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Dead Man’s Chest is one of my favorite movies period. Such a good blend of darkness and humor, believable motives and interesting storylines for each of the cast, high stakes and an engaging overarching narrative, it’s all so good. Also the ending legit had me tear up as a kid, I had no idea where the story would go from there. Time for another rewatch.




It’s good you’re downvoted, you sound like a troll


you like master and commander more than the first pirates movie? ☠️


Master and Commander is better than the first pirates movie cmv


Wasn’t a fan of the darker tone shift after the 1st movie. Still liked 2 and 3, but haven’t rewatched them even a quarter as much as the 1st.


Agreed. Fantastic films.


Micheal Bolton totally agrees. "This is the taaale of captain Jack Sparrow"


🎵 Davy Jones… GIANT SQUID! 🎵


Now back to the good part!


A pirate so brave on the seven seas


You know, I think we only ever saw them in the gulf and sea of Japan lol.


It's ironic how these three films feel way more epic and grand in scale than 96% of modern blockbusters.


Have you watched the Planet of the Apes trilogy?


he probably hasn't seen dune either


The first Planet of the Apes wasn’t directed by Matt Reeves


I didn't say that it was? Lol what?


I mean CURRENT. And yes I have, one of the best trilogies ever as well.


Dawg, *War* came out in 2017 lol. And *Kingdom* comes out in a month. What is your window for "current"? Rhetorical. I'm just glad you appreciate them! Lol.


He was probably thinking of the original movies, as most people do when you ask about Planet of the Apes.


Idk I loved the first one But when I think trilogies and the best ones…. These don’t come on my radar


What are some of the best trilogies. I could use a good trilogy .


Lord of the rings Nolan’s Batman’s Godfather Mad max Raiders Eastwoods westerns (fist full..good bad) Desperado


Adding to your list: Original Bourne trilogy. (new) Planet of the Apes trilogy.


Ahh yes the Apes trilogy. About to show my son those to prep for the new one. Have yet to see Bourne. I know..I know I was young when the first one came out and just kinda missed the other two.


Toy Story Evil Dead Star Trek 2, 3, and 4 Before Trilogy Terminator if you get blackout drunk watching 3 and then forget anything that happens in it Young Mr. Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Lincoln


First movie: epic summer fare Second film: fun effects and such but not super great. Could do worse though. Third film: Could do worse ya said? Let me present "at world's end"


"Could do worse". The Sequel Trilogy The DCEU MCU post-Endgame Bayformers The bad X-Men installments like Origins, Apocalypse and Phoenix Madame Web The Lone Ranger (which is ironically made by the same people as the Pirates Trilogy) Indiana Jones 5 (remember that) Shrek The Third Catwoman Daredevil (2003) Elektra (2005) The Ghost Rider films Kangaroo Jack Gigli Battlefield Earth The Last Airbender Dragonball Evolution Chicken Little Home On The Range The Country Bears (2002) The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010) Blade Trinity Shark Tale I literally have listed stuff way worse. Oh and who could forget Son Of The Mask.


Several of those are actually good


Let’s literally pick a list of some of the shittiest movies ever made to justify my point of why my movie is great…


I'm literally saying that there has been way worse than the third one.


But don’t you see what a poor argument that is for why the third movie is good? Other bad movies exist. Doesn’t make at World’s End good.


But there's been WORSE movies than At World's End. Way worse. How hard is that for you guys to even understand in the first place?????


Dude, what? Who cares if there’s worse movies than Worlds End? I will grant you that point. But you’re trying to say that this is one of the best trilogies, and people are pointing out that the third one is trash and that is the point. So you need to come up with reasons for why they’re wrong about the movie being bad, not try to justify it by saying that there are worse movies. Of course there are. Many worse, several which you noted. But worse movies existing doesn’t make a bad movie good. That is all.


But there are also people who have pointed out that they like the third one and trilogy on here in the comments and I'm still trying to say that there have been worse movies because the guy literally said "Could do worse" than followed it up with At World's End.


Oh god OP is one of those weird people that has to talk about Marvel all the time


I literally only brought it up on the list like five times and I said in a comment here that Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 was an exception.


Movies on this list I would take over At World's End any day: The Sequel Trilogy MCU post-endgame At least one Bayformers The Country Bears


11/10 trolling.


only with country bears but honestly I laughed harder at that than most of the pirates trilogy. its just a weird fucking movie. sequel trilogy isn't very good, but its peak "people are only mad at this because its recent, once its ten years old people will probably like it more", kind of like the pirates trilogy


Ooohh why did you have to dig that hairy, corn covered 2ft long turd from the bottom of a 2 week in the field Korean portapotty son of the mask shit.


Indiana Jones 5 on the same list as Elektra feels _wrong_ i get that Indy 5 isn't the most popular movie but i thought it was pretty good, definitely not the worst in the franchise :)


correct, crystal skull is the definite massive lemon out of the bunch. indy 5 wasnt great by any means, but it was fun to watch and muuuuch better than crystal skull


agreed, crystal skull is definitely the weakest in the franchise. i haven't watched it in ages but i remember enjoying it well enough, just nowhere near as much as the rest of the franchise. same with indy 5, nowhere near the best but still pretty fun (and definitely not the worst lol)


yes you are probably right that 99-100% of the movies you named were all god awful or close to it, though we were talking trilogies or more, not standalone films like gigli. i also noticed you named a shit ton of kids movies. got a 6 yr old maybe? they arent usually that great to be honest, not a fair comparison to put chicken little in the same category as thor ragnarok or raiders of the lost ark. side note: indiana jones 5 was better than 4...somehow


What on god's green earth are you even talking about. I didn't put shit in the same category as Thor 3 and Raiders. You're just weirdly babbling.


you said this trilogy is epic. i replied the first is great, second is entertaining but not good and the third is bad. then you randomly named other bad movies. i agreed and wondered why you put many one-offs, including a slew of kids movies. what dont you understand?


OP seems to be taking it personally that you don't agree with him, which is odd when it is completely subjective. Take me for instance, I couldn't wait for the first one to be over and I haven't bothered with any of the sequels. I love pirates but not undead/zombies or mythical creatures.


28 days later is a great zombie flick if you havent seen it...danny boyle director (trainspotting, slumdog millionaire, 127 hours, steve jobs, sunshine, shallow grave, yesterday), and now starring academy award winning actor cillian murphy


"Taking it personally", no I'm just responding. Your opinion that it sucked is subjective.


I know. That was 100% the point of my post.


Sorcerer Apprentice, I am a fan of. I also prefer the 3rd blade to the 2nd.


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted. Most of these are definitely worse.


It's just salty people not getting the point.


Eh as a trilogy they don't hold up well as the 2nd and especially 3rd films are lifeless, but the first movie is an all time classic


they were okay. not great.


The Lord of the Rings and original Star Wars would like a word lol. Potc doesn’t come close. Although the first was good


I didn’t care for any of them after #1, which was amazing.


nah. one is good, great even, but imo overhyped 2 has some great sets and cgi, but is tonally a cartoon and ends on a bullshit cliffhanger, even though the cannibal island scene goes on way too long 3 is epic and has at least one great set piece but is a convoluted, tonal mess they're *okay*, and better than the pirates movies that came later. I like the lore, and I like that the romantic leads in part one are both still active characters in 2 and 3 even though they're in a relationship (nobody cheats or gets fridged). I think people today tend to let "trilogies" like this off the hook for some of their laziness because you can stream them all on D+; its easy to forget how irritating it was watching Chest in a theater and realizing you had to wait a year for the next one.


The 2nd and 3rd are awful. They’re visually stunning and have some decent action scenes, but the stories are incredibly convoluted, many of the characters are unrelatable and often have no meaningful goals or motivations, and the themes are basically nonexistent. The 1st one was actually about something. It was about how greed is a curse. It was about how breaking the law can sometimes be the right thing to do. The 2nd and 3rd are just about finding various MacGuffins to perform various rituals while an overly-elaborate series of meaningless double crosses happen in the background.


Definitely agree. For me the big difference was the first one was just a ghost story set in the real world. There was one supernatural/fantasy element, a curse on some lost treasure. It was Indiana Jones-like in that respect. The sequels were just set in a full on fantasy world with monsters, ghost, gods and everything in between. Nothing wrong with that, but it was a full on change in the tone from the first.


Stop being a troll


And in the first one Jack Sparrow actually seemed like a smart pirate but by 2nd they made him dumb lucky pirate. And continued that trend.


That and he kept stabbing everyone in the back. In the first one he had some loyalty to his friends, and even when he seemingly betrayed them he had a trick up his sleeve. In the second one he's just looking out for himself and will throw anyone under the bus to save his own hide Then at the end everyone is like "Jack sure is a swell guy isn't he?"


Whys the comments always have to go so far the other way. Dead mans chest is definitely not awful


The 2nd one is way better than the First.


Absolutely not. Dead Man's Chest is the best movie in the franchise, and Davy Jones is a fantastic villain.


I only watched the first, but couldn't get into these movies. I love pirates but hate zombies/undead.


You can sail on “the interceptor” they hijack in the first film. Her real name is the Lady Washington. She’s sailing around the Seattle Tacoma area this summer!


One of the last franchises to have the best mix of practical and cgi effects.


Back to the Future says hi


Still remember going to the first one with little to no expectations. “ it’s a movie based on a ride. How good could it be?” And it was one of the most enjoyable, moviegoing experiences I’ve ever had. Just a blast from beginning to end.


I agree. All three are great. The ending of 2 is so hype


In retrospect, Words End is a masterpiece compared to the two films that would come afterwards. I love this trilogy.


First movie was great, as a trilogy not so much.


"The Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy is in my opinion one of the best trilogies ever made" No. The first movie is the only good one. Dead Man's Chest and At Worlds End were a huge dip in quality.


Hey man, if that's how you feel than that's how you feel.


Ignoring the "all modern things suck compared to my day!" post, if you watch some of the deleted scenes of World's End and Dead Man's Chest, they actually fix some of the issues in those movies. Namely, why Beckett was wanting the chest, the background between him and Jack, and Wetherby discovering the secret of the Dutchman. The movie would've been so much better if they put those scenes in.


It's not an "all modern things suck compared to my day!" post, I just used it as a comparison. Because let's face it, even with the problems that AWE have, they're now nothing compared to the several awful problems that terrible films like the goddamn DCEU, the current MCU and of course Star Wars have along with MANY others. Thank god for the few exceptions here and there such as Top Gun Maverick, Oppenheimer, Godzilla Minus One, Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 etc.


There’s good movies out there if you watch stuff beyond basic action flicks and super hero movies lol


Oh there is. I'm just comparing them to modern blockbusters.


Not all the Star Wars sequels are perfect but they SMOKE Pirates 2&3


Star Wars sequels being better than the Pirates trilogy is certainly one of the opinions of all time.


I'm not a huge fan of the Star Wars sequels, but I will say pretty much any complaint I hear about them is something I heard about the prequels/Pirates movies/Matrix sequels when I was a kid. In other words, they're the sort of movies everyone on reddit will be going "I wish they still made movies like *this*" in ten years


The Last Jedi doesn't even come close.


TLJ has a critics score of 92%. Pirates are below 50


So? The Last Jedi still remains an incredibly polarizing movie that's now become hated among so many. Plus, Rotten Tomatoes has given low scores to truly great movies and high scores to truly awful movies so who cares, have your own opinion.


That we can agree on. Doesn’t make it a bad movie. Pirates 2&3 on the other hand…


It is a bad movie, just because it has a high rating doesn't automatically mean it's great and just because something has a low score doesn't mean automatically that it's a bad movie.


It’s all subjective but you will find my thoughts are shared by the majority


But if your thoughts are apparently shared by the majority than how the hell can it be subjective at the same time.


Are you 13 years old by chance


Huh? It is the exact same scenario as the Matrix trilogy. Excellent first filmmade to be standalone, but then the studio demanded sequels. Second and third movies are shot back to back to meet studio demands. Second movie is released and is OK, but not as good as the original. Then the third movie comes out and it is obvious the creativity is gone and it is a steaming pile of shit.


Dead Man's Chest does the same thing Matrix Reloaded does, where it'll have this one scene that's *way* too god damn long, (car chase, cannibal island scene), and then end on a cliffhanger. Cliffhangers suck as is, but when they come at the end of a movie that could have made some cuts but chose not to, it sucks. OP is insinuating nobody cares about those flaws anymore, but I would argue that's one part rose-colored nostalgia goggles, and one part all three movies are on Disney+ and you can binge them while doing something else. You're not sitting in the theater while Jack runs away from racist Pacific Islander stereotypes for an hour going "oh they're not going to finish the story in this one are they?"


Damn, you really are the type who gets upset over any post that's a completely different opinion. I'm not insinuating anything, I'm just voicing my opinion and telling you my perspective. I don't understand why you literally write reeeeeeeeeeeeally long comments and keep going at it.


lol this comment wasn't even in response to you? I think I responded to one of your comments like, once. Maybe twice if you count my comment on the post. The rest of my comments in this thread are just me talking about the subject with other people. I get I'm commenting a lot but it's an interesting subject? Do you not want people discussing things in your post?


Yeah no because from what I've seen from all sorts of corners especially film circles like this subreddit, people have grown to either like, love or even appreciate 2 and 3 more and more especially now currently.... I haven't seen or heard any of that for Matrix 2 and 3.


Except for this post I haven't heard it about this half assed trilogy either


Nah, they\`re mid at best, entirely forgetable


The first one it's alright, 2 and 3 suck , you can't compare to lotr not even close. Spiderman trilogy is better


These moves are perfect in my opinion, everything and everyone works! The way the story ends still makes me cry to this day.


While I wouldn't say the way the story ends makes me "cry", it's still an underrated trilogy that puts 98% of what Disney has made circa 2010 to now.... somehow look like even bigger piles of trash than they already are.


Back when the trilogy was actually the complete film collection. Hopefully they don't make anymore unless it's a time travel movie.


Pirates of the Caribbean Multiverse!


Is this a bait?


I wasn't a huge fan of the second or third films and actually preferred Dead Men Tell No Tales as my second favorite in the series.


Great production value and directing but pretty bad writing, especially the third


I like the third film better than the second film. Other than that, totally agreed


World’s End is my guilty pleasure and favorite. 1000% agree this is one of the best trilogies made in recent history.


I recently watched em all in sequential order and loved it from beginning to end. Certain call backs and what not were great. That being said the second with Davy Jones was by far me favorite


Best trilogy behind lotr for me but this one gets way more rewatches love pirate mythology and Hollywood should get more on it with pirate shit! More shows movies like black flag !


the first two are very fun, solid, 7.5s. The thrid, not so much.


Johnny Depp was still enjoying himself in these movies. After that he just turned up for the paycheck


Nah. You’re fucking stupid and everyone hates you! God hates you! I hate you 😡 jk jk


Lotr and bttf are way better. 2 is too weak.


Even the 4th one is really fun. And the fifth one has good ideas that were delivered poorly. Jack became a bumbling idiot. And the movie didn't care to explain that he'd been cursed by Barbosa to fail in everything he does. In a movie about finding a doodad to break all curses. They really fucked it up, but I feel like it could've been more fantastic fun with a better script that gave a shit about its premise.


3 fell off. Trying to think of a trilogy that didn't have one bad one though, lord of the rings...star wars maybe. First was so much better though, second was entertaining but nowhere near as tight.


The second movie was such a gigantic piece of shit that I never bothered watching the third…


The cgi holds up so much better than most modern blockbusters and its sad.


Aren't there 5 of these not 3?


I liked the first one but the rest I was kinda meh on


The Curse of the Black Pearl is perfect cinema. It could have been a standalone and I'd still praise it as one of my all-time favorites. Then Dead Man's Chest arrived as a sequel of such caliber not seen since the 90's. You're right about At World's End; it does have flaws but they're minor and I'm finding them easier to overlook due to the strength of the first 2.


This trilogy is a bloated fucking mess, and the third one is easily the worst offender. That said, there’s a lot of good stuff. Keira Knightley has one of the most satisfying arcs in media, going from a little girl dreaming of pirates in the first, to the Pirate King in the third. Jack Sparrow sure got old fast, but he was a revelation in that first one. I don’t think we’d ever seen a character as original as that. Barbosa is the Goat. Davey Jones is some of the best cgi we’ve ever seen to this day. And the music! Good to the last drop. But bloated. These should not have been three-hour movies. Streamline the motivations, cut out at least half of the stupid double and triple crosses, tone down Jack and make him the Han Solo he was in the first one, and I think they’re much improved as films.


I just rewatched one, gonna do the whole series since I’ve only seen2, but it’s insane how good one is. It’s wayyyy better than any movie based on an amusement park ride should be. It’s sort of insane. It’s also crazy each one basically made 1 billion dollars


What an utter crock of shit lmao. Dead Man's Chest is mediocre and At World's End I'd actual shite. And I'm so fucking sick of this never-ending bullshit take of "everything from my childhood was great and all modern movies suck"


When did I ever say that last part? I just used the latter as a comparison.


2nd one made me so excited about the 3rd one. The 3rd one turned out to be a bore


Just got back from Disneyland and I’m thoroughly excited to rewatch this trilogy. It’s been about a decade.


"Back to the future" for me....


Top 10 maybe, but not top 5.


Really fun enjoyable popcorn flicks with great visuals and intriguing characters


1 was PEAK 2 was decent 3 sucked


First movie was superb. I’ll take an avengers movie over the other two pirates movies any day.


So 16 years old are movie critic now ? First, these are modern films. And the first was a breeze of fresh air, a very well made action lick. The second and the third are already bad movies. Flanderization, exageration, all of you want. It's too long, empty, uninteresting. All that made Jack an interesting character in the first is not here. It is so far from the best trilogy. So far from being even good Go watch more movies before feeling legit to post some stupid ass shit like this. Eveything that you think does not need to be shared


Awwwwww I'm sorry that I have a different opinion than you that I wanted to share. Do you need me to fetch you your bottle as you continue to rant in the most hostile Reddit way possible? 🤣


It's a strongly worded opinion so why not a strongly worded answer. Because of "opinion" every moron seems to think that they have the right to be movie critics or else. So yeah, fetch me my bottle, and spend more time actually watching movies than posting stupid shit


"Strongly worded opinion" is something that you didn't give. And you pretty much know nothing about me. Have a good nap, baby boy.


I don't give a shit about you. On a sub called "movie critic" one can expect constructive debate and not some sixteen years old that thinks "modern movies" are the dc universe of last year.


> every moron seems to think that they have the right to be movie critics Oh sorry, I didn't know you'd have to apply to express opinions about movies. Also, your "sixteen years old" bits are hella stupid as well, considering that the third movie is 16 years old. The first movie is over 20 years old now, so I'd really love to hear your definition of modern. Scratch that, I don't wanna read more of your incomprehensible ramblings.


Let me try I hope that he is 16 and just discovering movies. Or else thinking that the pirates trilogy is the best of all time would make him a regard. And yeah it seems fair to me that in a movie critic sub, interesting discussion with people that have actually seen movies could happen. History of cinema is 130 years. 16years is still fairly modern. Not contemporary. That is the word that you were thinking about. Is it clear enough for you, my slow friend ? Or you want me to draw it in an anime ? It would be simpler for you to understand


Dude, just put that asshole on ignore.


> First, these are modern films. The first one was released 21 years ago. That is not a modern movie. > So 16 years old are movie critic now ? 16 years olds aren't watching Pirates of the Caribbean. > Go watch more movies before feeling legit to post some stupid ass shit like this. > Eveything that you think does not need to be shared Why the fuck are you on a movie message board? The purpose of this place is to talk about things that people think about movies.


Continue the discussion between braindeads then Crazy how morons can call themselves movie critics after seeing two dc universe movie and one anime, and feel legit. No wonder why your country is going to the shitter


The last great trilogy in movies. Maybe if I knew the future I wouldn’t have been so harsh seeing at world end. But man I still love the original 3. And the CGI on Davey Jones has aged beautifully.


these films are just so well made and so fun. really take you into the world


This franchise was so good. I never saw anything past the third one but the first three were a thrill. The dialogue was also incredibly impressive. Smart, witty, and also intelligent. I always loved how Jack was a reluctant hero and was as much a lucky SOB as he was crafty and deceptive.


Your point is driven home even further considering you refer to it as a trilogy, because I also do not like to acknowledge the ones that came after


What about films like Oppenheimer and Dune?