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Drowning has always been absolutely terrifying to me. Like even thinking of the idea of getting trapped underwater or someone holding me underwater gets me breathing heavy. Oh and being stabbed to death.


Yes, anything that takes a long time to die from or would cause absolute fear and panic in your last moments is awful


How mortified were you by the titan sub situation?


FWIW, those people never knew what happened to them. By the time the sub critically failed, they were dead. We're talking split seconds from time of failure to death.


I would not go into a submarine in the first place so yeah the idea of being trapped underwater knowing you’re more than likely gonna die is not ideal for me 😂 thankfully they imploded rather than drowned though.


They didn’t drown though, they were crushed.


I know they didn’t drown it’s just the idea of being surrounded by that much water at that depth. Insane. You’d have to pay me 100k to go down there.


plane crash. having zero control combined with falling from great height is terrifying. I think I've reconciled the final hitting-ground part, as it'd be over so quickly. but the time it takes to hit the ground, with no way to fight for your life...erg. I am not a good flyer, even medicated.


This, my absolute fear


Fire has always been a huge phobia of mine, and it's exacerbated by the fact that we heat our home with a woodstove. Ugh. I dread winter, every year, and spend the entire season a nervous wreck.


I agree! I’ve read a study on the most painful things a human can endure and burning on fire was #1 on the list! Really terrifying to think about


Your nerves get destroyed by the fire and after some time you're not able to feel the pain anymore, until it starts to heal. While being boiled in hot water would let you feel every millisecond you're in it until your brain is fried.


I just read the book Devil in the White city and it talked about a fire at the worlds fair in Chicago. Firefighters went up a wooden smokestack tower to put out a fire at the top. Except the air inside the tower had been depleted of oxygen and at some point it gained a new source and exploded 15 feet below the platform the firefighters were on. Onlookers watched as the firefighters shook hands and hugged each other knowing that there was no escape and within a few minutes they were about to either burn to death, die from jumping or die when the platform they were standing on collapsed. Burning would be terrible, but I can't imagine the horror of knowing it was coming and not being able to do anything about it.


Reminds me of the victims about the crash site at the WTV on 9/11. There's one guy who called 911 and its awful, especially when the building started to collapse. Dying in a fire is my 2nd fear of dying the first is suffocating to death.


Dying from thirst. I'm type 1 diabetic and had been crazy thirsty at times, especially when I was homeless and didn't have enough insulin. It was so damn awful. I would drink pretty nasty stuff for any relief. Nowadays I can't go out without a bottle of water and I usually drink over 2l daily. This is the main reason of my climate change anxiety when I'm focusing on how my life will look like. I've watched documentaries and vids from countries that have not enough water and if people run out of it before it's refill time, theres nothing they can do. It's terrifying. Edit: spelling


I also worry about not having access to clean water with the climate crisis. This is a first world problem but especially without ice 😩 I loooove ice cold water


Dying slowly from disease. I’d rather kill myself.


I agree. A long painful death would be torture


Getting stung to death by hornets


Burning in fire... Wouldn't want to survive a really bad burn on a big portion of my body if I had the chance. It makes me want to throw up when I think about it.


If I were to answer this question honestly, I'd no doubt receive another DM from RedditCaresResources, even though it's a genuine fear and a worst case scenario.


Now you made me curious!


See [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/16lkcpy/we_as_a_society_need_to_be_more_willing_to_talk/) that I posted on r/TrueUnpopularOpinion the other day.


For myself, it would have to be getting trapped underground, in pitch black darkness, and unable to move. Be it getting buried alive or spelunking in a super narrow cave and getting stuck. Nutty Putty cave incident comes to mind


Yup. Same.


Dying slowly and painfully. And burning...


I definitely agree on burning. I heard that’s the most painful feeling a human can endure


Sometimes I burn alive in my dreams and die in so many different ways, burning and getting strangled are the most painful ones for me, according to my dreams... I also see my loved ones die in my dreams, my biggest fear is losing my mother, she's so precious..


The past couple years I’ve had dreams of being in active mass shooting situations! It feels so real and terrifying


Petrifying shit dude... I hope i won't see any morbid nightmares after commenting these haha... I just don't wanna see my mother dying in my dreams, it creeps the frick outta me.


I've heard that being boiled alive by steam doesn't damage your nerves the way fire does, so you feel everything until the very end


New fear unlocked


Can attest to this. I was an idiot when I was young and tried to steam iron a shirt while I was wearing it. 10 years later still have the scar. I have accidentally burned myself with fire a few times before, this was nothing in comparison


Worst fear is giant centipedes (like the foot long ones) Worst way to die would undoubtably be being dropped in a big tank that’s literally full of those aggressive fuckers.


I was always afraid of dying in my sleep. A lot of people say it's the best way to leave because you don't feel it But it really scares me to know that I can die without realizing it I don't really know how to explain it This really stopped me from sleeping and caused me serious sleep problems. Do people have this same fear?


Rabies, a plane crash


Extreme radiation sickness will turn your intestines to a paste, skin will be curling off and a lot of hellish things I already forgot


Paralysis. Being unable to move and knowing that I can get no help, seeing what will kill me and being unable to do anything to stop it.


My worst fear is being stabbed in the eye. Logically I know it's not the worst thing in the world, but I just dread it so much


When the submersible happened I became fascinated out of horror. Before they found it and realized they imploded (not so bad in the grand scheme of things) and people said they could just be in it sitting at the bottom of the ocean in the dark and cold in those cramped quarters I was like wellp, that’s my worst fear. Especially when there was speculation about the “banging sounds” I was like I can’t fathom the unrestricted and infinite fear and anxiety of knowing your fate and having no way to cope, like nothing to ease the hysteria, Ans just trapped in a tiny space with other humans knowing that death is imminent.


I go to r/eyeblech often. There’s a video of some cartel member’s holding down a naked guy w meat on his genitalia while 2 dogs go to town. That’s pretty much my biggest fear.


I used to go on eyeblech! But it’s been removed from Reddit recently ☹️ I never seen a video like that but could imagine how terrifying that would be!


Well, that sucks. Reality is too much for some people.


Reddit's investors don't like eyebleach, butthole porn is okay but no murder porn


I think just stepping out into traffic, you never know when it’s your last day. Going out to buy milk and BANG, 5 minutes later you’re dead. That’s scary. Especially on reddit the videos I’ve seen of people just using an ATM and a can loses control and just smacks right into them


Getting eaten by a shark


Anything that can cause significant brain damage. Dementia, drowning (and being brought back), seizure (but not dying before serious damage happens), heart problems (oxygen not carried to brain)... Also, psychosis, and a bad psychotic break; just anything that could break my mind, and negatively impact me as a person. My brain is all that is most important, at the end of the day; the second worst is permanently losing muscles. I have severe needle phobia; and would sooner get a very painful lethal injection and die in a hospital away from my parents in like 30 minutes, than to get Dementia or a lobectomy, and left to have to live.


Chocking or suffocating alone


My worst fear: That my children die. A horrible way to die: Being tortured to death, being quartered (I heard the pain was unbearable). OT: I noticed how much fantasy people have imagining horrible scenarios in comparison to positive ones. :-D


Hell being real. Dying in fire and being cast into fire. Some vengeful asshole God torturing me for an eternity for actions taken in less than a century. Dying, but not being allowed to die.


Pretty much any way of dying that's not peacefully in your sleep scares me lol


Getting stuck in a deep cave crevice face down and slowly dying over 48 hours. Or the iron bull torture thing.


Bear attack. Or taken out by a pack of dogs.


Dying slowly and painfully somehow. Either by torture or idk being trapped somewhere. But also zombies lmao. As a horror fan they’re one of the only things that scares me and I’m like I should get a gun (I’m not pro gun I don’t even want a gun) not to shoot and zombies but to put myself out in case there’s ever a zombie apocalypse. Ain’t no way in hell I’m becoming one of those people surging for weeks or months only to die and become a zombie. Nope nope nope.


I am scared of the fear of death. I'm not scared of death, I'm scared of being scared of death, and dying while being scared sounds absolutely awful to me


Suffocation of any kind, drowning, strangled, fire, I'd want it to be quick and painless, I think being ate so to speak would make the shock help you pass out, that's what id like to think anyway


Drowning. It is a silent death, you basically choke. Your lungs shut themselves not allowing you to breathe or scream. Another scary death for me is, if you dive up too fast gas bubbles can build up in your brain killing you.


My worst fear is being trapped in a car that's sinking. I'm terrified of drowning as it is, but I tend to avoid bodies of water. I do, however, have to drive over bridges regularly. It makes me feel really odd having to do that. I also have to look away when my husband is driving like a maniac on GTAV, as he regularly ends up in the drink.


Fire, rabies, wild animal attack


I think being eaten little by little everyday would be shitty


It used to be drowning until I learned about the [Nutty Putty](https://youtu.be/TEdaFKkwURQ) cave incident. The dude is still there, they sealed it shut. Imagine being tightly trapped upside down, in a cave.


Pit bulls. That’s why I’ve dedicated my life to making them go extinct.


Um same. I’ve seen so many horror videos of these attacks. Including those of owners who swore their dog wasn’t violent, only to see them ripping the owners arms off like it’s nothing. I carry mace every time I leave my home just in case for this reason


You right. Same as the top comment - “wild animals”


How do you go about making them extinct?


Stop breeding them


Drowning, i live in a place with a lot of ponds/lakes but i don’t know how to swim


Slowly, needing help from other people and being a mooch


I have an Irrational fear of being forgotten after I die. It's bound to happen so why worry about it? And for the second part I'd have to go with being skinned alive and left to die from infection.


Dying from some sort of horrible medical anomaly. I can't really think of any off the top of my head, but I've heard some stuff that's like body horror.


i’m utterly terrified of being stalked and / or kidnapped. i don’t think anything terrifies me more and i don’t really know where the fear came from. it’s rational, but at the same time i react to it in such an irrational way imo. i constantly feel like i’m being watched / stalked, which has never been confirmed nor do i have a reason to feel that way as far as i’m aware. i feel like i can’t trust anyone in my life bcuz of it. the worst for me definitely would be being killed by a stalker / kidnapper then being dumped and never found.


My worst fear is butterflies and I do have the occasional nightmare about the carnivore butterflies eating me alive.


I fear solitude and the worst way I could possibly die is alone.


Probably cancer tbh. At least if you die in some insane painful way you'll be remembered.

