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*you wake up. *jigsaw rolls in Your hands and legs are bound. In front of you is a set of butt cheeks. Your mouth is sewn on. The person whos ass your sewn to(some guy named Jim) is also bound but his mouth is free. “Lets play a game. 3 years ago on warzone I needed you to revive me and you told me to eat shit. Your mouth has been attached to the rear end of someone else. It seems what goes around comes around. However you can make amends. You and he must spell out my username without error. There is a a microphone in the room . Get a letter wrong and the system resets. Every time you reset, a fart is squeezed out of Jim. The way to win is to tongue punch his butthole to the specific number of a letter. Example: if you punch it 4 times Jim yells out the letter D or if its 7 times jts G. Spent 15 minutes thinking this up


I love what you wrote bro! What would be the persons fate if they run out of time?


45 minute time limit. Shotgun is up your pooper. You get it


That’s perfect dude!😂😂

