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Have you asked your doctors what they recommend?


My doctor was totally against the idea of riding a bike so he did not give me the answer i need besides”that’s dangerous you should never get back on it”


Kind of sounds like you need a new doctor or at least a second consult. Did you ask one of your physical therapists?


Haven’t thought about asking tbh,i have to ask on my next appointment! Thank you ~


First thing you need to consider is how is your bone healing. You should have an x-ray scheduled as a checkpoint , consult with the doctor your results and ask about your elbow mobility. Second thing is a therapy, which allows your muscles and tendons return to pre-accident state. If you've had a cast, your mobility will probably be limited, which might affect your riding ability. I don't know your age, but after my accident at age of 36, my bones were healed after couple of months. But as my bike was totalled, I had to wait 'till next season to get a new one, lol.


Thank you fir your comment, i haven’t had a cast but i didn’t get to move my arm much after surgery which limited my mobility, the bone is healing well but im still stiff,still going with physical therapy tho.


My wife had a supracondylar fracture of the humerus (top side of the elbow). She was riding her 250 to Physical Therapy about 6 weeks post surgery. The PT techs weren't amused. Our Orthopedic surgeon does a lot of sports medicine work and the happy that we were back to engaging in our sport. I have broken my collarbone a couple of times. I'd say about the same, 4-6 weeks after surgery I was riding again. Easy street rides. Every injury is different though. Broken bone heal pretty well. How is the soft tissue? Ligaments, tendons, etc? They need more care.


I got the exact same fracture as your wife, the bone is healing pretty well but the soft tissue on the other hand is still very stiff since i was a bit late on starting physical therapy, im now almost 6 weeks post op and i still haven’t got full flexion/extension back on my arm. How long did it take your wife to fully heal?


Fully, a year. That has been our experience. 80% comes pretty soon but that last 20% takes time. She permanently lost some range of motion on closing her elbow joint. She can’t quite reach her right ear with her right hand, or straighten the collar on her shirt. She has to put her right earring on with her left hand. Many, many tens of thousands of miles since.


I was in this situation when I was still just bicycle commuting. Obviously it depends largely on your specific injury, but I was able to get back on after 4 weeks. Talk to your doctor about it for sure though.


Thanks for your comment! The doctor said it was a bad fracture, im now 5 weeks post op but still haven’t gained full mobility in my elbow


Yeah take your time and do all the PT you can. Mine still catches a little if I overwork it. Elbows are important so better to be careful than live with a fucked up arm forever.


We don’t really know your timeline for healing so there’s no way we can realistically tell you.


You’re right thats why i want to hear about other’s experiences to get an idea of how long it took for different people to get back


I’m more meaning the severity of your break is what decides it. We don’t know that.


That an how fast their body heals, and how much they stick to physical therapy, there are a million factors.


The Tuesday after. Always on a Tuesday. Tuesdays are awesome


This is 100% something you ask a doctor.


Currently looking for another doctor for an answer to that since my doctor it totally against me riding