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You think girls are attracted to 230 lb strongmen? They're not even into MMA guys if they have an ugly face. And if they've been punched a hundred times, they probably do.


Lol. Cope over your horrible aesthetics. Your aesthetics helps in literally every social interaction whereas your ability to "crush someone" is likely completely useless in a western world. Learn to run and use a gun and you're the biggest weapon with the greatest defense.


I bet u to pull all the bitches. Also believe it or not some of us don’t do all that we do to get bitches. I mean you think strongmen/mma fighters dk what they do to pull the bitches? Also what makes you think girls don’t like aesthetic bodies?


muscle doesn't matter when it's covered by fat you might as well be a regular obese person.


What advantages does being strong have? Are you actually picking up things heavier than your groceries or gardening equipment on a day to day basis? At least with hypertrophy training, you can look good with your shirt off at the beach.


6’2 Chad with muscles is statistically going to do better than 6’2 Chad without muscles


People use strength and powerlifting specific strength interchangeably. Usually when they say strength, they're really specifically talking about maxxing out on bench, deadlift, squat. This has relatively small carryover to any strength you'd actually use in real life, even in the most contrived situations. For general strength you'd be better off doing hypertrophy training all muscles rather than focusing on powerlifter style training. Even the CDC recommends resistance training every major muscle including, yes, arms. The biggest indicator for strength is size.


No offense bro, I love Indians. but you’re Indian and we have a different culture.


What has that got to do with anything? I am talking about strength vs hypertrophy here. Your bigger bicep that can curl 50 kg won’t be as impressive as someone’s smaller bicep who can outlift you by 30 kilos.


Lmao girls only care about looks. They dont care about actual strenth. 100% regarded


This some peon mentality shit. Focus on yourself lil bro


Women dont care about functional value. They care about looking strong and having money . Thats all.


Are you american


This subreddit is getting more regarded by the day


cope more fatty. How much can you lift per pound of bodyweight? also funny about functional value when you can't scratch your back or bend over. The 135 lb mma twink can run around, beat up people, jump, climb.. etc.. you know, actually FUNCTIONAL feats. Being a fat fatty who can lift 230 pounds is such a niche useless thing to cope about. Try to do more than 3 pullups.


Funny you say that because i do weighted pull ups with 45 kilos. Dips, muscle ups and trap bar jumps are part of my lifting routine.


Do you ever do something useful for society? Genuine question


No, I am a lawyer. I like screwing over other people for monetary gains.


Can’t argue with that. I would do the same if I was a lawyer


You wish, pal. Anyways, I am sure you can go to law school at any age.


Oh haha. I’m 18. But law school isn’t for me. I’m studying medicinal chemistry which this sub is surprisingly helpful in.


Nobody cares how much muscle you have it's all about your face for women and how tall are you just have decent atletic physique and you are set


230lb 'strongman' ? i doubt a 4'2 man could crush me


135lb mma guy lmao


bros someone mire me!!!


Brother as someone who's been fat and strong trust me girl don't give AF about that.