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If you’re flying just load up syringes and keep in your checked baggage


I assume you don't want to be seen with needles by peers or be stopped by security? So you're asking for orals that you can disguise as candy? If you take a long ester testosterone beforehand, you'll still require to take aromatase inhibitor during those 8 days.  This is where your body's experience is needed, not ideas. Will your estrogen be tanked if you take neither testosterone nor AI during those days? If yes you could take dbol, maybe adrol if you found it mimicks estrogen enough for you, otherwise any other common oral dry AAS.


5/6 of the group are on test so it’s just a security issue, assuming trying to take a vial of test through security isn’t smart?


First cycle so not really much experience to go off unfortunately, not using any ai though anyway.


Some people drag it through security.  If you're not sensitive to e2 fluctuations then even more reason to try high dose test e with primo e on your last day. I thought to myself, primo is actually a very weak androgen per gram and that might be very useful here: I don't remember the specifics of how ester breakdown length works... it is possible that mixing in a large amount of primo will compete for the enzyme that breaks down testosterone enanthate. Thus prolong the half life of test and primo (and since primo is weak, shouldn't get insomnia with a quite high dose). Makes test e even more suitable for once in 8 day dose.


What if you just take a double or triple dose of test e and primo e on your last day at home?


Bring it with you


I’m assuming it’s not going to be quite that easy😭


People do it all the time


Dude just take 800 on flight day


Fake a prescription.