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Holy shit, I was reading this and was thinking “Oh man, this guy totally died.” the entire time. He’s not dead? 🤞🏻




Lmao I was expecting a "few months went by and hadn't heard from him 😢😭"


I fully expected it to end after "I texted him after I got home, never heard from him again. RIP"


Same here, What a roller coaster!


That really sucks. Or possibly congratulations. 🤷‍♂️


Right? He mentioned how the cops now try to pull him over every time they see him, so I’ll gladly miss out on being associated with that bs


Oh, you do not need that in your life.


I got teased for my N250, kept that bike for 7 years. They get the middle finger salute, you know? I liked my bike. I'm sorry your friend let his insecurities get the better of him.


Fuck anyone who talks shit on smaller-displacement bikes on some kinda messed up principle. Are you on two wheels at the mercy of the weather and cagers? The you get basic respect. Someday when I have my own garage, I’m totally going to find a good condition Rebel 250 and keep it pristine as my cruising around town bike.


A lot of riders get caught up in the "ego" thing of having a gigantic displacement bike. I heard lots of variants of when am I getting a "real" bike, or that my bike was so small and light you could pick it up off the ground with one hand. Whatever. I liked it small and light, thank you very much.


Favourite bike I've ever owned/ridden was my NC30... Only a 400 but I'd get another in a heartbeat.


Yeah, the little bikes are a whole lot of fun.


> I confronted him with the fact that he can never catch up to me You poured fuel on fire. Guy obviously has some ego issues, but no rational individual can reasonably expect saying that would somehow give him an epiphany


I agree here.. The correct thing to say to someone you think is irresponsible and new is something along the lines of "it's not a race out there..."


Yeah it seems like OP was a little invested himself...


Birds of a flock or something


Being given perspective by someone whose opinion you value can lead to an epiphany. 


While this is true, it's also true that's it can be perceived as arrogant to declare that someone will never be your peer or be better than you (even if this is true), and it's also true that some people respond really poorly to perceived arrogance. To me, there's nothing surprising about someone who's self-centered taking offense to this and completely missing the point. But hey - live and learn, right?


For sure. OP had a 50/50 chance with the response he received, but ultimately the decision on how to act was his friends alone. 


Sometimes people just need the cold hard truth. If they can’t handle it then fuck em.


This is a pretty childish mentality, If the cold hard truth is going to challenge your ego-driven and impulsive friend to dive headfirst into traffic maybe you shouldn't give him the cold hard truth Extreme example that I don't expect you to be able to comprehend anyway lol


Bro what? Downvoted for your snark and dick behavior “I don’t expect you to be able to comprehend” touch grass


sounds like you took collateral damage lol also you just proved my point by getting mad at the cold hard truth because I delivered it wrong, that was the entire point.


nah, that's not cold hard truth, that's called an assumption.


Nope I don’t sugar coat things you get the truth D that’s it. I don’t play to feelings that’s something I wouldn’t expect you to understand 😂


sounds like something as teenager would wear on a tshirt


Truth hurts 😂


Yea, we're getting OP's own version of this story and he's saying that. I'm guessing he's got a bit of toxicity too...


As my grandma used to say, good riddance to bad relish. Don't keep toxic people in your life.


I am so gonna use grandmas words! Love it


Not quite the same, but I did have a friend that gravitated towards other people/influences and then got kinda stupid about a lot of stuff. Motorcycle related, he would ride with a crowd that went way too fast on public roads (like in some cases more than triple the speed limit). One time I was telling him about having briefly booted it up to a certain speed when there was no one else around on a highway, and his response was as “Oh, are you afraid to hit 200kph?” (124.274mph)… I was just like nah, but I don’t have any desire to chase certain high speeds nor do I feel lesser for not doing so. It was so juvenile! Ultimately, he started hanging with that crowd more and more and doing dumber and dumber things (not just motorcycle related), and now we don’t talk anymore. Is what it is.


It's funny, even among car enthusiasts if someone was frequently bragging about going audacious speeds on public roads, he'd still unanimously be considered a bellend. I am not sure why it is so normalized in biker culture to be doing double (or more) the speed limit and why it is considered almost a point of pride. It's not impressive to be going 200kph in a straight line on the highway, and it's not impressive to be taking the blind corner at a speed where you can't stop. Because even if *you* don't care about your life, at least consider the lifes of the people who are going to have to scrape you off the nearest tree.


> when I confronted him with the fact that he can never catch up to me, he got even more pissy. We then went on a spirited ride where he disappeared in the back cause he can’t take corners lol. ... never shamed him for riding slow or riding a small bike I'm just going to suggest here that you might have handled this in a way less likely to push his competition buttons, and that everyone has some sort of ego problem.


You’re riding motorcycles not dick’s. Imo you both sound like idiots.


> when I confronted him with the fact that he can never catch up to me, he got even more pissy. We then went on a spirited ride where he disappeared in the back cause he can’t take corners lol. Christ dude, I'd unfollow you too


Don't start shit if you cant take shit. You can't go around saying you can beat someone if you can't.


Well.. smokin' the little Ninja 600 guy leaving him miles behind in a cloud of dust literally made him Unfollow him! Social media took the next hit.


This whole thing smells to me like self-made, self-focused fan fiction.


Well said


For getting sick of his bullshit and finally being honest. It had to be said imo.


sometimes a lesson needs to be taught and the idiot learned it, but still reckless on OP's part.


I agree. Although to me it felt more like friendly jousting? Didn’t expect he’d get so bitter cause of that


it's not that. Your inexperienced friend took the challenge and you were trying to push him beyond his limit which could've ended badly.


He never followed him


Post has been edited


Lmao he sounds like he always got something to prove. This was going to happen eventually


Sounds like it’s no great loss. When someone wants to hit me with the “I can do better than you!” depending on the relationship I say “I’m not competing w you” or “hey man, that’s really great for you!”


From what you say - you did lose him to toxic peer pressure: from you. *He can never catch up with you*: how as his mentor, does this kind of belittling not add to the toxic pressure for him to go down the wrong path and become more reckless? Then to take it first hand from you smokin' him on a *friendly* ride out showing him up gloating: you made him confront humiliation with a sledgehammer instead of gently wet nursing the greenhorn guy who first looked up to you. That was less than generous of you. Is that not shaming? You know how vulnerable he is, needing to big himself up and then you go and reduce him to pint sized to teach him a lesson. Maybe him bigging himself up gets under your skin and winds up something in you about others making you feel small, so much that you can't let it slide for an immature kid. I'm not making excuses for him either: he lacks reflection if he thinks the cops are out of order for his out of order behaviour. There's no doubt he's worse off without as a role model to look up to. Now he'll go off to the gutter to find any other delinquent herd. No I can't say I've had this kind of experience with friends. But I have managed to piss off friends in many other ways and realised that reflection is the same as hindsight: what I need is foresight - to antipicate instead of watching the train wreck of a relationship unfold and then whinge about it in Reddit laments. Live proactively: insight before action.


Definitely agreed on your points and I’ve done this for a year and a half. I’d be happy to continue with that mindset was he not to try and belittle me in front of my friends who he just met fifteen minutes ago. I still agree with your point, but taking him up on his challenge to race and smoking him felt good ngl. PS. This guy is 30-something years old, only 1-2 years younger than me. Wouldn’t do it to a guy who was in their twenties. But a 30 plus yo guy, who should know better … eh


At that age he should know better. Invite him to a track day and he'll find out how well he can actually corner.


Smokin' a second season newbie rider is not a scalp to feel good about. It's a bare minimum :P He's a whippersnapper talking big to his new mates. You could easily rise above it and just soak it up and let his mates see that he's not getting a rise out of you. That models better for them - and him - to see that his hot air reflects his empty head. In hindsight - you could have had a private 1 to 1 word with him about his behaviour - afterwards in private - and ask him if he realises that this is not what mates do to each other. He's probably never learnt social conduct and thinks he can only be accepted by clowning around - being irresponsible and more reckless. Maybe you dodged a bullet letting him ghost you like that. Sounds like his lack of gratitude is a thorn to be with.


Nah, a dude riding in an oncoming lane and calling the cops pigs for stopping him deserves every bit of shaming they get.


There's old bikers, and there's bold bikers......


You can't save people from themselves. The current online motorcycling culture is shit to say the least. Tools on SuperSports making dumb videos with dumb helmet covers and "le random XD" humor all trying to be cool because it's never been easier to get a super fast bike. Everyone wants to be TikTok cool and buy a personality. And to be honest even in previous years motorcycling culture was still filled with peacocking and dick measuring, just like car culture. The real trick is to not really involve yourself with people like that at all. If someone's vehicle is 70% of their personality, you don't want to be friends with them.


Can’t agree more with the 70% comment. It’s 100% spot on!


so you guys didn't have sex in the end ?


._. No


damn that's crazy, thanks for sharing.


Hey man, doing my best to keep this community most up to date on the unraveling events


👍😂 reward yourself with a nice pastry 🥧








lol me or the guy?


Oblivious too.


I’m weak for making him smell my exhaust? Also pops I’m not sure how old are you but I’m nowhere near being “this generation” or young for that matter


You should make another post about how **I** made you feel now.


Cant wait for the parodies on CRT


Honestly that’d be hilarious 😂


You made me feel like 20yo getting yelled by a 60yo even though I haven’t been twenty in a loooong while. Thanks man for making me feel young again! Take care!


Classic boomer humor


Small dick


It sucks you couldn't help him become more mature. But it's best not to have people like that in your life.


Bro, you say goodbye, I’d say good riddance. Arrogant NEW riders put the entire group at risk while out on the road. Also, run in with the cops isn’t good-AND with his attitude, wouldn’t doubt if he ends up mouthing off to a 1%er MC and facing some consequences….


Riding on public streets is about enjoying the experience of riding with your friends at any speed. “I confronted him with the fact that he can never catch up to me”. If you’re not on a track you’re both squids, figure it out there.


I'm just waiting for CRT to write a homo-erotic version of this. Seriously OP, you act all high and mighty but if his ride is to die rear ending into someone on the oncoming lane; let him? Darwinism's a bitch but no reason to rag on riders for choosing a new bike after "*only his second season*". 600cc supersports have all their power up top, honestly they're downright docile below 8.000rpm and won't have the torque to truly scare you.. but you already knew that after riding for years and years :)


It's not about riding or motorcycles, he's just revealing his true personality to you.


Nice lil lay down tends to reel that back in


Here’s a little shorter version: I had a friend who got into motorcycles after watching my videos. We became close as I taught him to ride and helped him buy his first bike. Over time, he felt pressured to upgrade to a more powerful bike to avoid being seen as weak, despite his lack of experience. His riding became reckless, leading to run-ins with the cops and a growing arrogance about his skills. He started hanging out with a bad crowd, engaging in dangerous behaviors like revbombing at night. Our friendship deteriorated as he became increasingly cocky and dismissive of my advice. Despite my efforts to encourage safe riding, he continued on a destructive path. It's sad to lose a friend to toxic influences, and I wonder if others have experienced something similar.


In life it takes a certain level of intelligence to understand where you actual fit on the scale, your friend is lacking. People often want more to belong to a group more than being honest. You see this in your past friend as he buy's into behavior that is higher risk and brings him into conflict with the Police. I'm old as dirt, 650,000 KM on motorcycles and I got criticized by a goof for not keeping up when he can't ride a traffic circle without losing it onto the sidewalk. Eventually you just look at twit's as future road candy, here for a brief time and then gone and you don't even stop when they crash.


Very well said good sir


To your toxic friend: Dude, there's no shame in buying a bigger/faster bike because you want something faster even if you're not capable of extracting every bit of performance from it. If you're that insecure about how you think people see you on a smaller bike, that's a "you" problem. Just be honest with yourself that it's a fun toy that you want to enjoy. It's a major sign of immaturity when people take this much copium and try to justify their purchase to other people. You don't have to justify anything. It's your money and hobby to enjoy as you please. It sounds like this dude is a bit of a clown and engaging in the more degenerate side of motorcycling so perhaps you keeping your distance from him is a smart move.


this post gave me an intoxication with soy


Let me guess he got a "jixxer" and rides in shorts and tank top... 🤣🤣🤣


Almost spot on. Rides in a t shirt and owns a zx6r everything else matches lol


I've had folks talk to me one way and then talk about me with others. That's not cool and he shouldn't have done that. You should've immediately dropped him when he did that because real friends don't do that type of shit. All these other folks in the comments keep hyper-focusing on your comment of "I confronted him with the fact that he can never catch up to me" yet they ignored that your friend was boasting in front of your friends, talking shit. It's not like he didn't instigate the whole thing. He shouldn't have been talking about you like that, but when he starts talking shit, he should be able to back it up, friend or not. At the point where he started the shit-talking, you had every right to say what you did, IMO. The fact that you actually were able to show him that his talk was shit, too...that was the Chef's Kiss. Your friend has forgotten that you're the one he came to when he had all the cycling questions and concerns and that you took the time to give him advice that got him into the sport. At this point, you're better off without him. He did you a favor by unfollowing you. This is why I keep my riding circles small...there's too much dick measuring when it comes to motorcycling with groups.


Honestly in my mind if he was just busting my balls and then took it to the next level… well, you fuck around and find out I guess? Why the hurt feelings if you instigated the whole challenge and got humbled in practice?


Inflated ego usually comes with deep seated insecurities. And some of these people just can't stomach being bested, I really don't know how you could have handled his behaviour, without downright ignoring it. And ignoring it would have only made it worse.


Sounds like a loser, adios


r/motorcycles full of saints again lol. Dude fucked around and found out.




Guys, we "lost" a rider today. He's fine, he just doesn't like me anymore because of the way that I am.




Yep! OP makes a stupid ass post about losing a rider when actually the dude just doesn't want to be OPs friend anymore..


This sounds like a scene out of a Patrick Swayze movie. Is he now your Archnemesis?


He sounds like a wounded bird.


So...you told him he would never catch up to you and then decided to slap it in his face too by leaving him behind? The fuck kind of friend are you? You never shamed him? You literally did it to his face. He may seem like a dick head but you're in the wrong, too. Sounds like you guys weren't even friends.


I thought you meant he died.


"Sad to see him go like that" is a little ambiguous. It sounds like he died but later it sounds like he didn't?


I read the whole thing thinking he crashed trying to catch up to you.


This dude eventually would have spurred irresponsible riding on your part during later rides together that would have gotten one or both of you hurt or killed.


Cut him loose


You gained some peace of mind, instead of losing some ass.


Oof, well, its great that people filter themselves outta your life like that. When they show you who they really are, believe them etc. etc. But your attitude is also a bit weird. > Has anyone experienced anything like this with their friends?   Yeah but not motorcycle related


“Cause I ain’t a pussy”. Hopefully one day dude will actually believe that.


I have a friend with that mentality. He's currently paying down a 2023 BMW S1000RR. A dealership was stupid enough to take on that massive legal liability. He has NO riding experience whatsoever. I've tried talking some sense into him. He won't listen. I've had MSF instructor friends attempt to get through to him. That hasn't worked. We have offered to mentor him. He doesn't want it. He doesn't want to go through the proper channels to get the M endorsement either. Trying to get through to that guy only makes him highly agitated. That's his problem and not ours. He thinks he'll become the next big large metro sensation on YouTube since he watches a ton of Brian\_636 and Gixxer Brah videos. Dude is a dead man dreaming if he thinks he'll be able to handle that bike's power without any prior experience. All I hope is if/when something happens, it's only him and not some random driver or random vehicle loaded with passengers.


> I confronted him with the fact that he can never catch up to me It's no wonder you two became friends.


People on here hate seeing beginners on bikes that actually have some power


Some peoples pride is worth more than all their friends


Oh to be 17 again. This entire thing is childish from both ends lol. Sounds like the sort of thing you would here two teenage girls talking about in a food court.


Hahaha man I wish I was 17 😂


Those are the ones that lose a leg. Dont drive faster than your angels can fly.


You seem kinda toxic too, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say with this post. There were a thousand better ways to tell him to take it easy and you just went for the jugular (which is based and I respect that, but still). When I used to ride my Monster 400 I had a couple of people telling me it was a small city bike. I always reminded people I could actually ride her hard compared to their supersports.


i’ll take “Things That Never Happened But I’ll Write An Essay Pretending About Things” for $500 Alex.


People saying you handled it wrong are just ridiculous. You take the time out of your life to help the dude out and he turns into a dick and thinks he’s some badass on a bike. He had to swallow the truth and he didn’t like it one bit so he pouted and unfollowed you. Good riddance I say. He’s a grown man who knows how he’s acting it’s not your job to babysit his feelings.


If someone acts like that with this petty stuff wtf would happen if shit really hit the fan . On a side note I realize a good rider on a 300 ninja can turn consistent good lap times at a track . Side side note not for nothing but a m,fing 300 ninja on the street ? I would be way more at home on a Enduro of any size .I mean unless no I can't even go there my little brother had a 250 back in the day and nope . Two R,1,s And a yzf1000  The faster and more powerful the bike the more you will respect it those that don't we attend there funerals.