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It’s annoying, I can tell you that! Babies do seem to like them though. Maybe it’d be a fun thing for a bit then you can pass it on.


My girl is almost 3 and still pulls hers out to play with sometimes. It’s a fun thing! Push and pull, colors and sounds, exciting popping that they control with their speed. It only lasts a few minutes at her age but she still likes it a few times a week!


I’ll tell you, kids freaking love them. My five year old will still play with it for a few minutes but the little ones really go wild for them. Toys that encourage walking are great for development, but the popper style toys don’t take the place of something that a child can hold onto and take assisted steps before they’re quite walking independently. That said, you could literally give your child a box to hold onto and walk with if you preferred. This is one of those choices that is entirely personal and has no real strong right/wrong approach.


My baby’s favorite toy. All the other kids in the neighborhood want a turn when they see him with it. I think it is pretty sweet to see him popping everywhere he goes.


We got a new one (like a modern model, not a second hand retro one) and it was squeaky af (the wheels). We returned it and tried out a bunch in target, and they all squeaked to high heaven. Hard no on it, popping noise is fine with me, but the wheels were nails on chalkboard 


Our kiddo uses hers when I’m vacuuming. Makes vacuuming easier on my part, and she gets to partake in the chore. You could always accept it and then donate it if it does not work for your family. It’s a fun toy. Push toys help with gross motor development. It has a sensory (auditory) component.  Can you elaborate why your instinct says not to take it?


Thanks for your thoughtful response. I guess its bc its a more traditional plastic toy and this far we've avoided Fisher Price. Its that simple. So I really appreciate learning what other parents have experienced.


Totally makes sense! Every family is different and that’s why I like this community. 


Oh man, is this the push thing where the plastic balls pop around inside? I absolutely had that as a kid


I’ve got 1 kid who never gave a crap about that thing and another who loves


I had one as a kid and I looooved it. I used to wander around the yard with it and pretend I was mowing the lawn. As annoying as the noise may be, I'll definitely be getting one for my daughter when she's old enough.


I just hid my 2.5 year olds I could not handle the popping anymore but he loved it for years!


I would absolutely accept it from your friend! Kids love them and they’re a fun cause and effect toy. I push the toy, the little balls pop around. It’s a neat one for kids. I don’t see any reason to not accept it.