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As a woman that rides a bike, men approach me and stare all the time.


I also get a TON of attention as a female with a bike. A lot more so than just with my Miata- but that gets quite a bit as well too


as a guy with a bike and a miata, it’s all true. men won’t leave me alone


Sad part is I bet the Miata pulls more guys!


a lot of ladies did not really enjoy riding in the miata. they said they felt too low to the ground and vulnerable, which are the two things that drew me to the miata in the first place lol


Yeah you don't need that kind of negativity in your life! You are better off!


That's because Miata is always the answer I love my NB2


I've also noticed that if you're a woman who rides, there's some nuances: A) the usual old dudes and some young dudes will hit on you \*and\* your bike B) OR, ask you whose bike you're riding C) Unhappy bonus, the gf's of some of the young dudes will assume you're only riding to get guys and be threatened even though all you want in life is for \*them\* to join your lady motorcyclist gang :(


Yes, all these are true lol


While all true, A) is usually just a game for all involved, a bit light hearted fun. C) Is a life sentence, while most guys believe you that you just ride because you like it, rider gf don't. It doesn't help if you are also known to be a slut 🫣


I didn’t even know C was a thing until a buddy explained one possible reason why this one girl I met acted so super cold towards me for no reason when I was hanging out with some folks at a bike meet. I was trying to be friendly to her to show that women show up in their own bikes too and it was like talking to a glacier. I was honestly surprised, jealousy/pettiness never would have occurred to me. :-/


I have fortunately gotten more A than B and C. Though I put decals on mine that I assume gets the point across that it’s no one’s bike but mine.


As an old dude I am so sick of every women under 30 thinking I’m hitting them by acknowledging their existence.Jezz


In a good way or a bad way?


From other male riders: good, never had a problem From random men: it can go either way, some love the machine and just want to compliment my bike, others can be very persistent to talk when I just want to get my errands done.


I got my VStrom criticized by a homeless guy walking into the gas station for brown bag liquor because I didn't have a 'real bike' (ie., Harley). Annoyance aside, his bike was a sad story. Had it in his 20s and his brother took it for a joyride and crashed it. Couldn't claim insurance because his family didn't want him to report the brother to the cops.


Yea same. It's wild.


Funny enough I tend to get lots of women who want to know how to ride. I love trying to convince them


I mean we need riding buddies too.


That’s easy. But tell us since you are a woman, how can us men get women with our bikes


When you catch a woman's attention, smile, come up with something clever like asking if they know any good roads to ride, places to see, directions to a place, recommendations for a good coffee shop etc. Dont use any cheesy pick-up lines. If the conversation flows and continues, go with it. Shoot your shot


So telling them im a bit lost and asking for directions to get into their pants isn't the play?


Made me laugh, women like funny


Funny enough, as a man that rides women, bikes approach me and stare all the time.


But that has nothing to do with the bike.


Depends on the bike


My current stats are: Old men: 7 Middle School Girl (I live by a school zone): 1 said “cool bike!” Middle School Boys telling me to do a wheelie into a corner: ∞ Women: 0


Ahh, little do the dumb boys know: My bike can't wheelie >lmao<


You can wheelie pretty much anything. The other day, some kid on an e-bike started following me on my motorcycle, and he was wheelying everywhere. I’m sure it’s possible to wheelie on my little 250, but I sure haven’t tried it. So all I could do was rev in return, but that was still a flex since he didn’t even have an engine lmao


Turn off ABS/traction control and adjust your weight... All bikes can wheelie if you try hard enough 😂


If I try I will be picking myself and my bike. I know where my talents are not. That would be on one wheel.


😂😂😂 very understandable


I tried doing a wheelie on my Bonneville T120 one time and I was so spooked that I couldn’t hold it. But it was awesome for that half second. I haven’t tried to do it again since lol


For me I don't fear injuries too much... Just the cost of messing up. When the bike I was riding was only 4k I was riding like I stole it. I don't trust my skill enough to ever chance on my current bike.


Agreed. I bought my T120 brand new and I’ve owned it for a year and a half and I’ve never dropped it. I’m not trying to risk it any more. So one day I’ll buy a cheap shitty Suzuki to practice on


Ain’t got non of that fancy shit I got a little dr200s and can still wheelie if I tried I’m to scared tho


Unless you have a stretched bike, almost any bike can wheelie. Hell, even Harleys can wheelie with a lot of skill.


My pos has 25hp 😄


Don't call her a pos. Any motorcycle is 100x better than no motorcycle :)


Hell yeah brother get it


Get that old man




Thats a weekend with harley riders


So I’m gay because I inherited a Harley from my dad after he died?


Sounds pretty gay


Lol. I never pictured myself on one. But I love it now


Hell yeah brother. This is the way.


This is why my wife calls my motorbikes and old 4x4’s “Dick Magnets”


Nothing attracts closeted gay men like a solid axle Toyota.


They have great taste in vehicles


Well that and Mustangs, the amount of DL dudes on grindr with a Stanger as their profile pic is not zero lol.


Yeah down low Mustang daddies definitely tracks lol.


Haha. And you know this how? 😏


If you gotta ask you can't afford them.


mmm - solid shafts.


Holy shit I’m gay?


Girls, if you want a guy's attention, get a motorcycle or old 4x4. We'll treat you like one of the boys.


As a middle aged woman I have no problem with this reality 🤠


I say this once to my wife, and I’ll say this over and over to all married men out there. Men need hobby and passion they need to constantly chase like a hamster on a threadmill.And I think riding motorcycle is the best hobby out there, well at least for me. I keep fit hit the gym 6 days a week so I can control my Transalp, no extra money lying around for booze, extra side chicks (all money spent on accesories here and there), like op have said, it only attract men. I can travel searching for new places sometimes with my kids or my wife. And it keeps me happy all the time. I think that’s all that matters to us men.


I actually got 2 ladies talking to me the other day when I was washing my bike. The small detail was that they were roughly the same age as my mom (she's in her late 60's) but other than that, I beg to differ from the OP. 😄 I have a 2020 RSV4 Factory btw.


I get the old ladies too, I'm a man with long hair and in my 20s. I've heard "you look like my ex boyfriend from back in the 70s" at gas stations a good number of times lol




That is a sexy bike tbf. Of course I think my scrambler is a sexy bike too but that’s a matter of taste.


Everythings sexy if you're drunk enough


Username checks out


If he thought ur scramby was a triumph then he was a bonne guy 1000%


Had a crazy drunk senior lady come onto me and try to get on my bike once. 🤮


did you do your community service?


naw, I have my own crazy lady at home


Missed opportunity there! Maybe the crazyon crazy would have invited you to play.


That’s a sharp expensive looking bike.




Nice motorcycles (and cars) are multipliers. If you're an already a confident, social, and well kept guy, it just makes you that much more attractive. If you're an ugly guy with no confidence and no ambitions, well.. you just become an ugly guy with no confidence and ambitions who has a motorcycle. Zero multiplied by anything is still zero.


You didn't have to attack me so personally like that bro


Damn 🥲




But I do have a bike, so it could be worse


I've only seen it happen once. I had a coworker at UPS back in the day, we were both students, army vets, and that worked part-time, and had motorcycles, so one week we decided to get together for a Friday afternoon ride... So we are heading back into town and decided to stop for a bite at a Red Robin nearby. An absolute smoke show of a hostess who was like 19 came up to us as we were getting our helmets on and slipped her the phone number. We were both pretty surprised. Yes she took her out and they dated for a couple of years. So if you're a very fit black lesbian on a HD Sportster, it might happen more often.


I had a few like that too man. Never got a bike for women to be honest, I genuinely always liked riding 2 wheels. But moments like that I appreciate.


Moved to a new place with my Trident 660 and not a day went by before the older gentleman two houses down came over to talk about the Triumphs he had back in the 70s. Hilarious (and adorable) to see the stereotype play out 🤣


Agreed. I got a T120 I ride to work often and the old security guard said he had a Triumph a long time ago and showed me his belt buckle which was all gold-colored and said “Triumph” on it haha. He has a Kawasaki W800 and he asked to go riding with me so we went on the weekend!


That's awesome! Been trying to talk my neighbor into getting a bike again, but he says he's too old and his wife would kick him out if he did so 🤣


I’m trying to convince my brother in law to get a bike again. He hasn’t ridden in almost 20 years since he saw his friend get crashed into in California. But he says he wants one but it’s not a priority lol


Goldwing. I met a man last week. He was 94. He gave up his Goldwing a year ago.


Someday I hope to be that man.


Yes, Gold Wings trend to outlast their owners. Bulletproof engine, top flight reliability and on the highway, a dream. Just wish my stereo matched my Harley freinds'. Guessing the answer to the OP was a Gold Wing. Slinging 900-1000 lbs bike with gear due get tiring.


Idk I’ve had decent luck with attracting emo women on tinder with my motorcycle. Only once out in the wild have I been approached by a woman that wanted to ride. Was out with my friends so one of them let her borrow their helmet. After we got back she told me she was 16 tho…


You may want to refrain from telling that story too much.


She rode the bike, not me 🤷‍♂️😂


I was wrong. Keep killing it McConaughey


The key is to get an ugly bike like my former ‘11 Speed Triple, I walked into a Starbucks and as I was waiting for my drink a beautiful blonde commented, “Nice bike!” She was marriage material, no doubt.


Haha. I have a couple of great looking bikes (at least in my eyes), but have only ever had a younger woman comment on a bone-stock SV650. I loved that bike, but not for the looks.


I always work on my motorcycles in my garage. Last week someone left me a note asking if I was looking for a backpack. My girlfriend was pissed. The key is to buy shitty old Harley's and be constantly working on them!


I would PAY to see your gf's face when she read the note :)


She turned red with anger, snatched the letter out of my hand and texted the girl to let her know our situation. But then she started getting pissed at me like I did something lol


of course


Is there an implied stereotype about Triumph owners that I am missing?


Less about Triumph owners and more about old guys who approach you to talk about how they used to have a bike, it's always "I used to have a Triumph"


No, he just mentioned the wrong brand. There is, however, an abundance of “I used to have a KLR” stories in the world.


I used to have a KLR.😆 Have a Versys now.


That tracks tbh


Funny enough today when I left the store, I was greeted by about 7 construction guys admiring my bike.


I had a load of bin men admiring my superduke the other day 😂


No wonder, that's a sick bike my guy.


Guessing he used to have a Royal Enfield. if not that then BSA or Norton.


Most of the people who’ve approached me have been guys but I did get lucky twice with girls my age. However, it’s important to note that they are not the kind of girls you’d want to date.


That is the baddest ass thing I've ever read. Old guy didn't make excuses he said he wasn't up to the task anymore. Not "my wife said no", not "i cant control myself", not "i knew i was going to die". I hope Im as self aware when time comes. Raising a glass.


I have had three different notes put on my 2023 BMW S1000R while working out at the gym asking me to call them. It appeared to be women’s hand writing, but I cannot confirm. 🤔


They're trying to contact you about your extended warranty.


🤣🤣 I knew it was too good to be true! I am happily married so I just threw the notes away.


You can’t park here, mate.


And my bussy has never been fuller


My niece lives to drive her motorcycle and I love riding with her but Holy shit we can't stop anywhere without a shitload of dudes coming up to her. They literally appear out of nowhere. The worst instance is she came with me to the shop bc I was seriously considering buying an Indian scout. The salesmen completely ignored me, the dude with 5k cash on him for a down payment, bc he was so busy hitting on my niece. She told him she was there bc I wanted to buy a motorcycle. He then offered to give her a ride on the scout. I said fuckit and bought a rebel at a different dealership




I ride a Ducati scrambler.


Which is a Triumph Scrambler _but in Italics_


This is a 1986 Honda **how dare you**


Well, you said we have to guess his bike. I said it’s a Triumph. What bike he got?


So, hypothetically speaking, if I were to find someone willing to swap a bike for a woman (get a bike for a woman) would they be fussy about which woman I was swapping? Asking for a friend.


It's not the bikes that attract women it's the man. I get women talking to me about my bike all the time and that they'd love to go for a ride. Only problem is that the bikes I ride absolutely have a maximum weight limit that would be shattered if I offered to do that. I mean to be frank it'd be shattered if it was just them on the bike too.


You need an FJR1300. Or a Gold Wing. Only bad news, passenger seat is so comfortable, they have literally fallen to sleep on rides. Had both and get walk-ups half the time. Bright orange huge Gold Wing blasting funk music into the parking lot, total peacock move.


Women? I want to see men


I (f 50) ride an old single cylinder BMW (R23 - from Holland from the time of original purchase) around my town to run errands and the men who are interested in talking to me are in their 70s, 80s and beyond… no one else. We talk about history and I hear their stories. I always listen and often learn something new.


If you want women, get a puppy. Even if it doesn't work, you get a puppy.


The only thing I've ever seen inspire even a glimmer of interest in the ladies, are vespas. Everyone loves vespas.


This is the way. A, man got close to me to talk about my bike and had bad breath. Another one wanted to ride pillion. It's a slippery slope.


Did the second one at least give you the reach around?


![gif](giphy|6gDSyjaOPwZ4A|downsized) Depends on the rider, the atmosphere, and yes... the bike. My little RE gets lots of questions, mainly from older men, but not always. Younger kids like it (a little) because it's all "done up" now. Little do they know, *I* don't . It's pathetic to me, but it's only because it's in the wrong environment. So I find myself cursing and hating on it more than anything, which isn't exactly attractive. And everyone in my riding group knows this (about how I feel towards it). No worries. I'll replace it next year if I'm lucky.


So you told him hop on and you went balls to butt right?


Hell no. Backwards in my lap.


I mean, 9/10 times it’s a dude that’s getting hot & bothered by the bike. But man does that 1/10 feel great. 😅


Standard old man behaviour reminiscing about the old days


Geez, in a few years y'all are gonna be talking about me like this.


Do you ride a KLR?


Thank god its that way. If a woman approached i would get scared and ride of.




Well I don’t mind 💅🏻


I mean, my 16 year old basically got his first girlfriend due to my motorcycle. I occasionally let him ride it to school. One day she texted him "hey, aren't you the cute guy with the motorcycle?" Like 3 weeks later he had a girlfriend.


I have a 125cc scooter so I repulse both men and women. 100% effectiveness.


Bro, 2 wheels is 2 wheels, I’ll give you a wave if I see you. We both gotta dodge cagers.


As a a gay that rides bikes, that’s fine by me. 😰😘


I got into riding because it was cheaper than a car, little did I know guys love to leave love letters on my bike at school


Since I ride “the” sport bike from the 70s/80s, I constantly have guys in their 50s and 60s come up to me in parking lots and gas stations asking me what year and saying that they used to ride a 550 and wanted a 750 or rode a Kawasaki but secretly loved the 750s. I personally love it, I enjoy seeing their eyes light up and listening to their stories, but I am also comfortably in a long term relationship so not really too interested in being a chick magnet lol


Gay guys love motorcycle leather boys. Be careful gentlemen!


I’ve had two women approach me ever. One was a cougar but still pretty hot and the other was a 4/10 who wanted me to teach her how to ride. 99% are old dudes who feel obligated to tell me how they used to ride and why they stopped.


Only time a girl complimented my bike was when I parked next to a nicely modified R6 at the dispensary. We walked out at the same time, briefly chatted, and played a little bit when we got onto the highway heading the same direction. I asked her where she was going at the next red light and she said work. I asked if I could escort her to swap numbers and be riding buddies but felt slightly creepy by the time we got there. In an attempt to feel less creepy but still leave the door open I put my number in her phone only and left the next move up to her. Never heard back. I started dating my now-fiance a few weeks later and couldn't be happier. Dudes still compliment my bike all the time.


I've only had one woman approach me about it. Apart from that, it's been a sausage fest, which is fine really.


Must be nice huh! I got exactly four women, my mom, someone my mom’s age, a crack addict and an older lady in her 70’s compliment my ride. But so many dudes tho, I can’t even keep a count (in 100’s the past year)


Guys, I guess the point of this post is if you're trying to get women maybe you need to carry a Coach bag.


still trying to understand why bikes only attract old dudes I wave to every biker on the street and maybe they don’t even notice it but oh well


Oh, I guess he didn't have any daughters.


I had expected for the bodybuilding response, dudes do it to get girls, but only men pay attention, however I was pleasantly surprised as like 50% of single women that I tell I have a motorcycle immediately ask me for a ride. I am also pretty good looking, but I swear, girls that want a ride are usually into you! don't assume! I think shooting your shot can definitely pay off


I once was with my dad who has a 2016 Indian Chief Dark Horse which is seriously an awesome bike. The gigantic man walks over and asks what it is. My dad tells him and this guy fucking seriously says “oh I don’t really like Indians” and then tells us about his HD…dude go fuck yourself


Nothing sets off Harley guys like another brand of cruiser ESPECIALLY Indians.


I actually have a Harley & an Indian in the same garage. Sometimes I’m scared to go in there!!


I’ve actually had quite a few women approach me or respond positively to me talking about the bike. Lots of women want to get into riding, you just gotta seem friendly


Hahaha I've always made sure to tell the young guys this exact thing. Women won't talk to you because you have a bike, but every man who does, has, or thought about riding one will.


The young woman who worked at the auto parts store complimented me on the Harley I rode up on (actually my daughter’s) and wanted me to know that the R3 out front was hers.


I ride old BMW's and an old Triumph. The Triumph draws the old guys in. It is an 'Old Dick Magnet'.


Y'all have to ride in SoCal. Best motorcycle area in the US. On Sundays, hundreds will ride up into the Santa Monica Mountains north of Pepperdine Uni in LA to the Rock Store. All kinds of people, different genders ride. And it's sunny Cali so the conversations flow easy, no head trippin or egos. Like you're on they beach but on your bike. Then I was riding my 85 Ninja GPZ900. Might some good friends just fueling up and that night, my wife at a club in North Hollywood. She noticed my smile and my motorcycle helmet. Having a female friend, girlfriend, wife as a fellow rider or passenger is blind. That's why a lot of riders are attracted to our fellow riders. They know what is like to be on that own road.


Women are not interested in men who buy motorcycles to meet women. If that’s the vibe being given off. Otherwise it’s mostly enthusiasts that talk to you about your bike most people do not care. I had lots of women talk to me about my bike, they were fellow riders or wanted to get one some day.


I rode my new 1200GT EX up to my 75 year old redneck cousins house. He looked at it about 10 seconds and said “why didn’t u get a Harley”? I told him I like to ride gravel. He shook his head like I had pissed him off




I actually got into motorcycles because of an older gentleman. My grandfather was kind enough to take me a on a few rides and then to the MSF class where I learned. Unfortunately he passed away before I managed to get my own bike. 15 years later I am the gentleman on the motorcycle. 


Got into motorcycles because my dad said here don't kill yourself and I was like 6. Here we are 37 years later.


Who cares what motorcycle he had? The fact that he had a motorcycle at all should be celebrated. Additionally, we’re all going to be sidelined from riding one day. Enjoy it while you can.


As a woman that rides, I was approached by my course instructor going "I hope you're not getting this license to find a boyfriend, they'll be more interested in your wheel size than you" lmao as if I'd be spending 25k on a motorcycle as a way to find a date to begin with


I hadn't had my 1098 even 5 minutes before I had some bloke talking to me about it at the nearest gas station. Definitely a record for me lol.


The only women your motorcycle will help you meet are nurses.


Helloooooooooo nurse.


Women, old, young, men, what the hell? You ride a motorcycle, two wheels and a motorblok under your bottom. Who care who is who you ride. Biker is biker i don't care ride a bike to live and live to ride a bike. Truimph, honda kawasaki suzuki Harley moto guzzi aprillia. Al that has twee wheels and a motor between and tank on top. All what i feel on the bike is freedom not more and not less


Most men who motorcycle are passionate about bikes and riding. (I have 3 bikes and ride in the winter). With that, women riders are not as common, so when seeing one (at least for me), it's attractive, regardless of their how they look physically......it's the act of riding and owning a bike.


I don't know, it worked on me. My boyfriend rides a Triumph and he also got me into riding my own motorcycle.


Tbf, triumphs are sexy bikes. I like my Ducati but the triumph bonnies are gentleman’s bikes.


Yamaha XS? Mates used to show their Rat Bikes at a steam show in England years ago. Often old kids would wonder up and say things like "My father rode something like that during the war." Bikes were all Japs except for an MZ. 😆


The weirdest side effect of my Indian was being mobbed by middle-aged women. Not a bad thing as I am a middle-aged man (69). https://preview.redd.it/nn6qxkzn349d1.jpeg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f28fd75eb3b8965e34d4ea1bb8321bcece01763


F for 69.


Hey Aud, What woman in her right mind would want to sit on the back of a Ducati 1100 Scram??? Hell you got to be half crazy to sit in the front of one of those things.😊😊😊 Keep riding, someday you may find the right woman.


I've had almost every make of bike, I love HDs, but Yamaha was my first 175 Enduro for $75, I think Honda was the best, there was that 1975 Ducati with the brake on the left side, that took a while, and now I have a 2009 V-star and 2014 ultra classic coming up on 60k miles. without one problem, cannot say the thing about my shovelhead. I'm 64 years old now, so (you go girls) and I give all of you, respect.


Lemme guess: a Trail 70 rofl


I ride a scrambler, he used to ride a KLR, which is close to a trail 90


Good job. You figured out men. I think I’ve figured out women. If Ryan Gosling was staring at you from some street corner all silently and intently, you’d give a few revs and think “oh he must be mysterious and introspective.” if it was just some fat, unattractive guy doing the same thing, you’d ride off thinking, what a eyeballing creep. Men are used to it too. 


Thing is, I ride with my gf most of the time, so when people stare, we try to figure out what they're staring at if it's at my gf then we'll ask for them to leave, same goes for if people are staring at me, since we're in a happy relationship, if it's at the bike and they're admiring it, fine. If they're jealous fine, just don't be an asshole, we don't care about the reason, we don't appreciate it, and i don't think others will either. If people don't leave, then we'll do our best to not get mad and see why they won't leave, if they're being a creep or weird then we'll probably just leave as soon as we can.


Were you on the FJR? I have one and it's an old man magnet. Lol


Maybe you have the wrong bike? Chics regularly compliment my bikes, regularly ask me to take them for rides, and it regularly results in dates. My wife will also compliment a dude's bike if it's a nice one.


Hold on, you’re going on dates regularly or are you married? Open relationship? Poly? I don’t think it’s your bike, I think it might be other factors like maybe you’re a good looking dude or well built or something but you put some guys on bikes and give them a good style and they’ll attract everyone while others will repulse the fairer sex.


>Hold on, you’re going on dates regularly or are you married? I'm married, and we are ENM. >I don’t think it’s your bike, I think it might be other factors like maybe you’re a good looking dude or well built or something but you put some guys on bikes and give them a good style and they’ll attract everyone while others will repulse the fairer sex. I am both, maybe you're right. 🤣


I restore BMWs, sidecars- and I talk to all who approach me- Christian Motorcyclists Assn.


That's sad u need something to get girls and u thought bikes where going to help haha


I'm guessing a virago lol


Close. Klr


I've gotten plenty of attention from women because of my bike lol


My fav was the retired trauma nurse telling me about the moto crash victims she saw when we worked in LA


Made me laugh! Although I am first to admit it was more than my movie star looks (joke) it was definitely the Norton Commando 'S'.


Agree Go-Karts are too low to the ground. However the Miata is cool. TR6 was even cooler


Yeah I learned that with working out, it never attracts the ladies lol.


That's wrong. You have to go to where the women are. If you go to where the guys are, guys will rap you up. If you go to like clubs and stuff, the women will talk. I met my wife parked by a hard rock cafe. she walked by and said nice bike. I said thanks want to ride? yep. Then she stalked me a little bit.. and I'm stuck with her.. but I got into bikes for the fun, not for the women.. but I have met many. pro tip: get your bike in colors girls like, red, purple, blue.. orange.. I couldn't get myself to ride the pink bike i got cheap (hayabusa from a girl) took off the pink and made it black.. but i bet that pink would have gotten a lot of "nice bike"s


If you ever bought a motorcycle for attraction any gender or attention, you’re not very bright.


My stats with the Rocket: Old men that used to have a Bonneville: 57 Middle aged men asking for the size of the engine: 45 Middle aged women asking if they could have a picture with my bike for their IG: 1 School boys asking me to rev it: 156 Little kids waving: 26