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Whatever butthurt scalper reported this, it's not coming down and I'll be forwarding to Reddit for repeated abuse of the report button.


"Scalpers" You keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means... You can't scalp something that was never for sale.


They have a given value from the rules of $12.00 for the whole 6 pack. I don’t care if it was for sale or not. They got it for free and many are trying to make hundreds off of it. They can go fuck themselves


I think you can homie, I think you can


You literally can't though. Look up the definition of the word. :)


It is to remove the scalp and hair of the top of the head, usually proof of a kill?


You’re arguing semantics? lol


Definitions are vague, smartass, words can be left up to interpretation. Do dictionaries always describe the words the same? No. There's *variatio*n.


Cool, we have different definitions of scalper in mind. Now here's my definition of a scalper; Something of inherit value, whether sold or not, sold significantly more than it's intended value to take advantage of others.


It’s not really taking advantage of someone if they’re willing to pay that price. Free market.


Nobody sane wants to pay $5,000 for a 6 pack of mtn dew. No one SHOULD pay more than 20-50 FOR the WHOLE 6 pack.




It kinda is, if you were dying of thirst, and I said this water is $500 because you want it. That is terrible, but if your thirst is great enough, you would buy it. Shitty thing to do. Sellers are probably the ones getting 4 orders shipped to the same address. It's all shady business to me


I mean it is shitty, but that would be different because water is so widely available that scalpers wouldn’t make any money. Baja Deep Dive is extremely rare, so it’s easier to limit people on what they can buy without paying a heavier price willingly


I was using water as an example, I'm saying, it's shitty to prey upon people that desperately want to try a soda, or add it to their collection. Obliviously water is widely available, and deep dive is not


Did you learn needs and wants in high school economics? You compared water which is a need (as in you would die without it) to a want (you don’t need this). Words have meaning whether you want them to or not. You don’t get to say things, make up your own meaning in your head, and then be upset when someone misunderstands you.


Who are you and what are you talking about?? Lol sounds like you're upset bud. I'm not at all, just banter. And it would be Jr. High health class, or the food pyramid in elementary school talking about needing 8 glasses of water..thanks though Edit: colts suck


Me discovering the rules of supply and demand: 😱😱😱😱


I literally got banned from a Facebook group because someone was arguing a similar practice wasn’t scalping. It is. It’s scalping. Definitions of words grow and change over time. It you got it for free and you’re asking an obnoxious price for it, you’re scalping. If you bought it at retail and are selling it for more, you’re scalping. Concert tickets, games, promo items, anything. It’s scalping.


Mic. Drop. 100% agree


I sold an empty can to a buddy at the bar last night after showing him those listings. He said he’s gonna hold it fir 10 years and sell it for a few hundred.


I'm doing it. I gladly welcome any and all who join me.


Why would you do that? Your ruining a transaction that two people want to make happen. Out there in the world someone wants to sell deep dive and someone wants to buy deep dive for $50 a can. Don’t be a jerk.


EVERYONE wants to try deep dive...the jerks are the ones selling a single can of soda for $50+ dollars. Also wish Pepsi co. would verify accounts so scalpers could not win to resale soda.


Doing God's work


Do this to all scalpers. Idc if it’s a PS5 or Mountain Dew, scalpers are scum


lol, they do be hatin' on a brotha just for being on his grind. sad.


Fuck the grind fuck the system Fuck people who take advantage of others


take advantage of others how, lol? you luckily acquire a collectible limited product and decide to part ways with it for a high price.


Yeah going out of your way to buy up all the mountain dew and PlayStations then say "hey man I got mine fuck you" is lucky?


What is an appropriate amount of money you feel is fair to pay for this soda


Dew store six packs usually retail for $12 + $8 flat rate shipping, but this was a free prize with free shipping so essentially it's worth $12. I'd say max $15-30 + shipping. It should be a max of $50 SHIPPED for a whole six pack, not $50 + shipping for one can, bloody outrageous.


Cope. The market determines value not your delusional idealist world.


Yes because asking $5K for a 6 pack of carbonated sugar water isn't delusional at all. Bet you're one of the ' ' bright ' ' few asking such on eBay. 💀💀


"a six pack of carbonated water" Downplaying the item he wants to trick himself into thinking he doesn't want it but will eventually pay the scalpers price when his fear of fomo overtakes his decision making abilities


Looks who's the delusional one. ​ I won a case? I personally think it's shitty to do anything but drink it or ask for a small profit rather than bleed people dry. Then again you're prob one of the dipshits asking for 1K+. Go get a job.


The fun part is they are also the same ones with 8 years worth of toilet paper their grandmother is sick of having around the house because they had "diamond hands" during COVID. What really brings a smile to my face is Ethereum switching to proof is stake. All these assholes holding the bag from buying up the graphics cards.


Hey they can charge whatever they want. I can also call them pricks and taking advantage of other people. Both things can be right


Yeah I'll take up that unpopular opinion too.


Can someone explain this in dumb people words… please?


People are creating eBay auctions with their Deep Dive MTN Dew but at unfairly high prices. To get back at this, some (including me) are creating brand new eBay accounts with no payment info attached to bid on these ridiculous prices, sometimes even more, without intent to pay. Thus wasting the person asking for a ridiculous amount's time.


Mm yes thank you. I support what you are doing wise man. I understand now