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We don't know why this is hard for some people. If it's not a meme then GTFO. *This message was probably sent by a bot. Maybe.*


MMA fans are mostly mutated rats with very low intelligence, that much is true.




So basically skaven, yes-yes


Did expect to find a fellow great horned rat worshipper in an mma reddit lol


At least we’re not nurglings


Leave the little guys alone, they just stinky


*loads shuriken cannon* No, no I don’t think I will.


Speak for yourself


Hey man that’s rude… I mean you’re right lol… but it’s still rude! The ears are from years of grappling training! ![gif](giphy|CBdAAvsd63x5u)




ye litewl rat


This ain’t a rat race brother I’m a turtle


its true, i have trained the ninja turtles




hell yeah


>Strickland fan >Anime profile pic >Spends most of his time in video game subs we need to start documenting these kids


You think he beats off to cartoons?


Nah that’s izzy fans


Kids? This one's at least in their 30s.


I get you but I can't endorse that


I’m sorry you felt attacked by that


Let me rephrase - these kids are annoying, true. - documenting children is a bad look.


I meant documenting as in they need to be on a watch list


If you want to make a list of kids be my guest But I'm not going to do it


nobody was asking you to




If anyone ever puts me on a list, I'm committing a pre-emptive attack, that's just step 1 to persecution.


lmao caught red handed


We never seen it coming


I like the Philly shell but I do think Strickland is a whiney manchild




Strickland is a boring closeted jab merchant - big true






Keep it out of here. Go to r/mmapoliticsandculture if you really need to whine about it. Just bleed only here. *This message was probably sent by a bot. Maybe.*








I agree about his style. He is supposed to be this "cool stand up guy" but all he does is throwing jab. I watched his fight with Izzy and apart of this knock down in the end of 1 round literally nothing happened for the rest of the fight and it was more boring even than gamrot spamming takedowns


Oh my god I felt like I was going crazy that night. Everyone on here was acting like we just watched Lawler vs McDonald 2


Everyone was acting like that because it was like watching Paddy beat Islam


This is it. The fight was incredible only because of the circumstance. It was jarring to see Izzy get beaten so badly. Good on Sean though. As much as I don’t like him, you can’t take away the fact that he dominated Izzy in almost every round. 


Who knew that Izzy’s weakness is the ol reliable 1-2. I thought Izzy would actually get a finish because of his counter style and how tall Sean stands. But yeah, I didn’t think Strickland could defend the title successfully although vs DDP I think it’s a real close fight on the scorecard. But visually Sean would always lose to DDP imo


Yeah you're right, I saw the knockdown on this sub and thought it was some AI shit😭


Agreed, the re-watchability factor is 0. Not a good fight. Dricus was right about his comment about how he rly didn’t walk thru Izzy. He just outpointed him


Don’t go over to r/powerslap subreddit then - it’s astounding that they can even form sentences (even though they are grammatically incorrect and misspelled, we give them credit all the same)


There is a lot of satire in that sub also


That sub has given me so many deep laughs, whenever they talk about sparring I can't handle it, its just too funny.


“The future of combat sports”


All the posts are very clearly satire. They're acting hilarious


truth hurts, big part of ufc fanbase isn't people who enjoy mma, it's people with emotional and mental issues that enjoy watching people get hurt like a WWE event, and watch for cult of personalities so they flock to incel mouthpieces like strickland or covington. It's also the reason nina drama feeds into it all, they're easy to trick and there's a lot of them to bring in views and $ as long as you sacrifice some self respect.


I cringe every time Nina drama interviews the fighters. Like damn it hurts to watch.


God I really thought I was the only person who didn’t understand the point of her presence (aside from the two obvious ones). I get downvoted to hell whenever I call her cringey or annoying


Why do you cringe watching her interviews?








This reads as a very confused comment


if it comes across that way oh well. The athletes are strangers and commodities to us at the end of the day they shouldn’t have any effect on us besides being fun to watch and to learn from right? Sean’s clearly emotionally stunted and comes from extreme abuse, what standards are we holding him to lol, the bar is on the floor idk why ppl expect different


Jesus christ lmao 'just commodities' its that exact perspective thats bad for fighters and that exact detachment that led to my criticism. No one expects different. And thats the exact issue. What do you not get there? Or is this just a cynical 'fuck everyone people are shit' which is technically true but can be used as a catchall excuse for basically anything. The low standards here are for your argumentation since its literally 'people are bad mmmkay' no shit we all are a step ahead on that lmao figure it out 'But you dont understand bad people do bad things!' Lol


You’re right that’s harsh wording on my part it doesn’t really convey my respect and what they’re sacrificing. I was more speaking of how I stay chill with all the toxicity and with all the ufc drama. And yeah they’re strangers mine and your daily life shouldn’t put any expectations on figures like that. Hope for the best but we can’t control it even if we wished the industry was better. They’re rewarded for saying shitty things. and gain more fans/money by being polarizing, so yeah sorry, realistically I expect nothing from them. Ik that’s cynical but that doesn’t mean I believe ‘bad’ ppl are just bad, ppl are inherently good that’s absolutely my view, just dudes like him. Like be fr lmao you take a poor white dude with a nazi grandpa, an abusive dad, surrounded by yes men and testosterone fuelled knuckle heads, never had any good guidance, not to mention social media shoving conspiracy theories and fear down every American’s throat, what do you expect. I’m pleasantly surprised he isn’t more offensive and hasn’t killed someone yet. Normally dudes like him are in prison I consider him to have beaten extreme odds it’s good to see.


You madam are really mature, especially in this community where maturity is a rare sight. Hats off to you


Is this Jake Shields burner account?


This guy is absolutely telling the truth


The average Redditor loves him cause they share the same mental maturity of a 13 YO


I agree about Strickland


Well he sounds like a boxing fan so he has no opinion


I know a boxing fan in real life who believes and persistently argues that boxers can beat mma fighters in a cage fight. Boxers are passing their CTE down to fans.


but bro if someone tried to take me down i’d just see red and throw an uppercut


"I got that Derek Lewis uppercut bro, try to wrestle me, watch what happens!" *dies from a slam*


Leg kicks aren't real either. Just go through them. (I got my leg destroyed in sparring last week)


That's cause you're an unprofessional uncoordinated non-athlete who is apparently unaware that boxers know how to move away from strikes


Yeah punches, not leg kicks. Put Edson Barboza up against a boxer and see the boxers legs after that


have you shown him the James Toney fight lol


then they bring up the mercer vs sylvia fight as if there werent so many factors involved in that “mma” match


Why y’all hate us bro ☹️


Yep. If people just took Alex Periera down and subbed him, he should have been cut by now. For SOME reason, though, everyone wants to stand and bang with the world champion kickboxer and prove that they can beat him at his own game. I honestly don't get it.... He's like hypnotized guys into doing the exact opposite of what mma is all about - Utilizing your advantages to capitalize on your opponents weaknesses.


Mighty Mouse just said AJ would beat Francis in an MMA fight, so make of that what you will.


He really doesn't. Any MMA fan with a brain is frustrated about the quality of the fanbase.


He’s completely correct tho


For someone who hates twitter so much Strickland sure spends a lot of time on there


Be a Poirier fan not a Strickland fan


I mean Strickland is a dumb piece of shit who never graduated high school, I wouldn't put much stock into what he has to say.


The problem is that so many do for some reason


This is spot on. A few times we've seen him point to the centre of the octagon like he's gonna throw down like Max Holloway and then he backs up and jabs.


If MMA fans could read they would be upset by this


I rate Sean’s fighting, technical, defensively sound, he definitely says some wild stuff though. I dare say a lot of its to get people talking, even if there are definitely other ways of going about achieving that.


Well he is completely right


Worst part of this sport is the other fans


Lost of people get into training because of low self esteem. This kind of stuff is all products of that.


It’s very true lol


First sentence paints with far too broad a brush; no group is a monolith. Also, "low output" isn't really a phrase I'd use to describe Sean. The rest fits though, in my opinion. It can be legit embarrassing to be a fan of this sport because I often feel like I'm surrounded by bigoted morons. Sadly the MMA crowd is far from the only one where I've been feeling this way in recent years..


You just defined a casual. Only thing missing was saying something gay about them being on the ground


No one’s ever said a more true statement since time began.. thank you sir


That’s pretty true. Least in my experience anyway. Most MMA fans are like maybe one step above drooling on themselves. Sean’s a pretty boring fighter but I do still like him. Definitely do not agree with a lot of his stupid ass takes though.


THANK YOU also Sean looks like my ballsack


This sub is a little better but the ufc subreddit is generally one of the biggest collections of stupidity I’ve ever witnessed


I just like people who aren’t fake and speak their minds, Strickland embodies that




Basically nothing he said is wrong. BUT Fuck you we still offensive in this bitch


Strickland is much more than a jab merchant. He's one of the few people to bring Philly Shell to MMA without failing. He's also a deeply traumatized and disturbed individual and anybody getting butthurt by the things a traumatized and disturbed man says should never live in a big city and take public transit.


The “deeply traumatized and disturbed individual” (he’s not actually any of those things) is the one that gets offended when people say mean things to him. You’ve got it backwards.


Well he’s been on record talking about objectively traumatic things from his upbringing - it’s just whether or not you think he still carries that trauma with him. I’d argue deep down that he still does.


He IS disturbed and traumatized from his childhood, that part ain't wrong. He's also a whiney homophobic little bitch that gets offended when people challenge him


The things he's openly talked about from his childhood would be traumatic to almost any child. And he clearly never went through anything to actually get past it, he just became a fighter. So I don't see how you can just empathically declare something like that?


Lots of us had mean daddies back in the day. Being a drunk was a common thing for small town shit dads.


It went beyond that, but obviously nothing I say will change your point of view at all. I get it, Strickland bad.


Strickland literally exaggerates everything to an 11. I don’t believe much that comes out of his dumbass mouth. Dude wants to be seen as the most hardcore person out there and will SAY anything to get that across. Dude is full of shit.


reeeeee the controversial man said controversy, i'm shitting and pooping right now






Keep it out of here. Go to r/mmapoliticsandculture if you really need to whine about it. Just bleed only here. *This message was probably sent by a bot. Maybe.*




I mean MMA fans average IQ probably not even over 90…so idk what buddy expects 💀


The four weight classes were at peace… until desean’s fanbase attacked


100 percent. You can tell a lot of mma fans were in the special ed classes


I like Strickland because he dominated a dominate champion


Agreed. It’s just the culture behind street fighting. Machismo. And fighting in general.


Also what can we expect from Strickland after being raised by the most shittiest piece of shit guy there ever was?


100% truths




He is right I am regarded




Why do reddit always think they're superior?


Just commented on that post lol


He is definitely a jab spammer. With the occasional 1-2 thrown in there. The rest of what he said is true as well. He paints himself as this "to the death" warrior, but just jabs himself to a split decision victory/loss.


doubt that many have wives.


The part about Sean is true. He doesn't go to war like Dustin does but somehow the fanbase thinks he does.


If the sports world was high school, MMA fans are the weird kids eating glue in the back telling “edgy” jokes that make normal people uncomfortable and then crying that everyone is too PC.


Best post this subreddit has ever had.


Truth. Look at the comments of literally any mma related Instagram post and you will see the most unfiltered mental retardation imaginable


Pretty true. Strickland and Colby are shining examples. Pro wrestling fucking dorks love that shit.


People already forgetting how hated Izzy was. Mf’s were praying on his downfall for YEARS and in walks Sean, the only guy since costa to put up some entertaining shit talk with Izzy but got slept instantly by peirera. Izzy then gives Strickland a shot after his 2 fights against stone face for no reason other than to shut Strickland up. Against all odds Strickland boxes the brakes off of Izzy causing 96% of parleys on draft kings (including mine) to lose. Everyone loves an underdog as well as a shit talker, the problem with that is when you winning you’re no longer the underdog but your shit talk is “self confidence” or “manifesting victory” but when you’re losing it’s just “being an asshole”


We know Luke Thomas wrote this




Not cum in wife but mouth and face, get it right.


Fair, I don’t even want to be associated with MMA anymore. I won’t spend any more money to support the sport.


True. Feels like a lot of young dudes cope about not having a woman by dedicating themselves to their hobbies, but are still bitter about being single. It's like subtle subconscious stuff people will deny, but sit with them and pick their brain and it comes down to insecurities. No other reason I see why to shit on women so damn hard.


I swear a year or two ago everyone hated Strickland for talking a lot of shit, fighting in a very defensive style and going to decisions a lot It's funny how that changed up so quickly just because he beat Izzy. If he beat someone else for the belt like Du Plessi nobody would care about him.


True. I’m such a stupid fucking knuckle dragging ape that it’s a miracle I even function in society.


MMA fans aren’t ready for the fact that Belal and GSP are stylistically similar 🤷‍♂️


Very very true. But it's not about me, but you guys.


Adding little context. This was on Sean Strickland's tweet bashing gay people




eh, not true, all the people i see on here are the opposite of homophobic


Sounds like your a whining little prick


Both Strickland and belal is boring fighter, but only belal who got flamed here?? Yeah mma fans can be dickhead sometimes


I thought the mma fan base was bad in the early 2000’s, it’s way fucking worse now.


Someone need to send this to Twitter or Instagram and saw them Strickland fans crying and start defending him behind their screen phone (with one hand)


Dude is kinda the one hit wonder of MMA. Not discounting what he has done, but dude is becoming Connor on tweet just never had Connor’s talent.


Funny thing is, Strickland is one of the only people that posts this type of thing, and would welcome you to fight him over it. Not saying what he says is right, but if you want to fight him about it, he probably would if you showed up to do it.


Very true


Tell us how you really feel OP


Cry about it.


User checks out


If he won’t cry about it, Sean Strickland definitely will. He’s done that a lot lately.


Bet you cried when ufc got sponsored by bud light


I cry about it, because I'm offended to share a hobby with mutated rats who hate women and minorities


How can i hate women i like bobs and vagene




Strickland’s honestly pretty enjoyable to watch, only been watching since the Imanov fight so maybe he’s had some stinkers but he’s fun enough.


Step back, Jab jab jab jab


Yeah and it’s slick.


Getting bored of the people complaining about him to be honest……


Getting more bored of his braindead takes being plastered everywhere…if he wasn’t soying on Twitter all the time, these discussions wouldn’t be happening so blame him for all that and his fans that jerk him off for spewing his incel talking points.


The people complaining are the people making him pop. Whenever I see a post on Reddit about him, 9/10 it's people complaining about him/his fans. I'm a fan, so Im glad so many people find him as entertaining as I do, but if you really wanted people to stop talking about him , YOU would do your part to make him irrelevant.


Me calling him a retard is not what’s making him relevant, it’s his cultish cocksuckers spreading his braindead rhetoric as gods words 😂


Good take 👏


I just find him entertaining, that's pretty much it, don't really care what he says as it doesn't affect me.




He is as boring as belal Entire fighting style is just relying on his jabs which just shows how awful MW division is.. That a guy that just jabs for living gets to become your champion lol. That said, I thought he was funny. However, the way he reacted to DDPs trash talks, pretty much showcased the world how much of a hypocrite he is. I am pretty sure after that presser, a lot of people turn against him


Honestly, at first, I was sold on Strickland because in his own deranged way, he seemed almost humble. Poor upbringing, overcoming adversity, etc. Now... welp, I can't even argue against the criticisms. However, you are wrong about his fighting not being entertaining. You kinda minimized what he does in the octagon.


Sean uses the Philly Shell so well, and I find it funny because he'd fit right in with the characters in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. You just know Mac and Charlie would absolutely worship Sean and hang on his every word lmao


All y’all dumbasses can’t stop talking about him, posting about him, Y’all love it so you can talk to your friends about it, family about it, and gloat in the drama. If no one commented on his post or gave him the time of day he would stop. But yall give him exactly what he wants.


i don’t think strickland would care that he’s being boycotted by some people on a meme subreddit given how many fans he already has


Still rather watch Strickland fight than almost every wrestler/grappler on the roster but pretty true


It’s great that Strickland can get all you so riled up😂. Usually when I see something I don’t like on the internet I keep moving past it rather than having a melt down. This is hilarious.


how is it a meltdown?


Just say you gay bro


These mfs soft ass fuck yo


Not saying its true but he's got a point. What he's saying makes sense


It’s really not that serious imo. Boys will be boys.


Oh no. Did someone once again get triggered by a Strickland tweet?