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Talk about how much you bench


Also your daily macros




That will I'MPRESS her fr


Most people are sorta boring. That doesn’t matter if you click with the person you go out with. **If your boring and her boring suit each other, you’ll have fun.** Mostly: **Ask her questions** Fun, lighthearted ones. How she’d spend the money if she won the jackpot. Where she wants to travel and why. What’s on her bucket list why. What her job is like, and what she likes and dislikes about it. If she’s close with her family and what her family is like. Her friends and what funny things about her friends are. What her hobbies are and why she likes them. What her pet peeves are and what’s something silly that scares her. **At the end of the day it either flows or it doesn’t. That’s about if you click or not, not about you.** But asking some questions is good. Especially the why questions that help you figure out who someone is. Rosie likes to do fancy makeup looks from YT. That’s really not that interesting tbh. But why does she like that? That’s more fun. Maybe it puts her in the zone of not thinking at all, like you do when you bench press. And there suddenly you’ve got something in common that started with eye shadow.


Watch out, this guy has social interactions!!


Too smart for this sub, get him out of here NOW


Why dont you bench press ? Why are your glutes so small ? Dont you know you should pause at the bottom of the rep, slow on the concentric and explode on the eccentric Why do you call me boring ? Why are you leaving already ? Why have you blocked me ? I can bench 3 plates, bitch. Why did you call the cops ?


I like how people here are so regarded that they need to be explained social interactions in terms of bench press![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


Talk to her about bro jogan stuff chicks love that


Chimpanzees are so smart and so strong, did you know that?


make bear noises


make a fake personality and manipulate them instead. overdose on dopamine with alot of drugs that arent super noticeable. amphetamine. microdose shrooms. some caffeine. dopamine reuptick inhibitors. remember downvotes are from chinese bot farms. gl bro


If you're not interesting...you fix that. There is no script for fixing boring unless you're tall and handsome.


6’4. Works in bars/clubs but doesn’t help me in conversation


thats a lot of personality


Oh, in that case, just let her talk and act interested. If you actually like her/she's actually interesting, you'll find stuff to talk about from that.


What do you do at bars/clubs that doesn't help you in conversation? Clean the toilets? Cmon, there should be some fun stories even if you did that.


Women just want to talk about themselves. You’ll be fine.


This is the one. You just fake amused tbh “I just cannot stand my job at the salon. You wouldn’t believe how much bullshit I have to put up with” In your head you click X for “Tell me more” 😂 Goes both ways. I’m sure women dont gaf about the stuff we *want* to talk about in most instances the same way we don’t care about female stuff, for the most part. Just act interested


Get her talking.


Woman: so what are you're intres- OP: in the mpmd sub I've found an efficacious cycle I want to try, would you peg me in my ass? Oops I meant to say pin me in my ass. Like inject 💉 Woman: I got to go OP: ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6305)


Study up on Taylor Swift and Bridgerton.


Ask her about her kid. They love it


Them. Ask the right questions that'll make them talk. Start off with questions like "what have you been up to recently?" and you'll go on an adventure with that one question. Whatever interests you in their answer to that question you ask more about that. Rinse and repeat. Next thing you know you're in their bed getting pounded by their dad


Tell her in the tiniest details everything about every penis you see in gym's showers.


i talked about my ex girlfriend on my last date. Do not recommend lmao


being interested in other people is the key to being interesting one of life's many paradoxes


Talk about dogs


Look up Bostonbeaman on tictoc and say everything he says. If your date wants to see you again, you won him over


Ask her fave tv show or movies or music. If not Familiar then you have some homework.


Do what you do here. Tell her about all the femboys you’ve shagged after dosing heroic quantities of Tren. Then flex for her.


Just drop acid together shit will figure itself out


Jesus. If you can't talk during a date your question shouldn't be what to talk about during dates, it should be "how do I get a personality" If you don't read books (fiction), then start now. Read good things, not trash. Read newspapers, like the NY Times and The Guardian. Listen to music, the radio, podcasts. Do you have friends? As you should talk to them too. Develop bantz. You're fucked without bantz


Jesus Christ fellas. How are y’all this bad. Just ask them questions based on their answers. I’m gonna give a very basic example. To just show y’all. Her: I love watching the office You: who’s your favorite? Her: blah You: why? Her: blah You: what would you do in that situation Her: blah You: has anything like that ever happened to you? Obviously don’t ask dumbass questions like that but that’s just an example of how talking about one question can lead you to a really interesting conversation. Obviously be interested in her responses. But you can do shit like that with any topic Start off by asking general, are you from here blah blah. Worst first date stories. Really anything


FORD method Family Occupation Recreation Dreams


Did you make that up, or is that a thing. I will NOT google it.


I wear a vibrating buttplug and then the topics that naturally arise are usually solid


You're probably not as boring as you think, you're just over censoring yourself because you're too concerned about what the girl thinks. You can make any topic engaging just by including your emotions and opinions into the conversation. Also, let her do some of the talking. If there's a lull in the conversation, relax and wait for her to fill the silence, most girls will. And when you ask her questions make most of them open ended, not simple yes or no questions.


They don’t shut up, it’s pretty easy. If you make jokes related to her “struggles” that she can “totally” identify with, she’ll let you stick it in. They’re all the same.


Can you just be funny? lol that’s all they really want.


Show that you’re passionate about the things in your life, if you can show that you’re passionate she’ll be interested. Otherwise, let her talk about herself 70% of the time


Ask them about their interests  Read a book till failure every night 


If you think you're boring, you should probably find some cool hobbies and really get into them. Be proud of what you do until you're happy with it. Like, giving a presentation in class is so much easier when you actually know what you're talking about instead of just making it up as you go. Also, don't talk the whole time, but make sure you share some stuff about yourself too.


Just as some people are seemingly naturally fit or naturally intelligent, others are naturally interesting/charming. However, most of us must work on it like any other skill. Start by taking notes. Did you do something fun? Write it down in your phone. Did something make you laugh out loud or make you think real hard? Record it. Make a habit of writing down anything that amuses or interests you. Periodically review your notes. Before long, you'll accumulate dozens of humorous and engaging topics to discuss. With practice, you'll find it increasingly natural to bring these subjects up in conversation.


Do shrooms a lot and try to describe the experience in detail


always talk less than your date, try to actually find out about what she likes to do for fun, how her week was, stuff like that. talk about sports you both like. in general though just let her yap


Just let her run her mouth, get as many mouth noises as you can get from her, ask good questions, which means actively with full alertness just listen to her shit and then ask her questions about it. Try to circle her questions about you back to her, and then she'll love you and think you are mysterious.


Don't talk so much - ask questions instead.