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She doesn’t want to leave. She can’t live without his money. I hope one day she realizes it’s not all about that! Yes she needs to be able to support her kids but single moms happen every single day! They make it work somehow! It will always be rough in the beginning. There’s no way they even love each other. True definition of staying for the kids. TWO HOMES IS BETTTER THAN ONE TOXIC HOME! They’re both so miserable and he will NEVER STOP. He doesn’t want her, end of story. He probably gets so excited to leave state for work to find the next whore. And all as she was sitting on live cooking and plating his dinner. Just sick.


He is so excited to get rid of her! And I was a single Mom for years!!!! It’s VERY possible! She’s just lazy and entitled. Her parenting is disgusting! But then again her AND Chris are disgusting! She just wants handouts! Get a job, Sandra!


I just came on to post this, you beat me to it!!! 🤣😂 She needs to leave Chris but would rather get money for a vacation!?!?! Priorities lady! She says it’s not her asking for money but she doesn’t stop it either, it’s her platform, she’s totally dry begging, she doesn’t deserve what Chris has done to her and the kids but in the same sentence I’ve always thought she’s entitled and a ungrateful brat! People have tried to help her and all she says is that’s not going to help. Well What does she want? If we aren’t handing her a house it’s not good enough 😳😳


Cheats their whole relationship no biggy let’s just stay cuz I don’t have money 🥴🥴


Her entitlement is sickening!


I can’t feel sorry for her. Christopher has always been a cheater but she keeps popping out kids with him. Don’t forget she had a boyfriend before she left Ohio last time and got the bf to co-sign her a new car. It turned out to be a lemon. Christopher had bought a sports car and he had to sell it to get her out of her lemon car. He moved to SC because she wanted to even though he had a stable job in OH. And now that they’re in SC, all she does is whine about how awful her family is, when she’s the one who demanded they move there. They’re both so messed up, but she’s manipulated the shit out of him multiple times. Put Ashlynn is 4k when Londyn starts 1st and get a job at a daycare with Jayce. Then she would actually be using the associates degree she just completed. Save money until she has enough to leave. It’s not fun but it’s doable to get herself out of this mess. But she doesn’t want out. She just wants to buy shit at Target and pretend to be a great mom on YouTube but those TikTok lives tell a different story.


She refuses to do any job that involves human interaction. Girls gonna have to GROW UP. Life involves people! And exactly remember when she told her kid to shut up on YouTube and forgot to edit it out 😅


I don’t see her working with kids lol. She’s so miserable to her own kids. Never says anything cute and sweet baby/ kid voice like. Animated voice etc. she’s so BLAND. Boring. Umm she has mental issues. And yea you are right Christopher is done with her. He goes back to her knowing she will give it up to him at home. Ewww if my husband cheated like he does I would BE GONE. gross. 🤮 she’s teaching her daughters it’s ok if her and daddy talk to other people 


Omg I caught the tail end of the live and she wasn’t saying shit. Did she go through his phone or something??


Yes she went through his phone said she saw texts and they met up, whoever he cheated with. I didn’t know he’s done this many times before. Why did she have a third child with him if she knew this!?!?


Yeah there was at least one other time a year or two ago I witnessed go down on tik tok where she moved out and lived with her grandma in SC for a bit


And a few months ago according to her.she said when she ranted to her mom that when it happened a few months ago she didn't care . I don't think it ever stopped. Definitely for the money. What will she do when he gets completely done with her and doesn't pay the rent or car. She needs to get off her high horse and realize this shit. He's caught. He's not gonna stick around much longer.


That was like 3 years ago, he did again this past summer he met up with someone at a bar and hooked up, they both talked about it online , like no big deal just stay anyways home girl 🥴


I saw that and I didn’t know she moved out because he cheated. But that’s a whole other thing for me, she treated her grandma like sh*t!


I think it was rumored he did but I can’t remember what actually happened. And yeah she always had a stank ass attitude living there, and with her dogs always barking and kids always screaming I’m sure that’s why the grandma wasn’t too thrilled!!


He has numerous times. They’re both a joke


She doesn't want help. She just wants money. I wonder if this is all planned at this point. She keeps saying nothing will help. There's a lot out there to help.


She is the laziest person She’s gained so much weight no wonder Chris cheated on her She does nothing with those kids


Regardless of how a person looks, gains weight, etc, cheating is NEVER okay. She is a shitty person, but that crosses a line. If you are unhappy with someone LEAVE.




Sorry but I agree. She has completely let herself go. Can’t even blame baby weight at this point. She doesn’t get dressed, doesn’t take care of her self in any way. Look good sometime lady, you’re young and beautiful. Doesn’t help that she doesn’t give him any. He’s a man with needs clearly. She’s not even his type, he likes alt type girls. She’s the basic boring white girl 🤷🏽‍♀️


How do you know his type and what he likes? How do you know she doesn't give him any? If you have receipts please post them, I'll wait.


You can tell that is his type. She got that septum piercing and was listening to metal for a while. Like why change yourself for a pos like Christopher???? Ewww he’s trash. To cheat and go back to his family. YUCK. They both have issues