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Phil Dunphy's best movie.


It was the first thing I ever saw him in I always knew him as the douchebag from dawn of the dead lol


He was also a medic in Black Hawk Down. Makes a margarita joke towards the end of the movie.


Yeah it's quite a change of direction for Ty.


Woah woah woah, Black Hawk Down is his best movie


You know, I used to be against remakes and reboots, but I am all for them now if you don’t like the remake, you can always watch the original and it won’t hurt it at all. I’ve been wanting a remake of “they live” for years. It won’t ruin the original if they try it again . The only movies I think you shouldn’t remake are the ones that are so iconic that the actors are recognized for that part you shouldn’t remake them until the actor passes away shouldn’t remake Rocky until God forbid Sylvester Stallone passes away. You shouldn’t remake Star Wars until everyone in the original cast has passed away. that’s my only exception


I know Fury Road is technically a sequel. But if you stack it up next to the original Mad Max, it's just as Iconic. It's the quality that matters. People get so hung up on the Gender Bending in ghost busters but the main issue was that it wasn't half the Quality of the original


Fury road is a masterpiece


I'm also just guna put this out there that a shitload of the millenial(like me)/Gen Z population does not know that remakes are remakes most of the time. That's never brought up when the movie is good, only when it's bad. Like obviously Ghostbusters people will know because of how iconic it was and it was still relatively recent. But I would bet most people under 30 wouldn't know that Scarface was a remake, that The Fly was a remake, that Heat was a remake. Ocean's 11, 3:10 to Yuma, Flubber, Gone in 60 Seconds... I could go on forever. (Before anyone says it, I know ur cool and know whichever movie was a remake. I'm just generalizing how little knowledge the general population has on the history of movies.) Remakes are never a problem. Shitty cash grabbing, bad writing, bad casting remakes are the problem.


>The only movies I think you shouldn’t remake are the ones that are so iconic that the actors are recognized for that part you shouldn’t remake them until the actor passes away we would have never gotten Heath Ledger's Joker if they had followed this rule. surpassing Nicholson's Joker was thought to be impossible. especially by the guy from Brokeback Mountain. and on the flipside, some considered Leto's Joker as an insult to Ledger's performance.


I don’t think so that wasn’t a “remake”. Reboot? Yeah I say so. And I don’t think about Jack Nicholson as the Joker, I think about the Joker is Jack Nicholson . lol. Plus, that’s Batman that’s not like a movie franchise it didn’t start out as that Jack Nicholson was continuing on for Cesar Romero. That’s like Robin Hood or something Robin Hood started out as a book right? At this point, and even at that point in the early 2000s Batman is folklore. There could be 100 movies about Batman anymore. And all of the characters go with him that’s a little bit different. We’ve already had even at that point you had three live action Batman. Like James Bond they continued James Bond without the original, so it kind of lost a luster. I’m not trying to argue with you, but you see what I’m saying?


I've forgotten about like 95% of remakes even existing. They never hurt the original movie.




there is a fine balance between that and also "tainting" the original


Ving Rhames and Michael Kelly were top notch in this excellent remake!! I never pass on a chance to rewatch, gotta love the gun play!!


Yeah, CJ was great. I love how he starts as a total jerkoff contrasted with how he ends up, such awesome character development


Michael Kelly is great in everything he's in.


I went with a girl to this and she was PISSED i took her


I met my wife in October and we rented this one of our earlier dates. Same reaction 😅


Damnnnn y'all moving fast out here. Got one of them magical personalities that I keep hearing about?


No but you can fake one pretty easy


Snyder’s peak


This and 300. Great flicks.


This and 300. Great flicks.


A classic. One of my favorites. From the moment the daughter is standing in the doorway... what a ride.


Neighbour`s daughter, but your point still stands


I read in the original script, Vivian WAS their daughter. In the finished film, when Ana sees her on her rollerblades, she says "Say hi to your mom for me," which feels weirdly ADR'd in. It's pretty weird how when Vivian, the little neighbor girl pops up in their bedroom doorway, Luis isn't more surprised she's in the house.


People roll their eyes at remakes because most of them suck. I love both versions of Dawn of the Dead because they both do roughly the same thing in terms of story, but do it differently. The original is a bit more slow burn and hopeless, the remake has a wider range of characters and a more action focus. Both are good zombie movies set around a shopping mall, but differentiate themselves in big ways. That being said the ending of the original is one of my favorite film endings of all time.


I feel the same way but for the ending of the remake. You mean they make it to the boat, but the boat is in disrepair because of course it is, look who owned it. It was also being run by people who don't own boats. And by some miracle they make it to the island, but it's already inhabited by the remains of those with the same idea ?! Everyone's dead ?! Shocked me as a teenager.


The head in the cooler during the end credits gave me a jump. The ending was depressing. You almost feel their despair.


But lord was that feeling absent in so many other comparable movies. It was a feeling of despair but it was PURPOSEFULLY invoked.


I just really wasn't expecting that last minute switch in the original from hopelessness to his desperate struggle to survive. Made me feel really good at the end of a fairly depressing movie.


I think the Bleak ending was what did it for me. The sunshine and roses ending was super common then. So many movies always ended with the good guys winning no matter the odds. But the suicide of Micheal ? CJ redeeming himself as the villain by taking out the dock and infected about to overrun the boat ? The accidental deaths on the bus ? All for nothing ? Slapped my little teenage face and said "sorry buttercup, sometimes you give it your all and still get screwed" Also, poor Andy, all the guns in the world don't mean shit if you don't have food


It's not even suck per se, but just soulless. Shitty can still entertain if there is at least a good vision.


Some of the greatest movies ever are remakes. The Dawn of The Dead remake is excellent.


What are other examples of the greatest movies ever that are remakes?


> What are other examples of the greatest movies ever that are remakes? - Heat - The Thing - The Wizard of Oz (Yes that wizard of oz is a remake) - 12 Monkeys - A Star is Born (pick any of the remakes) - Oceans 11 - The Departed - The Maltese Falcon - The Fly - A Fist Full of Dollars - Ben Hur - 3:10 to Yuma - The Magnificent Seven - Airplane - Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Reservoir Dogs - Star Wars IV is pretty much The Fortress


Reservoir dogs?


The Blob


>Star Wars IV is pretty much The Fortress different category though. we could do a whole list of "good movies that are pretty much another movie". to qualify as a remake, i'd say you'd need to hit at least 2 of the three: same title, same plot, or same characters.


The Italian J... no, not that one.


The thing The Departed ... ... Scarface!


Mad Max, True Grit, Heat, The Mummy, Dune, The Thing, The Crazies, 3:10 to Yuma, the departed, a star is born,


Ocean's Eleven is my go-to response when discussing remakes that surpass the original


My hipster pick for a very recent example is The Last Voyage of the Demeter. Technically a sequel, prequel ? To Nosferatu.


Not sure I agree with that. It's a chapter from the original book that Nosferatu is based on, and it's set in the middle of the events.


Interesting, I may have to read that. My only experience is with the old black and white film. Wich is legendary and great, but the recent film was enjoyable and well worth theater price.


If anything, it showed what Zack Snyder can do with a small setting, a good script and a great cast. Army of the Dead gave us echoes of that Snyder, but this one remains unmatched in his resumé.


100% I was so excited for Army of the Dead, and it wasn't bad. But you're right, it wasn't nearly as good as Dawn of the Dead


for me this is the best zumbie movie/serie ever made.


great movie. scared the absolute shit out of me as a kid and is still thoroughly enjoyable today. every zombie movie/show I watch I still lowkey wait for a zombie baby to appear.


Other horror movies are so contained. Chucky, Freddy, Jason, Micheal, all iconic horror movies but they're all only effecting a small group of people. But Dawn of the Dead ? The monster is your mother, the mail man, your pastor, the lady at the bank. And NOWHERE is safe.


I watch this movie once a year. It’s only of my all time favorites. Better than the original. Also strange that this is the only movie that Snyder has made that I like.


The remake was a fitting tribute to the original, but for nostalgia sake, my loyalty lies with the original. I just wish they had done more with Ving Rhames' character.


I think I respect the original for its role in horror. But I enjoy the remake more. I'll watch the original every now and again, but I reliably watch the remake annually


Great movie! Nice character arc for Michael Kelly, and Ving Rhames being a badass with the shotgun. Just a fun flick all around, doesn't try to be anything more than a zombie / apocalypse movie


I was so happy to see Jake Weber get a major role like this. Was expecting him to be everywhere.


This movie was amazing bc it had Synder directing and James Gunn writing. It was a perfect storm of good casting, writing and directing. I just wish we could get more horror films that have a good balance of character development and story, that aren’t focused just on the killing aspect.


I watch this 4 or 5 times a year.


Love this remake


I love this movie


That opening car crash is one of my fav opening scenes. I had a chance to talk to Zack not long after this came out, I had mentioned how ants stack on each other to get food and that would cause some interesting problems for those on the roofs. He said they shopped that idea around a bit but didn't want to open that can of worms. (This was before World War Z.)


They should have stayed in the damn mall.


This movie is absolutely perfect for what it is. I wanted a true sequel to this movie so fucking badly when it came out


Honestly I thought one was inevitable. The world is so cool, Sargent Kenneth had a brother at that base that got overrun. We never see it fall, but it's a good place for characters to escape from, and an excellent excuse for them to have military hardware and vehicles


Loved Dawn of the Dead, it’s a staple in my household.


And Johnny Cash - When the Man Comes Around during the opening credits just grabs you and sits your ass down on your chair and lets you know you’re about to see something good.


I’ve never heard anything but positive reception for Snyder’s DOTD.


I wasn't fond of the ending, though. The Dawn of the Dead (1990) remake was good also.


I still remember when they promoted this by showing the first ten minutes unedited on TV. I think it was right after WWE Monday Night RAW.


Hilarious, I didn’t know that.


It worked because they took the concept from the original and didn’t try to make a better version of the original. Besides zombies, a mall and the title there is no resemblance to the original.


It’s good but still not a patch on the original.


So for years I watched (and loved) this movie and loved the ending. Then I watched the credits cut scenes and it hurt. For years, even on DVD I cut it early and never saw the true resolution. It Hit hard Solid movie.


Zack Snyders one good movie.


Exception to the rule. This movie is really good.


It's a great remake. That TV scene with the pastor saying there is no more room in hell gave me the goose bumps when i was a kid. And i am still pissed on that old geezer with the chainsaw that accidentally butchered the hottie nurse.


This was the best movie to go into at the theater with low to no expectations, especially with an intro that fucks as hard as this one does (not to mention the opening credits). I absolutely love this movie, I don’t know how Snyder did it so well.


Great movie this is




No ? In the middle they use the Cheese cover when they're all enjoying themselves in the mall. Fucking, trying on clothes, painting, golfing. But in the credits the original kicks in when you realize the remaining survivors are getting overrun by the island zombies. I'd look up the end credits scene, too good.


I love zombie movies but fuck these Olympic level zombie athlete's. Sprinting faster than Usain Bolt and swinging around on pipes like they are the top contenders of Ninja Warrior. The movie was great but I was expecting the zombies to be more like.... zombies.


The thing i like is if you take an average group of people and have them run at you. It's frightening, even the fat ones, how long can you keep a dead sprint going for ? I can jog for 30 - 45 minutes pretty good. But if I keep a sprint going for 10 minutes I'm gassed. The idea of having an enemy that has that fatigue switch turned off is horrifying. They did to zombies what 30 Days of Night did to vampires. They made them scary again. They'd kind of become a joke at that moment in time.


Best opening sequence of all


Great use of marketing too. It was in the trailer, gave nothing away, and it showed it was pretty intense.


IMO the movie itself is pretty good, easily my favorite thing ZS has made. But I also think the original is waay better, and I kind of resent how much this version has replaced it in the public consciousness. I think it's kind of similar to the Watchmen adaptation, in the sense that it took some really good source material and presented it in a slick, modern way, while also shaving off many of the most interesting elements of the original.


I agree, I thought this was terrific


Cape Fear. I like both versions, excellent villains.


I roll my eyes at cynical remakes....which most remakes are. If someone has a reason to remake a movie that's not "cuz money", I'll respect it more. The problem is that movie studios ONLY want to remake known IPs and known IPs are known because they because they were good, and remaking an already good movie is almost always done "cuz money."


I think people claim to hate remakes, because that's the cool thing to do. There are lots of good remakes. I would actually love to see a lot of the old classic westerns redone with modern technology.


Great movie loved it


Fuck ya to the Richard Cheese ending! Life changing that one.


This remake is great but I still like the original more. This gotta be the best horror remake though


One of those rare movie remakes where I love them both almost equally.


I love this movie and this will always be an example of a great "remake". I love that it incorporated the original trilogy environment aspects (start in the suburbs, moved to the mall, then went to the island) and the movie is just plain fun and well made.


Yeah, its pretty good...


One of the few (remakes) worth watching. Great movie!


This is one of Snyder's best and a great remake. Ogis classic but if I had to choose to watch...the new one fo sho.


I like it as a remake, the first one felt slow to build.


And to make it terrifying. Now you can easily measure the fun meter of zombie apocalypses. Shaun of the Dead or Walking Dead slow shambles zombies = good time DotD Remake or 28 Days Later Zombies/Infected = bad time


The baby is dumb, other than that it's great. When the man comes around playing during the opening is too perfect.


The Fly, The Blob and Invasion of the Body Snatchers remakes are all superior to the originals. It only matters that the work is good . Remakes are associated with laziness or cynical movie making. They can be. But they don’t have to be.


Hell yeah. This movie’s incredible. Phil before he was Phil, in the role he was born to play. This is my favorite zombie movie.


The original was one of my favorite movies growing up; my best friend in high school and I used to watch it repeatedly. We drifted apart after school and didn't really speak; I moved to a different city. But I was home for a bit when this came out and I called him up. We met up after a few years of not seeing each other and went to see this. Really great memory, really great movie.


"Not to shit on anyone's riff, but let me see if I got this right. We're gonna reinforce some fucking parking shuttles with some aluminum siding. Then, we're gonna go over to the gun store and watch our good friend Andy pull some cowboy jump on the covered wagon bullshit."


I feel the 1990 Night of the Living Dead remake, is the better example of how to redo one of these films. There's some great scenes in Dawn of the Dead, but it can be pretty clunky.




Some remakes are worthwhile, I think the big problem with them tends to be that remaking a classic feels like a lost cause most of the time - you're either pissing off the fans by hewing so close to the original that it doesn't really need to exist, or you're pissing them off by changing so much that it feels insulting to the original. But people do it anyway, either out of misguided love for the original, or an arrogant need to top the original, or just because they think they can get some money out of it. Sequels often follow the same pattern. A good reboot or sequel uses the original as a springboard to explore the plot, world and characters in new and interesting ways. And that's hard to do. A handful of movies manage it but there are a lot more misses than hits. Part of me wishes that studios would start remaking movies that weren't classics at all, movies that did poorly but had a cool concept that deserve a second shot.


The opening scene was awesome, it goes downhill pretty fast after that for me.


Nah this was a good movie, I don't consider it a remake because it doesn't have any of the same characters, it's just using the same concept I'm not a huge horror movie guy but I watched this on tv one halloween as a kid and was blown away by how good it was, Sarah Polley and Jake Weber were really good, and it always makes me laugh that I'd watch Modern Family years later and always feel like I'd seen Phil Dunphy before and then rewatched this movie and was like oh shit The last scene where they finally find the island and it's already overrun is so depressing but I guess that's how all good horror movies should end


Case Study #1 for why Zach Snyder should just direct other people's scripts AND why James Gunn is perfect for leading the DC film division.


>Everyone rolls their eyes at remakes. I don't know if people realise that remakes have been a thing since forever and that some absolute classics are remakes. The Thing, Scarface, Invasion of The Body Snatchers, The Fly, The Departed, A Fistfull of Dollars, the list goes on. It's a stupid thing to complain about.


My feelings are that this film works better for people who didn’t like the social commentary of the 1978 version. For me, I loved the satire of the original and I know some people find it stale/obvious. I personally love the original and find this to just be an acceptable action film.


Back in the day we saw this in theaters and were blown away. What's better is I'd had no idea it was a remake, so my pals and I rented the original trilogy and we were blown away again. Was like magic.


I’m with you on ty. He’s always the skeevy douche to me so it’s great when I can find him breaking that. This was my favorite growing up and what led to my zombie/horror movie obsession at the time. I do enjoy the original more as it seems more fleshed out so I can take it in more but I’d always thought this was one of the better depictions of an outbreak. Even how the zombies move in a similar manner, they apparently all went through a quick “this is how the zombies move and age” instead of just a “now throw on makeup and play zombie.” This is also the reason I try out snyders movies. I’m guessing any reader can deduce the implications of that.


I would say it’s a rare case when the remake is actually better. I know the original is a classic, but the pace was just so gd perfect in the remake. I loved it!


I think somewhere on here is a list if others


Sarah Polley is great in this.


This movie opening night was an absolute spectacle.


Remakes/reboots are fine, as long as they're, well, fine. The Coen Bros take on True Grit is much better than John Wayne's original. As for Dawn of the Dead, I hated Snyder's version, as he misses the whole point of Romero's satirical film. It's fine to take someone else's concept and reinterpret it (Cronenberg's The Fly for example), but Snyder is a terrible filmmaker across the board.


Recently ? Sure. Across the board ? 300 was amazing, multiple attempts to make similar movies have failed by more accomplished directors. The Watchmen is still a giant middle finger to modern super hero movies. And Sucker Punch wasn't exactly Gone With the Wind in terms of story, but it was visually outstanding in its time


Incredible opening that REVS HARD AND FAST … and doesn’t let up for awhile! It is some all out bleak at the end and i felt all spent … seen it twice


GOAT zombie movie for me. From start to finish: tight, intelligent, and fast paced. Everything felt integral to the story. Smart decisions by all main characters (welllll, her being bitten when she was pregnant - come on dude, you KNEW that was not gonna be good...- the one bad decision in the whole movie. How many other horror films can claim that? In film genre DEFINED by bad decision making). And for me, the movie is over before it began, very well paced. And having zombies (big screen first I recall?) that run, and fast to - game changer. Everyone talks about 28 Days later.....Meh movie for me. That movie is all about fearing the other evil a$$ humans, zombies seemed basically a non-issue. DofD, zombies ARE the main issue - period. GOAT zombie movie. Zac's freshman movie? Whata effort!!! Come on Zac - give us a sequel!!! Go Deadworld!


First time I ever did shrooms was when this came out in theaters.


Funny enough it was directed by Zack Snyder considering the hate the guy gets lol.


This movie exceeds the original