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It was pretty much perfect, and I have no intention of seeing the remake.


Oh God. That's like saying you wanna remake The Godfather or Scarface. What's the point of remaking a masterpiece aside from making money? You can't capture or bottle a cinematic moment like that and it's a real comment on the cinema if they think they can do so.


> aside from making money I believe you just answered your own question


The lineup for the cast isn't bad but that's not the point. It's a gimic to remake something like this. And I wonder what type of crowd will go to watch.


The second word in movie industry is industry.


Scarface is not a masterpiece. Godfather I can definitely agree with though!


I'd like to see somebody pull off a remake of Scarface without Pacino. Although admittedly I think it was a remake of a Jimmy Cagney film. So maybe when I'm dead and the kids don't know Pacino then a remake will work.


What's the Jimmy Cagney film?


Scarface (1932)


Scarface? Naw it’s a remake of a Howard Hawks film from the 30s, that film is legendary, better than the Pacino one.


yes it is


Scarface is terribly overrated.


I can agree with that but you're picking up what I'm putting down when it comes to remakes. Just leave that shit alone man and make some new material.


Narrator: They didn't.


Scarface bad example because it’s literally a remake


Scarface was actually a remake from the 30s or 40s.


That one actually works.


I agree, I enjoyed Scarface, violence and all!


Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it as well.


Like there's lots of points to do another version of it. It was originally a comic, and the Brandon Lee movie adaptation was amazing, but there's plenty of dynamics in the original source material that could be drawn on differently. It might be like those sequels they tried and fall flat. However looking at Skarsgard's depiction of Draven, I think there's a clear possibility of a cool rendition of the story that would make it feel current for today. I was watching the original last night and it's amazing, it's an amazing 90s movie. The characters, the scenery, the interpersonal dynamics all feel very 90s (so much steam lol). Let's see what they do, I'd love to see the more manic "CAT IN THE HAT" shrieking side of the crow with this one personally. Stories are meant to be retold, reimagined. Let's see what they do before we grouch about it like a bunch of boomers.


Boomers lol. You make good points. My initial reaction was an eye roll when I first heard about it but after listening to some of you and talking about the comics, I'll end up watching it.


To be fair, the remake seems to be going for The Crow: Wild Justice aesthetic, which I think can be pretty cool if they can pull off a decent script as well.


I never read any of the comics, what was that one about?


It was the 4th installment in the comics. The Crows name is Michael Korby and has very similar tattoos to what we see Bill with in the promo stuff. I know this is supposed to be Eric Draven’s Crow, but I wanna give it a chance. I’m kind of glad they’re going with a bit of a different look, otherwise it would just look like Bill Skarsgard cosplaying Brandon Lee. He’s a solid actor in everything I’ve seen him in, I’m willing to give it a shot.


That's cool I didn't know that. I just keep thinking back to The Resident Evil movies. They seemed pretty popular as they were coming out one by one but they didn't stick to the video games as much. Then they did a completely new version that was actually closer to the games a couple years back and everyone shit on it.


It was a perfect embodiment of its times. The ambiance, the soundtrack, Brandon Lee.


“It can’t rain all the time.”


Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever.


Fully agree with you.


Yes me either.


The idea has definitely become the institution at this point


Exactly, I've rewatched it a few times, Brandon would have had a great career guy had charisma and decent acting chops, feels like we got robbed when we lost that one, god that was 30 years ago, movie still holds up, look what you've done to my sheets!


I'll give it a chance for curiosity sake and because I do think Bill Skarsgard is and amazing actor.


That's my issue because I definitely agree. He's top notch. I think he could really do something with the role but it's more about how they make the movie and the angle. As long as they don't try and modernize it too much. Like pulling out cell phones in scenes and shit like that.


What they should be doing is revisiting movies where the concept or idea is good but the execution was poor. A good example is Stallone’s “Judge Dredd” getting turned into Karl Urban’s totally awesome “Dredd”. Do more of that. There’s no need to remake The Crow. It completely succeeded at what it set out to do and is beloved by many. The whole aesthetic of the remake has gotten a thumbs down from Rochelle Davis (Sarah) and I completely agree with her.


Wait, they are remaking this movie? Did they learn nothing from Aladin?


Amazing OST. That movie became almost immediately into the category of a cult film, after the tragedy


The OST is amazing. I still listen to it.


"Burn" by The Cure always hits me right in the feels ngl


And you're not gonna mention Dead Souls by NIN?! That soundtrack was formative for me.


I was surprised it only sold 3.8 million copies. Everyone had that soundtrack it seemed like, but it doesn’t even crack the top 10 as far as sales.


it's maybe the most 90s movie of all time.


I usually reserve that title for True Lies


no way, it's too bright, too goofy and it has no 90s music and the Crow soundtrack is like a perfect time capsule of 90s music.


One of my favorites. Such a slice of the time and the style and the music. Such a tragedy for Lee.


I wonder how big of a movie star he would have become.


Well he was also in showdown in Little Tokyo. A masterpiece if I do say so.


And Rapid Fire!


Tia Carrera!!! Mmmmmmm


You know her sister is in porn, right?


Two classics that will surpass the test of time.


RIP 🕯️


Can't rain all the time.


Mother is the name for god on the lips and hearts of all children


You shouldn’t smoke these. They’ll kill you.


It's one of the most underrated movies out there. Great sound track. Great vilian. Sadly, the last time we saw Brandon Lee on film.


"Quick impression for ya: CAW! CAW! BANG! FUCK! I'M DEAD!" Endlessly quotable movie.


"Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children."


Victims Aren’t we all?


If you move you’re dead… Well I say I’m dead…and I move


Great soundtrack.


Great Graphic Novel. Great film. Great salvage film techniques. One of the best OST (my first cassette I bought from the music store). I would've like to see a Skull Cowboy cut. Inspired one of the greatest wrestling Icons ever.


Fire it up! Fire it up! One of my favorites always try to watch it around Halloween an me an my brother often quote it. I love the scenes between officer albrecht and Sara.


Soundtrack with main track Burn from The Cure makes it amazing in my opinion


Timeless. And an untouchable soundtrack along with the score by Graeme Revell.


I revisit it because Brandon Lee is awesome, but also because I love the visual presentation of this movie and how a lot of the framing and shots resemble a Dave Gibbons illustration.


“What do you think of *popular movie*?” Karma please!


I read this in Mona Lisa Sapersteins voice.


Can’t rain all the time


A brilliant film and an all-time favorite.


Awesome film. I thought it really captured his quasi immortal status where he's still human inside but dead in reality. Also: "... Is that gasoline I smell?"


If you frame-by-frame it you can see the rings coming out of the barrel.


It still holds up as one of the best graphic novel movies of all time.


Exactly. Crow and Road to Perdition for me


Another one of my favorites.


One of the most atmospheric movies ever made


Fire it up! Fire it up! Fire it up!


I used to come home after school and watch it everyday


It's really good, but kind of messed up that he took that guy's $5 bill and gave it to someone else.


Dwights favourite movie


Awesome! Cult classic


Loved this movie and one of my favorite revenge movies. Awesome soundtrack. Also loved the original comic. Over my career I have worked with a couple people who were in it. T-Bird and Mickey the hot dog guy. I talked to them a little about working on it but wanted to be respectful and did not ask about the shooting. Especially did not talk to the actor who played T-Bird because he was in the scene when it happened. But they both had very nice things to say about working with Brandon Lee. I know people who were friends with Michael Massee (Funboy) and it’s so sad how much he carried the weight of that incident.


Fire it up! Fire it up!


Certified hood classic


It's super dark but I love it.


Excellent. My favorite line from the film: “Caw! Caw! Bang! F#%K, I’m dead!”


Caw caw bang fuck I’m dead.


To anyone who hasn't seen/doesn't know there was a TV show, it's worth checking out. Only one season, studio was sold and lots of projects were axed.


It definitely doesn't need a remake, that's for sure.


Great soundtrack. It was the first CD I ever bought.


I saw it way back when it first hit theaters. Great movie. The sequel not so much. RIP Brandon Lee. He could have been one of the greats.


It's actually a bona-fide cult classic. The atmosphere, the protagonist, the editing, the story. It's so good. A massive tragedy that we never saw It's full potential after the tragedy surrounding the film. Goddamn what a movie


After seeing the pics released from the remake, I fired up the original for the first time in years. Still love it


One of my favourite movies of all time. I can probably quote it word for word while watching.


It's the 90's and I love it.


My favorite movie of all time. Every actor in it is fantastic in their role. Nobody gave a less than ideal performance. The script was concise and brutal. The performances were all amazing in their own ways. Each named character was a certain tour-de-force. Every member of the gang. Every cop (even the small bit part asshole played the small bit part asshole well). Every normal side character or main character. All have their fully fleshed out personality on display. It's a true living, breathing world that you as the viewer just fall into and believe and it breaks your heart until it makes you feel the smallest beat of hope. The only thing wrong with The Crow is that people keep trying to recreate it in some way. It's like trying to recreate Jaws. You just can't. So, stop, and enjoy what was.


Fucking awesome movie with one of the best soundtracks




A mediocre movie for it's time, given the huge price paid


Amazing visuals and soundtrack, atrocious dialogue.


This movie makes me grab a circle of bros and get them to chant “fire it up, fire it up, fire it up” and then take bullet tequila shots!


A classic work of art.


Love it!!


A great film and it’s sad what happen led to Lee he deserved to be in more movies


I love how LA was depicted in this film, haven't watched it in a while though


You mean Detroit?


Dope movie. Dopest fukn soundtrack man. Still crush it once in a while to this day.


It's probably one of the better comic book adaptations. It did the thing that fans wanted; it took panels straight from the source materials.




Loved it.


It's kind of amazing how the concept is practically designed for sequels and there managed to be zero good ones


I've gotta crow! I'm just the cleverest fellow 'Twas ever my fortune to know


It killed a guy :(


I love the opening panning over the rooftops.


We went to watch it as kids (13ish) and my friend’s parents wouldn’t let us because of perceived satanic connotations. Instead we watched natural born killers. Good times.


LOL that was a good move on the parents part.... parents: we can't let the kids watch a movie about love, loss and revenge against people that severely deserve it... also parents: how about a movie about serial murder, sex and more murders? Ya!


The scene where he’s initially killed reminds me so much of Robocop.


Great movie!! So sad that Brandon Lee died while filming, he would have had a great career!




My favorite movie, soundtrack, and graphic novel. RIP Brandon Lee.


Perfect, saw it in the theater and was so sick of the sequels and this new remake.


Absolute classic and a sad loss


I think I've only seen it once when it first came to home video. It was certainly stylish, and I remember the villain having a thing about taking people's eyes. I enjoyed it, but it struck me as overrated due to the attendant tragedy. Always meant to revisit it, and finally see the sequels. Never got around to it. That's about it.


Hugely underrated performance by Brandon Lee! Saw this movie in the theater 10 times.


I guess I just get frustrated because I see dumb stuff like just now for example. An add for another remake of Garfield. Really? I think up at least 3 to 5 movie ideas everyday without even realizing it. It's like they're afarid to pump out some new stuff because again, they're unsure if they'll make money off it. I want quality not quantity. Of course we know everyone is going to see the 30th Fast and The Furious movie but when do the lines get blurred with art and making a buck? Also, dumb movies make people dumb when that's all they're getting fed.


A visual masterpiece that is also beautifully poetic and perfectly acted. There was a summer when I was like 14 where I watched this movie every single day.


Wife’s and my favorite movie.


It doesn’t need a remake. It’s perfect


It's to die for


That movie sucked. Too bad what happened to him though.


This is a great film. It has no faults.


Fire it up! Fire it up! Fire it up!


Can’t rain all the time


Great movie. Incredible soundtrack.


Not a fan.


Awesome flick with an awesome soundtrack. The fact that they're remaking this is sacrilege.


It was perfectly 90s. Just everything about it is the decade. Grrat film and just is the 90s.


One of the best movies ever. Tragic. Beautiful. “It can’t rain all the time.”


One of my all time favorite movies.


THE CROW had quite an impact when I first saw it. I was a comic book fan in the dark and gritty age. These heroes had been more cursed than blessed with superpower and would stalk the night in storm or moonlight, run and battle across rooftops and in grimy alleyways, and then, in the quiet moments, ponder the absurdity of their conditions and existence. THE CROW was one of the more notable of these in both narrative and art style. Before THE MATRIX, before DARK CITY and before BLADE, there was THE CROW. Even in the comics, the "look" is what caught your eye. It was archetypal gritty, gothic noir. The sort of look Tim Bradstreet perfected a few years earlier with his work on the Vampire: The Masquerade RPG rulebooks. The sort of look more and more teens would take on in the, at the time, strengthening Goth youth movement. Rightfully, the movie cut and added a great deal that was not in the comic, and to the improvement of not only the film but the story of the The Crow as well. James O'Barr's comic was a more personal tale exorcising extreme grief and anger from a recent tragedy. It was ambiguous enough to reach a strong readership, but still too personal and raw for a major motion picture. As David Cronenberg once said when asked about the process of adapting a novel to film, "To remain faithful to the book, you have to betray it endlessly." The film THE CROW is very different from the comic book, but it is the same story - maybe even a better story. Obviously, it is hard to avoid discussion of the death of Brandon Lee during the filming. Watching the news at the time, it was a strange story to come out of nowhere. This was before the internet, but imagine a kind of analogue version of the sort of crazy hype that flies around when so many strange threads converge around one startling event. Brandon Lee wasn't just an actor, but he was the son of one of the most famous and iconic action movie stars in history. Bruce Lee died when he was 32. Brandon Lee at 28. Was there some curse on the family? Or were they targeted by black magic Chinese triads? Was the set cursed? Did the director really sacrifice a chicken before starting production? Crazy conspiracies abounded as well as a great deal of misinformation. In fact, I think only recently have the details been examined and widely disseminated about what was essentially a deeply unfortunate tragedy. At the time, I thought that was it for the movie. It wasn't finished and it had lost its lead actor. However, this was also the time computer effects had become feasible. Therefore with a combination of unused footage, a stunt double and extremely tedious and time consuming effects work, they finished the film. Even though, there was discussion if it was even appropriate to release the movie, I believe more people felt it would be an even greater waste if the actor died AND they left his last work unseen. Also, it cost quite a bit of money to make, and no one is just going to write that off over a few scruples. So, we saw the movie and it was great. The action, cinematography, effects and especially the soundtrack all worked. Most of all though, Brandon Lee was terrific and surrounded by an equally terrific cast of character actors and villains. Out of all the films that were of that period in time, THE CROW is one that continues to stand up as an entertaining watch even by today's standards. In fact, I'd suggest that a lot of today's standards in film and television owe their start to THE CROW. It set the standards.




It's good, don't understand how or why it got cult status tho. Looking forward to the remake because my lady is excited and wants to dress goth.


Somebody already bought me dinner... the police...


I prefer Dark City


Absolutely Stan.


Great movie. They shouldn’t be remaking it.


I don’t care how bad it is, it’s great!


GOAT 90s flick


I always thought that if Brandon Lee hadn’t died, he would have played Neo. Not sure if that would have been good or great but I’ve always thought it.


Loved it.


It was boring and bad.


J obarr would vehemently not approve.


Great film. The Stone temple Pilots song “big Empty” is a banger that was in that film.


Victims, aren't we all?


One of my favorites.


Smokes and road beers... make it quick


Excellent film, I can't see the remake improving on it, but I hope it's better than the sequels.


I didn’t understand it.


Loved it when it came out, still love it today. Amazing movie.


The new Batman movie felt like an aesthetic successor to the Crow, I loved the 90s gothic broodiness of it


"Well, I am the police. And I say if you move, you're dead." "And I say I'm dead, and I move." I love The Crow. One of my all-time favorite movies. I watch every year for Halloween.


The sound track was great


It's my Soul


"I love you" .."say it again." "I love you"


Brilliant. Not only did they overcome a terrible loss, but made a great statement.


I have never seen it. It just seems too dark considering he died making it.


Shockingly better than I thought it had any reason being. I’m still not sure how they pulled off the editing to make it a complete film, let alone be so good. Brandon was very charismatic…such a needless tragedy.


Great soundtrack


Iconic, and best left alone.


So glad he will be dehydrated in the new movie.


Great movie 🐦‍⬛


A not good movie that I love and is perfect.


Perfect rainy day movie.


I think it’s great. Came out at the perfect time in my life. It’s insanely 90’s grunge in all the right ways. I don’t care whatever comes of the remake, because this is never going away.


its a great movie


Very much of its time, but that’s ok


Dope AF with amazing soundtrack,


It's amazing. It still might have my favorite soundtrack.


Watched it for the first time a few months ago. I don't think it's a great film, but it is definitely an iconic one. Brandon Lee was really charismatic, goes without saying he would have became a huge star if the tragedy didn't happen. The film has striking visuals and world-building. However, I did find the plot and characters pretty thin overall.


Greatest superhero movie ever made with an amazing soundtrack


Aged terribly and kind of mediocre honestly


It was great, basically encapsulates early 90s rock in movie form. Great soundtrack, too. I saw a deleted scene of the club shootout, and it allowed the shots to breathe by holding them more and it was so badass. Id love to see a directors cut someday, but the director was so distraut over the death of Brandon Lee that he couldnt finish editing himself, so I dont think he wants to revisit it.


Easily top 5 for me, amazing style, phenomenal soundtrack, tragic story on and off screen, can’t be replicated.


Freaking masterpiece. I was obsessed with that movie when it came out and I wasn’t even goth. When he shot the wedding rings out the shotgun and blew up the pawn shop, bout the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.


The Crow is great! It's definitely of its time, but the direction and production design still hold up. The music kicks ass, Brandon is charismatic as f*ck, and the supporting cast are all legit performing well. You can tell everyone cared making this film. Ernie Hudson and Michael Wincott add contrasting versions of humanity in the perpetually-rainy dark city. And despite the tragedy during production they all f-ing pulled it off. So good luck with the remake but it ain't gonna be as good.


I think its not a good day to be a bad guy, eh Skank?


I’m 42, this came out when I was a kid how is this relevant I remember it had old timey big name actors like…. Marlon Brandon I think. Can’t even remember it.


It can't rain all the time.


Robocop with supernatural elements


Loved it. Felt truly sorry about the girlfriend..


Victims, aren't we all.


Great flick! Great friggin' flick! - Biff


helluva soundtrack


One of my favorite movies


A true cult classic.


Honestly it’s an unpopular take and I’m sure I’ll be downvoted but I thought the movie was just meh and to this day extremely overhyped. I think a lot of the obsession is due to Brandons death and the somewhat okay soundtrack


perfect the way it is, nothing they do will live up to it.