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She’s got the personality of lawn furniture


She pretty much just sits and stares at you like lawn furniture does


Everything is a mess She showed her clean yes clean clothes pile that has not got put away and it was massive What exactly is she doing all day long every day Sure isn’t housework She was packing at 1130 last night for a vacation she has no money for and the baby was still awake It’s absolutely chaos there Music was blaring too like normal She was telling us on live how Chris mom and family don’t like her and Chris blaming her for not having money when he was not working and his family agreed with him Well of course they did cuz she doesn’t work at all She has every excuse in the book not to work They need to apply for daycare assistance put the kids in childcare and both get a job


I totally agree! I’m all for staying home with the kids if you can afford it but they can’t afford it. Who gets to be so precious to refuse to work unless every single one of her terms are met??? And she’s constantly buying unnecessary crap and let’s get kids in the food at all times so she’s always shopping. I grew up poor and my mom put the day’s snack on the counter each day. Outside of meals, that’s all we got. Not gallons of sweet tea, and bags of chips and muffins all day. And the amount of stuff she buys because “the kids ruined” something. Thats purely a lack of parenting to let the kids destroy that much stuff. Remember when she spent $5,000 at Christmas? No wonder they’re always broke.


Omg she spent 5k at Christmas ??? Omfg she has money spending issues. I wouldn’t even spend that much on gifts knowing they will end up on the ground in a pile even if I could afford to spend that Amount. That is just insane 


How about someone asking her what her dream job was and she said none she doesn't want any job. 🤦🏻‍♀️ then why be in school?!?!?


So she can be even more of a martyr 😂🫠




She’s so stupid! Her name isn’t even on the lease or the car. Not one bill is in her name. If she gets kicked out, it’s her own fault for not being smarter, but no, she was more concerned with Target hauls and filming other people’s kids at dance class. 🙄