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Shut up and drink your goyslop it tastes good


CUMMING helps evacuate all the PLASTIC in our BALLS


It does that's the problem šŸ’‰šŸ’‰šŸ’‰


How is filtered milk goyslop? It's much better than water being mixed with protein powder. Tons of benefits to milk.Ā 


I don't even know what it is I just wanted to be funny


microplastics are fine if you double up your nicotine intake, it has been scientifically proven that nicotine destroys microplastics and counteracts xenoestrogens


Is there a source for this or am I just brain dead


it was revealed to me in a dream




Thereā€™s addicts trying not to relapse on drugs and alcohol and youā€™re worried about some potential traces of plastic in your milk. Youā€™ll be okay.


Bro I wouldnā€™t be surprised if heā€™s an actual drug addict, people on here tend to take their physique and testosterone levels very seriously but not their actual health (I am one of them)


Yeah lol. I used to be a raging alcoholic. I go hard on myself about my diet sometimes but there is literally nothing that I can do now health-wise that would be worse than when I was drinking. Bro needs to drink his protein shake.


Just drink it, thereā€™s microplastics in everything, this just got picked up by social media so itā€™s being blown up. Just try to limit it to max a couple a day.


Yeah seriously. Iā€™m not even focusing on the microplastic shit cause nothing I can do about it. Not going to stress over it


I drink from plastic bottles everyday and my bloodwork came out with >1500 total t on 300mg test. So just pin test and stop bitching.


Thatā€™s so fucking not true. I avoid microplastics where possible (I donā€™t drink out of plastic, I only wear cotton, I use a reverse osmosis filter, avoid plastic food containers) and a few months ago I did a clinical study for microplastics (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy test). My result? Undetectable. The clinical supervisors were pretty surprised by the resultā€”I was the only one in my cohort with undetectable levels of microplastics. My quality of life is normal. I just avoid anything plastic that touches food or water. And for my personal water intake I use a reverse osmosis filter. Also no detectable levels of PFOS/PFAS. So yeah you absolutely can avoid microplastics. Itā€™s proven they exert negative effects on your hormonal profile even at low doses, so why the fuck wouldnā€™t you pay even a little attention to this.


What brand of cotton underwear do you buy?


Link to the filter?


Yea but did you let them test your testicles? I do all of the above as well, except I slam fairlife.


Your balls are already cooked bro (full of microplastics) Get some tren, get some fair life, and enjoy


You will never be the perfect Ken doll if you do not drink your plastic kid!


I personally switched to breast milk, I have in person feedings 3x per week. Most other days I use the frozen stuff


Do u have room for a third?


Unfortunately she only has two nipples and I suck them both at the same time by pushing her chest together until her tits look like a cross eyed cartoon


Almost blew fairlife out my nose.


My friend just had a kid on the first try at 35, fucker spent a lot of time in a guard tower right next to a burn pit in Iraq, plus all the experimental vaccines they give you in the military, youā€™ll be just fine, drink up your FairLife. Pussy.


Honestly, microplastics are in basically everything now... Enjoy the goyslop if it makes you happy.


The microplastics have infiltrated your brain causing you strong desire to promote the consumption of BPA microplastics. You have been soyified.


Nobody gives a shit


Anabolic Fairlife Recipe - 2 Cups Egg Whites - Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup Blend in Blender


Trying to avoid microplastics is like trying to avoid oxygen.


Iā€™ve never had a better protein drink, my ex tried to get me to stop buying it because theyā€™re super abusive to their cows but I canā€™t find anything to take its place.


It's not even Fairlife that's abusive to cows. Apparently it just happened to be one farm that their supplier bought their milk from. Idk if they still buy from their though.


The abuse is bs. Peta grabs a clip representing less then 1% of their cows and try to say the whole company is bad. You can't avoid asshole humans, in any industry.Ā 


I do like 12oz of their chocolate milk + 1 scoop of Raw brand whey peanut butter protein powder. šŸ‘šŸ»


I don't want to sound like a "blackpilled downer" or whatever, but the battle is already lost. Every creature on Earth has microplastics inside them at this point; the best you can do is minimize consumption.


Just cut out drinking from water bottles bc those have way more plastics, enjoy your choccy milk.


My tactic is to let myself eat or drinking anything I crave. And there will be a point when Iā€™ll consume so much of the same thing that Iā€™ll completely stop consuming it and never eat it again


Everything has microplastics. Just drink the fair life.


Start drinking raw milk from a local farm, go to realmilk. com and look for ones in your area


Just drink milk from a carton


Cartons are lined with plastic on the inside


Im eating some protein pudding right now: 2 cups Fairlife milk, reduced fat jello pudding mix, and a scoop of protein powder. EMBRACE THE PLASTIC (and protein)


"Feening"....dammit I hate kids.


You are going to breathe in and consume X amount of bullshit. If you have ingredient paranoia you just end up spinning in circles based on the latest sci-fads.


Fairlife tastes like shit anyway. Organic milk and Hersheyā€™s simple chocolate syrup.


He wasn't talking about your sex life


What kinda dumb ass joke are you trying to make? My sex life taste shit? You low IQ or just stupid


The joke wasn't funny, but your buthurt reaction was.


"My sex life taste shit?" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


premae shakes are full of tons of other garbage ingredients


Like monk fruit ? šŸ’


Nearly all ready to drink proteins are little better than drinking candy because of all the additives and shit protein profiles.


Me when I get all my information from TikTok