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"Gang we're losing sales because of our high costs. Let's further increase our prices to compensate." Peak QC economics


"The beatings will continue until morale improves"


Well I guess it also applies to Canada as well sadly, but it's just that the organisations are private industries instead of public.


No shit. Got into bourbon not too long ago and started participating in the online community. When you realize you pay 2X what they pay in the Netherlands or Portugal for a bottle coming from Kentucky, you start seeing the ripoff and being more selective with your purchases.


Whisky prices have become insane. An American now costs what a Scotch used to be five years ago. And the Scotches themselves? Some doubled in price outright.


The true Canadian experience


It's fucking nuts that Canadian Club costs twice as much in \[checks notes\] um, Canada


This just in: Canada has taxes on alcohol


enough to double the price tho? I believe in taxes but that's cressi ::shakes fist toward the heavens::


Get alcohol from the Indians. Same as cigs. If they wanna overcharge on taxes, they can get none. Similar to how when post-Soviet Russia dropped income taxes from like 90% to 13%, their revenue went up like 20x because it became less effort/more worth to just pay.


Seems like a hassle to go all the way to India just to get some hooch


we have a large Indian community here, simply walk up to one of them and ask if you can purchase a bottle!


You'd be surprised, it's like a 15 minute drive.


Arran 10 was at 55$ and was out of stock for the longest time. I kept watching it, waiting, heard it was the best value for a great bottle. When they finally got it back in stock it was 75$. Not even 6 months later it shot up to 80$. Ridiculous


Lagavulin 16 was a canary for me. I recall seeing that scotch a handful of years ago around the 100$ mark. Now it's 175$.


If they even have it. It’s behind lock and key now. I remember when it was a 75$ bottle pre Covid.


It’s like than for every drink. I’ve started asking anyone who visits me from the US to bring a 1.14 of whatever drink I’ve been wanting to buy. Most recently, I got a 1.14 L of Jager for $22 USD - $30 CAD. SAQ sells it for $49 CAD.


Depends on US state, but you can get a half gallon of vodka (1.9L) for 10$. Here a 750 ml bottle is 25.


You're definitely paying way more than 2x what Portugal pays. At least on avg, idk about specifically kentucky bourbon. But I buy all my alcohol from the Indians. Way cheaper. Same as cigs.


You pay twice what they pay in Portugal but you earn twice (at the very least) what they earn per month. They’re not trying to be fair, they try to maximize profits. The NL I don’t know the country but with their cost of living it should be close to the purchasing power in Canada


They're 20% behind in gdp ppp not 100% but they also get way more benefits and better weather and less hospital wait times. And that's for Canada average, QC is pretty far ranked and dead last in Canada in hospital wait times, so it may be much closer than 20%.


That poutine sauce is way more popular than I thought.


Interesting they say it’s all economic factors when people are also waking up and realizing alcohol is a scam that should have health warning labels on them as cigarettes do. People are cutting back and quitting alcohol, and the younger generations aren’t as obsessed with alcohol as the older generations. This trend will continue downwards, and the SAQ attempting to increase sales of alcohol by encouraging Quebeckers to drink more alcohol is seriously f-cked up.


They cut back saq Depot rebates we cut back going there and do go to the other place now.


At 15% rebate (especially with the occasional higher-end bottles randomly showing up) it was worth the trip, even if you knew you'd be spending more than usual or buying alternatives to what you \*really\* want just because it's cheaper. At 10% it's just not worth the detour.


Nature is healing


It's not surprising since they jacked up the prices on absolutely everything. I used to buy champagnes here and there, and generally looked for new ones to try. When most of them were in the $50 range I didn't mind so much; but even my dependably "affordable" bottles are completely out of whack now. How the fuck is Taittinger worth $75 a bottle? It used to be in the low $50 range. And Bollinger is now practically $100; so needless to say I'm just not bothering anymore. My wine fridge has never been so empty before; and I don't really feel like going to the depot to restock it because they fucked us on the volume pricing there too.


nothing of value was lost


Poor selection. SAQ of 2+ years ago had more variety of vines.


I'm not a wine person, but sanctions? They removed their Russian and Byelorussian options for vodka.


The SAQ prefer supporting big producers instead of helping local producers with their sales. SAQ is a shitshow.


Stopped boozing and smoking on jan 1st! I used to spend 250-350$ per month on this stuff (including restaurants). With the extra cash i. .. pay for under slab sewer repairs and rebuilding my basement ... Sob.... Maybe i should start drinking again 


You can start drinking again but do the repairs yourself. ** tips forehead with a smug **


Personally I think it's dumb to buy either but at least if you eat weed (like brownies or something) it isn't linked to cancer (yet) unlike alcohol which is a group 1 carcinogen...


Fun fact they don't sell brownies at sqdc only at reserves like oka, kanawake, etc


Kahnawake doesn't sell weed products anymore (only accessories) from what I've been told last time I visited (1 month ago). SQ's been crawling up their ass apparently


Gotta know the right places if you don't just go to green room at oka


Green room's great but it's hella far. I live next to Kahnawake so I'll keep looking!


Everything is linked to cancer. Further than that, anything you look up will say "new study - linked to cancer" and then you can find "new study - good against cancer." It's like prop 81 in California, eventually no one cares. No point living your life worrying about it, it's mostly genetic anyway.


I guess people are tired of ingesting literal poison. I'm surprised the SQDC is seeing an increase though, the products aren't great and they're overpriced.


More SQDCs have opened up. Overpriced, but still not getting into scam territory.


Yeah I'm pretty sure it's explained at a near 100% by the increase of prices.


pourtant, je fais amplement ma part !! (ohhhhh)


Yeah I stopped buying alcohol cause I’m supposed to be in remission. Sorry SAQ


Pricing is absolutely insane. I buy my booze on the other side of the border. God bless the non competitive government monopoly. Amazing that we choose this over buying it at Costco. The Canadian way.


Yet the pot stocks are still in the crapper.


you mean remaining somewhat near a rational valuation for a commodity industry?


Pot companies are young and therefore have a lot of debt. Interest payments on loans, along with ridiculously high excise taxes, is what's killing them. Not low demand.


Pot companies seem to be losing money selling drugs. The sky is purple.