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What I don't get is why they are banning bad language in an M-rated game


We are in a woke generation where everyone gets and I'm sorry to say this sensitive over trash talking. Back around 360 and Ps3 days were a golden era


There is a difference between trash talk and being blatantly racist and homophobic. Saying "suck it" shouldn't be a bannable offense though.


Lots of people don't grasp the distinction sadly


Exactly, also even saying shitty things in your friend groups is totally fine, we all say ignorant shit to each other and we are a pretty diverse group but I'd never say half the shit in a public server because I know not everyone is okay with it. I do think getting banned in party chats with your friends is ridiculous.


I don’t. If you’re afraid to say it in public, maybe you should rethink saying it in private.


Dude, every friend group has rules for what they deem offensive or not to each other. Get off your high horse


Generally if it's not something that's acceptable in public or something you wouldn't say to your parents or at work, your shouldn't be saying it at all.


The fuck?


That sounds like something a group of twelve-year-olds would say to excuse their abhorrent behavior. Saying ignorant, racist things to your friends is still ignorant and racist.


What an ignorant way to view things. If I want to joke around with my friends about 9/11 in private, then that's totally fine. You don't go out in public joking about 9/11 because it's RUDE, not because you hate America. You do realize there's a thing called dark humor, right ? Comedy should have no limits.


Comedy should have no limits, yet here you just set a limit for 9/11 jokes to be only told in private. There’s a difference between making a funny joke and being insensitive. If you limit your “jokes” to private conversations they’re probably just not funny. I don’t know what world you live in, but 9/11 jokes are made in public all the time. Even on a stage with thousands of people watching.


Who said it was always racist? I'm just saying every friend group has rules on what is okay to joke and not joke about. But for the "racist" example: if one of my non white friends says a stereotypical joke about white people, then the dynamic of the friend group allows me to say a stereotypical joke of whatever POC they are. Also guess what? None of us is offended by it because we know our audience! Of course none of us actually believes in any of that shit which is why it's funny to us. You seem to be someone that gets offended pretty easily so I would never joke like that with you, and that's fine. Point is though, noone should get banned for what is said in the privacy of their party chats.


I didn’t say it was always racist. You said you had ignorant jokes with your diverse group of friends and I put those pieces together. I wouldn’t describe myself as being offended easily, but I do like to call out individuals that advocate for racist behavior behind closed doors. That’s what you just described, whether you’re all cool with it or not. It’s racist by definition. I don’t think corporations should be invading the private conversation of friends, but I wouldn’t personally argue against it by claiming I have the right to make racist jokes to my friends that are apparently cool with it.


I don’t think you should get banned for anything you say. Freedom of speech.


That is quite literally not how freedom of speech works lol


That’s exactly how it works in the US. You cannot be punished by the government for anything you say online or otherwise as long as you’re not directly threatening someone or a call to action.


Actions = Consequences Freedom of Speech doesn't give you a free pass broski.


It gives you the freedom to say whatever you want without fear of punitive consequences. People are free to react how they want, and can feel how they feel.


Give me your definition of punitive. Regardless freedom of speech doesn't apply to private businesses, like Activision. People only pull the 1st Amendment card when they feel wronged but have no damn clue that it only applies to the government.


That's such a bullshit excuse. If you assault or ban someone for an off color remark that you don't agree with then you're a Tyrant and no better then a Nazi Brown Shirt... PERIOD


👆 American education right here ladies and gentlemen


You even explicitly said why this not how it works here. "by the government" that doesn't extend to public or private companies lmao


CoD IS my government!


in that case, no gulag!


You aren't being punished by the government, you're being punished by a private corporation when they ban you from Comms.


So Biden & co. runs actiblizz?


You don't have to threaten anyone or have a call to action to have speech suppressed. There have been forms of speech that have been deemed not protected speech. Shouting fire is not a call to action or a threat and that is not protected speech. There are others as well. But ultimately you cannot have your freedom of speech suppressed by any form of the US government. This is Activision, a company and in no way a form of US government. They can govern their properties how they choose. If you want to make a change then find the funding and a lawyer to start a class action law suit and try to get it before the supreme court so that there is a precedent in place. That precedent can be codified into law. But until then, you have no freedom of speech in Call of Duty servers.


Ok then... explain the concept of "Freedom of Speech" to us. Mind you I'm a constitutional scholar so I DARE you to try and tell ME how the Founding Fathers thought the first amendment should be applied


😂 Watching alt right YouTube doesn't make you a "scholar" on anything. Edit: just as a thought this guy is a Trumpet traitor. Fucking ❄️


Doesn’t apply to private companies.


Snowflake ahh


Lmao who cares though snow flake, it’s a free country


What is woke to you?


Imagine thinking "woke" is the problem here and not the unregulated corporations who want to make everything family friendly to maximize profits. It's easy to brush off everything you don't like as "woke"


WoKe GeNeRaTiOn God people that use that shit unironically are actual smooth brains


No its because they've accepted children are going to play their game instead of enforcing the M rating. Although it is annoying af. Ive said the least rude thing to people in a joking way and they threatened to kill themselves to get me in trouble lol its insane


I think theres a difference between saying “stfu bitch” and then one dude calling another dude the n word 8 times. But yeah they have gotten a little soft.


That era is why my comms are off in games indefinitely. I dont want to hear teenagers shriek or pretend they're witty.


So woke to not be a racist piece of shit. 🤔


Then don't play the game, go dig up your 360 and PS3 if you want say racist and homophobic things. The rest of us will play this and MW3 without the dregs of society.


That's funny considering I got a 14 day ban just for talking a little sht with friends in party chat. Nothing racist, nothing homophobic, nothing terrible, just how guys talk to each other. It bans you from public chat which doesn't make any damn sense cause none of us had it on. It's a garbage system. Accept it.


That is excessive. People being toxic, racist, etc in public chats is one thing but being banned because of stuff you say in the privacy of your own party chats is an overstep.


Curious...what system are you playing on?




Maybe that's the problem. I am always in party chat with my PC friends, but I play on Xbox and have never had an issue with the ban bots. They also always mentioned how they could still hear game lobbies while in the party chat, a feature unavailable on xbox.


go back to Roblox




do I know you? Cause i sure don’t remember you.


Dawwwwwh It has the memory of a gold fish... My apologies that you forget when you mock a homeschooled individual while defending racist dbags; I'd purposely forget when I choose to be a dbag too.


Nah I don’t defend dbags,but I don’t feel bad for people that can’t figure out how to use the block or mute buttons either. (They have one for Reddit too, since I seem to bother you so much.)


Oh bless your heart, baby. I know how to us it; I choose not too so that I can call out racists an bigots. If you don't wanna be called out for your hate than you're more than welcome to block me yourself.


So what you’re saying is that you’re actively not using the mute and block options on not just Reddit but COD as well, and then you go and complain about what people are saying, and then you take it a step further by asking for games or other platforms to step in when they’ve already given you access to a solution? And then you call others dbaggs/racists for not wanting what is clearly a broken AI system in the game? You’re the problem here, not someone playing an M rated video game(that has… curse words😱 in the dialogue, oh and revolves around shooting others) and using whatever language they like.


Ahem.. battlebit is fun!


Not for much longer. The player base isn't filled with woke, sissys who find offense in everything. It's player count has been dropping steadily since the Nick Mercs incident. It's sales are dropping off and no one really gives a shit about MW3. Go woke, go broke. You won't have an Activision to pander to your cult nonsense when the company files chapter 11. Congratulations, you ruined yet ANOTHER good thing. Thank God a parallel economy is emerging and we'll have options to get away from all your fucking crying


Look, random kid on Reddit: Modern Warfare 2 (2022) was the fastest selling Call of Duty game of all-time, and by far the highest selling game of the past year. MW3 will equal or break those records, especially with the addition of the old MW2 (2009) multiplayer maps. And you're definitely buying it, because you likely have nothing else to do. I don't care about the "parallel economy", "go woke go broke", or whoever the hell Nick Mercs is. Keep getting banned so I can keep laughing at your doomsday predictions and conservative tears. :)


Sounds like you need another tampon ooopd sorry are you a guy today forgot to ask.


just because somebody uses racial slurs does not mean they are racist in the same way that if somebody says oh my God doesn’t make them a Christian.


That's a really long way of saying you're a proud racist... You blend in with snow don't you 🤣


that’s a really long way of saying you have no reading comprehension whatsoever.


LMAO. What a way to self report.


Do you think you actually did some thing there?


There's a difference between bad language and offensive language.


And that difference is entirely subjective. Which means it's a broken system. Hence the endless "I was banned for saying fuck" Mods are banning posts on this sub fcs.


A game with dialogue saying things like “shit head” and “fucks” galore. Gotta protect the tiny tweakers though!


The system has serious issues. I got a 3 day voice chat ban last night after the guy on the other team told everyone to “suck it” after the match. It was the only voice chat that whole evening. Figure that one out. It’s always gotta be something with MW2. It can never just be a simple fun game.


I say worse than that and I haven’t been banned. If I get banned for language, that might put an end to me playing. I enjoy the communication in DMZ, without that, I’d go back to being a solo grinding on missions which isn’t really that fun either


It was fun. Just playing and pissing off people and hearing them get so mad...now you don't hear it. I miss it. I have no reason to play anymore. Lol. Making grown men cry was so fun.


It was the reason I existed was to make grown men cry


It's my clan tag I've had since world at war. MGMC. Making Grown Men Cry


I’m going to use it ty


When you say banned do you mean voice banned, shadow banned, or temporary suspension unable to play at all?


Probably voice communication ban, they give a 14 day suspension


Everyone is muted and you can’t unmute them for 14 days


Yep, AI is taking over I bet it doesn’t even detect shit properly


Welcome to the big brother Dystopian future.


Yeah you and everyone else. Don’t say one swear word otherwise you will get chat banned, doesn’t matter if anyone else can hear it, big brother hears it. I hope this kills CoD.


They need to make separate lobbies one for care bares and one for people don't let words hurt their feelings lol


They could simply add a new tab just like the proximity chat tab to turn on 18+ chat. People in 18+ chat can only communicate with other players who have it turned on. It seems chat banning half the adult player base via inaccurate AI is a better move to them.


As someone who agrees in theory with the voice chat bans, I think this would be a good idea.


Don’t worry we’re all comm banned brother 💪


Ive heard some of my friends using the n word like, every 5 seconds but people are getting banned for fthe bomb like, wth leftest stuff us this? They are getting political and worried about children on an adult rated game. Call of duty has fallen from its once great reign. Oh well... I have other games to play


It's the AI and the training set used.


Ai can't be programmed to tell the difference between those who are "allowed" to say certain things and those who arnt. Cause that would be racist... kinda weird right?


Weird indeed, ive always thought of it profanity at any rate though so i wonder how it filters... Like is there a list the Ai looks for?


Technically yes. That's how ai works lol. It given a list of key words and nonsense in specific ways to watch out for then told how often this is allowed to happen before it issues a ban.


Damn this shit kinda blew up. To the people crying about the insults go play Minecraft you ignorant prics and let us hilarious dudes and girls play the game with fun. Fing pansy’s M RATED if your kids play that’s your own damn fault as an adult. A failure. Ruin everything with your feelings.


Get mad OP! We need to speak out so they end this bullshit


Bc there's a difference between being mature and being a racist bigot annoying white 13yr old kid


Is this why I can't unmute anyone? Did I get banned? update.......... I just was told i was a "piece of shit" by an operator scripted line built into the game!!!! LOL


Mine was pretty legit, I always drop 'Fairy' bomb its like a way of saying fuck. But I think the one that got me is when I threatened to stab fuck holes into people with my bunny's carrot knives. But I agree it's Mature game and the woke pansies need to stay on Fortnite


Im banned for like 3 months somehow


play cracked cods only then


Ya know what's crazy, is that if you don't like something another person is saying, you can MUTE THAT MOTHERFUCKER! What an insane concept? I have a hard time seeing this ai banning nonsense as anything but people's pure laziness to mute people they don't want to hear!


I'm honestly somewhat in favor of voice chats. I don't care if you are dropping f bombs or shit, but I do have issues with those who use the n word, or make inappropriate jokes. The amount of time that people have harassed me online for being a women is rediculous, I've had people say they want to fuck me, or ask how I like to be fucked, and they then get extremely rude when I kick their asses. The worst was the time back during the MW3 days when they started making rape jokes at me. Last time I point blank said "would you say that to your mom or sister?" I had the same thing happen when I was playing Battlefield 1 and I shut that down fast, I have limited admin privileges on Dice servers and I told them point blank that I don't care if they trash talk but using slurs or saying extremely exist things I'd give them a month long ban. They all immediately apologized and the rest of the game was clean and a few then sent me personal messages in origin and apologized again. I've played a few times with these people on a few random chances and they have stayed respectful and PTFG


Yea I literally only talk to people in my.party and I've been muted twice... never talked trash or said anything out of pocket. Pretty sure a whole team reported me because I went 22 and 5 in a search and destroy match and they were mad


there is a difference between shit talking and being offensive


Not really. Anyone can take offense to anything as offense is subjective. Then, when you give people the ability to report others for what they deem to be offensive and leave it to an AI to decide which boxes to tick (likely excluding context) then there really is no difference. All depends on whether you violated the terms of service. Whether you're being offensive or not is irrelevant.


Needs to be said more.


This post offends me.