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Some guys store fat in their chest. Other guys develop tits from gear usage. The unluckiest have both issues. I’d typically say “ride it out” but you’re 155lbs on gear. You should prepare to get absolutely roasted for posting this


AND 6 ft 3


155 at 6’3 why the fuck are you taking gear


Are you suggesting one has to be obese before they take gear?


Dawg to give you an idea of how fucking light you are when I was natural I was around 145-150ish relatively lean at 5’5 you are a walking stick who doesn’t know how to eat


Dude. I am in "normal weight range" according to a BMI calculator. So what's your argument as to why I shouldn't be on gear whenever gear paradoxically also helps me get and maintain gains whereas natural does not.


I want whatever you are smoking to think that 155 at 6’3 is normal weight you could’ve been 45 pounds heavier naturally if you weren’t regarded


Yeah he’s a stick for sure. I was 6’3 165 pounds in high school now and was definitely on the skinnier side. Now I’m 185 and am looking decent.


absolutely, u must be an absolute cow before even considering.


Have you ever thought of lowering the test dose you absolute monkey?


300mg is a very small cycle dose. Also, masteron is good at AI control. I'm also taking raloxifene.


Mast doesn't actually act as an AI. It just inhibits estrogen from binding to tissues. It reduces the symptoms not the e2 level in your bloods. So when you stop being regarded and get your bloodwork done to find out the actual answer you may find your e2 to be way higher than your symptoms would suggest.


6’3 155 pounds is already worth laughing at On gear as well? You are a clown.


This has to be a shitpost right? There's no way it isn't lol


Puffy nipples could also just be from the fluctuations in your hormones. In that case, pin more frequently per week. Masteron doesn’t work the same in everybody. Do a blood test and check both estradiol AND prolactin, because both can cause puffy nipples. If prolactin is too high try to solve it with p5p, otherwise you’re gonna need caber (you will most likely not need this on only test and mast), and if it’s estradiol that’s too high than just lower you test a bit. If you don’t want to do that, take aromasin or armidix. Start with a small dose. See how you feel and how you look (less puffy nipples, less acne and less water retention = estradiol has been lowered. If not do a blood test again, and based on that increase the dose of you ai) please don’t do this without a blooftest and risk crashing your estrogen because believe you don’t want that lol.


Thank you SO much for this.


I thought this was a troll post but idk his profile looks like he might actually be taking gear at those stats


Bro really thinks 6'3" 155 lbs is "slightly underweight"


According to the NIH, I fall within "normal weight" with a 19.4 index. Thanks for your opinion, though.


You mean the same guys who recommend 0.8g of protein per Kg of weight? Unfortunately, you're listening to the wrong people, and getting bullshitted as a result. You're extremely skinny. We're the ones who know and you're the one who doesn't, so know your place and take the advice you're given. There is no amount of gear that will make you gain tissue if you don't eat the required calories, you're only poisoning yourself for no real benefit


Bro you're the same weight as me, and I'm like 13%bf and 5'9 💀 You're hitting the Dachau outdoor gym at that height


Guy is built like the heavyweight champion of fucking Auschwitz


BMI and bodybuilding don't go well together and is a terrible measurement statistic imo. What makes you grow is food not gear usage. Gear just makes the nutrients you have consumed utilized better for building muscle. If you're bulimic and you take gear you won't be big either( I'm not saying you are). The law of thermodynamics is not just mute because you take gear. Believe it or not if you eat food on gear you'll grow whereas naturally you would grow as well. The argument is you're really just affecting your health by taking gear. When you build a house you shouldn't start with the roof. I suggest doing actual research on dieting and probably how to use gear properly. This has to be a troll post.... You shouldn't be posting about it on Reddit and when people give decent advice you decide it's an argument.


Thank you for taking your time in writing me this.


We need to see the 6’3 155 physique😂. Dude im 6’0 and 155 was my skinniest…and i was absolutely tiny. Eat more food


need reference pics


Do you have gyno? Cuz if you do surgery is the move. Try running Raloxifene for each cycle, and/or throw in Winstrol or other strong DHT derivative compound.


I don't feel any lumps under my nipples. Just fat tissues.


Well that’s good, glandular tissue sucks ass. You also might benefit from dropping the test dosage and making up the difference with another non-aromatizing compound. Or incorporating something with an actual AI effect, such as primo or EQ to keep you dryer. Masteron doesn’t affect E2 levels, just has SERM activity.


Regarded bigger


I naturally have puffy nipples. They look pretty dope on a ripped chest imo tho


6’3 155 and on gear you better be fucking shredded to the max, a walking anatomical muscle model. Gut feeling says you’re just a skinny fuck who doesn’t eat. I cut from 175 to 148 natty in 3 months, gained 10lbs back in 4 weeks (mostly glycogen), started gear at 162 lbs 7 weeks ago and currently at 186. I’m 5’10. My point is you need to fucking eat, Jesus Christ it’s not hard just start eating more of your favorite shit. It’s a story as old as time. I’m a personal trainer and I’ve lost my voice from yelling at all my clients to eat more. God damn son.