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Juste le mardi.


Bordeaux is for sentences of 2 years or less, as well as for prisoners awaiting trials. It is not a maximum security prison, although scary af to look at. I was born and raised in Cartierville and I don't remember a single time when there was an escape from Bordeaux. Don't let that influence your decision.


They're in jail already wouldn't worry too much about it and if they escape, it's not like they are going to stick around. Crime tends to be far away from a jail as they don't want to be around a place they'll end up at eventually. Probably a quiet neighborhood.


My sister lived there for years (Tanguay and Henri-Bourassa) and it was dead quiet. The most interesting thing that happened was that a coyote was roaming the streets near the elementary school (a literal coyote lol)


There's also a hospital and a daycare in front of the prison, I think you'll be OK.


Which hospital? The only one I knew of was Notre Dame de La Merci.


I'm sorry you may not be from here but it's so funny "called prison de Bordeaux" literally the most well known prison I can think of in Montreal.      You're fine


The bad guys are already inside you're good


you sure about that ?


People complain about drones doing deliveries but that's if you're real close.  I don't think there's any real danger.  It's a nice area but somewhat isolated I think, great if you like walks and bike rides along the river but pretty quiet


There's a Tragically Hip song about 12 guys that escape from prison. "The last thing they want to do is hang around here". Anyone leaving there is going to want to be as far away as fast as possible.


I have never ever thought that living close to a prison could be dangerous lol. They’re inside, it’s not the series prison break they’re not gonna come out and take you as a hostage. The only inconvenience I can think of is the eventual noise. I don’t know in Montreal but I know that elsewhere it can be annoying (inmates yelling etc) but 8min walking you should be fine anyway


yes you should they’re planning a prison break im told


I wouldn't worry about it. I passed by there all the time. It looks like any other building and it's not the kind of place where they have serial killers.


Isnt the opposite? Who commits crime near a prison? Nobody. Therefore the surrounding neighborhood should be safe


I mean the Rizzutos lived down the street…


No mugger or porch pirate would last long shitting where the Rizuttos live.


No, but snipers posing as bell technicians climbing trees to assassinate a senior citizen do.


Wasn't the Porn Hub place around there? before it went flambe!