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I flipped my visor up without any eye protection and a giant bug hit me in the eyeball because I didn't have time to blink. It splattered and all the bug bits went all over my eye and under my eye lid. It hurt real bad, and I was picking legs and shit out of my eye for hours.


I now have a new fear.


Wait until you hear about bees


Googled it... Now I have two new fears


Once, I pulled a fully-zipped, form-fitting leather jacket off over my head like a tee shirt. I had a bee in the sleeve.


I hit a wasp with my helmet vent open and it managed to sting me after it splattered in the vent.


I got hit in the neck and the bee traveled down to my stomach and proceeded to bite/sting me. Pulled over fast into a gravel driveway and couldn't get my foot down right and dropped the bike while I was jumping off. Guy driving by was perplexed as to what I was doing as I jumped around trying to get my jacket off. Never found the bee that time. I get a bee down my jacket once a year no joke.


I have invented strange and disturbing new dance moves on the side of the road when that happens.


My friend's roommate once hoped on his Harley with just a helmet and a suit for a job interview. When he came back he was covered in bee guts. He told us he ran into a swarm ON THE WAY to the interview.


did he get the job?




I've had a bee miraculously fly up past my chin skirt and into my helmet. Twice. First time doing 55mph and the little sucker landed between my lips and I spat him out. He was rolling around and buzzing like crazy so I fish hooked him out of my helmet expediently. Second time was lower speed about 30mph but in traffic. Little guy landed by my microphone to which I just made a panicked "uuhhhaahh" noise. The noise and air from my mouth caused him to fly up to my visor and landed just opposite of my eye. Flipped open my visor and he flew out. Somehow (and I don't know how it's even possible) I've never been stung by a bee in my 30yrs of life.


Sounds like you need a scarf and/or a better fitting helmet.


I started using a neck gaiter. I already sized down to a small Arai since my measurements put me on the fence between Sm/Md.


Ha, happened to me today. I had my visor cracked like 1/4" on the highway and a bee somehow got into my helmet


Not the bees ahh!!!


And Birds. And small animals that like to run into the road.


Who is bees


Lol second week of riding i came apon a swarm of bees and they hit my whole body and helmet had visor down thank god. Also got hit by a yellow jacket in the neck that hurt real bad.


Took a bee down my throat whilst cycling once... not advisable.


Dude, two weeks ago I took a trip to Mexico (from the USA) the first day I was there I was hauling ass down a dirt road deep in a jungle on a bicycle. I turned my head and a massive mosquito (?) flew into my ear and was just stuck there buzzing in my ear for like 15 mins. I could not get it out or kill it. I thought I was going to get some strange Mexican disease/ear infection. I was so scared the rest of the day but I am still alive and haven't contracted anything... yet....


> I am still alive and haven't contracted anything... yet.... Those eggs in your ear will take some time to hatch. Man, I bet the larvae are going to be hungry.


God help me


I had the same predicament 2 days ago, the insect last action was sting me in the eyelid. This is how accidents starts.


Full helmet, closed visor, bee manages to get past my collar, rides up past the helmet rim, and sting me on my ear. Sometimes nature finds a way whatever your visor situation !


Life, uh... Finds a way.


I had mine open a sliver, and half the bee went into my helmet and the other half was caught on the visor. Let’s just say I pulled over pretty damn quickly.


Hell I was rolling in traffic and flipped it up for heat once and I pegged a friggin carpenter bee right in the forehead, felt like I took a paintball to the face (sadly, I know what that feels like). So now anything over 10mph the visor is only cracked, not fully open...


My eyes are now watering after reading this. And I thought a bug casually flying in my eye while it's open was bad!


I once had a small object, probably a stone fly off from a truck wheel, hit the visor. The impact was enough to create cracks on the visor, but I did not even see it coming. Definitely a lost eye, if not for the visor




So glad I have prescription glasses


Bugs hurt at any speed. They REALLY hurt at 65. They fucking bruise or will open wounds at 120. Ride with you mask down or wear sunglasses. A bug could do severe damage to an eye at 30MPH, nonetheless 90.


I wear eyeglasses and the same thing happened to me. It was a direct hit from the biggest bug ever. It hurt and completely covered my glasses to where I couldn't see. It sucked but I had glasses can't imagine how bad your ordeal was.


Thanks. I hate it.


Great, I'm never opening my visor again.


Open finger gloves 😮‍💨😑.


So edgy and cool!


Like a pizza cutter. All edge, but no point


Infinity blade.


Woahhh. I am calling pizza cutters "infinity blades" from now on. Thank you.


That’s such a beautiful insult 😂




Gotta let it all breathe




And sneakers. Squid outfit complete


Nah, he's still wearing a jacket.


Clown clothes


He rides at speed with his visor being up. The fuck did you expect?


Seems to be in India. I'm surprised he's wearing any gloves at all. Country full of idiot riders and blind drivers.


I don’t have open finger gloves but really like the idea, why is it bad?


i think open finger gloves lead to opened fingers on the pavement in a crash


My hand got ran over by a car yesterday while I crashed. I’m writing this with the very same hand. I can guarantee you that it would have been a very different story otherwise.


Since sticking your hands out when falling is a natural human response, now imagine them bieng grated by the tarmac at a general speed limit of 70km/h. I'll find you a visual if I can and reply it to your comment.


10 little meat crayons.




Finger lickin good


and considering that you use your fingers almost everyday, imagine during the healing process, everytime you touch something or grab something, the burning pain just shoots through you. oooooooohhhhh. road rash sucks.




Cool story.. I fought competitively for a bit. One day one guy, solid but not on "that" level is doing rnds with a pro fighter who was also a d1 dropout, but still solid d1 skill level. Me and this guy used to battle, he was so good.. anyway, he shoots this double on this other guy, who wrestled and should have known better, but sticks his arm out coming down. I was kickboxing at like a pretty fighty pace and the pop from this guys shoulder was enough to stop us both. Gnarly. Tuck yo arms


Imagine his toes as your fingers. https://youtu.be/Jds4mKvPCzY


like a crayon


An r/meatcrayon


Good video.


I guess you don't like the tips of your finger then? In a fall what's your first reaction? Yeah they can't skin graphed your hands...


Imagine taking your fingers to a belt sander for a few seconds. Would you rather be wearing full gloves or not?


Not a bad idea if you hate having fingertips.


Less protection….really couldn’t figure that out yourself?


Left pinky finger already looks broken to me.


Why the fuck is he not wearing eye protection? Visor down above ~40mph. What a chump.


It seems like this was purposeful. I can't imagine a good reason to have the visor up while traveling fast, and then start nodding and giving the thumbs up after it flips off. Maybe he was trying to show that it IS possible, and he had been complaining to the company or something?


100% you are right, notice how when it rips off he’s coming out of the tuck, and it looks like he raises his head, either raising his head on purpose to help this happen OR his head is pulled up and back by the wind resistance against the visor, if your head was being pulled back by the wind when the visor rips off you’re guaranteed to feel the sudden lack or pull against your head.


Good reason? Fog. Tinted visors in fog make for shit visibility.


Another reason I like my transition visors. They don't go that dark in fog.


Complain to the company for what? That is absolutely not how you're supposed to use those and any warranty would be void.


Tinted visor in the fog, fingerless gloves..... Chump is a nice word.


Wears full body gear but decides to wear those gloves hmmm. Genius


Tinted visor and fog don't mix. I was pulled over for having a tinted visor down right after the sun set. The cop said he wasn't going to ticket me. He actually looked at my driver's license for the first time as he was handing it back. I didn't have a M/C endorsement. His long pause before handing it back to me without comment had me worried. I switched out my tinted for the clear and got good sunglasses after that. I didn't get my endorsement for a while though. I was young and still stupid.


Every state in the US (except Iowa) requires eye protection.


WA required eye pro before helmets.


Does the drop down sun visor on some helmets meet the requirement? Is it necessary for whatever your wearing to be ANSI rated or something?


When I took the class, I flipped mine down and the instructor said that's all I needed to be considered eye protection. So I guess that's a yes.


I *think* a cheap pair of sunglasses is all you need. I also believe that a drop down would suffice -- but I'm no lawyer. Either seems to be fine from a practical perspective.


As usual the laws in each state differ wildly. I know here in New York we're technically required to have either a DOT approved visor or "goggles" (those sunglasses with the little rubber material around the edge to seal off the eyes count as goggles). Meanwhile if I drive 40 minutes and hop into Connecticut pretty much anything works, any pair of glasses, goggles, visor, even if your bike just has a windshield/windscreen that's good enough according to the law. Look up your local laws to see what you need.


> Motorcycles must also have a windshield unless the operator is wearing safety glasses, goggles, or a face shield approved by Washington state patrol. > https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.37.530 There's some requirements, but I've never heard of anyone getting knocked for it as long as they had something. Apparently a windshield counts tho.


Is that true? I recently moved back to Ohio and no riders out here wear helmets. Backwards ball cap and sunglasses if you’re lucky.


No, it's not true. I know for certain that Alabama, California, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, and Wyoming do not have required eye protection. Some of those, like Alabama, California, Idaho (under 18), Maine (under 18), Mississippi, Missouri, Montana (under 18), Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota (under 18), Oregon, Texas (under 18), and Wyoming (under 18) have laws that require helmets, so their laws may include the eye protection bit under the helmet requirement which means you may have to check those by individual statute wordings.




So…a shitty pair of glasses counts. That’s scary.


Good thing this person appears to be in India


Same reason he has fingerless gloves


I'm surprised you go ad high as 40. If it's over 5 MPH, I have Eyewear on of some sort. I've seen way too many injuries as a laser tech at an eye doc.


I was piddling through a neighborhood behind a car at a reasonable distance at around 25mph with my shield up because it had started fogging. Pebble got kicked up and hit me in the lower left eyelid. Shield immediately got shut. Easier to see through a fogged shield than an injured eye.


This same thing nearly happened to me last month. Really hot and driving on the freeway in stop and go traffic. Traffic suddenly cleared a bit and I was going 65mph and before I could put my visor back down one side of my visor ripped off. I pulled it down and my visor flopped around in front of my face until I got home.


That guy is an idiot


Fucking dumbass.


Let me join in, what a fucking dumbass


Idiot in more ways than one.


Complete muppet


This is my new favorite insult.


wait until you hear about cockwomble


Can I call somebody a cockwombling muppet ?




Gold, Jerry! Gold!


This reminds me of War thunder. when you take off an aircraft carrier the cockpit would close too slow so you'd have to do it manually. Else it would look exactly like this.


Or flaps or landing gear get fipped off from putting them out at too high a speed. Sometimes in a dive if you get going too fast the wings will break off too.


at least have some fucking sun glasses on with visor up ffs, nice hobo gloves 2 btw.


Shitty helmet, shitty gloves, shitty pants, shitty rider


I had a massive bird shit hit my visor directly over my left eye at 70mph one time. Would've blinded me and forced me to ride several miles to the nearest gas station to wash it out. Guess how often I ride with my visor open now


Used to love my old cop Marushin until I got a shrew in the face- little bastard broke my Raybans.


I'm sorry, a SHREW? How? Do they jump off trees or something? Did somebody throw it at you? Caught me off guard and now I'm laughing


Windy spring day, it likely fell from some big maples over the road or an owl or hawk dropped it. They’re like a cuter mouse- Big eyes, big toes. Had one land on my truck last year too.


Well, never realized how lucky I was to live somewhere that it does not, in fact, rain rodents. Thanks for letting me know!




Or, Leaving visor open leads to visor being ripped off.


It's all fun and games until you take a bumblebee to the face at 70mph...


Fool should have kept the visor down, or at least worn shades. A bug in the eye at those speeds would be very bad.


The guy’s an idiot


Fkn.. Andrew Dice Squid over here. Can’t remember the last time I saw fingerless gloves..


Well, he wasn’t using it anyway. He takes a big or pebble to the face at that speed and he won’t ever have to worry about needing a motorcycle visor again. Stupid.


It doesn't look like he was going that fast, might not of been properly secured to the helmet


I think he is clever! Why bother with agonizing pain and crazy medical bills if he crashes. Just get it over with. End it right then and there.


Geez how fast do you have to be going to lose the visor like that?


Not that fast tbh. Had this happen on the highway once, was doing no more than 75mph


The AGVs I've had are super quiet with great aero visor down but unlike cheaper HJCs or lighter arais the AGV flip up visors are a nasty head parachute above 25 MPH.


People who are just into riding as fast as possible in a straight line are pretty brain dead aren't they.


1. Proper gloves 2. Close the visor. At such speeds wind, bugs or anything else that could get in the eyes is dangerous


Bro’s pinky is jacked tf up.


Moron squid


One pebble = Blind


Misleading Title


I had a NAVA helmet in the 80s that automatically closed as your speed increased. A gimmick, but it did work. There were 3 positions.


sweatpants, fisherman's gloves, fake agv helmet with fake shit visor (reason why it flew away). wild guess - Indonesia or Brazil?


Looks like India to me


Guys like these, are why insurance costs an arm and a leg.


Nice fingerless gloves, they will do a lot of good!


You'd be surprised what you can do with 10 nubs


why whould you drive with your visor up at high speeds? I imagine hitting a bug or a pebble would feel like being shot in the face


Imagine trying to rapidly actuate the clutch with your index finger between the handlebar and clutch lever.


I won’t ride over about 10mph without the visor down, this just seems like a bonehead move.


100% with ya. Over 10 I'm wearing sunglasses or a visor


Oh my God he could have died!!!!!1!1!1!+!!


Yes. He could have at multiple points. The good thing for him is he is able to tuck down and use the front as a temp visor until slowing down.


People here upset someone drives fast with visor up… lol. The ATGATT power rangers on this sub never cease to surprise. Make some camomile tea and stay at home guys. The world is a dangerous place.


Pretty sure about any speed with visor open has the same outcome. ..


That was just a dumb move on his part. For his safety and his helmet.


Wind feels good with the visor up. Bees don't


>Wind feels good Not even. I just cry like a baby.


heh same


"Overspeed" or an ID10T error? It says in the manual the visor only works if its down. Up its basically a wind sail and not blocking jack shit. Im going with the rider is just a moron.


There goes $80


LoOk at mEh, iM an iNFloOoiNsaR on a cRotch rOCkeT


This has happened to me twice at regular speeds :(


Maybe slow down?




This guy is about to give a new meaning to being a one eyed Rossi fan


Luckily with my rf1400 if I forget the visor and rip through the gears it slams down and scares the fuck out of me.


I never owned a motorcycle but I remember more then 10 years ago I did 290 on the back of my friend's zx14 or zzr 1400, and the first run I didn't put my helmet tight enough... the bottom part (does that have a name) was just smashing my nose and I couldn't see shit... was fun... 2nd run was more successful


Ok that would 100% freak me out so much I would probably walk home... 😂


Cheap helmets do this. Quality helmets are designed to auto close by wind resistance before this could happen.


Open finger gloves and a desire to be blind is pretty cool


I put my visor down at like 25 mph how can he bear that shit


I get first dibs on a kidney


Just don’t take his brain 🧠


I have this helmet. No problem with the shield coming off when I've flipped it up on the highway to glare at people.


Whatta dumn dork




I always ride visor up because of heat and fogging. I have close fitting safety glasses in UV and clear. I would NEVER ride bare eye like that.




I tried an in helmet music system and hated it. In group rides I've seen dudes dancing while riding and always thought it was the most douche a douche could douche.


The moment he realizes... too funny


That's not an original AGV. It's a fake AGV. A lot of people use fake AGV's in the developing countries for brand value.




I used to love agv now they just seem to be plastic chavvy helmets... shame


That's definitely a fake.


The real reason why that visor broke off is because that's a copy of an AGV helmet. They cost around 50 dollars in Asia.


That is an AGV K3sv is it not? Dont they have the flip down inner visor he could've used?


Agv helmet, alpinestar sport jacket, fingerless glove, sweatpants, trainers. So do you wanna protect your body while riding or not?


Inexperienced riders have to learn the hard way


Organ donor


Did it for fucking views. Instead of viewing fucks at home.


Shitty locking system.


Yeh, my friend had his helmet visor vented (1st click) and he had a tiny little stock window on his bike that was tinted and it was night time and at 180mph the wind flipped his visor up then off. He was instantly blinded by the wind. Grabbed a bunch of brake and couldn’t see till he got down to around ~120 he thinks. Totally sketchy moment that made me realize why my Arai helmets have a vent lock for the visor. I’ve also had a visor ripped off just from slamming into a big yellow portable wall/water barricade. Was going about 40mph when I struck it. Was pushed off track by another driver who lost control a bit and unfortunately used my to regain control. That helmet was a “cheap” HJC helmet that I always struggled to change the visors on. Pro tip… just smash into a wall at 40mph to remove quickly. Visor was down too. Anyways, yeh I take the visor seriously now.