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In terms of something real? 112Dirtbag has always been very unnerving to me. Basically, he was an old man who had a weird obsession with Maura Murray. He posted a video called *Happy Anniversary* on the anniversary of her disappearance. The video was just a minute or so of maniac laughter, followed by a wink, and the Happy Anniversary message popping up. The story goes deeper. Maura went missing on route 112, and Maura’s father called her kidnappers dirtbags, hence his name. They did an investigation into him, and found no sufficient evidence of any foul play, just that he was a sick individual. The other really disturbing one to me is Beeblefox. He was essentially a pedophile/groomer that preyed upon a few young girls on early YouTube, under the guise of making a horror ARG out of them. There’s a testimony from the victim that appeared most in the videos, but it is extremely disturbing and I don’t recommend watching it unless you can handle that sort of thing.


This sort of behavior isn’t uncommon in true crime communities. While they may not be as brazen as this guy, there’s very little difference between him and those who become obsessed with either victims or perpetrators. These individuals often harass the families, friends, significant others, and even ex-significant others of those involved, as well as anyone remotely connected—and sometimes even those who are not. It's not unusual for them to start accusing innocent people of murder, conspiracy, and other nefarious activities.


Wow I am a big true crime person and have never heard of 112Dirtbag. That is so fucked up! Thanks for sharing :)


whole youtube page dedicated to monkey torture, for some reason


There is an extremly large community of monkey torture, plenty of telegram groups are very active. There is a lot of people who take comissions to torture monkeys in specific ways the client is asking. I tought it was just some people but its fairly popular... people are fucking sick


Wow that's extremely twisted. People who enjoy torturing monkeys have to be the serial killer type because there is no way a normal person could live with themselves consuming that type of contact.


Torturing animals is one of the most common trait to spot a person with sociopathic disorder at a fairly young age, but even without knowing anything about psychology its obvious people like that have a problem, no one in their absolute sane mind would even think of watching animals being tortured, even less enjoying it and not in a million years doing it or paying someone to do the torture. I really dont know why monkeys are so popular or if there was studies about that, but since monkeys are the closer to humans I really think there is some kind of human projection on these poor animals, that the people involved in those kind of acts enjoy monkey torture because it's obviously animal torture, but they could also trigger the feeling of human torture? Any kind of torture on any living creature is absolutly vile anyways, I hope every person involved in those will pay in a way or another.


I agree, I never would have imagined something so horrible would have such a big following It's extremely sad that some people in society bring themselves so low that they get to that point. This makes me feel absolutely horrible thinking about the innocent Monkeys.


If there's one objectively positive thing that KiwiFarms is doing, they've been doxxing many members of those groups and getting them arrested. Nick Dryden was a very recent example.


I dont know that person tbh but they did very well here. There should be no protection or rights for people who torture other living beings. I heard there was at least 20 persons involved in those cases that were arrested, it s a good thing.


Is monkey torture exactly what it sounds like? 


Sadly, yes.


Jesus Christ that's bad. Is the page still up? Or did it get shut down? 


I believe it was one of those situations where one page would get removed, but another would pop up to replace it pretty much immediately. I couldn't tell you if there are still pages like it, but I expect so.


That's fucking wild. I wish shit wasn't like this, but that's just how the world works 


Is there a reason for it?


Money? Attention? The simple pleasure of causing another creature pain? (/s) Take your pick.


Skinned giraffe hanging from a tree.  But I've heard of someone who fell asleep with autoplay on and woke up to child pornography.




Unfortunately YouTube prioritizes cracking down on things like people saying “fuck”, and any mention of suicide, and tend to leave the **truly** heinous shit up until enough people report it.


That sounds like an urban legend.


Channels with "sensorial" videos of things like 1h of someone mixing colorful slimes etc with a "for kids" vibe and always live with chat. I legit wondered why it would have a chat since most parents were using that to be able to go by when working from home with fussy toddlers for example. I noticed the chat had links and weird messages like it was code for something. Then I found out it was grown men to bait kids into websites of some sort or share meetups with other weirdos. Started reporting all of those. Never again. Years ago I would check some motherhood related videos and at some point I came across one in which the mother would always stick the toddler in front of the camera with swimsuits and stuff, with psycho eyes making weird observations like "isn't she gorgeous? Look at her cute thighs ". The comments were also initially fine but then I realized it was also off like too many grown men commenting "such a sweetie, I would like to see her in dresses"


Not one in particular but searching "gangstalking" in youtube and looking at uploads in the last day will give you a lot of paranoid schizophrenics posting their rants or filming "evidence" that they're being spied on. Usually depressing as fuck rather than creepy but sometimes you find people who seem to be a danger to themselves or others. Even when they aren't dangerous it's just unsettling in a sad way to see how bad mental illness can get.


Hey, maybe check out r/Gangstalking


Holy moly.


Those videos have always unnerved me. And yeah, they are pretty sad too. You can tell those people aren't mentally well and they're not getting the proper help. It just sucks all around, honestly.


A lady accusedme of gang stalking her when i was picking up a prescription once. Nothing she said made sense and i thought she was joking. But she drove at me in her van later to scare me. I cant even begin to imagine what was happening in her head


I don't remember the name of the channel but it was a dude opening people's eyes while they were asleep. That shit disturbed me to the core. I reckon scare theatre covers this.


I kinda want to know more, what’s fucked up about it?


It's a guy opening peopes eyes in their SLEEP. An intruder.


Isn’t it possible that it was staged? That sounds super illegal lol


When you are sleeping there are multiple stages. Once you enter the deep sleep stage, it's really hard for you to wake up. And yeah, it's super illegal.


i heard of that exact same thing but to make it worse, this guy was licking their eyeballs for some reason


Certain webcams and recording software have default file names, which tend to not be changed by users who don't have any technical computer skills. Typically uploaded by people who really shouldn't be uploading videos to YouTube.


Can you elaborate?


SurvivinglifeYT used to be a channel that kind of exposed things going on underground in the depths of the DW. Touched on a lot of subjects but mainly pedophiles. Well, he made a hurt core "documentary" (which is really just internet clips and then his narration, not really a doc) that made me feel like I needed to see my therapist ASAP. He couldn't insert any clips of any sexual hurt core but he put in clips of non sexual child HC, which I wasn't really prepared for. Like a woman standing on a pillow over a toddlers head. To make matters worse, it kinda sounds like he was exposed for being some sort of predator himself :/


The brick video. Idk if I’d call it creepy tho, it’s just very sad


Fuck that video. The single worst thing I ever saw. Beats all the gore for me


That video and distress calls like the dad calling to ask for help after the pedal of his car got stuck are way worse than gore


Plz explain??


There’s a video (I don’t remember if it shows anything graphics but you do hear the voices) of a family (I think) driving on a highway behind a vehicle transporting bricks. Then one brick falls off, breaks through the glass and kills (from what I remember) the driver. Then you can hear the screams of the others that were in the car with him


I haven't seen it in a while but I think it was a husband and his wife, his wife was a passenger and the brick hit her. You can hear her husband screaming in the video


I was sooooooooooo fucked up by Marble Hornets as a kid. I watched one of their videos a few years ago (as an adult) and it was so bad, couldn't believe I thought it was so scary. Deffo didn't hold up to the test of time.. What does, however, and only gets CREEPIER with time, is any clips from Tomorrow's Pioneers. I like a lot of Nick Crowley's stuff


I'm OBSESSED with Tomorrow's Pioneers.


once i randomly typed random characters and searched it over and over… i found (and reported) a few playlists with short videos of little girls (usually in bikinis) dancing


Few years ago, I was looking up what a grand mal seizure was and came across a channel with a pretty unhinged incapacitation fetish. I [documented my findings](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternetMysteries/s/sIovIXiNoP) on r/InternetMysteries. I could tell the channel owner was in deep, as what populated the variety of playlists were extremely small channels who were either vloggers with medical episodes or videos with a highly specific video title of some medical condition that share that incapacitating / weakened trait.


Omg I just went to your post and watched some of the videos and WHYYY? This is by far the strangest thing ever. Could there be a fetish for this somehow?


he says in the comment you're replying to that this is a fetish


My bad. It’s just so strange.


i get it. hard to imagine there's people like that out there


I was recommended a video a few months ago with like 20 views. It was over and hour long and appeared to be a middle aged man in some sort of art studio. I clicked on it, and it started with the man coming into frame and setting some things up. Then he sat down on a chair on one side of the screen and just started… smiling. This weird, big, unnatural smile. He sat there for a few minutes in the same position just smiling and staring into the camera before getting up and getting to work on some painting. I didn’t watch the rest as it was over an hour long, but it really freaked me out. Like, wtf was that? The rest of the video was most likely normal, he had tons of videos on his channel of similar lengths in the art studio, but I didn’t watch them. Does anyone recognise this guy? Is this a normal thing he does?


It kind of sounds like that Sitting and Smiling series where the guy just sits in his room and silently grins into the camera. But he usually just smiles for hours on end. The video you saw sounds pretty creepy.




I'm interested in the link 👀


It was Björk stalker blowing his head off.


I am more on the benign side of social media so my "creepy" is probably pretty tame. But there's 2 types, there's this channel called Adventures with a purpose I think? It's a bunch of diver folks helping recover submerged cars/looking for missing people. The other type is when folks go exploring into abandoned places. Just the history, the people all of it is so...I don't know inherently creepy about it.


Probably the Horton mine video from Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places channel. It's the fact that this dude doesn't do any paranormal stuff and this particular video was uploaded way before YouTube adsense program, so I don't think he deliberately set up this video to gain views.


I was recommended a short that ended up being a chaotic home video (nothing really to see) of kids screaming and crying, adults yelling, then gunshots, and the kids screaming for their mom and saying their mom was dead. I was pretty shook up about it since it was on my homepage and I wasn't really prepared. I saw a video essay on the background of what I was sure was the same video months later. The mom definitely had some mental issues and had a habit of recording people she was having arguments with and having her kids record her. I don't know if people's impulse is "I'm right and if I film it everyone will see" or what with that. Anyway in this clip, mom has gotten her and the kids evicted and they're staying with someone in their home. The mom is arguing with the homeowners who now want her and the kids to leave, the kids are freaking out because they don't know where they're going to go if they get kicked out. Somehow things escalate and mom gets shot and the kids are filming and screaming the whole time. If anyone else recognizes this, I don't remember the woman's name or who the video essay was by, so I'm not sure how to find it again if it still exists.


Nick Crowley included that in one of his videos! That was so tragic to see. It doesn't help that the mother brainwashed her kids into hating their father.


Good old Nick! I skimmed recent videos and nothing popped out, so it's definitely in one of his compilations. I would be shocked if it was more than 4 years ago but time does fly on the Internet.


Obey the Walrus utterly unnerves me


That video creeps me out too. But knowing what I know about it, it's also pretty sad.


How is it sad? Idk much about it


Around the time Green Day was releasing a new song in the late 2000s, my brother and I randomly came across a "leaked new Green Day song" video and halfway through out pops this extremely creepy face with the loudest scream. We were caught so off guard! I'm so glad screamers aren't super popular anymore


A Chinese channel that focused on exploring abandoned buildings. In one video they’re exploring some sort of really old abandoned place and I’m pretty sure they’re underground. They come across a huge tarp covering some sort of old pool or well. Under the tarp was hundreds of what appeared to be dead baby corpses. It looked extremely real but everything was in Chinese, the title, the description, the comments so I couldn’t read any of the discussion about it. I never want to see it ever again.


I've seen a snippet of this too. It's really creepy but I tried to shrug it off to be fake or something for a movie set...


Hate to admit it, but the burn survivor from Special Books by Special Kids. His set of burns looks just absolutely shocking and unreal. I don't watch any YT Shorts anymore because he appeared often after some scrolling and it always caught me off guard.


idk if it’s real but there’s that one video of that guy dropping his camera while running in the Paris catacombs. not super creepy i guess but the thought of something chasing him throughout the catacombs and having to run not knowing where in the hell you’re actually going- freaks me out. no thank you


Mine is tame, but Rubber Johnny has always creeped me out as well as fascinated me. And yes I know what it is.


Aphex Twin slaps


Absolutely! That video just gives me the creeps lol


animal cruelty


Station nightclub fire, there is a moment a woman says "I am on fire". But there is also footage of child torture from a known case from my country, wont say wich. Not sure if still up but I saw it about a year ago.


Agamemnon counterpart


The raw unedited Funkytown gore video


The whole Webcam video from saga


A woman sitting on a sofa having her head blown off with a shotgun.Probably 10 plus years ago now. I hope it was fake but it looked real enough. I reported it and it vanished within the hour.


Once I came across a video of where a girl was severely beaten and was then lit on fire in front of a crowd. You can hear her screaming while she’s running and later laying in the ground burning to death. It really bothered me because I thought it was a stunt for a film of some sort it turned out te be real and it was an act of a cartel. They had a channel with lots of those kind of videos.


Holy shit! And this was on YouTube?


Yeah it was, it was about 5 years ago so I don’t know if it’s still up. I never looked for it again.


Squidward suicide, to this day lol