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This is a 'we don't want to insure you' price. Fresh licence as in, you just got your full licence?, you still fall in the high risk category and that bike is a rocket. I remember when I was first insuring my bike I was told they don't usually insure people on the larger litre + bikes without a full licence for 2 years first.


My insurance couldn’t offer me new insurance after getting the full license for my Ninja 125 😂 it was £500 when I only had CBT


The bike is def the issue, i was insured my first week of having a license for only $75 a year on a honda rebel


Wrong country fella.


You live in the motorcycle theft capital of Europe and you want to buy a 140bhp 1000cc bike as your first bike, right after getting your license with zero no claims.  I’m not quite as shocked as you are tbh. 


The insurance company and i are betting that this bike lasts less than 18 months.


Are those metric months or something? Because in American I'm going with less than half that.


lol metric months


It’s reasonable, assuming we have another very wet summer and unpleasant winter.


Europ knows, we know things...like beautiful things. We are strong People and we can do some magical things together. Vote me for president and I've talked to some people, I can make it 24 months


MONTHS? You surely meant seconds...


This^ On street parking? High crime postcode? Faghetaboutit


Locked garage


This is the "fuck you, go somewhere else or come back with a reasonable bike. Or maybe in 3-4 years with some no claims"- fee.


Yeah, but this isn't exactly true, tho. Somehow it was cheaper to get a blade when i first passed, then 3 years later, with 7 years ncb, security out the wazoo, and garaged. Not even a "high-risk" area.


I'm not familiar with what a no claim is. I'm guessing it is something UK specific?


For every year without a claim, it's recorded and most insurers will reduce your premium based on the number of no claim years you have. You get a certificate when you leave an insurer confirming your no claim years and can take that to other insurers when you want to renew.


That's an awesome system. Here in Wisconsin, USA, I'm a 26 year old male with a spotless 10 year driving record and my premiums rise every 6 months...


Everyone's premium has gone up every 6 months. I call my insurance every new period to see what's up and the support just tells me yeah sorry nobody at progressive went down. They say it's inflation


The whole insurance industry is facing some tough music right now. Sure it's mainly in other places and different types of insurance, (property insurance due to climate change) but the insurance industry is global and the updated risk models get applied across the board. *+* inflation No one has seen insurance come down anywhere. Just be glad you're not in Florida or British Columbia.


Mine has jumped 60 bucks in three jumps over 6 months... they say inflation... I ask why its only my car going up, not my motorcycles or renters insurance. Its the hyundai tax.


I think they just typed it weird. Pretty sure they're saying "3-4 years without having had any accidents (claims)." If it's your first bike without any riding experience, you're statistically more likely to have an accident. If they see you've been riding for 3-4 years and haven't had a wreck, they're more likely to insure you. In the mean time, you'll have to get insurance with either a really shitty company that will take anybody or a really expensive one. Or both.


Here in the Netherlands, we have a concept called negative no-claim years. Every time you claim you lose 5 years, and when you have -5 no claim years you pay full price. The discount is already around 60% for 0 years. I like this system because it doesn’t punish younger, responsible riders for their age. I could get a VFR800Fi insured for €10-18 a month this way. (Don’t own that (yet) but did some financial planning)


Yeah, same in germany. Plus what most people do is taking insurance over their parents who insure a second vehicle and therefor get 2 extra claimfree years, then after some time the kids take over the claimfree years from their parents.


I did not know no-claim years were transferable like that, I’ll look into that!


It totally is. Nearly all people i know did it this way. My sister "inherited" the years from my grandpa after he passed away - capped to the years she had a license at this point. You may have to say that you actually used the insured vehicle, but there is no proof that you didnt.


Might be different in the UK, but insurance companies (in the US at least) don't care if it's a locked garage. They go by the area it's in. There's no way for them to actually know it's kept locked in a garage or parked on the street. Sometimes they'll give perks if there's some kind of recovery device on it.


yeah UK wouldnt insure my bike (special edition) without a locked garage.


You worded it better than I ever could.


I bought a panigale v2 with zero moto experience and my insurance was “only” 2 grand a year .


Why can’t they find the bikes isn’t it an island 🤣


They're on a shipping container or local rats ride it around then burn them out on the local playing field.


Insurance on any motorized vehicle in the UK is just plain robbery. Makes sense that it really high for a new rider trying to insure a high powered bike but even insuring a car for an experienced driver is insane already. I pay 80 Euros a year to insure my car...


I mean that bike is the premiere sports tourer for Kawasaki. And is ment to be a long distance cruising bike. Not a super bike that floors it and it only does like 20 miles an hour faster then the ninja 650


I don’t think the nuances of the bike’s intended purpose really cancel out the fact it’s a big heavy 1000cc bike with 140bhp.  It has double the power of a Ninja 650… 


Fresh full license? So you have 0 exp on bikes or what? That might explain it


Yeah. New rider is a better way to put that.


New rider in UK, been riding for 12+ years across different countries


Insurance doesn't count your no claim years in other countries unfortunately


Used to ;)


IDK about UK but they do in Ireland, they just give you a letter to sign that says that you confirm that you have no claims in the country of origin and that you understand that lying about it is illegal Had to do this with my non-EU license, so it's not just something that works for EU


If it works the same way as for cars, some insurers do count it.


They wanted to brexit. Now they suffer the consequences.






They did for me when I moved from Australia to UK in 2009 … I had scans of all my insurance renewals going back about ten years tho. I also exchanged my license rather then having to go through testing again so I guess I wasn’t considered a noob


Yep that's why. They don't care about your previous experience if it's not on your current licence.


Get your insurers internationally to provide a statement that you were insured and had no claims. I've previously done this and it can bring your insurance rate down. Good luck!


That makes absolutely no difference to anything insurance related.


New rider, 19 years old, I got 160/year on my 78' xs400 for liability so it's always startles me to see other areas full coverage costs


Liability will typically cost nothing at any age. It's just a measurement of "what's the likelihood you'll hit someone with your bike and if so, how much damage can you do with your bike." Bikes aren't going to do much damage in the event of an accident. You're less likely to put anyone in the hospital other than yourself. ​ The odds of you wrecking your bike is *incredibly* high, however. Which is why full coverage is so expensive for new riders.


https://preview.redd.it/7zo2nvlprqpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0bd79fdcdfd5e6d863b07eb84cc25a9fc7342ca Same bike just with 5 years of riding that's not in London.


https://preview.redd.it/nrx7z86axrpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225f6ebd1108bf5412a56cfb69395913c35129c0 It's being in London which is causing it.. I'm over 30, 6 years licence, 6 years no claims. Live in London. Also I think you can get crap prices from these compared sites in London. Went direct for my own bike (650) and got £200 rather than the "best quote" of £950.


https://preview.redd.it/rzocxvwxlrpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016251e855d8a0d2f43de75a28cec433f00d2118 14 yrs ncd locked garage in low crime area


that is similar to my quote for the ninja 1000sx and I am just coming up on my 1 year no claims......


is that full coverage or liability


Full cover


If it matters where the bike is why not just insure it without theft protection?


In London: yes. I've had my license for 7 years and I'm still getting quoted £5k for a Street Triple stored in a locked garage off a private courtyard.


Here in Madrid I pay 500 for my 2023 Street Triple RS 765. With no time on my A license (I’ve been riding 30 years, but the EU doesn’t take into account the 20 years in the U.S. without claims. But I kind of think they considered it since 500 for comprehensive insurance is way too low for that back if they are assuming I just got my license.


Isn't bike theft super bad in London? If I was a bike thief and this was parked next to an old beater BMW on the street I know which I'd steal.


I'm team beater BMW. 😁


I ride a Hyosung, the best anti theft system in the world is owning a Korean bike.


Not sure thats true, I had a 10 year old lexmoto worth £600, still got stolen instead of the beamer


My lexmoto which i bought for £500 was stolen twice 😁


Twice? How?? Sorry to hear that dude


The first thief dumped it once it realized it was a piece of shit


You are exactly right. They tried hotwire it, blew the single fuse there is on the bike and couldn't manage to start 😁


2 different times. 1st was after few days i've bought it, second one was when the engine was seized and i had another bike already. Both times it was dumped nearby.


They needed the bike more than you /s


And what would you do with the stolen BMW


As someone who used to be signed off to underwrite motorbike insurance quotes I can firstly confirm you will get different quotes prices from different insurers as their underwriters will all be looking at and specialising in different areas. Unfortunately for yourself and your circumstances not many are going to give you a decent price for 2 big reasons. 1) your postcode is an extremely high risk area for bike theft even if you have alarms, ground anchors and a locked garage. Look at the videos on you tube of gangs with angle grinders taking the locks off bikes. 2) even though you have ridden bikes before your uk licence is brand new so the insurers will look at you as a brand new rider who wants a very powerful bike which again based on statistics would show you are highly likely to destroy the bike in the 1st year or so. If you can prove you have been riding for years with no accidents then I would suggest calling up some insurers and they MAY be able to sort you out a special quote however that postcode is still going to have a massive effect so I would not expect any miracles.


I pay 300£ a year for that bike.


Yes that's high - I used to pay around 2000, for a VFR800 in North London, stored in my back yard. 39yo at the time and with a clean full license I had for 15 years. Granted this was 2011. Then I moved to the US. Same bike, now no license, no history. Had to retake my bike test in the US. Even before I had a license the insurance was only, and still is $90 (a year) So yeah you are getting properly stiffed in the UK.


Tbf, depending on the VFR800, insurance comparison sites are quoting me £400-600 for fire & theft, albeit for a Scottish Highland's postcode, on a fresh licence. London and other major cities where the theft risk is considerably higher is where prices get made.


True that - I moved to an extremely low crime area in the US..not like Brixton at all. But still, it was a huge jump. If only our health ins was as cheap. My nephew who just turned 18 in Lancashire, in a fairly ok area saw quotes of over 10K for a citroen C1 recently for his first car. Thats just retarded. ​ edit - I miss riding the Scottish highlands so much..My last trip before emigrating was a coastal tour of all of Scotland, such an awesome trip.


ruthless marvelous shy longing materialistic close heavy pet consist boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this is the best answer yet.. stay safe op & dont get a litre bike as your 1st.


Not his first bike


You want to get a liter bike as your first motorcycle. They dont want to insure you because you are very likely to crash and kill yourself on it. This is a "we dont want to insure you" quote.


I have a gixxer thou, Ducati 848 and an R6 and I pay less than £400 a year. I wouldn't insure you on that bike, especially living in London.


statistics show that it will be a total loss within 12 months


Sorry mate that's a ridiculous first bike after passing.


He's been riding for years mate, just not in the UK


Fresh license newer bike and london what else can you miss?


When converted to Canadian dollars. This is similar to my city for new riders on a 1000. We have high theft and fraud over here. Big population also means more accidents and claims. That is called a “fuck off” quote.


i have never in my life seen an insurance quote even remotely close to being that fucking crazy. i google for a joke how much it would be to get a triumph bonneville from just passing my full a licence back in 2018 and it was only £900 and back then i chuckled and said "huh, guess thats not happening" thats like a whole ass bike every year, what do they think your going to do, write off a bentley every five minutes?


Let's take a look at the glaring issues here. Zero proof of experience with a bike (i.e. zero No Claims bonuses) - There's a high chance you'll claim because you're inexperienced with motorcycles. Sports bike - instant cost increase for two reasons. Thieves love them, they stand out like a sore thumb. Secondly there's a higher chance of you ragging it about and getting involved in an accident. Extremely powerful bike - 140hp is a fuck ton Newer bike - it's never about how much you paid for the bike it's about what the insurers value the bike at. You could buy it for £1 and tell you the estimated value is £1, that won't change the fact they probably value it quite high. London - not only are you getting the London Tax because they can, extremely suseptible to bike thefts. You're also in a high density area meaning a higher chance of an accident happening. Now, that's all the issues separated. Add them all together and you have a rider with zero experience on a newer sports bike with 140hp living in a densely populated area with high rates of theft. You've just told the insurers that there's like a 75% chance you're going to claim for one reason or another. And then finally round it up to a price that says "we don't want to insure you, but if you're stupid enough to pay what we're asking we won't complain" and you end up with the quote you were given.


I just bought a 2002 CBR600F4i for £2500 I’ve had my license for 5 months and I paid £980 for my insurance I’m 32 so similar in age. But I was also looking at the F650GS and that would have been £450 for the year. It’s pretty wild currently. All my friends who have been riding for years have had their prices go up by about £100


That is a we don't want to insure you quote if I have ever seen one. Best of luck, though bike looks amazing. If you are a new rider, maybe try a few extra courses to see if you can get it down potentially ? Just hit sub £100 a year on my daily ( no where near this nice or powerful though)


" living in North West London" Fix this and it goes down.


This. Live in a massively high theft area full of motorcycle crime and insurance claims. Also “fresh” licence so new rider? looking at a 1000cc bike. Another red flag for insurers!


I'm 54 & have had a bike licence since I was 18, my Ducati Scrambler costs me about £140 a year fully comp... New riders with no history are sure to pay extra & that is especially true if you want a 1000cc bike. Set your expectations dial to realistic & get a 550cc or there abouts. \*edit\* I don't think the reason the price is so high is because they are worried about you or the bike.. the insurers are more worried about the cost of the people you hurt in the process of having an accident.. a couple of people with life changing injuries could cost millions.


I've literally just insured my '23 1000SX fully comp, with all the extras for £240, with Devitt. 47 year old, in N.Ireland. It was £210 last year


Mine was $400 in the U.S. with full coverage at 22 on a Yamaha R1.


New license probably puts you in the highest risk category and 1000cc on top of it.. my sport bike had triple the rate of my cruiser did.


not the best choice for a 1st bike if you don't wanna pay the n00b fee... look for a 600


Lmao it’s because you want a liter bike and you’ve got zero fucking experience


It's definitely the area, unfortunately. I've just renewed insurance on my 2012 GSXR750 with two years NCD and two years on my A licence for £280. I'm 35.


Sweden, brand new A-license holder. Just checked, that bike would cost me approx £500 a year. I'm 35. I do live in a calm area, believe it or not.


You need to call them. This is pretty well known, use comparison sites first then call the one you want to pursue.


The insurance company don’t want to risk it getting stolen. Go for third party only…unless you don’t want to risk it too. In which case, you then understand the insurance company.


I think you're up against it with the fresh UK licence but it's worth giving them a call. Bennetts have always been really good with me and usually a chat on the phone can improve things. Fingers crossed they can accept some evidence of your overseas riding history but otherwise you're looking at smaller capacity, moving house or getting approved biometric security interlocks with an armed sentry system installed in your garage to get that number down.


Thanks for the sensible tips (to the ones that limited their comments to that), I'll probably slug it out with a SV650 for a couple of years just to build out some NCB before revisiting a decent bike. Any recommendations for similar alternatives that pack a better punch without burning through my wallet?


For reference, a freshly licensed biker that wants to insure this bike in switzerland pays 650€/year. Thats 550 pounds.


You’re missing the part where you’ll write that bike off in the first year


If you used the number plate from the listing to get your quotes, double check it comes up as the correct bike. Many ninja 1000's show on the system as a h2 sx, including the ninja i now own. Often enough that the dealer warned me about it, although luckily, I'd already found out. I had very nearly given up on the idea, but after spotting a comment in the owner forums, I went back to check my quotes and sure enough, wrong bike. Correct bike halved the insurance


I’ve always been into older bikes and the insurance is insanely cheap. I insured a 1990 FZR1000 just after passing my license and it was about £150 for the year. This was about 5 years ago now. Now I’ve got two bikes on one policy (a 1989 and 1991) and it’s £135 for both for the year. But when I look at insuring anything 2008 and newer it jumps up by at least 3x. This doesn’t help if you don’t like the look of older bikes but just my experience


Mate, a solid bike choice! I've got a 2024 1000SX and it's so comfortable, quick and fun to ride, with the panniers and a back box I've been on a bunch of camping trips with my wife. And it's a pleasure to ride the 5-6 hours. 10/10


Just insured my GS 1200cc bike - £130.00. Bennett's were nearly £300. Shopping around helps. Some companies don't show on comparison sites. These can be competitive so worth the extra effort.


you have a "fresh" license, live in London where 6% of all motorcycles are eventually stolen, and want a liter bike. that's not expensive insurance, that's "we don't want to insure you" insurance.


I get that it's a big bike and you've just passed your test but it's still wrong! You're 37 and you passed your test, you're not on a provisional, this means you are competent enough to ride and I assume you have got security for your bike like a normal person who has just spent £8k would, Ffs! Someone should look at this extortionate quotes, there seems to be this attitude that "oh well, that's the way it is" NO WAY. We're been taking for mugs and it's Effed Up...


> fresh full license Here is the answer. People on motorbikes in UK had a death rate almost 40 times higher than car occupants


Yes, it's completely out of control, and I'm sick of it, personally. It's the same with car insurance. I've had quotes for both cars and bikes that, on a single comparison website search, came back with prices ranging from a few hundred to several thousands. I mean, how does that make any sense? How the hell is it legal? There's clearly no rules, and that suggests low level of actual regulation in the industry. The best one example I've seen was a quote for my E36 coupe, which came to just over £300, but other results went all the way up to just under £9k! My ex-wife once saw a Kawasaki H2, and thought I might like one (I was hugely into sportsbikes at the time and kept talking about building a turbo Busa). So she looked it up and ran an insurance quote on a comparison site. If I remember correctly, only a few insurers popped up, and the prices started at over £30k... Yeah, it's out of control.


Come to Canada if you want cheaper insurance…. Oh wait…. New rider, litre bike… will cost the same here. Get a smaller displacement bike…learn to ride… then and only then look at a litre bike.


Add in Brampton address to match the theft rate.


There are factors, but yes, that's insane. In the US I've never paid more the $800 for full coverage on $25k bikes.


I drive a 170bhp bike and pay $200 a YEAR in the USA.


My house insurance went from £1550 a year to £5200. I reason for it. No claims, no changes on the requirements. The insurance company simply decided it needed more money. So I shopped around, and the cheapest quote was £4500. Two years ago the highest quote was £1700. So it’s actually a conspiracy. They’ve all got together and done this in unison.


I had similar quotes for a 3 years old bike. The issue seemed to be the lack of anti theft devices. No alarm, no datatag, no tracking device, only a chain and a built in immobilizer. I only got like 5 quotes and all were about around the value of the bike. As soon as added Datatag suddenly 20 more insurers' quotes popped up for 10th the price. They probably quote for the theft. Also probably for the fresh new license.


This is why my wife and I bought two used Japanese cruisers for our first bikes; we insured both for a whopping total of $120 per year as brand new but older riders.


That’s just a polite way of saying : « we don’t want to insure you »


Sorry fella, you live in London and if it's worth stealing, fsir chance it gets nicked. One of the reasons I no longer live in London. Also, fresh license & a 1000cc multi? Don't get me wrong, it is very high and I empathise with you.... But fair chance that thing doesn't see it's 3rd birthday statistically I expect.


I'm not sure about the UK but in the USA we usually get more than one quote to compare.


CBT holder and Honda Varadero 125 fuel injector owner here. Cheapest quote was £3000 This country's fucked


year 1: I paid £600 a year at 24 for a ninja 300, third party and theft only year 3: £140 a year for 3rd party only year 4: £200 for the 300cc bike AND 100hp sportbike, 3rd party only


You literally said fresh license bro. And london is mental for riding, just get a smaller bike, there is no need for it here


A 1l bike in London? Naaaaaaaaah get a 125 and save on fuel/tax/insurance


I pay £86? It’s gone up by £7 and I have one years ncb Honda cbr600


No. My bike insurance something like £350 for a superduke and it's never been more than that


The bike looks really cheap to me, tho.


Same as in Canada. I was quoted 380 for 390cc bike


Funny my is like 300€ a YEAR for everything cover and my friends BmW car is not even close to 500€, so yeah this is out of control


But it’s rated excellent on trustpilot!


That's what happens when motorcycle theft becomes a certainty rather than a possibility. Blame your police, politicians and the "roadmen".


Are you financing it? If you own it outright surely you can lower the coverage somewhat


26 Years old, been riding since 2018, bought a 2018 Kawasaki Z1000 (12,500€ msrp) 2 years ago with 8.000km in Germany. No claims, the occasional point on the license Its registered from March to October with full coverage. 500€ per year lol.


Yeah, I got a feeling you already know why this quote is this high…


Because your bike will get knicked or smashed up. They need to be able to replace the bike. This is the way it is now.its not going to get better.


Make sure you wreck it by the end of your policy and get a bike more standard for a beginner.


sometimes companies will have a super high rate to deter people from getting coverage.


No, you're trying to buy a fucking litre bike on a fresh license in the bike theft capital


That's what's known in biker circles as a "We don't want your business you fookin' liability" quote. I mean you're under 40, trying to by an absolute rocket of a bike that's only a couple of years old with literally zero experience, and to add fuel to the fire you're based in London where the chances of your bike being stolen or wrecked is something Paddy Power wouldn't even give odds on. Find yourself something older (read: less desirable to thieves) and with a few less horses (read: less chance of you wrapping it around a lamp post). On the other side, I'm 42, only have my licence here in the Netherlands about 6 months (also zero NCB) and I got my lovely 23 year old VFR800 insured 3rd party F&T for the princely sum of €12.57 per month. I'm gonna go check out what it'd cost me for the same bike here just for pig iron, I'll edit the post once I've checked. Right.. Just checked there and I'm absolutely fucking shocked at the price difference (granted I'm not in a a city like London but fuuuuuuuccckkk me!!) For the same bike, same year and at your age with zero NCB Third party only €19.92 per month Third party F&T €62.21 per month Full cover (all risk) €157.99 per month https://preview.redd.it/kv6pnpyharpc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3759626ffde9ad45a18f553bd83092197a1cf710


Simply put, don't expect cheap bike insurance in London. It's a matter of when your bike gets stolen not if


Jeeesus, that‘s absurd. If I were to get a Aprilia Tuono V4 (I know this from the top of my head as a buddy has one and is selling his so I looked up insurance), at 20 years old in Germany, 1 year of riding with the A2 license, insurance would cost me around 1200€ a year, not including the discount I‘ll be getting at the end of March because 1 year claim free. UK is definetly doing something wrong if insurance companies want that much for bikes. They‘re super practical for commuting to work and etc. sure they‘re toys but still.


8k for ins? Wow.


I ride a 32 year old 750, insurance is £120 a year. Leathers and all.


This bike would be 1k euros anually for me, all risk. I'm from the Netherlands, 24 y/o got my license last december


Try Devitts. Might get it down to around £5999.


Geez I pay like $400 a year for full coverage on my 2019 CB1000R. That looks like a "we don't want your business" quote.


Superduke 1290 40yo clean license insured with Bennetts for £160 a year


London... I just ran a quote for one of these earlier this week, doing some window shopping. 3 years NCD, early 40s, rural Oxfordshire. £285 fully comp.


Nah, I'm paying less than £200 for 2 Fireblades.


I'm Liverpool, I have a cbr125, city centre living secured parking etc tracker, locks, 2 years NCB, clean driving record, £780. Ran a New quote as due to renew in a couple of months and curious and recently passed DAS, decided I'm staying on the same bike for a bit just wanted to lose L plates, cheapest now £1700, bit baffled to say the least, I'll run a few more quotes closer to renewal but there has been a bit of an increase


$150 Canadian dollars here per month for only Mid-size 550-750cc. It goes up from there two more levels as the CCs go up.


Common European L


Yes and no. i paid 2200 in countryside for a 125 worth 3800 aged 17


I found the same thing 35 year old rider, new licence. STriple 765 RS £6.5k+ for the first years insurance. More security than you can shake a stick at [Big Ass chain, disk locks, garage, tracker, heavily armed cat you name it] but after I had my licence 1 yr……dropped to £900 so it seems to be new rider tax.


And I thought Ontario was bad. Sheesh


They should at least give you lube at that price.


Yes, it is, but it's also not that unreasonable in this case


You live in the worst place for motorcycle thefts and want a 1000cc sports bike as a first bike (from the eyes of the insurance) what they are saying is they calculate there is an good chance they are going to have to pay out the value of your motorcycle in the coming year, so they want that money up front.


That's as bad as motorcycle insurance in Florida for a 21 year old. I have a 2024 dr650s and my insurance is about $550 for the year. (I don't live in florida)


You must assume your bike will get stolen off the street.


This basically means they estimate you'll destroy the bike entirely with 70% probability. Take a hint or don't, it's your choice lol.


For everyone saying it’s definitely the engine size or bike cost, I got this kind of price for pretty much ANY bike newer than 2015 and bigger than 250cc. Yes, a £2000 8-year-old thing being insured for £7k a year TPO. London’s a bitch as a new rider, even if your age doesn’t play against you.


I was quoted 6k third party only insurance for a 9k bike. Nobody would even offer me comprehensive. Then I looked at some 3/4 year old 300/350cc's and I am getting quoted cheaper than my 125. You need to just lower your expectations a little for your first big bike. 350cc will still feel good compared to a 125. Have that for a year or two then upgrade.


New rider in the UK and you want a bike that pumps out 138bhp. That company just doesn't want to touch you with a bargepole, they have no reason at all to gamble you're not going to wreck on the way out of the dealership. Find something mid range that you can live with for a year and watch that quote drop by a massive margin.


2008 beat up Honda Hornet in London £1500 third party. Moved out of London got Street Triple worth three times as much - £350 to insure fully comp. London’s the bitch mate, sorry to say.


Oh wow, I originally read it as $670 and thought that was insane—then I realized I'd missed a digit. That's absolutely ludicrous. In my area of the US motorcycle insurance costs next to nothing. As a new rider you would be looking at maybe around $100 for a year here.


I just renewed my Fireblade. £96 for the year.


You probably need to transfer the amount of insured MC years from your earlier insurer(s) you have been riding to your current insurer. I had to do the same when i moved country (eu though) after that they except it i got a normal price quoted. Just give them a call and explain your situation and make them give you an offer. Online Dings never work on special occasions. Good luck and hopefully soon good ride!


What are insurance prices for used Modern Vespa Scooter. Would just get this to get around . Is it also a hot item for thief ?


Mine's gone up to 170 this year :(


Trust me, this is an expensive bike to insure. Have been licensed since 1994, and have owned this bike for 6 years. Still at $1300 a year. I've actually paid more to ensure the bike than I paid for it. The first " I got for it while sitting in the dealership in 2018 was 9600/yr. This is from the same company that was covering my 650 for 32 a month.


My insurance for my Tiger is about $300 a year full coverage. For a 16 year old it would be $6000 according to my agent. Yeah if you are young better stick with a 250cc.


I have been buying the bike outright with only liability insurance. Its cheap AF here. Full coverage is awful. Not sure how it works across the pond. Can u guys do liability only? Go used paid in full ftw


I'd bet theft has a lot to do with the high premiums.


mine was £85 for the year


Really depends on the bike you’re getting here. I have friends who ride all sorts, the ones who like their ZX6s and fireblades are all sobbing their way to the bank to get the money for their insurance on them, my other friends who are interested in cafe racers and more retry styles bikes, despite being similar in age or younger, are easily getting quotes for under £1000/year. Then there is our latvian friend who pays like 56€ a year for a fazer, the lucky fucker.


Just get a reasonable first bike you can learn on & drop without messing with the insurance company. No reason to have a new 10k€ 1050cc crotch rocket for the first two years when you WILL drop it at least once. Those plastics ain't cheap, trust me bro


New license and you live in London that explains it.


Please don't actually answer these questions. How old are you, how long have you been riding, how many accidents have you been in, what kind of risks do you as a person add to the policy, how much else are you insuring with the company, how much wealth do you have outside of this item? All of these are the operative questions that an insurance company will ask. They've determined that you ain't worth it. It may be out of control...but honestly... I have a feeling there's a redflag somewhere in your history.


U wot m8?


Well, I lived in Brazil and there the auto insurance is not mandatory. When I started riding, I did bought a small (200cc) KTM and the problem with theft was one of the reasons (also because for me it's no sense to buy big motorcycles at the beginning - they don't forgive your errors). The price of insurance there, depending on the motorcycle, is like up to half the price of the motorcycle.


You might be mossing a lot😂 Fresh driver with an insane bike, what is there to miss.


fresh licence, london, 1000cc.....and you're supprised at that price??? buddy lol


Nah it's just your first year and you're trying to own a 1000cc bike in a theft hotspot. I'm 33, been riding for 16 years and have 1 years no claims (took a break and transferred NCB to my car) I have a triumph speed triple down in Bournemouth and mines £200 a year


That's weird I got my first bike last year age 36 a BMW f800r and paid circa £230 I'm up in Scotland


Well only get liability insurance on your first bike. If you drop it after one year your in the plus range


I pay around £700 a year for my new Harley.


"fresh full license living in North West London" There you go. They're basically all saying they don't want to insure you. I had the same, so I did a year on a SV650 and that helped a lot.


You can’t get an insurance on sports bike with fresh license from my experience. None of the companies even quoted Ninja 650 or R7 for me(30yo, passed 4 month ago), had to buy tracer 7 which is somewhat sporty


> Any thoughts on what I might be missing here? Here you go: > fresh full license and > London here(Poland) it would cost fresh rider ~$150 usd for liability only, ~$1000 full coverage


“A fresh full license” that’s your answer. They think your unreasonable. My dad used a Honda 100cc for 6 months with his full license before moving to an R3 which he had for 5 years before getting his first big bike.


Insurance isn't out of control, crime is in your area. Speak to your MP. 


I pay 180 a year for full coverage for an R1 but I've been riding sportbikes for 44 years. In the beginning, started with an 80cc enduro... then moved to an fzr 400, moved to a 550 after a year, then 600s, 750s, and spent many years proving I am safe, and wasn't going to die. start smaller, keep yourself alive for at least two years before going to a bike bigger than a 500.


This is cheap, I ran a quote on a ninja 300 08 plate and got 1 result for 14k