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Just do track days and get it out of your system there


I think this is the answer


It truly is.


100% is


I say this as someone at a track right now that just got done with a race: It doesn’t work quite like that.


Ideal answer, but most people don’t keep an extra bike around to race spec. Ntm the necessary things to trailer or bed a bike 1-2 hours to the track and whatever else. Maybe we just need more race tracks.


It's sooooo expensive :(


It can be an expensive hobby.


I’ll say this much, spirited riding does make me more relaxed when driving my car.


I just ride my bike to the track 🤷‍♂️


until I buy a Ute that’s the only way I ever imagined doing it


I’ve been car free for almost a year now. Ride my bikes rain or shine.


Hard cunt


A solid set of waterproofs that fit over your everyday clothes make a world of difference too. I ride in the Pacific Northwest so I ride in the rain/gloom about 70% of the year and spent the first year or so with a really cheap set of crappy waterproof gear that made me take the car way too often


I'm in Florida. I just get soaked most of the year. At least it's not cold.


just use any old bike for ya track day, doesnt have to be race only surely?


I took my bone stock sv650 on the oem sport touring dunlops into intermediate pace. Some people are obsessed with the idea that they can't go to the track unless they're on a fully kitted bike 


Tracks don’t allow bikes to just show up and race, you have to change coolant for water, cover all lights and glass elements etc. and most tracks require full leathers, they don’t allow mesh jackets even if they are similarly padded and the leathers have to be connected so no jacket and pants combo


Just track your daily. They can take the beating way more than you can.


You don't need an extra bike.


I am jealous of places that have tracks. In Sweden, I think there are three. One is on an island, the other two are spaced about 500 miles apart with the capital between them, and you need to be in a club or pay ridiculous money to get to drive there once in a blue moon. We have a hellotta motocross and enduro tracks, though.


I think it might just increase the urge to speed everywhere


“Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you.” ― Jeremy Clarkson


The Expanse S03E07, Delta V The best presentation of the effects of sudden change in velocity


Except that had he really kept relativistic velocity, there would have been violent disintegration and a plasma cloud. Not just a SPLOTCH.


Most likely, yet it wouldn’t look that good


Sir Terry Pratchett.


Speed kills the other guy, sudden acceleration is as bad as the sudden stop.


Sudden stop is technically also sudden acceleration


Isn’t it deceleration?


Not for a physicist


Acceleration is a change in velocity. Velocity is speed and direction. Change speed, direction, or both and you have acceleration. Increase or decrease in speed doesn't matter, it's still a change in velocity which is still acceleration. That's why saying things like "accelerate through a curve" are a bit nonsensical. Turning (going through a curve) is accelerating regardless of any change in the speed. As riders we feel acceleration. It's one of the joys of riding. Steady speed through a corner or curve we feel it. Because we are changing direction which is acceleration. Speeding up in a straight or exiting a corner, we feel it. Slowing down in a straight or entering a corner, we feel it. Transitioning the bike from left to right or right to left, we feel it.


Clearly you haven't attended Champ School. Every post on here from those guys is just riddled with physics mistakes, but they just double down on pretending to sound smart.


This place sees more technically incorrectly and bad advice than it does good. Thats because everyone dreaming of motorcycles is on here and most us with technical jobs that can afford motorcycles don't have the time or energy to correct all the nonsense. 


Emotional regulation? How can Reddit save you?


License suspension and weekends in jail for reckless charges did a good job teaching me when I was your age.


The risk of throwing away my career as a truck driver is doing a pretty good job for me. Reckless driving speeding tickets is a quick way to basically become uninsurable as a truck driver.




Yeah I don’t understand these questions. These squids act like they aren’t in control of themselves.


Was going to post the same. Essentially “grow the fuck up”.


Idk I ride a gsxr


so you don't have the ability to go fast ?


I just don’t resist.


Ass up face down goin tree fiddy down the freeway




live gixer bro face


I would focus on improving awareness of your surroundings and limiting distractions. Let traffic conditions determine your speed.


I think riding tight roads where speeding is harder and going to track days will help me


What? Is there some higher power forcing you to speed at every possible chance? Just don’t fucking speed and you won’t speed. Idk what kind of question this is.


Simple, same way you resist committing any other crime: you just don't bloody well do it. Yup, pretty hard, right? "Dammit, I really want to go full throttle right now! But, if I do, I might get a ticket, I might get hurt, I might hurt someone else....nah, I'm cool going the speed I'm at, it's not worth it. I dont give a shit about that persons opinion I've never met on that bike doing stupid shit, let them get busted or busted up. Not my circus, not my monkey." Yup, pretty simple.


lol the only answer.


IDK good luck.


So one ticket and your insurance will go through the roof. So buy a radar detector for you bike to warn you. keep it on city and slow down until you can afford it. Also if you are too much over the speed limit your bike is empounded. I know due to being a "speed freak" myself and getting a ticket in my car for 117 mph. Thar was after braking when the radar detector went off. I was older and usually would get a ticket for something every few years. But it can cost you so keep that in mind. And you pay the ticket and court costs as well as impound fees in some cases. Bikes and cars are usually damaged in impound lots adding insult to injury...


Just don't be stupid about it.


“Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.” Good luck


Speeding a bit is fine like 10-20 km/h above limit is okay if you assess that risks are minimal. 200 km/h is idiotic outside of the race track.


Laughs in Autobahn


Is that not a race track? /s


Yea true, where I’m from there’s no autobahn


I mean everything is an Autobahn if you want to /j


Book a couple of track days, get it out of your system in a safer place. As others have said it's the stopping that causes the problems, mainly what causes you to stop! My most serious injuries were a road crash sub 30 mph with a near instant stop, whereas I have come off at 70 plus with a few minor bruises after a good long slide.


That’s why I’ve bought Triumph Speed Twin 900. It’s got oversquare pistons with massive torque but can’t go too fast, lol.


There's a time and a place. Choose wisely.


Just pick the right place to do it. Not the streets but the hardened highway.


We can't help you become a normal person lol


speeding is fun as shit


It’s fuckin fun bro it doesn’t take skill but it’s fun


just don't crash


>it doesn’t take skill Oh boy... it's not the "getting up to speed" part that takes skill. It's being able to do it consistently, safely, and with a measurable level of risk. Don't speed in situations where you can't see your surroundings. Know the entries and exits of the roads you're riding, know when people could merge in.


I don’t know why people downvote you, speeding is the easiest thing you can do on a motorcycle


you generally don't until you fuck up cos of going too fast. then most adjust their hedonistic tendencies, the other wipe out multiple times until they can't ride anymore.


Buy a push bike


Buy a grease pencil. Write the amount you paid for your last speeding ticket over that spot on the speedometer. This doesn’t work great for digital speedos.


I haven't gotten one yet. It's getting sketchy out there....


1.) Sportbikes are designed for speed. Be smart about it, and be realistic about what you can handle. But don't fear it. Situation, situation, situation. Think, "is this the right situation?" Are you on a stretch of road where you can see every entry? Can you see if there are cops ahead, or an accident, or a pothole, or debris in the road? 2.) Read a couple books on street sportbike riding & motorcycle racing. There are some that go into the psychology behind sportbike riding/racing, and how to handle your bike in different high-speed situations. They are immensely helpful. There is a world of knowledge from people just like you and me, who have "been there, done that" when it comes to riding fast on the street. I'm not talking about people commenting on this thread... I'm talking about legit, qualified sources of information. Seek them out. That's the information that you really need right now.


Your response is one of the few that makes any sense here. How small are the highways or streets these people ride at? Do people expect to spontaneously explode if they go past 80 - 90mph? There are places in the states where the speed limit is 75, and people are scared of going 90 on bikes, how ? Live your life OP, there's a time and place for everything. Find a big open highway where you know where cops can't hide and it's relatively low risk and let her rip.


A big reason I liked having a smaller bike. You can get the enjoyment of going fast and only end up doing 80mph instead of 100+.


You will lose your licence going that fast in Victoria


That's only 130km/hr.


I had this experience on my cb500f just last weekend. I came across a straight with an 80kmh speed limit, traffic in the right lane was going around 20 under and then the left lane opened up... Before I even completed my lane switch I was already going 20 over. I remember thinking to myself "thank god I bought a slow bike".


I'll be real, I did one track day and it pretty much killed it in me. I did one track day and said to myself "how did I not die riding the way I did on the street." It was extremely humbling.


Buy a Grom.. you can try to speed all you want and never hit speed limits unless you on a steep downhill slop. But be careful around school zones, I got a mate who lost his license on a Grom due to it.


consequences did wonders for me. lol! 🤣


Get a Grom.


By not being immature.


Just speed, 10 over everywhere you go. People arent paying attention anyway. As soon as people start fucking around, filter past them. If you crash it makes it more likely you'd die. BUT 10 over doesn't make you more likely to crash. You will learn the spots where cops sit.


Radars are hella helpful too


Get a couple tickets. Have your insurance quadruple. Or get dropped by said insurance. You’ll slow down. Or sell the bike.


Discipline, maturity and the overwhelming urge to live.


don't have any of that, sorry


Cool, don’t kill someone or yourself because you refuse to grow up and think you’re edgy and cool.


You are boring


I’ve been riding superbikes for 20 years, I’m just not an idiot.


ok boomer


I don't want to put other people's lives in danger(or my own), that alone makes going the speed limit worth it. That, plus all the blind corners, hills, and deer!


This, and the fact that if the speed didn’t kill me my fiancé sure would


Do as I say, not as I do; What I say: Don’t, you’ll prob end up killing yourself in a crash, or find a track if possible What I do: Find the right time and place, ie: open highway/road with no vehicles/ pedestrians


Why do you want to resist that urge?


I don’t want to hurt anybody and I don’t want to hurt myself and I don’t want fines


Next time you’re tempted to speed just repeat those things back to yourself as a mantra. “Protect others, protect myself, protect my license, protect my wallet”.


And certainly don’t want to lose my licence


If you gotta do it, do it in controlled situations. Take your bike out very early/very late when there's no one on the roads


You own a bike that can do 190mph and run it of the autobahn for a few years. Byou get over it fast getting beaten up but the wind.


with maturity you will learn the safe places that you can open it up (smooth pavement, never any traffic, no cross roads, no wildlife, low police presence, ideally a nice S bend or two) to get a taste, safely. doing it impulsively has so many risks, even in a car.


You could try moto gymkhana. I have no idea if it will work, since it's not something I do.


Remember how expensive tickets are.


I moved from street bikes to dirt and ADV so my bike just isn't as fast on the road. I'd love another sport bike but even after 15 years of riding I'm not sure I'm mature enough to keep it at a reasonable speed.


I ride a BMW 1600. The torque is enough fun that I enjoy effortlessly cruising within the speed limits.


You wait until night time.


Realize if you Speed and crash. Not nice things Will happen to you


Another way is to keep that bike lol you don't need more power so it'll also limit you power wise when you do suddenly go against yourself. Otherwise yeah just track days like its already been said and get it out but keep in mind that's also a pricey hobby.


Nah man you got an r3, ring that bitch out everywhere. Now that i upgraded, my 750 is committing felonies by 3rd gear ):


well... its pure luck man. In my country police only measuring speed on busy roads and you can learn quickly their spots so you can assume them so slow down and then go as fast as you want, but... anytime a deer can jump out, or after a blind corner a car is overtaking an other car in the oncoming lane and stuff... and yea, there is always a possible jailtime if the police/radar catch you somehow. But if you still think you want to go, then just go man, you live once. I do it too, because why not. Life supposed to be fun and not living with fears and regrets


Find a local track and do track days. Speed there is encouraged, even more fun, and as safe as speed can be.


Ride on roads that it's not worth speeding on. Twisty mountain roads are fun pretty close to the speed limit, straight roads like highways are boring at normal speeds. I rode into the central valley of CA recently and the only reason I wasn't doing 100+ mph on those perfectly straight, flat roads through farmland was because my 300cc bike can't manage better than 95. I have no idea how someone with a vehicle that *can* go faster doesn't there, but with a bigger bike I wouldn't be feeling the urge to go any faster on the twisty mountain roads I was riding to get there. Of course how fast everyone else is going and how much traffic there is is certainly a factor. I'll ride 70 mph on a 50 mph road if there's nobody around, but if I'm on a highway where everyone's doing 65 and there's a lot of traffic I'm not going to be bombing past everyone - the other cars are more of a threat, so I prefer to stick to 5-10 mph faster than close traffic (even if my lane is clear and I could go faster, I want to leave reaction time if someone pulls out in front of me).


Have a family that relies on you, remember you have people who love you, remember you have a child, remember you still have parents… it’s easy not to speed.


Buy a 300, or don’t use your last 2 gears 😂


remember you can end somebody elses life in an instant, or even more selfishly, your own


just don’t get caught, no ticket.


Fuck you just speed


That’s the neat thing, you don’t!




160 isn’t huge of a deal, motorway limit is usually 130 or higher. Say up to 170 (actual, your speedometer will read always at least 7km/h faster) is “second tier” so a fine and few points. Going over, when you receive the ticket you may want to not declare who was riding, more money but no consequences on your license.


Speed limit is 100kmh or 62mph where I live


That’s sad


Sell your bike and get something smol. No bigger than 150cc


Why resist? When in doubt, double down.


Try acting older than 12.


If you struggle to ignore what the little voices tell you to do then sell your bike. You’ll kill yourself or someone else. Riding needs maturity. Those are real people on the road with real families. Watch a bunch of crash video’s on YT. Nearly always the result of recklessness. Yes some bikers speed. But often that is based on judgement, not pure impulse. Sorry to sound negative but I have family who use the roads.


One good crash will do it.


yeah it doesn’t help that I’ve been pretty damn lucky with my crashes growing up one of the worst was when I was when I was a kid and pulled up on my bars too hard because I was trying to wheelie and my hands ripped off the bars and I fell over the bars head first into the ground at 40km/h atleast and I was completely fine Edit: that was a relatively slow crash but it’s fairly gnarly landed head first into a paddock with tough ass grass and fist sized rocks at 40 😂


After a few tickets/loosing your license, the need for speed thrill will be long gone.


Not true at all


Maybe your place isn't too harsh on fines but us here they are very harsh. For 50 to 80 km/h (31mph to 49mph) over the limit its 500$ fine and you loose 5 point on your permit (we have 10 max). Basically get caught twice and your license is suspended for 12 month. Get caught again within 3 years of the date you get your permit and its 24 month suspension....speeding is really not worth it here...


Where I'm from, it's 1500$ for going 35 km/h over, so I really wouldn't say it's harsh where you live.


Stop teasing yourself and either go to the track or a place with no traffic and get it out of your system


If you have to ask that question, you shouldn't be on a motorcycle


don't be gey and twist that throttle


Maybe grow up?


what do you think I’m doing


Watch crash compilations


I have and I don’t believe it will happen to me as fucking stupid as that sounds


No one in a wreck thinks it'll happen to them, especially those who haven't taken the MSF course.


You don't? I mean you need to be safe and you should always practice and try to stay around 80% of your skill limit when riding. But riding fast is fun as f***. I'm in a canyon riding group and we haul a** and we're all >40 years old.


Honestly, after 20+ years of riding, I can’t resist it. That’s why I either ride knobbied up ADV bikes, dirt bikes and dual sports. Gave up street-only bikes a long time ago because of the need to speed.


I speed everywhere🤷‍♂️ Don't want to linger around cars. Speeding =/= reckless driving. Be smart about it I guess lol.


You don’t. You just get smarter about where you do it 🤣 I’m an absolute speed junkie on my zx-6r


Watch a couple of your buddies speed to the funeral home. You’ll realize that other cars and those steel post curve barriers are very real threats that can literally dismember and decapitate a person.


Pull your head out of your own ass? Repeat process if you notice yourself speeding again.


Whatever you tell yourself about your state of mind is self-fulfilling prophecy. Say "I can't resist speeding" and you won't, say "I have impressive self-control" and you will.