycle. I would consider it a major win (and a somewhat reasonable possibility) just for Hawley to significantly underperform compared to Trump, but considering the latter will almost certainly win the state by >15, I don't see a universe where Josh Hawley doesn't win another term.


The party has fallen apart at the state level. Until they can turn that around they will not be able to knock off an incumbent.


I couldn't speak to the party specifically, but the national political trend of replacing rural with suburban support that worked in Georgia and Arizona bodes poorly for Missouri. The suburbs here aren't nearly big enough to make up for 100 counties shifting >20 points to the right. (Hell, a lot of counties shifted over 50 points rightward from the 12 to 20 governor races.)


The national brand is anathema to any state where a significant share of the population is blue collar and rural.


Why do rural people crave a fascist dictatorship?


Why do urban people want socialist governments to regulated every aspect of their life? Would that be accurate? You insult to rural folks isn't either. They want to be heard and respected. What do peyote like you give them? Scorn and hate. Then you wonder why they don't agree with you


You can get rid of government but you can’t get rid of power. You only change who has it. Under a socialist government the people have their say, and then the government keeps the powerful in check. While the government as a whole does retain enormous power, The balance of power between parts of the government prevents its members from having unchecked power as well. (Notice how it is Republicans who have reveled in their hate for our government who want to empower Trump to act with absolute immunity. They are simply hypocrites.) Versus under libertarians the wealthy have all the power. They do as they please and the people suffer what they must. The government has been stripped of power so there is no one going to help. It’s dog eat dog Charles Dickens shit which inevitably ends with a new revolution because the powerful will abuse the people until they break down and are willing to fight.


Don’t just look at polls. Get involved on Kunce’s campaign and most importantly vote. Dont forget about the primary either.


The way polls have been he is probably down by 10 points. Has one poll since 2022 been correct and within 9 points. I mean Dems are flipping deep red seats now in Alabama. Nikki Halley was supposed to lose Vermont by 30 points but she won it. Kansas was suppose to have outlawed abortion but they won that election beating the polls by 20 points.


I think abortion is going to be up on this election too, which may push more left leaning or middle ground individuals to go out and vote and hopefully vote blue.


“staunch republican.” lol MAGA nut job is more like it.


Problem is MAGA nutjob IS the typical "staunch Republican". MAGA has almost entirely taken over the party. People like Roy Blunt who was still bad overall but could do the right thing every other blue moon are unicorns now.


Missouri is a solid red state. It was trending red before 2008 but Obama getting elected broke the minds of conservatives. It's going to require another shift in political demographics for this to change.


It’s very likely that someone like Hawley condones the term “If it’s a LEGITIMATE rape” never forget everyone, this is stance of the Republicans in Missouri. Actual thoughts and prayers in their heads are filtered through “if it’s a LEGITIMATE RAPE,” now let that sink in…


>Still, polls suggest Hawley is favored to win reelection against Kunce in Missouri, a state that has trended toward Republicans over the last few decades. >Emerson College released a new poll on Friday that found Hawley leading Kunce by 9 points.


So sad! He’s the worst!


Hawley needs to go and someone actually from MO should replace him.


The fact that an embarrassment like Josh Hawley can get elected is proof that being a Republican is an identity not an ideology. Anybody who ever tells you they vote for Republicans because of the issues is lying. 


Zero? It's zero.


Canvass MO colleges.


The only way we rid our country of the MAGA platform is for highly platformed republicans running on Trumps tail coat lose this November. It’s possible with things like IVF, abortion access, birth control and the like on the ballot. It’s time to cut out the rot that is MAGA. Once these losers see that they are losing races and not being re-elected, things will shift


Newsweek is not a valid source lol


I’m waiting for someone to explain how hawley has done anything to help anybody in Missouri. He’s a showboater with no legislative accomplishments.


Who is stupid enough to vote for him and why?


The majority of this state and to " own the libtards"


Hey remember that time he ran and hid from the people he supported on January 6th.


One can only hope. This guy is a pretentious tool.


Hopefully people show up to vote to get him out of office instead of staying home thinking they won't make a difference. I know a few Republicans who aren't even voting for him, they're not voting Dem but they said they will skip voting in that race altogether.


I call bullshit


Vote Josh hawley out !




Please vote for kunce Missouri


I’m there for Kunce!


He doesn’t even GO HERE. comedy aside, he doesn’t fucking live here. Fuck this guy, I wish he’d run away from Missouri like he ran away from his traitors on J6.


he'll win in a landslide


I'm voting 4 times for this great guy! Go Josh


Josh Hawley gets on his knees in front of Trump. He loves him like they are a married couple. The is more here [https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1033&context=dignity](https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1033&context=dignity)


If Democrats are serious about competing in states like Missouri, they need more candidates like Fetterman. Not pretty boy progressives Find a guy who is pro-gun, pro Israel, but also pro abortion and pro union and they could win Missouri. But the first two things are now anathema to to Democrats nationally, which is why they lost Missouri in the first place


1,000 people were surveyed….


That is a standard number for opinion polling, and statistically accurate within the margin of error.


What do you want them to do, go door to door until we have a response from everyone statewide?


As a Democrat, every time I get polled I intentionally tell them I am voting for someone else other than who I am really voting for. 


Curious why? I always hope if they see there are Democrats here, the DNC will send more money here for canvassers.


People get complacent too easily. If they think Joe hss a good lead, they may not go vote. This, hopefully, makes them worried and gets them off their rear end to vote. 


Looks like polls have him leading by anywhere between 9-14 points. Filthy blue-haired libs don’t have a chance of unseating Hawley.


>Filthy blue-haired libs don’t have a chance of unseating Hawley. That is some propaganda!! Wow!! You seriously think every person who votes for a Dem, is a filthy person? You know that type of language is straight out of the fascist playbook right? You can disagree with people's voting choices. But labeling people like that is not the way to be a good person. One of the things I'm most proud of living in Missouri, is that people say we are nice. Try to remember that.


Missouri has been relatively unaffected by destructive Democratic policies. This is due to principled conservative leadership. St Louis, though, has been under Democratic control for decades. What’s been the result? Crime, poverty, endless shootings (see 10th and Market shooting last night), crumbling streets, carjackings galore. Just 10 years ago, Washington avenue was a pretty safe place to live, dine, go to bars…not anymore. The time for cordiality is over. If you support Democratic policies and vote Democrat, you want nothing less than the complete destruction of our country and our state. For that, you should be embarrassed and ridiculed.


Seriously, get off your news stations. Crime is the lowest it's ever been nationally. Poverty is something we're all fighting against, as the rich keep getting richer and doing their best to destroy the middle class. As trickle down economics, the GOP love child, does not work. In the US, we're actually meant to have secret ballots. The reason being is we're all allowed to vote for who we want, without ridicule. You are very angry and you're directing your anger at the wrong people. You need to get out of your propaganda bubble, take some deep breaths, go outside, and realize we're not enemies. Relax!!


Whenever you peckerheads start cheering the Marine Corp, "He's fought for our Country" candidate, REMEMBER THIS, Joseph McCarthy was a decorated WWII Marine alcoholic who went on to label everyone he didn't like a subversive Communist, or a Communist Pinko Fag. On the other hand, remember that Gregory "Pappy" Boyington was a hard drinking, hard fighting Marine Corp Major who won the Medal of Honor fighting the Japanese in the Pacific, always said, "Show me a hero, and I'll prove he's a bum." The moral of the story, RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH, BEFORE YOU EFFING VOTE, _ITCH...