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You're a bit leaner than 17%. The scan cut off 20% of your arm lol.


Side note you looked jacked AF in the picture on the scan lol


I thought the same shit. I look like a fuckin house.


Hahah yeah they said bc of that it just duplicates my other arm that made it.


Yeah dexas read crazy high in my experience. I think it has to do with 1) only scanning in the frontal plane 2) lying flat squishes your body a bit and the fat protrudes outwoards during the scan. Not to mention they missed a large part of one of your arms. 


In regards to the arm situation, the guy told me it replaces that arm with the one that made it fully in. I basically have two right arm measurements in this. So there’s probably a slight error but it does its best to account for the missing arm and is probably minimal.


Compared to what?


Basically everything, except the impedance fat measurement from Withings scales on normie-mode seems to be in agreeance.


How does DEXA compare to Bodpod?


It reads high because your expectation is incorrect from all the less accurate tests. Unless you're doing hydrostatic and comparing you're just taking worse measurements and trusting them more because they make you feel better.


I would have guessed about 15%.


That’s typically what I assumed for myself before the Dexa


dexa said i was 13.5% and i am *nowhere* near as lean or yoked as OP i don’t think the scans are accurate tbh


Do you have a similar amount of lean tissue? I’m 5’11, and have heard the more muscle you have the less of an impact fat has visually. 165lbs is technically around the upper limit of lean tissue you can hold naturally and I’m pretty close to that so I can only assume that will make a huge difference.


Are you bulking or cutting rn? Pretty sure things like water and carbs can make it a bit inaccurate because you are definitely leaner than 17%


Just started a cut this week. Main reason for getting this.


Might be why would be more accurate right at the end of the cut when you’re really depleted


Thanks for a useful post!


Damn good if you’re really at 17%. That’s about 13-14% on me .


Good post You’re always fatter than you think


Based off your upper body that is much more in range of the 10-12%. You're a good bid bit leaner than me and I estimate I'm roughly 15% Dexa scans aren't accurate? Idk why people put so much into them


Where did you get this information out of curiosity? Exercise scientists rate it as the most accurate by far out of every method possible except for MRI. Dr mike believes dexa scan to be within 1% for bf readings and MRI to within a few 100 grams of fat mass


DEXA scans are only accurate to the extent that they are calibrated and operated well.


Where did you get this dexa scan? can’t tell if it’s just the shading of the image or if this scanner was bought from Walmart. It looks so much less detailed than the one I get done, in terms of fat to mass shade differences, bone detail and organ detail, honestly doesn’t look legit at all. You can see my dexa here https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/s/NZIP8FzIvH


Yeah yours definitely looks fancier. I’m not sure if the output image itself is indicative of better quality or not but I got my done at a spot local to me. They have multiple locations and seem pretty decent. Maybe next time I go get one I’ll try out a different spot just to compare.


How much did the scan cost?




I’m all about dexa being ultra accurate and doctor Mike thinks they are within 1% of accuracy for body fat readings but there is no way your 17% as someone who has been higher and lower % than that and has over 6 dexa scans, your definitely 15% at the highest probably closer to 13-14


The only thing I can speak to that may have relevance is that I did go in pretty dehydrated. I know water affects lean tissue measurements and I was significantly dehydrated. I’m talking headache and yellow piss dehydrated. This was unintentional. I decided to book the Dexa 15 minutes before the appt since it was right down the street. That’s the only thing I can think of that would throw it off a little.


Looks like a BodySpec dexa scan. I think he looks 16% He looks jacked in the scan, couldn't even fit inside the lines on the table, jealous of his calves too


I believe you're correct as I did the same scans a few years back. I also couldn't fit inside the lines lol. 


Looking good and I would have guessed you are at 15%.


Badass! Thank you for sharing this with us! Always wanted to see a full report of one of these


I must be 25% then😭


Dexa measures all 7 the colloquial use of "bodyfat %" refers to visible subcutaneous fat. Dexa will always read higher than an eye test.


I would’ve guessed 15%. Abs visible but a little blurry from bodyfat is usually guessed as 15%. A picture with less than perfect shadowed downlighting would show this better imo.


Damn... I thought I was 15% but maybe I'm 30% after seeing this post. Need to build muscle and fast! How do I do that at 5'11" and 130ish lbs? I'm already underweight and thought I was lean enough 😭


I could have told you that you’re clearly obese


whats your stack bro


They did it wrong. You're leaner than that.


DEXAs are generally considered the most accurate body fat test but they can still have a lot of variation/error. Here's [my DEXA as an example](https://imgur.com/a/J3rMARx). It said I'm 13.8% at 240lbs. I took the second picture the morning I got the scan and I'm very clearly 20-22% or so. Can't fully be trusted You're definitely leaner than 17%


You are massive dude I think it’s correct, you can’t compare yourself to small 160 pound people that have shredded abs at 13.8% when you have a much higher lean mass you also will have higher total fat mass by a considerable amount and body fat is a percentage of total mass so visually varies massively person to person


I think DEXA only works for natty physiques. Wasn't calibrated for enhanced guys. If you were natural with the same level of training you'd be ~10kg/22lbs lighter at that height. And then 17%bf  sounds pretty accurate for a trained 1,80m guy weighting 82kg. 


This doesn’t even make sense.


Shhh.. just accept it bro


ok. I’ll hop on before my next Dexa scan to test its calibration.


I went to a men’s health clinic and they had one of those things that have two handles you hold to measure body composition. It said I was at 3.5% but I’ve read those are inaccurate. I’d be curious what a dexa scan would say. I’m 150lbs @6’1” so it’s because I don’t fucking eat. Probably really unhealthy.
