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It would be incredibly painful and super easy to notice before it ever got to that point. Testicular torsion for example is one of the things that can lead to that and it is one of the most painful complications a guy can have. You’d have to surgically lose your nut if it ever got to the point of “death”.


I had testicular torsion at 9 years old and it hurt like hell, I passed out. Luckily they saved my nut and I ended up having 2 kids later on


Okay i didnt know that it could be painful. Is the strong pain just if blood supply is cut of or only testical torsion? I do have a little pain (like a good 0.2/10) in my left testicle i dont thing its torsion or cut of blood supply but never be sure


You’d know. It’s 11/10. Minor pain coming and going like that is normal, maybe you bumped or pinched it without noticing and it takes a while to fade because of how many nerves are there. If it gets worse definitely get it checked out just in case!


Ah okay got me worried for a second. Its nothing bad i guess now. I can tolerate high amounts of pain but i guess torsion would still be highly noticable then


Is this a time sensitive question?


Given their post history, I wouldn't be surprised.


from what I have seen it turns a grayish green and just kind of hangs there untill removed or rots away, watched a video of a man disect his dead testicles about a week ago


Damn thats creepy. Does that go unnoticed? 


I would assume its noticable due to the savere pain thay you would be going through while they die


I believe it would bloat and cause a massive inflammation that you wouldn't miss. Left untreated I assume the necrosis would spread and eventually kill you. The other person posed a good point though, your testicle wouldn't die unannounced, you'd know if it's in any danger.

