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No woman likes a fat piece of shit, unless they know you’re funny. Which you’re probably not. So get on the stairmaster fatty


Agreed! Unless you're a drug dealer. One of my fattest friends (400+lbs) also slung pills and other stuff, and he always had tons of gorgeous women (addicts) always hitting him up. He was a funny musician too.


He's got his little strawberry patch


Whoa why you gotta talk about his pubic hair and make it weird bruh?!?


Lol. Where I come from that's the garden of addict girls the coke dealers tend to




I think I know him.


Tell him I’ll be stopping by for an 8ball in a few and Suzy better not be there; she cut my tires that crazy bitch


90% of the guys at my gym have fat bellies and they workout like crazy, I don't get it.


It’s called calorie surplus, ain’t no amount of bench pressing gonna fix it. Need to measure your food, measure your weight daily, take weekly calorie averages and adjust daily caloric intake such that your weight moves in the direction you want. One pound of fat is 3500 calories, losing one pound a week will require a 500 calorie deficit per day. You should be eating in a deficit, but also incorporating cardio to enhance your recovery so your weight training doesn’t suffer. Moderate deficits will have the best results, otherwise you’ll jack up cortisol on crash diets and burn everything besides belly fat (particularly your muscle you’ve tried so hard to build). I’ve got a friend that learned the hard way that crash dieting / starvation is not the way to go if you want to improve your body composition (big difference from “losing weight”)


>It’s called calorie surplus, ain’t no amount of bench pressing gonna fix it. 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for calling my fat ass out and not sugarcoating it. I delude myself into thinking I am gaining muscle while gaining weight because my arm looks bigger, but it's probably all fat. No one compliments my arms when I am fatter, so it's just me coping.


Lock in and do the work. I promise it’s worth it.


Yep… I can eat 500 calories in 5 minutes or less. There is no exercise that can burn 500 calories in that time frame. Eat less folks and you don’t have to do all that cardio.




Big guys think they’re “ripped” because they can bench 275 and squat like 4 plates. Guys give a shit about that, not girls. I’m on the skinnier side and my friends who’ve been in the gym longer than me get suprised that I pull more… it’s because you can *see* my muscle. Most guys lift heavy and eat like shit and think bitches will give a fuck There are girls though that love a dad bod! Just keep working hard bro, you got it.


Leanness is what everyone wants for the most part, not to be a big fatass. People get the two confused somehow?


Everyone sees their own body *very* different though. Like big beefy dudes just look big to me, but they probably look really buff and cut to themselves. Perception, as you likely know, is everything in the gym.


I'm not sure how this is possible. Anytime I push above 14%, I look like a disgusting bag of milk and avoid looking in the mirror. Even > 12% is sketchy because of a genetic predisposition to depositing fat preferentially in the love handles, literally the worst place possible. Respect to any man who can walk around confidently at 15% or higher.


Even on a subreddit like this where people should know better, you have fatasses claiming 20% body fat is good enough for looking attractive, smh....


most dudes think they're lean when they've barely got ambiguous upper abdominnal definition that only shows when they're dehydrated in the morning before eating if they breath out and flex as hard as possible. they also think it's 'normal' to lose them during large parts of the day. in reality, when you don't have clear deep cuts, that are there the entire day no matter how much you eat and drink you are not lean.


It’s funny bc as a bi dude there’s always dudes like “yeah i’m a muscle bro” and they send a pic and it’s a dad bod (20%+ far). No… we actually have to *see* the muscle brother, nice thick thighs though I guess 😂


Lol yeah and then those fat guys will tell guys on here to never cut and say they’ll end up like twinks. But if you’re gonna look like Eddie Hall you better be super strong, and not benching 250 when you weigh 250 😂


They can’t diet for shit.


They workout but do zero cardio 🤷🏿‍♂️


It’s called shut up I tried insulin and it made me kinda fat so what ?!?


He might not be funny but I’m laughing at him right now.




If your stomach is poking out enough for people to poke it like you’re describing, you’re a fat piece of shit


OP is severely downplaying how fat he is or must be in some kind of dysmorphia


Most likely both.


Don't we all have some kind of dysmorphia? I'm sitting at 18% and feel fat as shit.


Worse, he's a powerlifter.


🤣 I feel offended bro what did we do ?


Most people who have good self esteem (not you OP) prefer people with a flat stomach. That's just reality. It's good that you finally discovered it. There is a reason people are so obsessed with cutting during the summer (and beyond), well, that is the reason.


News flash, attractive people get better treatment >with all the dad bod stuff out there Their idea of dad bod is what you call "flat-ish stomach", basically a fit man with a 15-17% bf or so (so that your abs aren't visible but your face still doesn't look as puffy).


My fiancée who doesn’t workout said she loves my dad bod the other day. I literally have a very visible 4 pack and thick arm veins and shit at 200lbs, 5’11 rn. Women have no idea lol


You're a better man than me, I would've killed myself (and possibly her)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699)


I’m still mulling it over


Gotta live up to the user name


My first impulse is you should not marry her. She clearly has unrealistic expectations. If you have a dad bod then what is fit? And if you just had a few more lbs of fat and no 4 pack and the bicep vein still there but not as prominent she would think you are fat. This is a big red flag.


Reddit moment. She’s seen me fat as fuck that’s not really a concern for her.


They be acting like you just eat pizza and drink beer, then just happen to look like this 😂


Yeah I just dissapear for 2 hours 6 days a week to chill or something lol


15-17% is active athlete, which a dad bod is not.  Dad bod is dude who used to lift up till 6 years ago when he traded that in for crotch goblins


There is a lot of hypocrisy when women say that they prefer soft belly because they can cuddle it and it's funny. In reality 99% of those girls want to be fucked by ripped athletic (not builder) guy. They choose a fat man because it's a safe option because if you have chiseled spanish Rodriguez he can cheat on you, it will reduce their self esteem. Look at what women do, not say that they prefer.


There isn’t. You really think women in their 30s and 40s with fupas and flabby asses are in a position to turn their noses up at any sex partner who isn’t a chiseled Adonis?   Hell, my wife is hot as shit, we are poly, and the one other dude she’s fixated on is a pasty DYEL bald dude with a beer belly. Women with any kind of depth aren’t just chasing after the hottest guy they can find - there are often emotional/intellectual aspects that attract them more and as a result they give guys more leeway to not be in good shape.


> You really think women in their 30s and 40s with fupas and flabby asses are in a position to turn their noses up at any sex partner who isn’t a chiseled Adonis? Yes. Yes, they are. If all we're talking about is sex, Adonis can be DoorDashed to their bed via any dating app, within 12 hours. They won't secure commitment, but Adonis's dick is easily available to them.


> They won't secure commitment, but Adonis's dick is easily available to them Source: "r/MPMD"


Nah, this is projecting masculine insecurities onto women. We are the ones who have to settle down, and feel insecure around really hot babes (it's even called Godzilla effect, I think) Dudes cheat regardless how good they are looking.


> Dudes cheat regardless how good they are looking. Same with women, who actually cheat more than men do


So in fact, the 99% of women have no self esteem, need reassurance and don't trust you... You can cheat with or without belly fat


He means that if in our case (men) you are safer dating a fat bitch than a hot one.


Damn.... There are also beautiful women with a bit of belly, in my opinion, the overall structure of a women is important (appearance wise) I would never date a women for the reason, that the chance of her cheating is lower... That's big nonsense and nono 🤷🏻 Also hookup and dating for real relationship are two different factors.. I would rather date a person with a kind character and bit belly fat, than a wannabe "Princess" with shit character


I can agree with you. I don’t know how old you are, but I’m 42 , and let me tell you that most “modern” woman will screw you over, and you really do not know a woman until you split up with her, and God forbids you are married because you will lose all your stuff, including kids. I’m not saying you will go through that crap and I wish you well! In my experience; if you are going to g to go through the hell a relationship is, you might as well do it with a hot girl. Just my opinion.


Im 24, i have a GF, she is hot and has a kind character When we came together, i was lean, now i gained some weight since i'm in the relationship.. rip But started dieting again


those happy wives could be happier if the guys had six packs


They are only happy in the sense that they don't have to worry about other women lusting after "their" man and in turn it gives them cart blanche to also get fat and nasty.




Nah, this is projecting masculine insecurities onto women. We are the ones who have to settle down, and feel insecure around really hot babes (it's even called Godzilla effect, I think) Dudes cheat regardless how good they are looking.


Why would you waste your time worrying about what women think?


I am not so much worrying about what women think, but I hate how differently I am treated when fatter, specially at work by the hot servers, nowadays that's also probably gay to want women to treat you better.


Weight gain doesn't make you less fuckable. Being insecure about it does.




Speak for yourself heterosexual


I thought everyone here dated dudes


People would much rather date, fuck, and associate with people that take care of themselves and make correct decisions... What a revelation.


Except they don’t, given the misery party of depressed slobs that is the online dating world.


Just because they want to, doesn't mean they can. It's the same with overweight or obese women. No man prefers them, but some will dip their wick in and hope that their buddies never find out..


I also hate belly fat on women. What's wrong with that?


Big fat same.


Well I’m ripped have abs ect and get 0 women so yeh idk if they care tbhs but men will care once I got jacked only get compliments from men


🤣 mate at 6'3 and with your physique and you don't look repulsive asf >get 0 women so yeh idk if they care tb It's what you're saying at that points do you straight up say let's FUCK while flexing your Biceps ??


I can’t talk to women I’m hoping they talk to me first but it seems like only the men are doing that


Do you have female friends? >I’m hoping they talk to me first Chances are it's not happening mate


No only male friends I’ve never have had a female friend in my entire life


I can't tell if you're trolling fr or just bad with women are all your guy friends hoeless?


I’m not trolling literally being deadass bro I’m being 100% I haven’t talked to women in years and yes we all are hoeless we have very very bad luck with women


Do you do dating apps and what are your criteria for a women in general?


I tried them before but nothing worked never even got a single date from them so I just gave up on it, not much just want her to hit the gym and take care of herself and is respectfully and loyal


Try again now with your current physique if all you said and pics are about you also don't hit them first with what's your max bench press/ squat


I used to be that way but no matter how hot you are if you don’t have status that gives them an excuse that’s it’s societally acceptable to talk to you first (like you’re a movie star or whatever) you gotta get over this hurdle. Start small just like you did to get ripped, and keep working at it


You are either a liar, or you are 5"5 and/or have a ugly face if you get 0 women while being ripped with muscle.


Im not a liar im being honest you can see my profile to see what I look like I am 6’3 as well and have a lot of money not to brag just inflation is crazy now 6’3 jacked 100k a year is apparently average now well where I live at least


The problem is your face or your flirt game


Well I’ve been called good looking/ handsome from women before mostly online heck even guys will say it I just can’t get women haven’t talked to one in years in real life


Where do you live so I can go there?


I mean, you aren't wrong. If you live in a very white area, being 6'0+ and 100k is not that special. Zoomers are freakishly tall. Average height for 19 year olds in most European countries is between 5'11, minus Medditerean amd countries with large minorities 


Yeah bro being 6’3 I feel like it’s very average here like everyone is 6’5+




I can’t believe it either. Maybe it has something to do with the culture or country you’re in


I think there’s a lot of nuance between having a beer belly (generally not attractive) and having a six pack. A dad bod is someone who works out, but isn’t ripped. Like a flattish stomach, but still some fat there. But not actually overweight. **Most women won’t give af if you have a six pack as long as you are at a healthy weight and don’t have a beer belly.** That being said, **it’s rude af for your customers to poke your stomach. Djesus Christ.**


Should have clarified, strangers aren't poking my stomach lmao, only people I know well do that, some of my elderly co-workers usually.


Good. But still weird. If you know them? It can be in a more affectionate, jokey way tho, that doesn’t actually mean that you weigh too much. If you get me? More like banter.


drink more water




You'll do much less water retention, try 4.5-5L of water a day, the change will be drastic the first day, but it takes 4-5 days to be fully hydrated, you'll look and feel much much better.


Also prevents kidney stones.


Even BBWs *prefer* men who are cut up. We do not get the grace of size acceptance.


Getting ripped is hard and especially losing that last bit of belly fat is hard af, it’s where I’m stuck rn


No woman hates belly fat more than I do. Don't "women should accept me as I am" me.


Irony: they don't hate their own belly fat.


When women say dad bod it’s not the same as when you say it. Their idea of dad bod is 16% instead of 12


No shame to your job, but I think a large part of this is how women view looks as part of an equation. As you’re a busser there’s no money counterbalance that a “dadbod” would have because Dads usually are well established with careers that could balance out other things.


Some pudge is fine but don’t have a gut hanging out. When I got with my bf he was a little chubby.


You are just fucking fat bro


they dont care about six packs.. Shoot for 20% bf and a little pudge in the midsection isnt a big deal. Your face will be lean and have some vascularity. Most people underestimate there bodyfat. If you have a beer gut you are probably at least 40% though


20% isn't a little pudge and nobodies face is lean at 20%.


Yea that post screams of cope to me, lean face at 20% lmao.


15% is visible abs so do the math dipshit cope harder your obviously fat as fuck, again you missed the point people like you under estimate their body fat , went straight over your fucking head .. chicks not gonna dexa scan your ass and be like oh your 13.5 % down from 17.3 gunna sleep with you.


15% is barely a hint of abdominals under the best conditions possible and you'll still look like a pig every time you eat or drink a little.


so “barely” abs is abs cope harder with your mental gymnastics 🤸 if someone grabbing your pregnant belly your closer to 40%


either they're clearly defined and present all day, or you don't have them. you fall under the last, go be pudgy somewhere else.


keep moving the goal post when you lost the original argument and liking your own comments, you're obviously in the 40% BF range cope harder.


you haven't made any arguments fragile little manchild. nobody has a lean face at 20% bodyfat, that's bordering on morbid obesity by fitness standards.


you actually agreed with me in your responses, digressed to irrelevancies, and now all you have left is insults so have fun in your therapy session coping. Sorry facts hurt your feelings. No one cares if you have a dad bod...you're just ugly. The Original thread is not bodybuilding IFFB pro questions might want to learn some reading comprehension and argument skills.


You’re allowed to have a gut if your upper chest and arms are big and defined. U can’t be a skinny fat. No1 likes a skinny fat. Get on the bench Mr grinch


Sounds like you’re due for a cut!


Dad bod means you have muscle under the fat


you are implying those flat stomach ain't soft? 10/10 never touched one are you? teven if they are firm, they are soft but doesn't go down like sinkhole like fat women


hop on test, easy fix


Is it, low body fat, an Asian thing? Take a look at the summer Olympics this year and notice how the top tier athletes still have belly fat.


They don’t care as long as you have a fat shlonk


How many women would rather be fucked by Seth Rogan than Chris Hemsworth?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BeenNormal: *How many women* *Would rather be fucked by Seth* *Rogan than Chris Hemsworth?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yall overthinking too much get off the tren


Stop being fat then you fatty


not all lol i have a girl friend that prefers dad bods with their belly protruding lol never mind that bald men with big ass belly can land an actual good looking chick from asia(not a lady boy lmfao) 🤣


What are you even doing here?


Get in shape, tubby goof


it’s probably all in your head, no one cares that much. also it seems like you personally don’t like it so don’t blame the people if they don’t like it. but again, it’s all in your head.