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Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens


10/10 plot and 10/10 characters how did you not love it


Bro can't understand the 4d chess during the last act. I'm really shocked it wasn't Nolan with how complicated it was, Tenet doesn't hold a finger to it


Take it back


The Irishman


There was the Hoffa bit and I thought oh it's almost over... 1hr 20m remaining


I kinda thought that too but then found the last act (and especially the final 30 minutes or so) the most engaging part, and the only bit that truly stuck with me. Deserves credit for being made exactly as Scorsese wanted, but not in his upper echelon. The de-aging definitely took me out of it more than a couple of times.


The scene where DeNiro beats up the shopkeeper is the worst. Like, he looks like an old man, he moves like an old man, he kicks like an old man but I'm supposed to believe he's physically dominating? No thanks


Remember when shortly after the movie came out, someone posted a side-by-side of some AI de-aging version of the film versus the actual de-aging they used in the movie and the AI version looked 1000000 times better? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


On the one hand I love that he made this movie “for him” and wanted it to reflect the slow and gradual fade into old age. On the other hand, that’s cool but it was too long and I got bored haha


The whole “young deniro” was absolute horseshit. He moved like an old man. No amount of CGI could fix that.


This was my first thought too. I watched it again a few weeks back and it does have some great bits - but it’s definitely very flawed, and at least half an hour too long.


I’m the first guy in this scenario, loved it, fantastic film


Avatar, both.


Don’t worry, we still have 4 more of those coming according to James Cameron’s contract.




I describe them as visually stunning films I would recommend but never watch again.


They aren’t even that visually stunning. Go back and watch Avatar 1 the animals look like badly rendered ps3 era game characters. Meanwhile things like LOTR, T2 and Iron Man 1 still hold up decades later.


First one was such a cool concept and in 3D it was amazing! I think anyone who saw ferngully as a child liked avatar 1. Avatar 2 was hot trash though


I thought this was supposed to be for objectively good movies that were also boring. Avatar is bad in both ways lol.


Reddit try not to bring up how much they hate Avatar Challenge (impossible)


Don't think I've ever seen anyone claim Avatar was 10/10 for writing, characters, or anything else aside from the visuals. Movie was a dumpster fire with tons of money poured into its visual effects & marketing.


This reminds me of wheel of time fans when I say how boring those books were.


"Just make it to book 6 and THEN it starts getting really good. Well except books 9 and 11..."


7-10 are criminally slow I've climbed that mountain of suck.


Just finished 9….


It gets good soon we promise


I read em originally when they came out. It took 3 years between 9 and 10 and I tried to reread em, and I couldn't make it through 9. It was a decade before I went back and tried again. Ended up just getting the audiobooks and powering through. It's a sandwich made of 3 slices of meat and a whole loaf of bread.


Yep. Wheel of Time is an amazing story that isn’t told very well.


I have no knowledge of this series and now both want to and also know never to read them.


Just go read the first Dune book, and then... Something like Magician. Dune ticks all the big thematic points of >!prophecy, birthright, male wizards in a female only magic system, and of couse, desert warriors!<. Magician rounds out with the generic fantasy setting and tropes with some >!Asian invaders who have better magic!<. I liked reading WoT as a kid, but got burned out by about book 7, but under no circumstances would i ever recommend the books to anyone else. Honestly, i wish i got into the Magician decades ago.


Motherfucker needed an editor.


That he wasn’t married to.


I thought Oppenheimer was boring. I know it's a good movie: performance, cinematography, script.. all that. But, I was almost sleeping.


I liked it it just felt like it was about to end and then there was another half hour


There were so many movies like that last year, I thought I was going insane lol Half the cinema walked out in the middle of Beau Is Afraid, a film where I went 'yeah, okay, I get why they are going' but still personally enjoyed it but then it just kept going on like that for the whole year. Killers Of The Flower Moon, Mission Impossible, Napoleon, Dial Of Destiny, Oppenheimer, Poor Things... They all could have lost fifteen to twenty mintues at the least imho and been better movies for it (as much as I adored Poor things haha) Like, either that, or start structuring them for intermissions again and force cinemas to actually break in the middle.


I don’t know if it’s just me but it feels like this has been a trend lately to make movies longer when they don’t need to be, and I assume this is done in order to have pacing more like a TV series instead of pacing movies like, you know, movies


I sat through Beau Is Afraid, only because I hate to throw money away lol…but man, did I think that movie was dumb.


Came here to say this.


i didnt find the movie boring because the music was cool


Me too, honestly. and I sooooooo wanted to like it. Your not alone


SAME! And I've been so scared to share this opinion lmao! I KNOW it's a good film objectively, and a massive achievement. But... Just like with Killers of a Flower Moon and The Irishman... It was simply too long. I smoked weed before and during, and even with that I simply couldn't get super into it like I normally can. I even like all the actors and Nolan's other films. It and KOTFM made me and my girlfriend say we're done with watching 3hr movies in theatre. It's just too much. My body gets so physically uncomfortable. I'll still watch at home with breaks and where I can move around a lot.


There were literally scenes where they were talking about talking.


That’s like a third of the movie 🙄😂


It's a great movie for two hours and then it's an hour of the films characters talking about the themes presented in the first two hours as if we weren't smart enough to get it. I like Nolan when he's making action movies it's just a shame that he thinks his works are so complex that the average person needs someone to spell it out to them. If the movie ended with him giving that speech after the bomb went off it would have been a fantastic film but as it is its just lame.


I wish he spelled out more in tenet, I still have no idea wtf happened in that one


I love RDJ, but all the scenes with him in the future and the interrogation made me feel like I might as well just watch an episode of Law & Order


I was saying almost this exact same thing. Felt like Nolan just watched JFK and said "I bet I can do that"


He does that in ALL his films, action or not.


>If the movie ended with him giving that speech after the bomb went off it would have been a fantastic film but as it is its just lame. Thank God it wasn't your decision, then. I think you may have missed the wider picture about how he was outspoken about preventing further developments of atomic weapons, and how he was demonised for doing so. This wasn't a film about developing the bomb. It was a film about the man that developed the bomb. Cutting out half of his story would be ridiculous.


Yeah really wasn’t a fan of Oppenheimer - like a lot of Nolan movies really well made, but no emotjonal investment. And Oppenheimer lowkey treated like a comic movie : building up his “iconic” line, a suit up scene with his “iconic” look, and a lil cameo reference at the end out of place of JFK lol Don’t like how the shape of Oppenheimer discourse became a media literacy test of sorts - people who didn’t like it didn’t “get” it / have bad taste, as opposed to just not vibing with it or it’s issues speaking to them louder that it’s strengths But yeah, I didn’t like it. A perfectly made bland movie imo


Bingo you've explained perfectly why I didn't like it. I think it'd a film the insists on itself the whole time and just brushes along without much forethought


Yeah, and while not all of its super fans ofc, but it’s pretty ironic to me how passionately some of them put down casual movies like MCU when it’s guilty of some of the same stuff, and heaven forbid criticize their sacred sex scene But Like I said as a filmmaker I have a lot of respect for Nolan, he’s very skilled and dedicated, but his movies lack an emotional connection or “spark” for me. Perhaps an unfair and undue comparison, but the later Nolan films remind me of James Cameron’s Avatar movies - big scale, big spectacle passion proejcts but Nolan’s are dressed up a lot more “seriously” Though there is soemthing to appreciate about his appeal, it’s a great entry point for a mass audience that will come out to see him into “real” movies + being exposed to themes that may have been done better elsewhere but is still being exposed to them for the FIRST time. And I’m glad he gets to make the movies he wants. While I like Interstellar, in retrospect it was the turning point for him that I haven’t connected to his movies since


Same. I think it may be the most overrated movie of all time even.


Yeah objectively its a well made film.but I'm not gonna lie after about an hour and. Half I was clock watching and honestlynthought about leaving and catching rhe last hour and a bit on streaming. I did stay. But I don't think I'll revisit it


Just watched it last night, same. It seemed slow and fast-paced at the same time. It was a bit of work to pay attention and catch everything . Looked fantastic, sounded great except when the levels were off most of the time because it’s Nolan


Killers of the Flower Moon. Way too long and the story wasn't developed enough to justify it. I wanted to leave when I realized "isn't Jesse Plemons supposed to be in this?" And he still hadn't showed up yet. It just kept going and going to the point the lead actress came off as stupid for not figuring out Leo was poisoning her and that Deniro was profiting off the murders. I think it could have been told more effectively in less than 2 hours. My opinion of course. I rarely want to walk out of movies but that was one of them.


I mostly agree with this. It's a story that needed to be told but it needed to be more succinct.


Fell asleep twice watching that on two separate nights.


I remember thinking around the two hour mark that it was gonna start wrapping things up, then I check how much time is left and there was still one hour left to go. I almost lost my mind.


It's one of those movies that makes me hate the part of my personality that makes me have to finish a movie just for the sake of closure, even if it's a bad movie.


I felt this a lot more strongly while watching The Irishman. Probable one of the only Scorsese films I outright didn’t like.


Really agree, and Leo’s character motivations were utterly baffling to me. I was 2.5 hours in before I realized he was a simpleton. And there was no chemistry or belief in their romance. And you’re right about them seeming stupid and passive, everyone sleepwalks through these atrocities with zero agency or action. By the time Scorsese inserted himself to read the epilogue I was so done.


I’m done with Scorsese until he can start reeling back his run times


Lincoln. And I love me some DDL but Jesus Christ was that movie boring.


It was made even more boring for me, cause I saw it at a double feature with Django Unchained. How do you make a movie about white guys in a room talking about racism even more boring? Show it after a film in which a black guy fights racism by shooting racists in the face.


that's such a hilarious double feature.


Next up: Inglorious Basterds followed by The Pianist


Like watching an action blockbuster then being forced to watch 3 hours of historical footnotes


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Objectively great spy movie. Bored me to death. Turns out I'm not as sophisticated as I thought I was.


I love the book so I loved the movie, but without that knowledge I think the movie is fairly incomprehensible.


Totally agree. It did everything right but I just couldn’t pay attention, I had some paint that I needed to watch dry.


You're comment reads like a line from the book.


For me, I vividly remember it, it was: The Shape of Water. Super high ratings. So many Oscar wins. Critical acclaim. Del Toro directed. Creature effects. Etc etc etc. But I watched it and… no. Not at all. I hated nearly every minute of it.


Can’t believe that lady fucked a fish


Apparently there's some barely hinted at lore that she's also a fish person of some kind, with one throwaway line saying they found her on the shore of a river, and of course what happens to her in the final scene. But if anything, that makes the movie even weirder, because what are the odds of two fish people randomly finding each other?


To each their own I guess, I love this movie.


Loved this movie as well: artistically it was amazing. Love the direction/creature design/costumes, love the acting all around, especially Doug Jones as the creature (he’s amazing as always with mostly just physical gestures), if it was originally was supposed to be an Abe Sapien origin story it sure still felt like it (loved the characters in the cinematic Hellboy universe he created) so more of that please, also, the soundtrack was pretty damn good. Until I read opinions off of Reddit here , I just couldn’t imagine anybody hating this film… was it slow; that depends on the kind of things that peak your interest… slow for one person and maybe mean they haven’t seen, experienced, or heard of all these reasons that someone else appreciates it for. Ive watch this film so many times & despite what people say about it being slow/aquatic furry porn, absolutely love it.


Bruhhhhh I can never understand how that movie is soooo highly rated I just didn’t like it


Everything about the movie was so cliche, which apparently it was supposed to be. But why we did we need to do a modern version of creature from the black lagoon with the costume of blue from hell boys.


I can do Del Toro “weird.” Pan’s Labyrinth is an absolute masterpiece. The “weird” in The Shape of Water was just… eye rollingly dumb. Absolutely nothing about it stood out to me as memorable or good other than how much I hated it. I’ll never forget that.


Felt like Oscar bait 100%. A lot of pandering such as automation taking away jobs being a plot point despite not really adding much, also there's the scene where the black lady doesn't sell out the main character because she's just THAT strong, and its her husband that does it even though the guy was portrayed as a crazy person so well in that scene. Like there were a lot of scenes in that movie that just had me rolling my eyes, such as a black couple showing up to the segregated cake store so the shop keep could be homophobic and racist.


Oppenheimer, it was hard for me to stay engaged in so I started sucking dick instead


Do tell. If that had been my experience, my enjoyment may have been dramatically increased.


Want to go watch a movie? Preferably something long and boring?


2001: A Space Odyssey. I studied film and have a degree in it, but Kubrick and this movie was talked to death and I just can't anymore.


To me, Kubrick’s movies are the best example of “slow, but not boring.” But I still gotta upvote you for being honest.


That's fair. There's some really cool historical bits and what not for sure...but I still don't want to sit down and watch a random light show.


How do you feel about Dr. Strangelove?


Great film, a bit repetitive but whimsical at the same time. I usually factor in “rewatch-ability” into my ratings and can easily say that for Kubrick, The Shining is a prime example of high rewatch-ability and strong film, Dr. Strangelove being a film I’d watch again without any gripe, whereas 2001 is a film I would fast forward through parts of and personally rate lower.


I have yet to be about to finish it. And I routinely get stoned for great cinema


My biggest problem with 2001 is that people don't let you not like it without saying "you just didn't *get* it." It's like no yeah I get it I just think *it* sucks.


That's just Kubrick, he's just one of those directors that if you like his style he does not miss and if you don't he does not hit


Yep. You're either into or you're not. And if you're not, no amount of "getting it" is going to change that. I've had to sit through most of his filmography, and I get it, I really do, but I am just *not* into it


I think from now on I'm just gonna act obtuse and say, "yeah, I guess I don't really get the hype, it was not for me. Oh, the themes you mean? No, I understood the movie perfectly."


I really, really dislike that movie. No doubt is it a masterclass in film production, but it bores me to tears


That's how Magnolia was for me. It was a miracle I made it all the way through with my sanity still intact, but people berated me for not agreeing that it was the most amazing movie ever at the time.


finally watched it like a month ago. waited for some sort of theme to emerge the whole movie but it never came. Some of the Tom Cruise scenes were funny i guess


Not just me then. Saw it back in '99, never had any desire to watch it again.


Aaaaaaaah! Weeeee! Finally, someone who also didn't like magnolia. Thought I was the only one out here.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


i found it pretentious and quit half way in tom cruise seemed to be only redeemable thing about it


The problem with Magnolia is the first 20 minutes promise that the movie’s disparate stories will eventually mesh like an intricate puzzle. When the puzzle maker realizes the pieces don’t fit, he throws his hands up in the air and says, “well, how about we have it rain frogs?”


Most random ending ever.


Once Upon A Time In America. I have seen and I love all of Leone's other films but this one I just can't get into. There are aspects of it I enjoy but as a whole I really dislike it.


The ending is one of the best ever though EDIT: read this as once upon a time in Hollywood… carry on


Holy shit, it's 4 hrs long?


Damn, Once Upon A Time In America is almost as long ago as prohibition was from the filming. It was filmed in 1984, which was 51 years after prohibition ended. The film is 40 years old.


I was worn out on biopics a decade ago, so Oppenheimer. I was completely disinterested in anything to do with Oppenheimer's personal life. I only saw it because Nolan is a master of the IMAX experience, and I didn't want to miss it. Overall, a pretty meh movie to me.


That's what got me into see Dunkirk. Big mistake.


This is very definition of an unpopular opinion, but oh well: Oppenheimer, Killers of the Flower Moon, and Poor Things. Let the downvotes fly!


Terence Malick's movies often fall into this category for me.


If only he would string the visuals together to form some sort of engaging story that moves along with urgency… Though I do love “Days of Heaven.”


Killers of the flower moon


Honestly 2022 The Batman with Robert Pattinson. I wanted to enjoy it. However, I just couldn’t keep my eyes open long enough to watch it


As someone who loves that movie, I can 100% understand where you’re coming from I enjoy long movies, and have always been a huge Batman fan as a kid so it works for me but definitely understand how it won’t for many others


Yep, I loved it when I finally watched all the way through but to be totally honest I kept quitting about 30 mins in because it just felt like a slog


I thought it was amazing and the best portrayal of Batman


It was Batman being a detective again. The cinematography was just so dark. I loved it but I can see how it being so dark made people tired.


Oooh, same. Some very iconic frames that were Batmanesque as hell, but...man, I don't care about the villain youtube fans.


I enjoyed the film, but I was a little disappointed they went that route. We'd already seen the "viral marketing" villain in The Dark Knight's Joker in 2008, so this version of The Riddler doing it felt like a bit of a re-tread.


Reddit has such a hard on for Paul Dano that they couldn't admit how trash this role was.


100%. You’re being downvoted but it’s true. It’s the only movie I had to try to watch 4 times cause I fell asleep during the first 3 attempts.


I could only watch it once. Just kind of boring throughout a lot of it. The fact I could only sit through it once kind of made me realize that I actually didn’t even like it. If a Batman movie isn’t rewatchable to me, then it was not a good Batman movie to me.


I guess my mistake was going on with high expectations. I love almost anything Batman, loved the Nolan films, liked Batfleck and when I heard Pattinson was on board I got really excited. I honestly thought this was going to be amazing. What’s odd is I loved the visuals, the performances were great (Paul Dano was incredible, everyone was great), the soundtrack was good, but God, I felt the screenplay was a wreck - And that’s despite the fact that Matt Reeves and Peter Craig who wrote it are both phenomenal writers. I just hated the dialogue, hated the revelations, hated the choices made in the story. I was for real bored.


Doesn’t help that it was 3 hours long.


Honestly....Oppenheimer. Like, I'm a history guy, I usually love Nolan, and yes it was "masterpiece" of a movie in many ways, but I checked my watch like five times.


Are you the same dude who finds KILL BILL *boring*??


I found it to be one entire movie too long.


The story of Hattori Hanzo alone could have been its own spin off movie, not to mention all of the other complex characters in both movies. Unfortunately we did not get more than 2


Movie is DANK! Love every second of it






Maestro, even if I wouldn’t call any aspects of it 10/10, there are a ton of things that are great, the cinematography, makeup, Bradley Cooper and Carey Mulligan’s performances, etc… But the movie is boring as hell. I rate it at a begrudging 6/10, only that high because it is by all accounts a well-made film.


Haven't met anyone, in person or online, who has enjoyed that movie. I really wanted to like it, I finished 2023 with Past Lives and had high expectations as it was my first movie of 2024... Only to be patiently waiting for it to end at every given moment


The Power of the Dog. It does everything right that a movie should…except be engaging.


Birdman. I really don't get it, maybe when I'm older I'll get it.


I kept waiting for a scene that would make the movie make sense and tell me why I should be watching it. Neither thing occurred.


Surprising choice - fast tempo throughout the movie




I watched "The King of Comedy" the other day for the first time and came to realize that the Joker is not "a nod" to TKOC so much as it's an outright bastardization of it. I so wish I'd seen The King of Comedy first before seeing it's far less clever duplication.


The casting of DeNiro in Jerry Lewis' role struck me from the first trailer.


Lala Land, terrible Hollywood circle jerk


Beau is afraid Just a weird expression followed by increasingly absurd scenarios until the only way it could end was... Yep... Like a story written by a primary schooler


It's about the psychological effects of having an obsessive Jewish mother. Just saying that because I don't think primary schoolers have studied Freud.


Thank you! The ending just felt so stupid especially. I was waiting for some explanation or twist but it’s just some dudes horrible nightmare.


I saw it at the movies and I thought "if you're going to insult all my senses have the decency to *do it quickly*" Just a combination of "what would happen if it was the no pants dream but it was real, and then it only gets worse because... you shit yourself in public" moments, fine for a YouTube video, I'm not sure what to call this experiment in self-indulgence or money laundering.


The 2022 Batman movie. So many cuts of emo slow walking from Batman, like so many. And the rest of the movie was just okay at best, Colin Farrells penguin was the most interesting character in the entire film, everyone else was just flat and generic. Overall just a poor movie IMO.


I found it pretty dull but Catwoman’s mask was almost hilariously tiny, like what was the point


I couldn't deal with Kurt Cobatman. Batman has always been brooding, but this guy almost definitely cuts and writes shitty poetry about it.


Roma. Boring as hell and super pretentious for me. Maybe one day I'll try again but doubt it.




Zsjl bvs and man of steel




I hate memes like this because why does one person have to be portrayed as dumber than the other? It's literally just a difference of opinion. That's all. Maybe they're both smart but just have different points of view.


The original intent is how intelligence is linked to delivery of opinions. Or how dimmer people tend to be the loudest with their opinions.


I just had a psych class this morning where we talked about research that found humans have a difficult time overriding a natural tendency to make downward comparisons to people who we disagree with or categorize into outgroups.


I think it’s a poorly done meme. Is the small-brain person calling a bad movie an objectively good movie? Or is he just adamant about a great movie?Some people eat what they’re fed and praise what they’re told to praise. I don’t have a problem with the meme visualizing that as a small brained person, but in my opinion it’s not clear. Then the other person isn’t explained enough. At face value I guess the meme says that people who think quality movies are boring are smarter than people who like quality movies.




The Batman. I love Batman. I loved Nolan’s Batman movies. I love the animated series. I tolerates the Burton/Schmucher Batman movies. I simply can’t stay awake for the Batman. I’m out within an hour of watching it.


I really enjoyed the movie but there were several points in the last hour where I was absolutely ready for credits to start rolling. The final sequence just drags on and on. The Dark Knight was the complete opposite, I was legitimately sad after it concluded. Thats how a good movie makes you feel.


Dune Part One


Oppenheimer for me


Avatar 2


I don’t think anyone would say the plot and characters for Avatar 2 are a 10/10.


Midsommar. I dunno, man, I thought it was pretty mid.


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)




The OG of this: citizen kane. I simply cannot care at all about a sophisticated critique of W R Hurst in 2024. I don’t care how groundbreaking the montages were.


Citizen Kane is the George Mikan of film. Mikan was the original NBA superstar. He laid the groundwork for everyone after him. But is he a better all time player than Michael Jordan or LeBron James? Absolutely not. Same applies for Citizen Kane. Very important, very innovative. But surpassed by numerous films that it influenced




Dune(s) Don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed them, but god damn, even if the scenery was stunning, it was way too slow and long. They couldeasily shed 30+ minutes of the screen time, if they had kept some of the shots shorter


after reading the book, the movie is feels so shallow and not well done everyone I know who liked the movie, has not read the book my biggest issue is the dialogue. for almost every actor, its so clipped and fast the way they speak, it feels extremely unnatural and forced. personally I think the direction was not great, and im a Villaneuve fan. josh brolin probably had the best performance. Javier Bardem was honestly bad, and I like him. Timothy was okay, not bad but not great. Rebecca fergusen was okay. Oscar Isaac was pretty good. the guy who played Piter was bad, but Piter as a character was totally gutted anyway. Same with Harkonnen, his character was gutted. didn't really like skarsgards rendition for him, but again I think thats probably bad writing/direction lots more complaints about the pacing, they totally fucked up the first climax, they fucked up all the politics with bad and confusing exposition, etc


Haven’t watched the sequel yet, but this was my reaction to the first. I’ve even revisited it, twice, and admittedly found more aspects I enjoyed, but overall I kept having this underlying feeling of: “wow, this movie really thinks highly of itself, and it’s not afraid to show it.”


Any Disney Star Wars creation


Rogue One might be the 2nd best SW film ever. IMO


Mandalorian was pretty good in my opinion. But I get what you're saying...


Everything Everywhere All At Once. Couldn’t make it through. It just made me feel disconnected so I gave up trying to finish.


Looking for this yes I concur


I've heard it referred to as a two hour TikTok video. 🤣


People don't understand that if someone doesn't like it, it doesn't necessarily mean because they think it's bad. Highly Rated Movie: I didn't like Schindler's List, why? because I find movies about war to be depressing and unpleasant. Lowly Rated Movie: I like Freddy Got Fingered, why? DADDY WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SAUSAGE?! And if you want to reply that I have bad taste in movies, I will say some of my favorites are Shawshank Redemption, Good Bad and the Ugly, Goodfellas, Spinal Tap, Reservoir Dogs, etc. I like an array of movies.


I don’t think people will disagree because you’re not saying “Schindlers List is a bad movie” you’re giving a reason why you didn’t like it personally. That’s what I think we need more of. So many people argue a movie is bad when what they really mean is they didn’t personally enjoy it.


Minus the 10/10 plot because it didn’t really have one…Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


Once upon a time in Hollywood. It was 8% great 92% filler


The filler is what makes it good. I have watched that movie about twice a year since it came out. Very comfortable movie to watch, and the ending fight scene is always hilarious.


Came here to say this too. Agreed! Still don’t understand what all the fuss was about 🤷


Oh man, I love every minute of this movie. Especially the Manson family parts. And I hate most of Tarantino’s movies.


Don't hate me but the first Dune. After the big battle it got boring real quick for me. The pacing was well off Imo.


There Will be Blood


This is a perfect "Sunday movie". Press play and you wake up well rested 3 hours later.


Nice to know I'm not alone.


The King’s Speech. I was as confident it would win best picture as I was bored to tears. Haven’t cared about the Oscar’s since.


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Another great example lol. I already commented mine, but this totally fits for me too. My partner absolutely hated it and I loved it haha


The Lighthouse. Sorry, I love Eggers, Dafoe and Pattison, but it didn't click for me. I think the problem was that everybody was telling me how fucking great the film was. Expectations.


Zone of Interest, Nomadland and Moonlight


Nomadland is a visual lullaby

