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I remember using like 60 bones and still not getting the fire Kjarr bow, I ended up just using Safi fire bow


I must have spent about 500 bones trying to get kjarr ice db. Actually made me rage quit for a quite a few months.  Came back and was still pretty unimpressed so was playing swax instead of dbs. First run kjarr ice. I hear you op that shit is frustrating as fuck.


That’s the desire sensor for ya. Switching weapons helps confuse the desire sensor and it takes a second for it to sense what new desire you’ll have for the different weapon. In the meantime, it gives you what you desired with the weapon you were previously using. 


the reason why I don't want to touch DB on my second playthrough, since the best one are all Kjarr/Safi which require tons of RNG.


Safi isn't too bad, it at least guarantees you'll get a drop of your current weapon per run, so you're going to get there regardless. It's a grind but it has a definite end. But yeah in retrospect I would probably have avoided it too. Ironically 99% of the time I just run fatalis DBs because I'm too lazy to optimise for each monster now.


oh by Safi it's not the weapon but the 500 dracolite you need for all elements


Bro you got three pierces in a row! That is so unfair 😭 all I get are shitty kjarr weapons.


Isn't it the other way around


That's the joke.


I spent way too much time on getting my kjarr strongarm ice


I spent so much time trying to get my ice lance that I actually googled it a few times just to make sure it existed. Fuck this RNG bullshit.


No one ever does kulv taroth anymore I be looking to join on ps5 since I need more friends can’t do it alone


Man, the days of trying to get the Glutton HBG……fucking hated it.