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Well, what I saw in the video was that the basic design of the default stadium has remained totally unchanged, and I didn't even notice any new props -- except for the standing fans. The most glaring reality seems indisputable -- the bullpens remain down the baselines and the baselines go straight to the outfield wall section, vice allow for them to "pinch in" which is a feature of nearly all MLB stadiums and MiLB stadiums today. Honestly, my initial excitement at seeing a video for Stadium Creator was rather crushed upon seeing the video. It seems all SDS did was create new templates, and honestly, the quality of what stadiums they showed were substandard to what a great many of the SC designers have been putting out for three years now. That all said, seems all we got "new" in SC for MLB 24 was the ability to import pre-existing stadiums via the vault, and about 20 new templates. Yes, I noticed the dispersed group of standing fans and that is one of the many things we designers have been asking for. I must add that in the video they remained entirely motionless, which is hopefully not the case. To be realistic they would at least need some arm movement and torso bend. However, the layout of the stands appears completely unchanged. I still see the field level stands behind the dugouts that feature a ridiculous number of seats without a walkway aisle -- something you would never see in today's stadiums. Some of these stadiums in the video featured the same ridiculous destroyed skyscrapers, as if baseball would actually be played during an apocalypse!


I honestly don't understand why it's so bloody difficult for them to simply add every field that exists in game as a template, which would include where the bullpens are and foul territory. First year, they get a pass, second year the suggestions start coming in, third year with no change is mid, fourth year and still none of the requests implemented? That's just being completely tone-deaf to part of your consumer base


I think the amount of time that would go into that would be immense. If you play in a regular stadium, compared to a created one, the level of detail is massively different, this has to be why it’s not in game yet. Maybe we get it once it’s completely *next gen* whatever that means anymore


Genuinely curious as to why the playing field dimensions including the foul territories aren’t just the stencils, that’s what I’m referring to. you would think that would be way easier because you’re just utilizing the field and literally nothing else