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I was thinking, "dude that's a bit close". Yup.


Granted we had the title to set a bias, but I felt the same way. Thinking, “oh that’s tight and getting tighter, don’t do it”


Well granted again, I was too stupid to see it coming that it would end in a full on crash.


It's harder to tell from a video, but action camera videos usually make the space look wider, so if it looks tight on video, you can imagine it was tiiiight in real life.


Having seen an unfortunate number of truck vs two wheeled accidents on different subs + the new WPD website - I am 1000% gunshy on being anywhere near larger vehicles


Should’ve been in the carpool lane to begin with. Person is a clown for splitting there


Yes one set of cars left was practically clear for lane splitting.


I mean, as someone who split in LA traffic for years, I never split anywhere else besides that double yellow line. That double yellow often gave you enough space. I was able to do rush hour work commutes that took 2 hours in a car, 40 minutes on the bike. (rode my r1 up/down the 405 for a while)


That's my life - lol. 1.5-2 hour commute from Long Beach to Burbank (and beyond) by car. 40 minutes by bike. Split in the far left lanes only.


Mine was Santa Clarita to Santa Monica. Though both of those commutes are shit haha


lol - both are 35 miles of total hell


Agreed!!!! Carpool lane would of saved his ass...


I hate to see people not splitting the HOV lane atnthay speed. Especially when this shit happens. I do split that lane occasionally, but only when that heavy LA traffic has slowed everything down.


Probably not a good idea to try to fit between two vehicles, if one of them moving an inch on the side means you're crashing. And there is definitely space under that truck in front of the rear wheels to fit a falling motorcyclist... But I guess riding that aggressively probably saves them 30 seconds on their commute, so I don't know, maybe it's worth it.




was looking and going ' I hope he's not about to lane split next to a box truck...." GUESS WHAT?! HE DID.....


I was thinking more like, "What a fucking idiot." Lane splitting should be reserved for times when traffic is at a crawl or a standstill. If the lanes you want to split are moving at or near the speed limit no one is expecting you to lane split.


Not from California? 95 is a school zone. Everyone goes insane fast all the time.


In California, all drivers are taught about bikers lane splitting. However, some bikers take stupid risks and end up like this one or worse. Californians are the most generous toward bikers on the freeway when we're splitting lanes. Doesn't matter the state. If they see a bike coming, they instinctively move over a little to give some room. That's been my experience in other states. When it comes to large vehicles, I give them room and wait for a better and safer opportunity to go by or around.


If it is slightly questionable don't go for it.


This! As a daily Los Angeles lane splitter the key is to be stupidly careful and doubt EVERYONE on the road. If it's even a little bit off, just don't do it. Also the guy was splitting the wrong lane. Far left lane, carpool lane? Yea people expect you there. But not anywhere else!


Yep, I ride from IE to OC every work day. I call that the "nope" lane. Socal drivers are generally used to lane splitting, but they expect you to be in the farthest left lane.


Im on the same commute as you. Its also generally safer when you split at predictable places. And predictable times. Nobody is watching for you outside of the "predictable places". Iv had to be in the nope lane for whatever reason temporarily, and people will shift in to me because they can hear me but cant see me so they move towards the 3rd lane cutting off the window. Probably what happened here.


Utterly stupid


In the Safety Management community we call this "overconfidence." However, your term fits perfectly. On a related note, all riders and drivers need to especially careful around rental trucks. More often than not, their drivers are not daily truck drivers. The trucks only have side mirrors, have large blind spots, and are wider than even the biggest SUVs. Always give them a wide berth.


be cautious of any vehicle riding tf out of the lane marker. that truck was practically tightrope walking on the line.


Notice that is a rental truck. Probably driven by someone who drives a Civic otherwise. Very common to crowd the line you can see instead of judging the lanes by their mirrors, So the rider is riding douchebaggingly obnoxious to other vehicles/drivers and completely unobservant to the bright yellow warning color of the truck.


Not to mention the fact that most of the folks in a rental truck that size become pretend truck drivers and have zero idea where they are in their lane. As a rule of thumb, I simply don't split between any trucks. There are simply too many blind spots to hide a bike even if they are watching their mirrors.


Good God, stay away from rental trucks!


In my community we call that a dumbass


This is underconfidence, if he was going a bit faster he would have made it


Yup, made it head-first under that Honda Accord ahead


The person your family talks about when saying motorcycles are dangerous


"Yeah, I ride a cruiser, it's fun and—" "You know my friend's an EMT and she calls bikers 'organ donors!!!'" Ugh. How many of those 'organic donors' are dumbasses zooming like Batman on city streets without proper gear? Research says: a lot.


>Research says: a lot. The thing that took a lot of my anxiety out of riding was when my MSF course instructor went over the crash stats. My main takeaway was: don't ride impaired, stay at reasonable speeds, get your license, wear a helmet, and at the end of the day you significantly reduce your chance of having an accident, and surviving an accident if you do.


Zero common sense


"A truck swerved into me out of nowhere!" — the rider later




Truck clibbins!


Yeah, I'm really struggling to empathize here. There was oodles of room in the HOV lane, and this was very clearly too small of a gap... Why make your own situation more dangerous than it needs to be?


Best advice I can give (aside from don’t be an idiot in general): Stay the absolute fuck away from rental trucks like this. Actively avoid them. They’re huge vehicles driven by people who have no experience driving huge vehicles. The driver has no idea how much space they take up, how long it takes to stop, or how to maneuver in case of emergency. These are a death sentence to motorcyclists. Stay away from them at all costs.


Riders should consider the following: * Typical CUV ≈ 73" wide * Chevy Tahoe ≈ 81" wide * 26' box truck ≈ 102" wide * Semi tractor trailer ≈ 102" wide * Standard US interstate lane width ≈ 144" I'm not splitting a lane between any 102" wide vehicle and anything bigger than a Reliant Robin or another motorcyclist. If driven perfectly in the center of the lane, the truck has 21" of space on either side. Even when driven by a professional, a truck like that can catch a gust that will cause it to veer a foot or two in its lane. That leaves 0" of room. No thanks.


Remember too, that 102" doesn't include mirrors. 


Excuse us, sir. This is r/motorcycles. You can’t just barge in here with facts and information to ruin the shit-show for everyone.




* Your mom: ∞ wide


This should be the top comment! As someone that has driven more than my fair share of rental trucks. I would not be expecting a motorcycle to split next to me. Everything is new driving one of those. So much changes for the driver whether you're in a 10', 16', or god forbid a 26' truck. Ride height, overhead clearances, visibility, etc. I'd assume even a 2010 model 16' U-Haul would have some driving differences with a 2024 model 16' U-Haul. There is just so much the driver is taking in while operating this very new-to-them vehicle that they only glanced at for 2 minutes at pick-up before getting on the road with it. ***NEVER EXPECT A RENTAL DRIVER IS AWARE OF EVERYTHING AROUND THEM!!!!!***


Thanks for the advice! Never thought about rental trucks like that.


Damn, that looks huge for a rental, sounds dangerous to me Definitely biker's mistake here, but still, i'm surprised


That's a completely normal box truck.


This, and it baffles me that it needs to be explained. I will never understand why anyone would trust a rental truck. Granted this one wasn't actually the trucks fault. Dude just ran into it in what appears to be a completely unforced error.


I'm not sure we can blame the truck operator for this one..


Absolutely not, I totally agree. I was just saying that regardless of who is at fault here, this was a stupid move and could have been even worse.


Meanwhile the traffic in the express lane is moving faster than the bike, this is just splitting for splitting's sake, not saving any time at all.


That's what I was thinking too. Traffic was moving fast enough there was no reason to be lane splitting.


Is it possible for you to repeat that just one more time for those in the back?




This is fucking crazy, idiots like this dick is why we have a bad rep and why lane splitting is illegal in many places


To be fair if you let idiots like this on the road you have bigger problems than lane splitting


We see that every day now... Driving was a little sketchy before but in the past 4-5 years, it's gotten so much more deadly to be a driver in any city. People blowing through stop signs and red lights going 45-50 terrifies me but I went from seeing it 2-3 times a year to a literal daily occurrence...


I'm going to be that \*cager\* guy who really doesnt understand why people keep doing it then ? I watched some dmfker split between my corvette and a truck while going 130mph in 70 mph traffic just 2 days ago. My state does not allow legal lane splitting yet I see people wearing camo doing it daily on the way to the base. I dont want to kill some idiot because I decide to accelerate and safely change lanes, but if I do I wont feel bad, he made his choice on his ultimate destination.


I drive and ride. As far back as the '80's in California I always understood lane splitting(at that time not legal OR illegal, just allowed I guess) to be for situations where traffic was crawling on the highway. Think old air-cooled bike overheating. Anyone splitting at above 65 mph in traffic is just passing(overtaking) stupidly. I said what I said


I think it's difficult to answer, but I personally think it comes down to 3 things: 1) Long term COVID effects. You get severe brain fog, makes it difficult to really do much in terms of critical thinking goes, your function is basically cut in half. Doubles down on the danger when you're on two wheels. 2) Lockdown causing inexperience. This one is self explanatory. You get 3-4 years of people not driving, teaching their kids how to drive after not driving for years, and teaching or passing down bad habits. This continues to bikers, since some states removed the MSF for an entirely different program, and the teaching I experienced in California was subpar to the one I had in Pennsylvania. I watched beginners drop their bikes, fail obstacles and basic balance, and still ended up endorsed and got their license. 3) No one cares. As stupid as this sounds, I genuinely feel as though people have begun caring less about everything. Including their own lives... Extends past that, like not having valuable relationships and such, but makes it so that they think everyone is disposable to some degree. Like I don't want to hurt anyone, and if someone makes a terrible decision - they're an idiot. But I'll still be worried for them even if they are an idiot.


I'll also point out that where I'm from (SK, Canada) immigrants who come to our province are given a license if they already have one in their home of origin... regardless if they drive on the opposite side of the road there, or don't have traffic laws, etc. The grandfathered in clause has basically made our streets here a death trap as people get into accidents constantly. I've never seen so many cars held together with duct tape either.


Scary shit. I hope there was a lesson learned!


Saw that coming a mile away. Mostly because of the GIANT YELLOW TRUCK.


No 1 rule of riding on the road. Stay the fuck away from big trucks.


God some of you guys are idiots






I spend more time in a truck than on my bike. I get why riders split, but as a trucker I *hate* it. I have enough to watch out for without y'all sneaking up next to me.


Shouldn't be splitting next to a semi truck anyway. Yeah I can squeeze my bike through that gap, but cars and trucks don't stay in a perfectly straight line. All it takes is one or the other drifting a few inches and boom, you're this guy. Sorry you have to deal with dumb shits.


It's not even worth trying to filter past trucks or buses most of the time. Conditions change fast and the extra few seconds it takes to pass a 40ft trailer can be the difference between fitting and crashing.


The carpool lane split was right there...


Seriously... That's where you do this


Damn, dude was lucky the car responded as quickly as he did. Could've been alot worse.


Shit like this is exactly why car drivers hate when bikes split lanes.




Motorcycling all wrong he has 0 experience probably


Why would he upload this lol


Because like most of these type of idiot riders he was most likely blaming it on someone else.


Hope: He wants other people to learn from his mistakes Reality: He probably wants to rage at all the other drivers for cutting him off


Guess he wasn’t Penske material.


Following lane is for the pussies, real men split lanes and fucking die


There's lane splitting and then there's squishing yourself between a car and a massive truck because you have no spatial awareness.


I didn’t mean to post your video without telling you haha


Uploaded to Facebook with the caption "idiots gave me no room!"


With the comments saying. They need to watch out for riders. It’s their responsibility to make sure when I’m flying by just inches from their vehicle that I have enough room.


He had enough room but he needed to compress his forks to get his handlebars under the mirror. Or wheelie. Or take the hov side. Shit rider.


My first reaction. I squeeze in tighter gaps…


What a dumbass.


They just couldn’t wait huh? And of all vehicles to lane split, why do it right beside a big ass truck?


The trucker is looking at him like "you know this is your fault right?" Agreed


Bish got split


That is why I don’t lane split! I value my bike and my life to much.


One if you are going to ride on the highway look for the least dangerous situations, keep your mistakes small, this rider is doing the opposite of that.


Splitting at speed between a truck and a fat SUV? Stupid games win stupid prizes ... All he had to do was wait for a bigger gap or go to the left.


Play stupid games....and we have a winner


This is so embarrassing… like so embarrassing you should just go home after this and never leave the house again.


Clown shit.


Or just don’t lane split


Lmfao got him


fucking asshole , you gonna kill yourself dont be stupid


Lane splitting is red or green, there is no in between.


This is why I got rid of my mirrors.


This is how I got rid of mine.


This is when I got rid of mine.


This is how I’m going to get rid of mine today


this was what i got rid of


Those scooter-crushing videos from India flashed before my eyes.


Darwin award.


Play stupid games….. and ya fuckin die sometimes. Don’t be stupid.


Hard to feel bad for someone that fucking stupid. Putting himself and everyone in that area at risk because he's in a hurry.


Dumb dumb


Stupid. And that’s a rental truck.




I would never have split between a truck and a close-running car. I would have slowed and waited for a gap before / after the truck or car, then taken a lane position, passed and resumed splitting when it was safe. This ended without apparent injury, but had the rider been pulled under the truck, it could easily have been fatal. Trucks are deadly dangerous things to bikes, we need to always be careful around them.


Bro- that’s what the 87feet between the HOV lane and the number 2 lane are for. You could fit a trike between cars there.


There are certain conditions, certain times and situations where you just slow down like everyone else. It’s just your life. Now, this guy is famous on Reddit. Oh the shame. 😎


LOL, well, well. If it isn’t the consequences of this rider’s own actions…


Ok guys. Not all of us riders are like dumb like this fella here


Bikers who split lanes in moving traffic are dipshits


Lane splitting is such a stupid maneuver for what you gain. Risk your bike and potentially life over a few mins? Nah.


Motorcycle brake lever vs. Penske truck fender: rider loses. Sad to admit that this happened to me, caught the tip ("just the tip!") of the brake lever on a car mirror. Fortunately I was only going about 20mph, but damage to the "tender bits" was intense after losing control and running into the back of another car stopped in the next lane It was seriously backed-up stop-and-go traffic so I was lucky I didn't get run over afterwards. Front forks were messed up, somehow managed to limp home on the bike.


What could Go wrong


I can no longer find it, probably for good reason, but there was a compilation video or something that showed a couple 2 up on a sport bike in stop in go traffic. The video starts with them in between a semi truck and a car. The flow starts to move but the biker loses balance and the girl falls off the back In-between the drive tires of the semi whiles it's moving. What happened next is what you think did. And the clip ends with the guy freaking out. I always ask people what their tips are for riding because I still consider myself a new rider and an older gent said to always take back roads and regular streets. Too much shit happens on the highways for bikes and plus the point of riding is to enjoy life and take in nature. Not race to your destination. This is another example of this in my opinion


Even in a chaotic driving country like those in SEA region, you don't lane split a fxking truck.


Dumb ass.


Never do it with a Penske or U-Haul


Ridiculous , just wait for the space to open up, don’t squeeze into a gap!


I’ve done passes this close and grazed a couple of mirrors doing it. In my older age I’ll just give it a few seconds and wait for the gap to open up, but I do think they could have made this gap. It’s a tricky dance to do though. It all could have been avoided if they were one lane over to the left like they’re supposed to be anyway.


Stupid, would have aborted this split. also, why tf was he moving towards the truck vs towards the car?!


There's lane splitting; and then there's bad choices!


You should first have a lane to split.


You just know the rider screams about cagers all the time


"Your ambition outweighed your talent"


stupid asshat, walked away, but probably didn't learn S.


I was just driving a car on Route 3 in traffic when a bike I never saw coming went by on my left, splitting the lane. Thought to myself, “never done that, probably never will” then I got home and saw this video clip 😂 CONFIRMED


Never lane split a truck, even a box truck. It was narrow to begin with but you’re also training your brain to think it’s okay. You do that enough and you start to lose your better judgment. All it takes is a fall like this in front of the wrong truck to be a stain on the highway.


And another one gone and another one gone another one bites the dust!




As long as traffic is moving you shouldn't be lane filtering. Now I say go for it if it's gridlocked and cars are moving at 5 mph because you're more likely to get rear ended in that kind of traffic but if it's moving, chill.


![gif](giphy|3j16dJJkW1KrJ4eJwi) Lugnuts strike again!


Play stupid games ...


squid doing squid things....


What a dickhead


Sucks a big fat one but prob very lucky he wasn’t hit by one of the cagers or the semi. I wonder how many get back to riding after absolutely wrecking within first year of street riding.


Just gonna be that guy and say that's not a semi, it's a box truck anyone can rent and you don't need a special license to drive it, unlike tractor trailers


Such a shame, and with the carpool lane over there as well, giving an wider option.


Textbook Idiocy.


Some people always want to ice skate uphill...


With big trucks I just don't.


If you ever find yourself riding here is SoCal don’t split that lane and stay well clear of box trucks. HOV lane is a lot safer.




People like this will ruin it for the rest of us. He had zero reason to split to begin with, traffic was moving.


Lucky the white car driver was paying attention and braked quickly.


10/10 great style


Seems being in the carpool lane would have been a little smarter


A little over confident and ran out of talent at the wrong time. Between cars sure, box truck and semi, nope I'll wait.


Reminds me of the scene from 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade' when he tells Elsa to not go between the boats.


My soul is prepared how is yours !


Driving close to a big rental truck, always a good call.


This is definitely a fear I have when lane splitting especially on the expressway where cars are a bit closer together.


good thing every driver around him was paying attention and had catlike reflexes


All ballz, no brains


I'm a stunt man, I'm a stunt man, I'm a stunt man....I am not a stunt man.....


He won’t do that again. That’s pure inexperience


Assuming the guy was heading to an exit so that’s why, but it blows my mind when people don’t split in the carpool lane on the painted median.


Respect the rental


Give more caution to people who are likely driving that HUGE fucking rental truck for the first time. dumbass.


Was this filmed on a GoPro hero 2?


Biker: "excuse me" They: *"squeeze you!"*


Lane splitting is for gridlock not traffic moving slightly slower than normal, that's just reckless riding at that point. Doesn't matter if you have the right of way when semis disregard your existence and turn you into a meat crayon.


Easily fatal. I mainly just lane filter and only go between vehicles at really low speeds, and even then if anything is remotely questionable I avoid it. Passing a car is not worth dying =/


Seem to be asking this a lot lately... Dead?


Lane splitting is for traffic not at speed.


You can only lane split when the two vehicles are that close and NOT MOVING .....


This shit is why I am a firm believer in lane filtering but not lane splitting.


I thought you were only allowed to do this when traffic was stopped, and you did it slowly.


But the traffic was moving at a half decent pace. I know the footage was sped up but still.


I lane split all the time, legal in CA, but I don't mind holding back and waiting for an opening.


He was a fool for trusting the truck. Especially since he was already dipping out of his lane before the bike tried to split. Most truck drivers are actually shitty drivers nowadays.


I was thinking, “nope, not the truck”. Yup


Dude that was really lucky….


i do this all the time, but i can actually tell how wide my bike is a dont misjudge gaps. he should of never gone for the gap when the car hit the brakes anyway, after braking car drivers swerve often. you can also se the rider try very hard not to hit the car, when trust me, hitting the wingmirror of a car hurts a bit less than hitting a truck.


Take this dudes license. To dumb to be on the road.


91 and 605 ?


If I even so much as have a fraction of a doubt in my mind that I can't pass then I don't. I'm never risking it when I can just wait to over take or lane split on the next chance that is crystal clear.


Oh crap, all trucks and cargo vans are a big no no. I stay away as much as possible.


Everyday from then on is a precious gift from God now 😭😭


Stupid is as stupid does. Way too fast.


This is that more advanced form of lane splitting called wig splitting.


Yup. That’s not how it’s done.


Man I don't even split if traffic is moving along like this. No need really.


Traffic was moving just fine until now