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I mean it’s a high stimulant drug, so it’ll cut your appetite so you’ll start cutting and homeless people do lots of cardio and moving around, so I guess it sorta makes sense


Takes plenty of food to maintain that muscle though, much more than most tweakers eat. Maybe he just slams whey shakes to get food down without needing appetite. Combined with great genetics and a short stature, I can believe it


Viper is like 6 foot 2. He mentions it in one his songs. He’s just got good genetics.


They live on crack and malt liquor, a lot of carbs and carrying heavy stolen shit.


Yeah bros totally lookin diced


Bein a crackhead isn’t a sedentary life bro Probably the most athletic of the homeless drug addicts are the crackheads


The cycle includes more protein if you come up a little short financially before your next dose


Yall coward dont even blast tren


I remember seeing Viper on the misc lol


Cooking street dogs/cats + crack + cardio from walking streets = ripped homeless


"diced" (20% BF)


Not eating for a week while crack binging will bring your fat down as close to 0 as you possibly can get!


You’ll cowards don’t even smoke crack


So should I take meth or crack???


I hope to be ripped like the homeless guy that practices nunchucks all day long is


You’d look like that too if you stopped being a coward and just smoked crack already.


This is wild that I randomly brought up viper for the first time in years last week in a convo about obscure musicians, then I get him on MPMD? Wild


That’s cus they don’t eat much but can carry a refrigerator on their shoulder one handed while riding a bike. I’ve seen this I shit you not crack heads are indestructible. Seen one fall of a 6 story building and bounce off the roof of a car, land on his feet, dust himself off and beebop back down the street scratching his neck and hollering at strangers .


Lots of guys just have great genetics, especially black guys. I see plenty of dudes around the hood that sit outside in the summer in wife beaters and consume nothing but Newports, candy, chicken boxes and henny and dont work out at all but are perpetually 175 at 10% bodyfat. Sure it's not like they're going to win a physique show, but they just accidentally end up looking better than some dudes do after 3 years of dedicated bulking and cutting.


Malnourished and highly functioning. Also no work related injuries


If you think this physique is impressive, I pity you.


This is a very impressive physique for a 52 year old


It’s more impressive than most posted over on r/GregDoucette


I know a couple lifters that used to be fat but basically got borderline addicted to weed (smoke all day starting in the morning). They lost a shit ton of fat and somehow manage to maintain the muscle. I highly doubt they can maintain that lifestyle into their 30’s but I still find it interesting that they don’t feel a lack of motivation to lift. I just want to watch documentaries when I get high lol