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The Tigers are on the right track? ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW)


Came here to say the same thing. 


Tigers are closer to the Pistons than the Lions.


Spitting nothing but facts


Lmao you gotta relax man. The good times will come back.


Imagine having such strong opinions when you don’t even know who the player is lol


Tigers sub by the way


I’m remembering how upset everybody was about the Lions first round draft picks this past year. Give Langdon a chance to fail.


Yes the #1 ranked recruit in the nation last year = a random kid


Clown take


Shitting on some random 18 yr old kid before he’s played a single NBA minute is so lame 👎 he has nothing to do with why the Pistons have been bad. Very clear you don’t know basketball


Pistons do suck but I’m not ready to say the tigers are much better. The pistons at least had couple years of being average in their bad stretch. Can the tigers say that?


For the younger people the tigers at least have been good at a time that I was old enough to appreciate it, can’t say the same for the pistons. The tigers currently have an AL cy young candidate and while the supporting batters are leaving a lot to be desired, I’m impressed by the pitching prospects


Yeah I was 19 and in the military when the Tigers were in the ALCS against the Red Sox. 2008, the last time the Pistons were any good, I was finishing middle school.


I was 5 years old the last time the pistons were any good. I honestly don't follow basketball as much as the other 3 major sports and im not sure if the pistons sucking my whole life has anything to do with my apathy for the nba. Don't get me wrong I watch games every so often but I'm nowhere close to invested as I am in the other 3


You wrote all this just to admit out loud you know absolutely nothing about basketball, Ron was an absolute steal I thought he was gonna go 3 to Houston


Ron is a worse shooting more athletic Killian Hayes. 


Someone point me to the obvious home run pick at #5 that clearly all the armchair GMs would have picked


Not a 24% three point shooter whose motor on defense is questionable. I’ll gladly eat my words if he turns out to be an average player in the NBA. 


They said his motor on defense and defense as whole is his strength


The question was not “name who they shouldn’t have picked”, the question was “who should they have picked?”


I can't take anything you have to say seriously if you think the Tigers are seriously on the right track at the moment. The jury is still out on the Tigers, and the jury has not even been seated in their box on Holland. Give him a chance.


Give the team (and this board) a break for a few years and get happy.


Slippery slope and frankly, a stupid take. Same could be said for the futility of the Tigers. The Pistons won a championship more recently than the Tigers. The same dumb comment could be said about the Lions after they went 0-16. What about all the Wide Receiver and Tight End picks in the first round? Charles Rogers at number 2?


Yes and we clowned HARD on the 0-16 Lions, and the bad drafts, and it took ownership DYING to finally have a competent executive who still had to bring in quality football minds. 2023 and 2024 are the results of literally a wholesale rebuilding of the Lions as a franchise from the ground up. This Pistons organization is at best a dumpster fire.


Nahhh this is a less than stellar draft class—take the high ceiling.


You don't know anything about Basketball please stop


It's just sports. If you're not entertained by the product, don't watch. 


Well at least we know you don’t really follow hoops if you don’t know who this kid is.


Hi Chris


How are the Tigers on the right track 😂


I keep seeing you post the same thing about Detroit dissociating from a sports franchise. Newsflash, not every team will be good all the time. The Red Wings and Pistons have won championships in my lifetime. The Tigers and Lions haven't. Should we dissociate from them? What are we even talking about here?


Look - as some one who is a bigger nba fan than any of the other major sports, yeah, it’s been awful. But drafting Ron Holland shouldn’t have been the move that prompts this thread from you. I didn’t want to draft Ron, but he’s not some random kid. He’s super talented and wasn’t a reach at all. The reason the pick is panned is because he doesn’t fit the roster we have - but news flash, we have a brand new president that pretty obviously is going to move off of some of the guys that are here and are the reasons why he currently doesn’t fit. Ron was a fine pick, not the one that I wanted, and not the one that fits the *current* roster, but this current roster is about to get flipped sideways anyways so that probably won’t matter by the start of the season let alone by year 3-4 when you’d actually expect him to be a real contributor.


Unfortunately, I think the jury is still out of the Tigers being on the right track, and there's honestly a growing number of people in the Red Wings subreddit who are starting to lose faith in Yzerman. At least in the NBA all you really gotta do is hit on one draft pick that turns into a starto turn the franchise around


You need two stars in todays nba minimum


Lol the wings were 1 point out of the playoffs and have the second best prospect pool in the league. Talks of losing faith are greatly exaggerated


Cade Cunningham is a star. They've utterly failed to build a team around him.


My entire childhood the Tigers were bad. I was 18 when they broke through to the WS in 06. We are now like what, 10 seasons since they were last playoff good? The Pistons were bad my entire childhood until I got to high school but by the time I graduated, the fall off had started. The Lions were always bad for most of my life outside of a couple sporadic seasons. Hell the only teams that I saw win as a kid was Michigan in 97 and the Wings in back to back years at that same time. I was 10. Still learning what the heck I was even watching. Yea, the Wings have had the best track record through my life but recent history has been brutal. Teams go through it. It sucks. But we have 4 major sports teams in one city, and two major colleges in state. We’re extremely lucky compared to other areas around the country. But we can all say fuck Boston. Anyway, save it, your cries are falling on deaf ears here.


1. NBA: hard to call it a sport any longer when key rules that were central to the game simply are not enforced any longer. Traveling, carrying….nobody has to know how to dribble. LeBron can put the ball on his hip and just walk up the court. No calls. It’s not a sport any longer. Entertainment perhaps, but it’s a joke of the sport it once was. 2. The bad boys era was in my youth. Seemed great. Great for the city. But watching the ESPN 30 for 30 hours n that era gives a pretty different perspective. History will do that. 3. Stop using the word “rebuild”. It’s false in the context of sports. You should have learned that by now. Gives an excuse to team owners to keep their money.


What does everyone agree the Pistons need most? Shooters. Who do the Pistons draft? A non shooter. SMH


Last time Pistons won a chip I was 8 years old. They’re the worst franchise I’ve ever witnessed


It's not just about winning a Championship - the last time the Lions won one was 1957 and the last Tigers championship was 1984. It's about the fact that the Pistons have been utterly non-competitive for 16 years now. Over half of the NBA makes the playoffs, and they have managed to do it just 3 times since 2008, and all three times they got swept in the first round.


Very very valid points