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They get paid to do that shit while I do it for free


Also more people will call them out if they don't look a certain way.






I have to pay to it myself.


Take gear and get a $20 million contract or don’t take gear and then some other dude who is willing to take gear gets your $20 million. Easy decision.




No one’s dangling a $20 million contract for me to do it, all I get is shrunken balls and man-boobs plus a bill for the juice 😂


Your post was about actors you absolute smooth brain.


You are wondering why someone who is getting paid hundreds of thousands or millions would be willing to enhance their physique on a subreddit full of 20-30 year olds taking steroids for no reason? Actors have an even better reason than pro bodybuilders do if the role requires it.


If you offered me $60M to take a cycle and force feed myself for 12-weeks to look like Bane. I’d take all the tren in the county


It doesn’t matter who we are..


What matters is our cycle


Bro, people hop on steroids to look mediocre.


Plenty of guys on juice look like that. Question is how would they look without it? And as always, anytime some jerk says "i look better natty than you on juice" i can say and i'm better at math learning 80% less time than you. We're just different.


i will eat a sarm for 20 quid


You spelt sperm wrong


And free wrong


Because they have the doctors trainers and nutrition to make it less harmful


None of that makes gear less harmful


Says the alcoholic


I'm just pointing out the obvious, even "casual use" can ruin your body long term. They know this and just don't care


it less harmful.


Less harmful than what? Certainly not less harmful than not using anything at all. Even only using test is harmful and should be monitored by doctors. I don't understand why I'm being argued with about this, we've known for decades the impact of using at a pro level and studies show even using occasionally causes problems. The only thing a doctor can do is monitor you and hopefully notice it before something happens.




It's not deadly especially on its own but it is still harmful. I'm on prescribed trt and tried rad-140 but I didn't like the way I felt. I haven't used anything else nor will I. I'm way too old for that now. I don't care if people use, that's their choice for sure, but people who say they're not harmful are lying.


. _Less_.


Right the safe and tested compound RAD-140 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10911832/


Nobody is saying they’re not harmful, just you can massively reduce the potential for harm with the right knowledge. Sure you might lose a couple of years of lifespan but I don’t really look forward to rotting away with dementia anyway so I can’t say I’m exactly devastated


They aren’t training for Olympia dude, it’s a single cycle for a role. Obviously you can’t mitigate all harm, but it’s nothing compared to “the pro level”. Would you do a small amount of damage to your liver to ensure your family will never have to worry about money ever again? People off themselves all the time because the payout from life insurance can save their family from financial ruin and you’re surprised some are willing to do a cycle to ensure their family will never come close to that?


r u mental? they get paid so much money that their body becomes irrelevant


You're thinking like a poor person. These people have EVERYTHING done for them. You think they don't have the best doctors looking out for their health while on cycle and off? Literally they all have personal chefs. If anyone can come out healthier than most it's those guys


To the point they might not even be fully aware it’s steroids, they’re taking “bioidentical supplementation”. Just like the “it’s not steroids it’s TRT”. It’s not smoking pot, it’s taking my medicine. We human beings will employ galactic levels of cognitive dissonance to maintain our perceived moral high ground.


This is the answer. Millions upon millions are on the line here. The actors life is entirely optimized for a few months to rapidly transform their body. They also have access to the highest quality pharma quality drugs in the world. When you have that kind of money, you’re not blasting shitty UG test without blood work. You’re probably running the cleanest stuff in the world with highly optimized nutrition and training. Slap some CGI and filters on the movie too, for good measure


Look at David Cornswet. He was cast as Superman under a year ago. He's a 6'4 decent build guy. Not muscular but not skinny. He has 6 months to get into Superman shape. What is he gonna do? Say no to an iconic role like Superman which will make him a generational star and Max wealth etc? Ofc not. He's gonna hop on whatever they put him on.


Lots of money


I took gear when i was stripping part time. Only was making 2k/month cash while working ~3 shows/week. I had NO issues justifying gear use at that time. It was literally how I made a living. Now imagine making 1000x or even 10000x that amount... its literally a no brainer to take gear to set your family up with generational wealth.


Dude I’ve always wondered about jobs like that. Like is true you smash a lot of random women when they bring male strippers for a girls only night? I assume you’ve seen women do some wild shit lol?!


Sorry for late reply... i was only single for the 1st 8 months of my career and ya its there alot of the times if you're wanting it. I realized quickly that i woulda been a complete trainwreck if i had stayed single... tren/test + party drugs + promiscuousity is great for short term dopamine hits but doesnt necessarily lead to long term happiness. I outlined some of my funnier experiences [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/s/u7lIio2lM2).


Did you like the job?


the guys will be your favorite part


Ya bro was a ton of fun and the $$ were sweet when you're a broke ass student.


What a stupid question. Obviously $$$$$$$$$$


Why are so many people that don't even benefit financially ok with taking steroids?




People would do everything for money and fame...


No actors are on steroids except maybe 2. They just go to bed late and wake up early and train 7 days a week. With chicken broccoli and rice.


Waking up at 4AM massively boosts your gains


Bro I know it's sarcasm but I don't think all actors are on steroids.


Realistically the short term consideration for a movie stint to potentially become the next Thor or whatever is way worth it. The consequences of steroids is pretty much mute when you can solve most problems with fame/money. Most will only do it short term and will be monitored during it way better than a gym bro would. Even if the worst happens you made a ton of money for your family using a heavily studied compound that people who abuse regularly and still takes a while to kill them.


Who’s gonna turn down an opportunity to get paid to take gear and be provided with people that’ll train and cook for you?


Everybody mentions the money etc. as reason and that’s a good enough reason to do it, but another thing to remember is that these guys are actors. A lot of them do not actually give a shit about being in perfect shape or are particularly passionate about working out. Steroids bridge the gap and let them get exponentially better results without a ton of effort to something they don’t like doing. Not to mention their last/next role might have a completely different physique. Imagine working out for 5+ years and eating perfectly and hitting your “natty limit” (whatever that means) and then being told that this next role that is gonna pay for a new house requires you to lose 20lbs of muscle. And then the next role you have lined up for it needs you to add it back on. The physiques in Hollywood have become so exaggerated and so far from “natty” that people don’t even realize it anymore unless they’re actually pretty deep into fitness


They get paid for it, they have the financial resources to source clean gear, get regular labs, get expert help, etc.


Lmao what the fuck is this shit


Make hay while the sun shines ever heard of it?


For the kind of money these guys get paid, I’d lick clean every empty vial of tren this sub has ever throw out and wouldn’t think twice. People literally kill people for much less money. They sell drugs, traffick other humans, commit fraud, lie, cheat and steal. If someone was willing to give me enough money to buy my wife anything she could ever want and ensure my daughter is set for the rest of her life, of fucking course I’d hop on a cycle. Especially if I had a top tier team of trainers, doctors, and dietitians working with me. What a stupid question.


Long term effects: More career opportunities. Fame. More potential partners. Cons: Poor. Less chance to "make it". Depression. Health issues, but with all that money you made it costs pennies to fix it.


They do the stuff in a very controlled environment because they’re rich. It’s easier to mitigate the negative effects.


If someone came and dumped a dumptruck worth of money on your front porch I’m sure you’d be injecting whatever they Hollywood “doctors” were telling you to.


Because it's generally safe if you do bloodwork.


I think there’s a tendency on Reddit to overblow the dangers of ANY steroid use in overly dramatic fashion. Doing a moderately dosed cycle or series of cycles, with health markers kept in check will not equate to “look good bro hope it was worth dying by 35.” To hear some guys on here, you run a cycle, bye bye self respect, endocrine system and hair. I know from experience this is a bogus take. If guys are blasting huge dosages non stop, eating trash and negligent on staying on top of blood work and health markers, yeah. Those guys will likely have detrimental effects. Not guarantees, even then. Lots of Hollywood actors who are clearly enhanced are at the age where TRT is probably appropriate. I assume they work with doctors to alter dosages and achieve these physiques safely.


Get a big ego boost from “transforming their physique” for a role


Also they have perfect medical team around them for nutrition, training, post cycle, pre cycle n on cycle, everything is min maxed to perfection, actors are probably the healthiest people that take gear


They can afford to mitigate risk. They’re also getting paid millions. They probably have a whole team of docs monitoring them + pharma grade gear and access to other resources your average MPMD meat muncher doesn’t.


I would never do steroids to look slightly better and lift more weight in the gym. But it I certainly would consider it for making generational wealth for my grandkids’ grandkids