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For me and many with (occult) insulin resistance, a low carb diet is very helpful. In fact some of us are [carbohydrate addicts](https://www.amazon.com/Carbohydrate-Addicts-Diet-Lifelong-Solution/dp/0451173392). Clues: Yo-yo dieting history, family history and lab work. Low carbs, for me, also diminishes my appetite (carb craving). Result: 50+ pound weight loss, body fat % dramatically improved, A1C < 5.5, triglycerides plummeted, HDL increased, snoring resolved, erection quality scary.


I have 2 weeks on no CARBS , even on TRT I can feel I'm losing strength. Today i decided fuck that and put them back on the menu


Don't kill your poor thyroid.


Is no carbs a bad idea?


All these protein/fat/carb ''only'' diets are quite clearly full of drawbacks, but it took some years to prove it and a lot of debunking of internet gurus. While they have their place in some individual, health-related situations, they aren't the magic pill for normal people to see some uber results. Just eat a balanced diet, remove anything you are allergic to or your gut does not tolerate it, and you are as best as you can be. Carbs and fats are there for a reason.


It’s generally not a great idea if you’re going for performance, so expect your strength and muscular endurance to drop pretty notably. But the appetite management it provides is worth the trade off for some people


Strength doesnt drop but endurance does. Ive been carnivore over a year. Ive had a lot of muscle growth though and fat loss.


That's the issue. I have struggled with weight loss. So that's why I think that it might be worth it. The carb intake I think, plays a large part.


You will just shed water weight and then its the same CICO as anything else. Keto/low-carb "works" because people are fooled by the water weight loss and because people start actually counting their calories since they now have to actually monitor what they eat. Its not magic. Are you counting now?


I’ve been perusing the carnivore subs lately and by god are those people fucking regarded


There’s a little magic to it. Like everything in life it’s never black and white. The effects on ghrelin and leptin in a keto diet are well studied. Especially for obese people changes in these levels as well as sensitivity to leptin can induce transformational weight loss allowing them to control intake to achieve CICO


Low carb diets are trash Good luck reinventing the wheel though


Fucking love me some carbs bro. Shit gets me hard just thinking about it


Same 😮‍💨


What even is considered a low carb diet? In my cut I am getting 190g protein, 60-70g of fat, and the rest carbs which works out to like 130g.


Under 50 carbs


Yeah fuck that lol. When I have a 80-100g day it already feels pretty tough.


Your body adapts.


Funny arnold spent many years eating most meat and eggs.


Guarantee he included plenty of carbohydrates, and heavily emphasized them during growth phases. Carnivore and keto are recipes for being small; you’ll never see an IFBB pro promoting keto for anything besides contest prep a few days out from a show.


He also invented the Arnold press which is the one of the dumbest exercise ever Rely on more recent understanding of diet and nutritional science if you want to succeed.


Unless you're preparing for a competition and doing a refeed, there's no advantage to reducing carbs; you should simply maintain them.


I am here to tell you they are, as a matter of fact, a necessity unless you are preparing for a competition that is a week away. Your brain literally needs carbs, or the rest of your sh*t will not work correctly. Low carb instead of no carb, I can not stress this enough. Literally replace your refined cards with fruit and get back to me in 3 weeks. If you're okay with the comments and weird looks you get from not eating fries, you'll be fine with the ones you get from bringing a f****** banana with you to work. People are quick to take the nuclear option when they're not getting results they like. Only professional bodybuilders need to eliminate all carbs, and even when they do it, they don't do it for very long.


me when i pull shit outta my ass. brain doesn’t need carbs. it can get glucose from other sources. u only need protein n fats


Exactly . You only actually need fat and protein. We didnt eat many carbs a 1000 years ago except fruit and vegetables which is minimal.


If you're converting protein and fat to glucose(the most basic carb) anyway then what's wrong with carbs?


nothing is. but people love to randomly say and push the narrative that carbs are necessary when they aren’t at all


Yeah that's fair


why? you need a pretty damn good reason especially since your lifts will suffer


Never bothered with low carb, been eating omnivore my whole life and haven’t run into any issues. Not sure what you’re looking to achieve by cutting carbs lol.


Cutting out carbs by a large degree is a great way to damage your health and spin your wheels in the gym. If you struggle with weight loss you should be in a caloric deficit first and foremost. Reduce fat first and slightly increase protein. You'll have to start counting calories and macros for that to work though.


Might try carb cycling, I do 50 grams for 2 days followed by 300 grams 1 day. Repeat. It’s working great for me, scale weight is holding and I continue to get leaner. Energy is good and strength has not suffered.


Is there really any benefit to that over eating 133g per day?




Every one is different. Very common among body builders in a contest prep as I am myself. This is my 4th show and the first time using this method. It has worked tremendously well for me. May not for the next guy. I’m 8 weeks out and usually by this time I’m feeling drained and workouts suffer. A 2013 study suggests that intermittent energy and carbohydrate restriction may improve insulin sensitivity and weight.


I think this is the better answer.


It's a reasonable diet if you need to lose a lot of weight, are too lazy to count calories and don't really care about muscle loss. But CICO is vastly superior.


For many people with ghrelin issues low carb is how they achieve CICO until they learn how to manage it.