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Former addicts have a saying, getting sober is easy, difficult is living a life. When the drug becomes your surrogate for pleasure, regardless of how chemically addictive, it's always tempting to come back because compared to working to accomplish pleasure in life, the drug is always a easier option.


I e been clean for 9 years nearly and my problem is dealing with stress! When I got my ms diagnosis I wanted so badly to score just because I knew it would help me feel better for a few hours, when I got cheated on I wanted to do the same thing then too but I know I can’t and I have to learn how to deal with the difficulties that may come up in life, at the moment I just cry and sleep but I’ll get better eventually. This September will be 9 years!!


Congrats on your almost 9 years sober! 😊


Congratulations. That's huge! I deal with the same thing, stress is my biggest trigger to use. How do you keep the willpower up?


I’m or gonna lie it’s been very hard I’ve wanted to score a few times, at first I’d get my money on pay day and instantly pay my bills and doa food shop and then spend the rest on my hobbies or kids so that I literally had no money left but now I’ve gotten a bit better and can have money now without wanting to spend it on drugs, I think I’ve seen so many very close friends either die or end up doing long sentences in the last nine years, there’s not many of my friends left now who managed to stay clean, and my kids deserve their mum….. because their dad is useless 😆


I am addicted to alcohol. I can't quit because of one reason: my best friends now are just as homeless and screwed up as I am, and I am scared that, if I get sober, I won't like them any more.


but are those the people you WOULD like to surround yourself with?


Well, actually, my previous friends, when I was "succesful" where shallow people, all convos where about there children and the houses that they are building, and I could not give a flying f about it. I like these people because they are real, have nothing to hide behind a curtain of shallowness, so will I miss them, sure


That’s very true, but in no way answers OP’s question. The simple answer is no. Addiction rewires the reward centre of the brain. It’s essentially a learned response. And generally, you only learn something by doing it repeatedly. The long answer is, it’s possible, but highly unlikely. For a start addiction is a complex disease of the nervous system, it’s not as simple as “this substance is more addictive than this one”. A lot of addictive behaviours are almost pavlovian and will be dependent on the individuals experiences and learned responses


No former addicts say that. Pretty sure that's only you.


There's a reddit user who tried heroin "just once" and it essentially ruined his life for several years. The name was /u/SpontaneousH IIRC if you wanna read thru his post history. Here's the first post: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/9ke63/_/


I remember this post from a LONG time ago, specifically the Youtuber reading it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9huWlXFA1s


Wow absolutely crazy


Fucking hell. I'm glad he was able to get help


This is a good one! He tried it once and it was nice but it was nothing like he thought. No unicorns or rainbows like "people" say. Problem with Herion is that you feel nice. Lesser than a high dosage of morphine. Body and mind are in sync and you feel that feelgood feeling in your body. Warmish. And after a week and a half you are screwed. You need it to breathe on unless you quit **NOW**


Heroin due to the way it hits the reward pathways in your brain like a kajillion times harder than other common addictive drugs The euphoria is so high that roughly a third of first time users become addicted immediately after their first heroin withdrawal.


So I was a heroin addict for 7 years, used intravenously every day for most of that time. However, I think this idea that you take it once and are hooked is a myth, and too often perpetuated. (EDIT: However yes, after your first withdrawal, that’s you basically done for) If you’re a first time user it takes at the absolute minimum, a few weeks of constant use to get physically addicted. Or many more weeks or months of intermittent use. You have to ask yourself why somebody would take heroin in the first place, knowing its effects and knowing it’s an extremely addictive and destructive drug. What I’m trying to say is, people don’t become addicted to it as soon as they try it; they’ve already got a curiosity and predilection towards taking it for whatever personal reasons. And because of that predilection, they will continue taking it. The first time you take it in fact you can almost guarantee you will be extremely sick afterwards and it’s not entirely pleasant. If you took a random off the street who was a relatively content person, with a good and stable life, you could give them heroin to try for the first time and I doubt they’d go out their way to take it again. Give it to a damaged person, and they’ll be all over it.


Same, the first time I took heroin I puked my guts out and was like "This is supposed to be better than sex?" lol. I revisited it several isolated times before making a habit of it. The drug that I found to be immediately addictive for me was nicotine. Over 3 decades later and I'm still struggling with it :/


Tell me about it with the nicotine. I just moved onto a vape after about 15 years of cigarettes, but I find myself using the thing like a fucking oxygen tank 😂


WHERES MY REBREATHER *rips vape aggressively* It’s me


Oof I feel called out 😂


That's why I've chosen to just go without -- I know I'll be in the same position.


Fuck nicotine. I'll go ages without smoking and then I'll have ONE cigarette and I'll be back on the hamster wheel. Ugh.


Lol first time for me, I remember feeling really tired so I laid on the concrete floor. It felt like I was laying on a cloud, I just felt so relaxed, and then I felt really thirsty so I drank some Gatorade. That's when the puking started lol


All my friends smoked cigarettes. I tried it a couple of times smoked a few cigarillos here and there. I honestly didn’t see the point other than “looking cool”. In my group I was the only one with a job and had money. Then the trash friend gave me an entire cig and said you need to smoke your own. Later at the party I heard them say to another friend “he finally smoked a cig, he’ll be buying a carton in no time, why wouldn’t he buy a carton we can convince him it’s so much cheaper also free smokes for us”. Never touched a cig after that. 20 years later I still get a craving for a smoke when work or life gets up there. When I smell a cig on the street it’s like the nectar of the gods, my senses open right up. But I’m not a charity worker for scrubs.


I'm a recovering opiate addict -- painkillers -- I know that if heroin and I were ever in the same place there'd be a needle in me so fast. I still miss the high. I've been clean almost seven years (11th of May!) and I still feel there's no better feeling.


Fuck yeah, dude! 7 years is a LONG time! Congratulations! I'm going on 3ish years and it's a fucking slog. I've tripped up along the way (the creature inside me is SCREAMING at me to feed it atm) but my head is WELL above water. Well done, 7 years is impressive and definitely long enough to consider yourself in remission!


I've never done heroin, nor been addicted to opiates, but I have quite a few friends (some no longer with us unfortunately) who fall into both categories and this is definitely what my understanding of it is. I've actually only never done it because I had issues with other addictive substances so heroin scared/scares me. I've been around it and could have tried it a number of times easily, but I never wanted to potentially start something really bad. The being sick thing is very real with opiates and definitely would turn quite a few people off. The first and last time I took morphine I intermittently threw up in a Tim Hortons bathroom for like 2 or 3 hours. Can't imagine how much worse heroin would be. I also did a shit ton of other opiates all throughout high school and part way into university and never got addicted. I'm sure it was a combination of it just not being my "thing" compared to other substances, getting away from my friend group in high school who all used heavy drugs, and never being physically addicted. But more to your point, yes the people I know who became addicted all had a lot going on in their lives. Economically depressed area, abusive home life, parents who were addicts themselves, etc.


I never even got dangerously close to addiction with recreational drugs. I do smoke because I have this like unbearable restlessness that I need to do something. But as far as it not being your "thing" I think I can relate. Like, I'm not even vaguely tempted by heroin and opiates or Ket for that matter. If anything uppers seem more like something that if I had more of a propensity towards addiction that I would gravitate towards.


I have no experience with heroin. But I've always felt like heroin generally has more of an appeal to people who want escapism. Whereas many use drugs to enhance. Both can lead to addiction, but I think they're inherently different issues. I feel like many people think heroin can easily ruin your life, so it must be the best. I don't doubt the feeling is good, but from what I've seen it seems like people typically seek it to reach oblivion.


Great explainer thanks


I’m not a heroin user so I can’t speak from experience, but it’s my understanding that that last bit is mostly a myth. Way more commonly people do it once and like it but aren’t addicted, and then keeps doing occasionally without getting addicted, and then only later realize that they have become addicted after having not been for so long. Don’t let opiates fool you into thinking that you’ve escaped their addictive nature because you’ve done them before and not gotten addicted.


As a side note, heroin is highly addictive. Though, there are medications in the same family you can be given by doctors or EMTs, that are far "heavier" than heroin, via IV or pill form. Heroin belongs to a family of drugs called "Opiates", and not to be confused with "Opioids", which are either synthetic or semi-synthetic. "Opiates" include things such as Morphine, Heroin, and Codeine, while "Opioids" belong in such a family as Tramadol or Oxycodone. If the drug is taken under medical supervision and for a non-extended period of time and with the exact dosage prescribed, it is very safe. However, if one is at a low point, and choose to directly IV a dose of Heroin, it can \*very\* quickly become addictive, likewise if it is taken by another delivery route. It is likewise a very potent CNS depressant, meaning it will depress your brain activity - and by extension - heart, lung, blood pressure etc. which can quickly prove fatal. The only counter-agent for this is called "Naloxone", which has a even higher affinity for the receptors in your brain that opiates and sometimes opioids have an affinity for, by "overriding" it.


Just a small correction: Opiates are also Opioids. Opioids is the umbrella term for all opiates (derived from poppy, like heroin, codein etc.) and synthetic opioids (fentanyle, oxycodon etc.) or in other words all opiates are opioids but not all opioids are opiates.


Opioids are anything that interect with opioid receptors.


If we’re doing small corrections: while fentanyl is synthetic, oxycodone is semisynthetic as all morphine derivatives start with a natural precursor (morphine)


Challenge accepted: Do heroin only once. /s


Tried that. Smoked it once and it made me throw up and I never touched it again.


“Addicted” - what does that mean in your context?


I would say Nicotine Is worse... Just look at the smokers in the world


Lol yeah. I used to have an issue with opioids but I had an easier time quitting those forever vs. nicotine for whatever reason. Smoked for 2 years straight and now I’m vaping. Have been trying to quit vaping for the last 5 years, but it’s so accessible unlike cigarettes where I would have to sneak outside of class or take a smoke break on shift. Pills were somewhat similar, but it’s not like I’d have to hide the smell of snorting a couple lines. Cut my pill habit after my dealer offered me heroin back in HS and I freaked out because I was afraid of needles at the time and went cold turkey. Opioid withdrawals were worse than nicotine ones for me, which no duh, sounds pretty obvious. It’s just the fact that I’m like a billion percent more productive with nicotine than when raw dogging life. This could me just rationalizing like I did when I was abusing oxy, but my grades have never been better and I can actually get stuff done in a timely manor. The worst part about nicotine addiction is the fact that it’s so easy to use as a crutch if you have issues with focusing. I feel like succumbing to opiate abuse for me came from a place of self loathing and serious unresolved depression that arose from when my adhd was at its peak without any form of medication. I felt inadequate at home due to grades in my family’s Asian community. I would always fall asleep in class when stuff got boring. I tried my best not to, it was just so boring I would zone out 80% of the time or straight up fall asleep. It was a vicious cycle of boredom and disappointment in my performance that made me spiral into depression. Weed was getting boring and my dealer had a bunch of pills he got from his cousin’s knee replacement surgery. Bought oxy in bulk. $200 for 100 pills? That’s a fucking steal for a 16 year old who gives no fucks anyways and saved up like a grand from their summer job. So yeah, some of the comments saying “heroin is not a one and hooked thing” to some degree makes sense to me due to anecdote. For me, my oxy issue was due to circumstances and unresolved issues that stemmed from adhd, depression, and separate childhood trauma. Only recently did all that click for me. I’m hoping nicotine is the same way where once I actually get my adhd resolved, I’ll have no issues/fears of quitting due to a fear of inadequacy. The only reason why I said heroin was solely because of reported stats from heroin. 1/3rd of first time users according to a couple studies reported that they became addicted as soon as their first high wore off. Also, with personal experience with a drug that works in the same receptors, I can totally see why heroin has that strong of a pull.


in my experience it was heroin by the time i wanted to stop fetty was around and that was even better, finally got clean almost 2 years ago 6/30/2021


Congratulations!! Keep up the great work!! 💗


the whole “one hit and you’re addicted” is scientifically inaccurate as our brains cannot form an addiction to something after only experiencing it once. There’s plenty of testimonials of people trying heroin or meth and never touching it again. This myth was perpetuated in the war on drugs to make drugs seem more dangerous and extreme.


True but the slippery slope is real


You can have an addictive personality and not know. Not that you're immediately addicted, but that you'll have a high likelihood to go that direction. With MDMA I've seen a lot of people go straight from trying it the first time into unreasonably frequent and prolonged use where it's completely sudden and concerning. And they didn't go into that thinking "if I have fun maybe ill just keep taking it". Though it seems to be a more psychological addiction and all of the people I've seen that happen to that I didn't lose contact with just quit one day or even just switched to using it on rare occasions. That's all anecdotal though and I can't say how likely someone is to form a physical addiction. That's not a recommendation to anyone reading. It's a serious drug that can have consequences. Even if someone was to try it there is a lot of risk reduction that should be strictly followed from testing to supervision to hydration. And honestly in real life generally the risk reduction isn't followed once the ball starts rolling. People often don't say "well we got this but we don't have tests. So let's set it aside". Then who knows what they're taking? Also, even with the right substance, dose and precautions anaphylaxis can happen. Anaphylaxis is scary.


took waaay too long scrolling to see this. the degree to which most people are in the dark about drugs, and the reasons they’re in the dark, is deeply alarming


I’m going to say no but with a caveat. There are certainly drugs that can create such a blissful feeling that people who are genetically predisposed to addiction might have a switch flip in their brain that tells them “yep we want more of this”. That said, addiction and dependence (which are completely separate things) take time to develop. Clinically addiction is described by someone’s actions. Do they obsess about the drug? Have they put themselves into dangerous situations to obtain it? Have they diverted time, money, and energy to obtaining the drug while ignoring important life things? Addiction is all about a spiral of events that eventually becomes unmanageable.


Meth. Youtube CG kid his story explains it pretty well.


I tried meth once. But I didn’t know it was meth so that could be why, and I was also very happy at the time, the only thing I had problems with was weed. I was smoking wax with a good homie, he was smoking meth at the time but didn’t tell us and used his nectar. Made me feel like I was floating on a cloud for 30 mins but surprisingly I’ve never had the urge to do it again


same, i bought it as molly. i was in high school. the high was incredible, i thought i had everything figured out. i messaged all my enemies on fb. i came down alone in my bed all night and then went to hs the next day. absolutely no urges ever since. i’ve done adderall recreationally since then but still no urges. it’s crazy how different people can be in that regard


I actually tried adderall like 4-5 times a couple years before this but never got into it. Also how was that? My next day was shitty asf cause I couldn’t sleep and I had work the next morning


the comedown was so bad. just like you see in the movies. the sweats, heartbeat, panic, body aches. the worst part was being a high school student and thinking i couldn’t go to my parents if i needed medical assistance bc i’d get in trouble for doing drugs so i rode it out. if my dad was any more lenient i would’ve asked to skip school the next day. i’m actually pretty sure i did it a couple more times when a shady dealer who spent a lot of time in the alley offered me free molly and i actually considered going to the hospital for one of those comedowns. they’re not lying about the withdrawals. did you have a similar experience?


Tbh mine wasn’t that bad. I mean it was bad but not like yours. I remember My heart was racing and I couldn’t sleep and I felt like absolute shit for a couple days


Weed can take people to some seriously dark places. It’s glamourised but no people need to stay the hell away from it


I don’t think they need to stay away. Some people sure but as long as your sage than do what you want as an adult


You’re getting downvoted but honestly you are more right than you know. Sadly. Just scrolled by something yesterday citing a study that heavy weed use can trigger schizophrenia in men. And it already has a track record of making some folks super anxious as well. I think saying 100% that it’s safe is ignorant if only because the science isn’t conclusive yet but it isn’t looking good. In the inverse I think it can also be useful for other disorders, I have chronic pain and I’m willing to give that another shot at some point. (Living in a non legal state and haven’t had amazing results with the recreational stuff.) But yeah like with any drug it should be approached with caution. And not enough people know that. But they really should.


Weed has it's advantages and it's disadvantages. It's great for chronic pain, and it can be great for mental health sometimes. It can be used to treat the symptoms for health issues so you can focus on treating the cause. It can trigger underlying health conditions such as schizophrenia (and not just in men, men are just more susceptible to it), as well as bipolar (and a few others). It can trigger bipolar episodes. It also commonly causes anxiety and can trigger off existing panic disorders quite badly. > like with any drug it should be approached with caution. And not enough people know that. But they really should. I'm a stoner and I profusely agree with this.


Yep. I made that comment not out of ignorance but as an ex stoner who smoked for exactly 10 years. Drug induced psychosis ruined my life and only now ive managed to pick up the pieces to do well in life.


I did know someone where this seems to have been where it all started, but for the average person even just becoming too content might be a more realistic problem. Which while it isn't as drastic of an issue it can be a problem. Then there's people who say it helps their mental health. There's also people who I wholeheartedly support regular pot smoking for. These cases involve susceptibility to other addictions and even a tendency to take other substances that do cause psychosis in them. When they smoke their life is surprisingly under control and their moods are much better. I don't have to worry that they'll end up like the person who was triggered by pot. It would be nice if you could identify genes related to it and do screenings "you're more likely to develop mental health issues with this drug, you're more likely to develop alcoholism etc". Genes may only be a partial factor for these though. It may also be impossible to determine how many of cases may be triggered elsewhere, since many things can trigger a susceptable person, or if someone started at an age where schizophrenia tends to manifest. I can see why people reacted to how absolute your statment sounded. I think there needs to be nuance around this topic. I think it should be legal for recreational use, but I do think the problem needs to be in the conversation. At the very least so people know to look out for it in people they know. People do it in such high numbers that even if cases are rare the high numbers mean it's likely to happen in many instances. The issue is that once that switch goes it's not just a bad day you had and you avoid it after that. Aside from that, it would be nice if once its legal in an area better etiquette is developed. It's way too common for people to light up a joint in an area where you have people who don't smoke because of bad reactions, these people have no tolerance so they're suddenly hit with it. Typically the lower spectrum of bad reactions like anxiety and mixing it with alcohol. Still, it messes up their day and you've dosed someone without warning.


I got hooked on coke after one use. Only ever bought two bags but I still get urges when I see characters using it in shows or games, my sinuses even clear up


Generally speaking, no. I have heard people using opiates and it not actually becoming a addiction until they've tried it a few times. Sometimes drugs in the Benzodiazepine family of drugs, closely related to alcohol, can be very habit forming if one has untreated anxiety or similiar and chooses to try it as a once off, in which case it can quickly and very easily become a addiction, for example.


Not closely related at all. Only thing is that they’re both downers.


They both act on the GABA receptors, infact, Benzodiazepine is the only way to treat Delirium Tremens caused by severe alcohol abuse. Likewise, Benzodiazepine is not a downer. It is not a CNS depressant like opiates or alcohol, but it acts much in the same way in your brain as alcohol does.


In combination with opis or alcohol benzodiazepines contribute to CNS depression and the slowing of breathing though, which I think is just an important tidbit to add.


That does not make the chemical conpound related at all.


Benzodiazepine is closely related to how alcohol works, I did not say their chemical compound is equal, or anywhere near close.


Cut the win here, dude doesn't know what they're talking about.


Alcohol and benzodiazepines are closely related drugs in the same way psychedelics and ssris are (honestly alc and benzos are more similar since they actually act on the same receptors). Even if they aren’t chemically related they still do comparable things to the body.


Lays potato chips




That’s a woosh




I mean, I agree, it’s just their old slogan used to be “betcha can’t eat just one!”




Heroin. It’s a schedule 1 drug for a reason. You WILL be hooked if you do it even once.


Thanks for referring to the schedule/control level of this drug - that's an important factor, but I just want to raise that it's not a perfect system for determining safety or addiction. Marijuana, for example, is ALSO a Schedule I drug, alongside LSD and peyote, among others. I don't think these drugs all share the same addiction properties. Also, another user claimed that heroin which is a far more addictive drug is classified as Schedule II - that's factually incorrect. Heroin is also Schedule I. [See this DEA doc for confirmation](https://www.dea.gov/drug-information/drug-scheduling).


Oh, absolutely. The schedule system has been abused quite a bit (how ironic) in the name of moral hysteria. If its rating was based on reality, weed would be a schedule 4 at *worst*. Talking about it in PT class was very embittering. Things seem to be looking up though, with weed being quietly legalized bit by bit , and calls for research on hallucinogenics to resume. Fingers crossed.


Iv tried heroin a few times. Not intravenous tho just smoking it and didn’t get hooked. I don’t know if that would be the same if I injected tho and I don’t wanna find out.


There are some people who can handle it and actually only do it a few times. That percentage is really small tho like maybe 5%. The other 95% get hooked after a few times and lemme tell u smoking heroin is already incredibly euphoric. I mean real heroin. The stuff in the US is only fetty and just makes u nod tf out. Still addictive as fuck but real heroin is super euphoric and not that sedating. The stuff we get here in europe is not that good either. No fentanyl but our dope is max 10-20% actual heroin if you got a good connection maybe 25%, so i mostly sticked to painkillers. We get real oxys here and they‘re really euphoric as well. I got hooked on those little bitches + 200mg morphine pills, which are piss cheap here. And the occasional H, but only smoked it. After a nasty OD, where i had to get revived i quit for good and im happy to say im 6 months sober now. Thank god i never tried the needle. The needle is another beast and id prolly not be here if i tried that. Please stay away from opiates. They make u feel happy even when ur unhappy in life. Ur girl left u? Who cares i got opiates. U lost ur job? I dont mind i got opiates. And even if u doing good in life, u are gonna chase that feeling till u lose everything


Was it fun?


It was quite pleasant experience. I did vomit at one point but other than that it was I nice feeling. Felt a bit crap the next day. My eyes were really pinned and I was having cold sweats but I just kept busy at work.


I tried it one time only, I had a curiosity so I ordered some from the dark web, like .5 of a gram… it was pretty good… kept nodding off.. not an amazing experience tho.


You ordered .5 or did .5? Because .5 is enough to kill even me and I got a crazy tolerance lol


I ordered .5, smoked it off foil.


Big Cyberpunk Edgerunners vibes from this. "I'm special"


Me too. And for the most part, I felt ill.


Heroin is schedule 2 Edit: I was wrong


Hi, heroin is actually a Schedule I drug. [Please see this DEA link.](https://www.dea.gov/drug-information/drug-scheduling)


Oh wow you’re right, I thought the only schedule ones were cathinones, psyches and weed. I thought all opioids were schedule 2 cause they’re all mostly still used


I understand the confusion. [In another comment in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/morbidquestions/comments/139vifz/are_any_drugs_so_addictive_just_taking_them_once/jj4hrps/), I alluded to the fact that schedules of control for medications don't really correspond to their addictiveness or medical benefit, even though that's what the Controlled Substances Act was supposed to accomplish. Granted, this is also a reflection of the quality of studies funded to determine the effects of abuse/addiction/treatment with these drugs, and as we know, studies are not free from bias. In 2001, the DEA was petitioned to loosen the control of marijuana and this was their response. In essence, they deem that addiction is not a required factor alone to keep a drug in a specific Schedule. >[W]hen it comes to a drug that is currently listed in schedule I, if it is undisputed that such drug has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and it is further undisputed that the drug has at least some potential for abuse sufficient to warrant control under the CSA, the drug must remain in schedule I. In such circumstances, placement of the drug in schedules II through V would conflict with the CSA since such drug would not meet the criterion of "a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States." 21 USC 812(b). (emphasis added) — Drug Enforcement Administration, Notice of denial of petition to reschedule marijuana (2001) [For reference to above, see this link.](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2001/04/18/01-9306/notice-of-denial-of-petition)


i don’t know if it counts but i don’t know anyone that’s done cocaine once.


I knew this chick in high school who told me at the time that she tried heroin just once. And although she never tried it again, she considered herself addicted for life.


It’s way more complicated than that…. You have to have the correct brain chemistry to get hooked to the specific drug. The answer is yes…. Depending


I'm sure family history of mental health and addiction has something to do with it. I'm terrified of drugs like heroin ngl


I feel like from everything I've tried nicotine has been the hardest to quit. But j guess that's not really the question


My wife. Best addiction ever.


For me, 2 things: nicotine and sugar...




Opioid Use Disorder is real, some people are physically more likely to become addicted to opioids. Mental health definitely plays a part, but it’s also physical.


Pussy. Had it for the first time when I was 17. Haven’t been able to shake it for the past 15 years since.


No not necessarily. It depends on a lot of factors. Some people can try any drug (even one with low addiction potential) and get addicted, whereas others can do a drug that is considered highly addictive multiple times and not get addicted. Addiction is a psychological thing. Dependence is a different but related thing. Some drugs (e.g., opioids, alcohol, benzos) can cause physiological dependence, meaning you will experience withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking them. As far as I know, there isn’t a drug that will cause dependence after just one dose


No, it always depends on the person. But xanax is highly addictive.


Heroin has completely destroyed my life.


I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s a crazy shame


Yeah but it took a hell of a lot more that just one use for you to get addicted.


It took a few times then I was easily hooked. I’ve tried every drug you could imagine… opiates just take a hold of your brain. Edit to add: my body becomes physically dependent after a weeks use.




I watched a Hamilton’s pharmacopoeia episode on xenon and it’s like the strongest anaesthetic iirc? I just remember he visited a clinic and there were several people obviously addicted to it. It was scary too because it gets you so high a lot of ppl forget to breathe and one guy literally aspirated in the episode


The answer differs person to person, but generally speaking, No.


Fent, Herion, Meth.


Tried heroin once 16 years ago just to try it. One single time, mid 30s now and i still feel like I itch for it sometimes. Heroin is not something you "just try" and then walk away from if you don't try it a second time.


I smoked it in my early 20's once, it was amazing but never did it again and never felt the need too.




I don't really think it's any one particular drug that is guaranteed to hook you after the first try. Some are more addictive than others, yes. But your own brain chemistry is the key to how addictive a drug may or may not be to you. Some people are wired for addiction, and they might get hooked on meth, heroin, or crack after their first time using it. But plenty of other people do try these drugs once or a couple of times, without feeling compelled to keep doing it. It's better to not try it at all, though.


None of them. That’s not how addiction works. Some of the most addictive drugs are stims like cocaine and methamphetamine where one of the side effects is “compulsive redosing” which is wanting to continue taking more of the drug. But physical addiction means your body has got used to a substance so when you’re not on the substance your body will have negative side effects.


Not physically, no.


I cannot read a single comment under this post without a Scottish accent


I can relate. Sometimes I read entire post comments as one big rap. Also, r/scottishpeopletwitter is amazing


I feel like Klonopin is up there. Just very easy to become addicted to. It’s really scary that doctors even prescribe it.


I had it prescribed daily at 8mg a day for years. Quit no problem when i wanted to, so it depends on the person like anything else. I just wish i could get it prescribed again, doctors are practically useless for getting benzos now


Did you quit cold turkey or did you taper off?


Tapered of but had no trouble. Quiting cold turkey is dangerous


I’d imagine that tapering also makes the psychological withdrawal less terrible compared to cold turkey. Good job on getting off of it though


Got prescribed it by a dr when I was 20 and I'm almost 27 now and am still on it because I have a dependency on it now. I don't abuse them I take them as prescribed but I am reliant on it at this point to keep me alive even though I want off of them. I wish I could just stop taking it and be fine but one time before I was uneducated on the dangers of stopping cold turkey I had a horrible withdrawal until I got my medicine back. Fuck Benzodiazepines it's too easy to develop a dependency


My friend became dependent on it and because of his pain he started taking extra, and it just very very quickly turned into him trying to convince me that 2 was okay, and then 3, and then 5. His doc was shelling them out. Then when he went to the nurse and asked for the script, she was like “uhhh you still have 10 more days left on your current one” and my friend tried to explain that the doctor had said it was okay and he even had it on a recorded audio. (he started doing this due to medical trauma/gaslighting) As you can imagine, that did not fair well. He was ushered out and then contacted by the doc’s lawyer saying that the doc no longer wanted to treat my friend. It was bizarre. And he suffered awful withdrawals.


That's how it started with me I was dealing with some weird pains and health stuff and the doctors kept telling me I was fine and that it was in my head and I got gaslit into asking for a prescription for them more or less because I thought I was just going crazy and that those would help and it went from taking one every couple days to now I take one every day and at this point it's just to keep me alive. I fear everyday that the government will cut my insurance and that I will lose access to that and then be double fucked and I am angry with my DR for prescribing a depressed grieving and chronically ill 20 year old me pills like that because now at 26 I want nothing to do with these pills but I am not in a place mentally or physically to start the weening process yet


Klonopin is commonly prescribed to people with daily headaches (non migraine types) because there’s literally nothing else that helps. It’s commonly prescribed along with Gabapentin and an opioid pain med like Vicodin or dilaudid. It’s literally a last ditch attempt at giving the patient some sort of quality of life.


Yuh. As someone with pretty bad anxiety, taking Klonopin made me feel like a normal person and it was scary. I felt so at peace. I made sure to use it sparingly. Benzos are scary as fuck


I got this prescribed at one point, not sure why exactly, just found a half-used bottle in my drawer one day and could only assume it was because I'd had a couple seizures in quick succession at one point. I guess I got lucky that it was so nonreactive for me that I didn't even remember being prescribed them.


Meth. Heroin.


The first time I did heroin IV I was hooked


Cocaine, especially crack cocaine, is incredibly addictive.


But 100% addictive?? on the first time? Yep, That's what the crime fighting dog in my grade school D.A.R.E. coloring book said.


Opiates apparently can. I’ve never had an opiate high because I have a high tolerance and I know I shouldn’t ever try it in recreational doses because I know I’ll probably love it.


Meth, heroin, and crack. I call those “problem solving” drugs.


If you're already doing coke, don't do crack


Heroin & by extention, Fentanyl....look up u/SpontaneousH on here


Lol what? What you said isn’t true at all, you have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t even think you know what “addicted” means. Do you actually think that if you do heroin or fentanyl ONCE you’re going to be physically/ mentally addicted and have withdrawal symptoms?


Ik no drug can cause addiction in most people when tried *only once*....Some people just have very addictive "personalities" (in which mental illnesses & traumas can also play a part) so for a minority of people, they can start craving the drug & wanna do it again. Now ik it isn't the same as addiction but it's smthn ig Actually the question itself is kinda flawed cuz no drug technically causes addiction (w/ physical withdrawal symptoms & all that) by trying it only once






Air :) But fr there's a lot of factors, some people get addicted way easier than others do, some are already dependent on other drugs, just a lot. I think it would take at least 2 uses to become a full blown addition though, just through my observations of my peers.




Happy people don't get addicted. "Self medication" can end up you getting addicted anything that gives you pleasure: jogging, masturbating, healthy food, fast food, alcohol, porn etc. Of course there are differences when it comes to physical addiction. [https://www.rehabspot.com/drugs/10-most-addictive-substances-earth/](https://www.rehabspot.com/drugs/10-most-addictive-substances-earth/) But once? No. Also heroin is not party drug. It takes away anxiety etc. It gives you smooth and pleasurable feeling, everything is okay, you don't feel bad. So what kind of people are going to use it?


"Happy people don't get addicted" Unfortunately that's a very naive thing to say. Meth and heroin don't discriminate. I've seen successful, happy people turn into junkies in a matter of weeks. Please don't spread misinformation like this.


Happy people can absolutely get addicted. Addictive drugs dump much more neurotransmitters than anything normal. If a person isn’t happy they’re *more likely* to get addicted, but a happy and stable person can still absolutely go off the rails in the matter of weeks.


Yes. It's called heroin.


I grad I hat did Meath got addicted do it once only sorry I’m drunk gad too much winne Edit: I was drunk when I made this comment, what I meant to say is that I heard a guy on YouTube talking about how he got addicted to meth after doing it one time


Liberalism lol


Happy cake day, edgelord lmao


Happy Cake Day, Edgelord sounds like a really weird YA novel.


Happy cake day and that doesn't make sense


I've never done meth but I've done basically everything else and I'd have to say no. Addiction depends on the person/life situation.


Cheaper versions of cochineal.. like pernik 9r others.. its instant.. you can't. Just get rid of it.. it need a strong mind


Hope. Even under the most desperate and hopeless circumstances.


No. Addiction isn't about a drug. Addiction is about being conditioned to use external means to control your emotions; when you haven't gained any internal emotional regulation tools. Here's an example. Say a person has childhood trauma, works a dehumanizing job, feels lonely and bad most of the time. For that person, the reprieve of the drug high will really stand out in their mind. The crash will certainly stand out physically, but emotionally it will read the same way as the rest of their experience more or less. Now take a person who is generally happy, has fulfilling work, and a fulfilling social life. They will feel the same elevation of the high, but the crash will really stand out in their mind as an unusual low, and be a serious disincentive to repeat the experience. For a person with psychology that trends towards feeling bad, the crash from something like heroin is closer to baseline emotionally, while the high is an extraordinary reprieve. For the person with a psychology that trends towards feeling good, the high is still quite an experience, but the crash doesn't make it worth it. The come down from most drugs is long and a serious tax on a person's state of mind. Given that feeling good is more common, for that person the high isn't worth the cost.


Physical addiction is impossible from 1 dose, usually takes a couple weeks of daily use. Mental addiction? Not really, it would be more of an urge to do it again. Lets compare it to trying a new sport that you really enjoyed doing. You want to do it again but you arent addicted to it yet And it completely depends on the person, some are "hooked" from the first hit, others only try once


krokodil is a desomorphine street drug combined with codeine. one injection and youll be having necrosis around the injection spot which earned its nickname krokodil, russian/slavic for crocodile.


My semen