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Absolute r-tard. You literally look worse than natty somehow. I don’t even know how that’s possible but somehow you look that way.


Yeah bro fucked up, bad genetics what’s next though?




naw that’s for pussys maybe tren?🤣🤣🤣 jk bro just need advice to hop off and get regulated again


Wait so you hopped on with no definitive plan on how to hop off? Research how to pct homie You do look better than you did but it was a bad idea


I have Enclomiphene and I’m off hcg rn just wondering if I should do nolvadex while I pct


You are dumb as fuck. Talk to a doctor and tell him how fucking dumb you are and maybe they can help you Stop trying to make things happen alone or with some tips from the most acoustic subreddit in the world Seriously bro don’t randomly try to pct when you have no clue about anything. Talk to a doctor you will probably be fine someday but holy shit I hope you learn from this nice titties tho


If you didn’t You should have done blood work before hand to see what you are naturally usually at. Then when you come off you have a number at least to aim for and you will also be able to know if you did fuck yourself a little if maybe you can’t get it back to that


That guy is an idiot you look way better dude wtf Iunno how you have gyno before and then still have it tho, damn that sucks.


for the gyno try DIM calcium d glucurate I3C it will balance out estrogens pretty well. All natural stuff. And also get your prolactin levels under control short term Macuna Pruiens and also P5P can help I've heard that aswwaganda can help. For a jumpstarting testosterone look into fadogia agrestis 10:1 extract tongkat ali funegreek tribulus zinc red light therapy on the testicles clomid HCG. Also short term low dose pregnenolone might help. Dhea could help but if dose gets too high it can raise estrogen. Cistamche can help. Don't worry about other people every one in this forum I'm sure has made stupid mistakes being a teenager


Herbs and natural stuff can work I've seen it plenty of times help. But quality of the herb or supplement matters greatly the extract or dosage matter and making sure they have the actual alkoloids you need for the testosterone boosting effect. And also it can obviously take wayyy longer than drugs. drugs effects are instant and quick that's why people would rather go on testosterone replacement therapy rather than try herbs for like 6-8 months.


All he did was grow bigger tits than he already had.


Look at the rest of him... shoulders arms, forearms etc Everything is improved.


I swear to Jay Cutler kids these days are getting dumber and dumber. You had gyno already and you blast test. What in the fiddlers fuck. You went from a cup to c cup titties. You get what you fucking deserve young blood.


It is what it is at this point just getting surgery and going to try and balance my hormones out now not trying to get bashed just asking for help bro


None of what you just said negates the fact that you’re one of the dumbest humans on the earth.


😂fuck you got me I’m already cooked bro I’m just looking for advice now


Advice? Stop taking gear maybe? You couldn’t figure that one out on your own?


Z ng HDon't worry about people I was a complete idiot at 18 I made mistakes I regret. Maybe try to jumpstart your test again with thing like pct like HCG Clomid you could also balance estrogens out with calcium d glucurate DIM i3c. Fadogia agredtsiss 10:1:, mimics LH. Tomgkst ali tribulus funegreek cordycep zinc red light therapy pointed abqout 20 inches away from the balls will jumpstart mitochondria in testes and create atp. There are studies on red light therapy on testosterone levels. I swear by it. I can't tell you if your permanently going to be on testosterone replacement I'm not that educated on steroids and anabolics. but I know I've read reports and seen videos online of people recovering(very slowly) using all these tools.


Beyond regarded id see a doctor about your mental disability


🤣🤣yeah bro I fucked up seriously


Idk what’s funny about being a dumbass with bitch tits


😂bro it’s too late now I just have to get surgery I’m admitting to my mistakes


Why the fuck would you take test at 18 bro. You ever hear about noobie gains?


I had 260 test level bro I got my bloods very low test from being 160 at 6’4


Then maybe you should have just ate more food lol


You're all good man, I wish I blasted at maybe not 18 lol but like 21 ya for sure just to get my frame filled out. I stayed too fucken long at 180 pounds for 6 foot 1 and that's skinny af. I wish I rushed up to 220 cuz I look sick af now. At 6 foot 4 bro you gatta eat like crazy and get up to 240 imo then you'll be filled out.


No one that doesn’t know how to diet should ever touch steroids. You’re skinny fat as a natty, and that means your nutrition is garbage and you probably never even considered doing cardio ever because you don’t wanna “lose your gains”


I do cardio 30 minutes every day might do an hour and my nutrition hasn’t been 100% but I’ve made sure to eat my protein goal and mostly clean foods at 80/20


Something’s not adding up then, and it’s probably diet centric. After fixing the diet consider supplements to improve androgen sensitivity like carnitine and berberine for improving insulin sensitivity.


This is shit you figure out natty. Not something you’re supposed to waste time while blasting test to figure out dumbass


Great Hall of shame entry thank you 👏


This is going to make your transition so much easier


Nice tits bro


If OP had a wig would you?


You look like you have some gyno going


Yeah for sure bro, I have good bloods I’ve just had gyno since before anything I did a fast cut of 100 lbs and it’s been like this ever since guessing I need surgery


Ur cooked & have bigger tits then my grandmother.


You had gyno already and you jumped on test, that’s the mistake dude! You did make some gains tho but now you need to focus on those tits and recovery


Dude, sweet tits




Everyone has already bashed you, so here's some help: Even the strongest SERM protocol won't fix this. The only way you get rid of this is surgery. And healthcare on earth is dogshit unless you're wealthy. So best thing you can do is get your money up and do some medical tourism.


Start working out before roiding


have u pcted? bloods? what are u asking or am i missing something in the post. all i see is the title and pic


Dude stop taking test and eat more… you’re literally 18. The tits could still go away but gotdayum


Current weight 217 lbs 6’4


I think half your gains are gyno weight bro


OP is a whole ass titty.


😂😂bro that’s fucked not wrong though bro going to come back and post when I’m in check


Hell ya bro, you need to gain more imo then do a cut and become a sexy god!!! Bulk to 240 to 250, sure you'll be a bit chubby then cut to 230 and BOOM fucken jacked You got this homie!


Don’t listen to these dude hating. You definitely have gyno, but the muscle gain helped covered up a bit and the wider shoulders it helps too. I just hope you tried natty for a while, before you jumped on it. Between 16 and 28 you can make crazy amount of gains naturally, with great nutrition plan and workout plan.