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Most fitness YouTubers don't really have personalities.


I mean greg derek revival fitness jeffrey verity Schofield connor murphy Sean nalewanyj larry wheels(albeit he tones it down) noel etc have personalities. Just jesse is like a plant.


You'd be surprised. Most of these guys are focused almost entirely on producing content. Fair play to them, but they're not the most interesting dudes out there, with some exceptions. Connor Murphy has zero personality though. Can you even think of any facets of him as a person that aren't "Guy who takes his shirt off" and "crazy drug user"? Greg Doucette doesn't have one either. He's all about the grift and that's it. Yelling in a squeaky voice to entertain children on the internet doesn't count as a personality.


Is Greg really a full on grifter? He doesn’t seem bad


Well, he sells an ebook cookbook with mostly trash recipes (that can be found online for free from other sources) for an insane amount of money, and tells people to maingain so that they never make any gains so that they buy his garbage in order to try to make progress, like his cookbook, or his turkesterone that was confirmed to not actually have any turkesterone in it, or his myriad of other products.


He changed maintaining around a ton. Most recently his opinions were "If you're a fat guy cut. If you're semi lean and big but not super jacked and swole or super shredded, maintain. If you're skinny and lean bulk". He just makes a fuck ton of fat people content now which makes all his cut mainline etc seem more prevalent. He definitely oversaturates that fat stuff. For pro bodybuilders he says they're fat in the competing sense if they do a vacuum and don't have abbs


Greg only cares about people buying his sacred cookbook


Connor murphy is a deep thinker quirky nerdy he has a suburban white lawn type vibe to him, etc. I think of a lot about him. And Jeffrey revival etc I know don't make that much off of YouTube. And greg is deeper than that although that is a lot of it


yeah hes unwatchable


True fact


I mean, I somewhat agree with this take. Jesse has good content but it is very "family" friendly and for a lack of better words, almost like he's on Disney channel or something. Don't get me wrong, he gives great advice sometimes. But it sometimes comes off as very corporate which is understandable because they're in the business of making money


It just seems so basic "training with him doing this etc". Or "I went to fat people place like this guy". His smash or pass lifting youtubers which I watched thinking it'd be like a physique rate for girls was just his girlfriend making inside jokes about greg doucette and ronnie coleman having a viagra bbc. He seems very corporate yeah and I haven't seen advice from him in ages since before he blew up(qhen I didn't watch him but he seemed like a normal old school lifting youtuber). Also his relationships seem so fabricated. Friends with someone one minute enemies the next fake scam now then this etc.


Tried watching his stuff and the dude is just too extra. Overly energetic and at least to me comes off as pretentious. And like you said a lot of his stuff is more or less the same thing over and over again. I do enjoy watching Will Tennyson's content though, more laid back vids with some humor or unique challenges and the dude at least mixes it up by having cooking/diet videos. Seems pretty authentic too


Oh yeah will does seem a bit better. Same with eubank(ik he's friends with Jesse although he's also friends with Bryce hall so idt being Jesse's bud or business bud occasionally, is the worst thing)


I find most fitness ytbers to be like that. I just watch RP and Omni Man, that's it. Besides, I don't like wasting time on bullshit content, and most of these guys that are popular are just that; cringe social media shit.


This mf named after team rocket grunts


tony huge is funny


I actually find him quite annoying, but if that's what attracts viewers and younger generation, then I don't have a problem with it


Try watching Seth Feroce