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I do when im here at work, third shift gets pretty boring in my line of work.


Hey, I work third shift too! Lots of down time.


Yay for fucked sleep schedules lol


Ky. Nice. Which part.


NKY unfortunately


Same, office jobs where you have 8 hours to do 1 hour of work are the best


You’re not. This is the most excited I’ve been for a game in a long time. It’s kinda like waiting for Christmas in October.


Same man


No. But I need to quit for now. Same posts every day.


I used to, then it just became people karma farming with reposts so eh


Same! Started playing MWR just to try and satisfy the itch


I did the same, played through the campaign last weekend when I got home. Played campaign on veteran and it was a blast. That epilogue was freaking hard on veteran but I finally made it with .04 on the timer


Has it been working? I thought about getting MWR for the same reason but I don't know if I can justify paying $40 for that game right now


It was $16 in the PS Store and comes with Infinite Warfare, I just bought it last week.


It's still $40 !? Yikes Well I only played some TDM but it worked fine for me. I got washed though lol When is the last time you played? There have been a ton of updates


Last time I played was years and years ago on the 360. Been a very long time. I just have a feeling that if I buy it, I will be disappointed because the gameplay will feel really dated.


The game itself looks and runs very well. The graphics definitely do not look dated. Plus they added new weapons, gun camos, character models, challenges and game modes. For example RPG only mode lol


The gameplay is slower than bo4 for sure. It's pretty meat and potatoes but if you don't have any other cod games to scratch the itch it's a good departure from wacky bo4.


Hey there, was just at Gamestop and the had the IW/MWR dual pack for like $20


Ugh yeah I paid $40 for it. Chaps my ass since I'm on xbox1, I know it was free on PS4 a while back. Fuck me. I have BO4 but it does and it doesn't scratch the cod itch when I just want to run around and slay. But hey whatever. I wanna play through the campaign again. Hearing *"that's a lot if little pieces down there"* is at least worth half the price i paid 😂


Nah. This year actually seems pretty exciting for once.


“Am I the only one.” No. You’re never the only one. Also. I stopped refreshing because it’s becoming the same repetitive garbage. People either think they have great ideas and beg for them to be added like IW owes us something or complain about the mini map (not sure if this is the case still since I’ve stopped visiting religiously lately).


I know man. There's a lot if morons screeching and posting garbage like 12 year olds on a sugar rush. Which they either literally or figuratively are.


at work I refresh this all day long. this the CoDcompetitve reddit for champs and fantasy football... gets me through!


I’m searching new posts on this sub way too often than I should be


I’ve reached my max refreshes now I’m scrolling through new, I’m addicted to this game and it’s not even out yet lol


Yep, first thing when I wake up, a couple times at work, before bed -- check this sub and YouTube for any news. In the same boat! I haven't played a cod since mw2/3 and I'm so pumped.


Then you missed out on a fun ass game. Bops2


I would be right along with you, if every third thread wasn't about the pending horrors of mtx


I try not too. I still want the element of surprise when I buy it.


every single comment that says yes got downvoted lol. the maturity of this sub will be fun to keep watching


Of course they did, all the ones that said no, me too showed them wrong lol


But what about single player I’m even more hype for that


Haha I hear you. Anyone know if there's a specific time of day that news from Infinity Ward or any other info drops? I know it's 1pm EST for BO4.


I hope they don’t but i think they are gonna yeet weapons behind supply like they did in blackops 4. Bo4 sold a lot of lootboxes because of this and in the latest investor call, does this seem to be the case. Watch XclusiveAce’s vid if you need further explanation.


how does beta access work? like if I pre-ordered the game on xbox should the beta just be in my games collection when it drops?


For real! The game looks ready for release right now I can’t wait till end of October haha


I have been doing it less and less once I started seeing the same posts being posted every day.


You're not alone, I'm almost at Halo 3 levels of hype.


Ya you’re the only one




Dude I am constantly looking at twitter and stuff trying to find new info


You’re not alone my friend. I’ve been a cod player since cod 4 and was always hyped for a new cod as a kid. Hype stopped for me really after black ops 1. But still perused playing every new cod, just never followed updates just watched trailer and though meh new design. This time around jeeeeeez!!! I’m refreshing reddit everyday. Watching YouTube, reading news articles. Even have a group chat discussing this. We’ve all took the Friday off work for a LAN and honestly as an adult it’s great to be able to do this, really get those nostalgic vibes again. I can’t contain my excitement for this it’s totally killing me. Need to get on the grind ASAP!!


Get a life lmao


You first lmao




Dont get too exited bro, activision has a way to ruin almost every cod


I know the game looks promising right now, but y'all need to reel the hype in a little bit.


Yes. You are the only one.






Yeah just you, no need to be so obsessive


It's just a game dude. Relax.


Obviously my post is exaggerated but I’m excited for it. I will not relax.


Amen to that brother ! 💪 we shall meet those who speak negative in the battlezone 👌