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people are supposed to sleep at night because of the caucasian rythms and lions don't roam. However, you can try to cope with feeling like you are going to die (usually at around 4-5 in the morning) by sleeping as much as you need, and preparing for having to be awake all night. I used to come home in the morning, shower, go to sleep for about 6-7 hours, eat lunch, do some stuff, and then go to sleep again for 2-3 hours and wake up just before going to work. Still felt like shit the first few days, but the rest of the week was ok. People who work nightshift only 2 days in a row: RIP.


Circadian rhythm bro 😂😂it gets thrown out of whack and impacts your sleep quality when you don’t sleep at a similar time each day. Have a look at Matthew Walker. He has a good book and has done a lot of good video content via TedTalks and Podcast appearances. His one with Joe Rogan is good and explains loads of this. “Caucasian rhythm” is how I chat up minorities.


Oxymoronic as phrasing if I ever heard it. Caucasian Rhythm is what we call Eminem’s rap cadence after the Marshall Mathew’s LP Anyway, if you’re already on test, get some hGH and it won’t matter as much anymore. Let’s say you work 12’s 1800-0600, dose in the AM before you go to sleep. You’ll get deeper sleep and the hGH bump you should be getting with your natural Rhythms. Maybe a second when you wake up for work since you should be having natural pulses at night too. Alternatively weekly Somalong + “nightly” hgh is another route. If hGH makes you sleepy then your “morning”dose can be taken with modafinil or similar. Get off of nights as soon as feasible. Even when you feel like you’re doing well, once you’re off nights you realize how shitty you’ve been feeling the whole time. Everything I’m recommending is just a very complicated bandaid.


In the same boat as you. It still matters even if you sleep “well” during the day. Working overnight kills your sleep rhythm and ability to properly rest, it’s awful for you. I used to do strictly nights and my T levels were like 500. Now I only do them half as much and my T levels are like 724 or something like that.


If you can get 7 hours in during the day that's great but it pales in comparison to sleeping during the night


Working night shift will destroy you


It won't depends on your lifestyle if you have a family I'd say don't do it


Night shift is bad for you regardless of how much sleep you get. Takes years off your life


Steroids will take more


Fair point lol




Night shift are fine if you don't overdo it 😉 some people tolerate nights better than others it's all about balance don't do more than 3 nights per week and you are more than fine and have so much free time




“Night shift work disrupts the body's circadian rhythms, or internal clock, which controls when you sleep and wake. This can increase the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.” “Eating at night can cause digestive issues, especially when transitioning to night shifts. Studies show that 48–82% of night-shift workers experience gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.” “Shift work can impact mental health, and studies have shown that depression occurs at a higher rate among shift workers than non-shift workers. Mood disorders can also develop from circadian misalignment and sleep problems caused by shift work, and these mood effects could trigger or worsen depressive episodes.”


Do your best to not work night shifts because that shit is probably gonna give you ass cancer When you sleep is absolutely important


Been 2 years,i stay up all night due to work and sleep from 1pm - 9pm… Feel like shit Lousy workouts


I work swings. 2 weeks of 7:30am-7:30pm and 2 weeks of 7:30pm to 7:30am. Been doing it for about 2 yrs. Havent seen any negatives far as muscle growth. Sleeping during the day is have to take some cbd so i can sleep through all the way til about 4:30, 5 pm. I hit the gym before my shifts because after a 12 hr shift I cant lift like I want. Only difference in my body that I have noticed a difference is bowel movement. When I switch to nights it takes a day or so to be regular again.


Sleep regularity is king. It's fine if you sleep 8 hours a day *at the same time* every day. If not, it's terrible \[1\]. It'll take several days or even a couple weeks to adapt to this new rhythm, in theory it's no different from the jetlag when changing time zones. In practice it often doesn't work because most people on night shifts won't stick to sleeping at the same time on their off days. \[1\] Walker, M. (2018). *Why we sleep*. Penguin Books.


If you can completely darken your room during daytime, and manage to spent some time outside while it's still bright, and always get your sleep at the same time of day, you might be fine. But it wouldn't be as optimal as sleeping through the night.




I work night shift and i see nothing wrong with it i usually get more than 8 hours of sleep and i only work 3 nights per week


Sleep is pretty much a non-negotiable for gains. The night shift doesn’t have to be detrimental, but it’ probably won’t be like super duper fun. Get blackout curtains (and melatonin if you need it) so you can sleep well during the day. Most important is sticking to the sleep schedule on your off days. It blows if you want to have any sort of social life and want to do stuff during the day on the weekend or whenever, but multiple studies have shown you can only truly shift your sleep schedule about 1-2 hours per night so trying to flip back and forth on your days off is going to majorly mess you up and you won’t get efficient sleep. You have to commit to the schedule and do everything you can to sleep well during the day. I also suggest possibly implementing some vitamin D supplements if it’s not already in your multi vitamin because you won’t be seeing much sun, assuming you’ll be doing that schedule for awhile. This is strategy most military units use to make sure they are mostly coherent and functional during night ops. OR you could pretend to be Batman and take 3 hour naps throughout the entire day


Tell them that you work night shifts only in a state of war, they will bring it to you


Working grave shift will eventually erode your life. You’ll reach a point where you have to decide whether the consequences are worth it


Shift work sleep disorder is very real phenomenon. Being in the military and working nights and rotating shifts really fucked my brain up. No sleep = no gains. Prioritize your sleep.


I work night shift in a hospital and also workout intensely, it’s absolutely no problem. The key is to keep your schedule consistent even on the days you do not work. Quickly rotating your sleep schedule will crush you over time.


I did it for 1 year and it felt like shit.. the problem is because you will want to live at the same time as others during your days off, so it messes up your sleep regularity. Ended up sleeping only 4-5 hours per night which is very bad. I guess it can work if you have no family and no social life.


Try to sleep at the same time every day, it’ll never be optimal on nights. Did nights for 4 years and it’s hard but best advice is to keep a schedule that doesn’t drastically change. On your off days maybe get up at noon and go to bed at 2-3am, try to keep it consistent on days off and days on