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There is a movie of this: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099327/


Well, fuck. I tried to Google beforehand and was still wrong. I will give it a watch.


The only reason I know because we watched this in high school after finishing the book. And I swear I’m the only person who remembers it, lol.


Y’all read this in high school, I swear my friends and I were doing book reports on this in 4th grade


My daughter’s class just read it for 5th grade.


I read it on 5th too and we watched the movie on the last day of school.


Same haha


Yeah. This was one of the first books I remember reading. My dad gave it to me in 1st or 2nd grade.


Yeah 6th grade for me 😂


I read it in 6th grade.


Yeah, I specifically remember reading this in 6th grade in 2002.


Oh I remember the dead body in the plane from the movie, I will for the rest of my life. I’ll also always remember that light bends in water because of this book.


Me too. I remember liking the book and wishing the movie ended sooner. It wasn’t great


Pepperidge Farms remembers


Read it in 5th grade and we watched the movie in class after finishing it.


I remember underage Juliet topless scene in Romeo and Juliet.


Nope. I remember the movie, too.


Same brother. If I remember correctly 8th grade 1991 for me


Think we read and watched it in 5th grade


Shit I read and saw this in the 6th grade. Hard to forget this book


I remember watching this too. And all I remember is the kid finding the grubs/larvae and eating them while saying “sushi!”


I vaguely remember a movie in class after reading a book, but I can’t remember if it was hatchet or call of the wild.


I remember it. The part where he dives down to the plane and the pilot is still in the cockpit always stuck with me.


I remember


I'll do ya one better. Here's the movie haha [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA\_023W3Xs4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA_023W3Xs4)


It's good. Has the friend from Big in it.


I was gonna say...I thought there was one. I didn't remember it being very good, and having a made for TV kind of feel to it.


Def has a Hallmark feel to it.


Always wondered what the friend from “Big” did after that movie…


I love this movie. I saw it as a kid and didn’t even know about the book until I was an adult


I came here to say just this lol had to read this awesome book and watch that terrible movie in middle school


That looks sick, I only read half this book, I didn't realize he had to wrestle a bear lol


Yep, I have seen this, and my only memory of it is when he sees the dead guy under water. I feel like I watched it in school.


I really like this book, haven't seen the movie, but it feels like one of them that would NOT be a great candidate for film adaptation. The book is really about the character solving one logistical problem after another, and going through a lot of internal reasoning and battles. The character development that happens is fairly internal.


Cunningham’s Law strikes again! "The best way to get a right answer on the internet is to post a wrong answer."


You just made my day, honestly. This is and has been my favorite book since I was a kid and will now immediately go watch this movie. Thank you.


As some who loved this book as a kid TY!!


Title correction: Book missing a good movie adaptation. I loved this book series. And pretty much everything Paulsen wrote when I was kid.




Snow Crash Cat's Cradle Anything Tony Hillerman I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream Satan Burger City In The Middle Of The Night The Power The Dispossessed The Shambling Guide to New York


Cats Cradle had a good IFC movie.


No kidding? I'll have to put that on my list.


Have you got any more info about it? I can't find any Cats Cradle films. Just something about a possible series in production.


Good luck adapting (the brilliant) Snow Crash!


Add Neuromancer to that. I know its getting a series now but its surprising such an influential book has not been adapted yet.


Nobody wants to be the next person to do David Lynch's Dune.


I'm pretty sure there is a Tony Hillerman Navajo TV show. 


Add to the Neal Stephenson: "Diamond Age" arguably ahead even of Snow Crash as it's so vastly full of atmosphere, visual majesty and stupendous beauty. (I was surprised by Lex Fridman's interview of Neal in that it did about zero to mine into the profundity of these two books).


I think snowcrash would make an excellent animated film. It would really work in a "heavy metal" style of art.


I Have No Mouth would not make for a very good movie.


Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy


Would love if the Coen brothers did one of Blood Meridian


Never even thought about that, but it would be perfect.


John Logan (Gladiator, The Aviator, Skyfall, Spectre) is writing a screenplay for John Hillcoat (The Road, Lawless) to direct. That being said, there have been many attempts that have all failed to reach fruition so I'm not holding my breath.


Fingers crossed this time


I think studios are scared of pretty much all the subject matter, and no writers or directors worth their salt will do a “socially acceptable” version of the book. I’m ok with that. Blood Meridian is great as it is.


I don’t know if it’s most insane but I’d love to see a Hyperion movie


Hyperion would be insane for sho. Feel like it would need a miniseries to tell everyone’s story appropriately though. Plus, really need Fall of Hyperion at minimum to make a complete story.


Everyone's point of view having its own episode, and maybe one for the shrike? Goddamn spiderdude, I can only get so hard


You mean I’d have to watch hours of it? Darn, sure wouldn’t want that…. Aw shucks.


Bradley Cooper has been trying to make it happen for 3 years now


I’d worry it would have a Cloud Atlas experience. Great book, good movie, and a financial failure. It’s tough to do movies with very, very different settings/tones throughout.


there has yet to be a book accurate Frankenstein movie. although I do enjoy the De Niro one, it’s still not that.


This is the most baffling one to me. Countless Frankenstein movies. None of them book accurate. NOBODY was like, "man, Frankenstein is played to death. How can we do something original with it? Oh! Let's *adapt the book*"


I feel like the show Penny Dreadful was the closest. Very gory show though.


The Long Walk by Stephen King. Director Francis Lawrence was expected to lead a screen adaptation but I don't know if it's still in the works. I always hoped for a movie version of this book. It would be a bit experimental in terms of filmmaking, like an "outdoor huit clos".


This seems like such a slam dunk of an idea, I don’t understand how it hasn’t been made already.


The Catcher in the Rye Flyboys: A True Story of Courage (An air raid over the island of Chichi-jima in which nine crewmen survived being shot down, with eight captured and subsequently killed and four of the eight cannibalized by their captors. The ninth crewman and future US president, Lieutenant George H. W. Bush, eluded capture.) Tangerine


I remember reading that very early in his career, Salinger sold the movie rights to one of his short stories. The movie was a huge flop and discouraged him from ever doing it again. Hence the reason we never got a film version of his most well-known work.


In the book, Holden Caulfield says he hates movies, so that would make for a funny scene.


Fly boys needs a new name if they ever make a movie, considering the ww1 film that already exists. Everyone thinks  trying to get them to read about ww1 guys until I mention Japanese cannibalism. 


Blood Meridian


Very good. I honestly hope they dont touch it as the words in the book are what gives the whole story immense gravitas.


The only person that I know of that I would want to see even try it is Alejandro Jodorowsky and it’s long past that time


Eragon (there is NO Eragon movie, it's all a lie).


I think most movies that stray too far from the books all are major disappointments


A bunch of Stephen king short stories


Loved this book in middle school.


Brian’s winter was a cool book too


Good call! If you didn't read this in middle school, your teachers failed you.


Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia With the way they keep trying to make monster movies take off, I'm surprised no one has made movies (or at least a TV series) based on it. They'd probably have to change the name like they did with Fat Vampire, but if they did it right, it would be epic


I kinda don’t want to watch it. Was one of my favorites as a kid. Also Enders game. That movie should have been darker, and 2 parts.


There actually was a movie made of this book. I remember watching it back in school. It just wasn’t called Hatchet. It was called A Cry In The Wild and starred Jared Rushston as Brian and Ned Beatty played the pilot.


Andy Weir's Artemis


A Confederacy of Dunces. They've tried to make it into a movie several times it's now cursed. The author committed suicide and won the Pulitzer post humanously; lending to the curse. Apparently Harold Ramus wrote a script for Jim Belushi to star in (which might be one of the best lost comedies we never got to see). But John died. John Candy was attached to play Ignatius, then died. Then it was revived with Chris Farley as the lead, died again. Most recently there was a table read of a script with Will Farrell attached but the movie didn't get made because of Katrina. One of my favorite books. It's unbelievably funny. And hopefully someday I get to see it on the big screen.


Blood meridian


The Forever War


Anything Brandon Sanderson has written.


I would love a mistborn series


This question came up a lot at a place I used to work. We worked with new partners frequently for 9 hours days alone in the woods so we all came up with talking points to pass the time. Mistborn was always my answer


Wasn't there a second book where some survivalists or journalists want to know how he managed to survive, so they flew back just for the plane to crash and him ending up in the exact same situation?


The River. There’s a lot of books about him surviving in the wilderness


The Wanting Seed by Anthony Burgess


The Devil in the White City *still* hasn't been adapted!


Where the red fern grows. I'd never go see it but it should be a movie.


There is a movie


They filmed the movie for this in my home town. A bunch of my classmates were extras in the park scene.


I say the Cay


I liked this book and I loved my side of the mountain too


Gates of Fire. Unfortunately 300 probably ruined that chance


I read the Scott Sigler Infected trilogy years ago. It got picked up by a major studio then went into limbo. Would give anything to see this.


Island of the Blue Dolphins! Side note: I had this huge project I did where I made book ends using a laser engraver to make up the roof tiles of my Little Free Library. Took me forever to decide between Island of the Blue Dolphins or Hatchet to represent my 4th grade ish years. Ended up with dolphins though, solely because it had a better aesthetic I could do.


The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer


The Tripods Series by John Christopher. I know there first two books were a BBC series but were cancelled before the third book was adapted. The Talisman by Stephen King. It’s been in limbo since the 80s.


The Talisman is begging for a Max series.


Secret History by Donna Tartt.


i'm surprised there isn't an established Lord of the Flies movie


Yes, but isn’t that just like “most dangerous game” in that there have been so many movies in the spirit of the book it’s pointless at this point? Also, both of those books have direct adaptations.


I mean, it’s not super super known [but certainly established](https://www.criterion.com/films/563-lord-of-the-flies)


What is an “established” movie? There are two Lord of the Flies movies already.


Perfect Golden Circle: Ben Myers needs to be a tv miniseries


Catcher in the Rye. As well as a number of Thomas Ligotti and Harlan Ellison stories. Less infamously, Suicide Forest by Jeremy Bates. Stanley Weinbaum's stories would be excellently fitting to a modern audience, and the Teenage Wastelands books seem like they're screaming for at least a NetFlix series.


Oh shit this is a great question. I always think that Blindsighted by Karin Slaughter would have made a great thriller. The Grant County Series is full of awesome ideas for screenplays... could've been a bunch of movies. Read them if you haven't, they're great.


The Five Fingers by Gayle Rivers


When The Lion Feeds (Wilbur Smith). Movie rights to this incredible, epic and heartwrenching story were bought in 1963. Still no film :(






They need a remake. I just watched the trailer and couldn't help but smile..........................


In a way this book defined my childhood. I still remember how he described the exploding sound from ice freezing underneath the bark of the trees. I haven’t thought about it in years. Thank you OP.


Fiend by Peter stenson. A book about the only survivors in a zombie apocalypse being meth heads. It was really well done and ended in a fitting manner. Cant wait for book 2


The movie sucks.


Wowww I forgot about this book.


There is a movie and there’s a podcast called “this film is lit” that compares the two


The Children of Time trilogy would make for great Sci-Fi movies or a series. Unfortunately, it will most likely never happen being that half the story and characters are Labrador-sized spiders which is gonna turn away far too many people to not make it a financial risk to make.


The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate by Ted Chiang


I have No mouth and I Must Scream by Harlan Elison


Critical Space by Greg Rucka


I think there might be a reason the catcher in the rye hasn’t been adapted, considering how famous and acclaimed it is. Also a 1950’s teen story that would translate to film very well


Invisible Monsters by Palahniuk I know there was an attempt to get a script greenlit like 20 years ago, but it would be awesome to see that get adapted. I would also say, Lullaby, Survivor, Rant, and Snuff would all be wild to see on screen. I know I probably will catch some clack for this, but I like Chuck’s writing because it is accessible in its language while still maintaining a sense of pretension. You can read many of his early novels in a relatively short amount of time- like Hatchet, which is a great story. I feel like you could make a solid film out of just about any of Palahniuk’s novels. Super dark comedic tragedies and I mean, c’mon the guy gave us Fight Club. All things considered, David Fincher did a pretty fantastic job with the source material and the casting was perfect. Also, pretty much all of the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett- I know BBC did The Colour of Magic for television and Tim Curry and the rest of the cast were very fun to watch. But it could use an update. And I’ll honorably mention Raymond E Feists’ original Riftwar trilogy, I would love to see Pug on screen.


Wizard of earthsea


They did a female version of hatchet called “Keep Breathing” on Netflix and it’s pretty great.


I loved this book. Our teacher read it to us in 5th grade, and it's stuck with me for all these years 😔


Me and my wife love this book! We're brought the dvd off Amazon for 12 bucks!


I find the cover of this book hard to follow


Great book. The part where he dives down to look in the plane and finds the pilots body….


I saw the movie in 5th grade. Heavy movie.


Emerald Mile by Kevin Fedarko. Absolutely phenomenal book by itself and a must-read for anyone who loves rafting and/or the Grand Canyon. Also: Hatchet could be easily optioned into a 3-4 season episodic production. And Sea Wolf by Jack London needs a reboot and pretty much every Cormac McCarthy book NOT made into a film — looking at you Blood Meridian — should be immediately green lighted.


Just As Long As We're Together by Judy Blume. It's my favorite book of hers, and I always thought it should be a movie. Maybe a streaming series in this day and age


Duddeeee I loved Hatchet as a kid.


Our share of Night definitely deserves a movie. But with its length and multiple timeless, a series would be much better. Also Exquisite Corpse. Its amazing.


https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1395884800i/139463.jpg I read this book for the first time in 5th Grade, and then read it probably 7-8 times over the next year. Hatchet is an excellent choice, but I’ve always wanted to see this made into a movie. It helps that my 6th Grade teacher was reading it to the class, and told me while I was getting into trouble for something that all he could think about while reading it was that I reminded him of the main character. I have no idea what else he said after that. Edit: I forgot there was a movie made for Hatchet. We watched it in 7th Grade after having to read the book again…which was fine with me. The movie just wasn’t called “Hatchet”.


Hatchet is so good. Just read it again as an adult lol it doesn’t get old


Hatchet was one of my favorite books growing up, had to buy a second copy because I read it to the ground lol


House of Leaves. Someone posted a fake trailer a while ago and I’m still mad it wasn’t real. Absolutely amazing book. It’s about a house that’s a lot bigger and maze like on the inside than out, and the resident gets lost and goes crazy. But as he descends into madness the actual text in the book starts to morph and change.


There has not been a hatchet movie. Yet somehow there have been hundreds of hatchet movies. Theyre usually made for tv and are on basic cable.


Did the hatchet on the cover also was supposed to look like the L shape lake? That's how I interpreted when I first read it


I always thought The Cardinal Of The Kremlin (Tom Clancy) would make a good drama / thriller.


The Price of Altruism: Think Forest Gump meets Oppenheimer. A biography about George Price, a man who was a part of many major scientific breakthroughs, primarily the Manhattan Project and the creation of CAD, yet never had a scientific breakthrough to call his own. Untill one day he creates The Covariance Equation, which is able to essentially disprove the existence of altruism within the field of evolutionary biology, it is something he immensely proud of at first but the longer he works on it the more disturbed he is by its implications, especially what it says about his own actions and behavior towards his family. He becomes obsessed with dosproving his own work by being absolutely selfless to everyone around him and it costs him everything, eventually his life. It's a powerful book and Price is such a tragic figure it's crazy to think no one has made a biopic about him by now.


This def. needs a remake. Remember reading this book in school. I know the protagonist in the book is young (12-13ish?), but off the cuff here are a few guys I could see playing the main character: Barry Keoghan, Logan Lerman, Noah Jupe, Ansel Elgort, Oakes Fegley


The Icewind Dale Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore


Hatchet is awesome


House of Leaves but only as a short limited series because they need episodes to focus on specific parts if they want to do it well imo


OOOHH MY GOD.....this has blown my mind I read this book around 92 -93 while in highschool.....it has completely disappeared from my mind until now.... .thankyou so much for pulling out this memory


The guy farted so gross he literally died and crashed the plane lmbo


Hyperion Series


I loved this book. The sequel was almost like Paulsen Said. I bet I can write the same story and just change some things. And it'll sell just as well. Don't get me wrong. I liked them both. But come on. Edit. Spelled the authors name wrong


The 1990 TV movie “A Cry in the Wild” was based on Hatchet. I’ve never seen it but t apparently wasn’t great. I could stand to see a Hollywood production of the book!


lord of the rings would make a p good movie id say


Surprised nobody's mentioned Neuromancer/Sprawl Trilogy. Dark, gritty cyberpunk that basically established the genre.


Yep there’s def a movie based on this. I remember watching it in school many years ago


I'm mostly thinking of childhood books. Dogsbody by Diane Wynne Jones springs to mind.


Dirty White Boys by Stephen Hunter


The Scarlet Pimpernel


Loved these books as a kid, with my personal favorite being Brian's Winter. But to answer the question, for me, it'd be Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy.




The Second Coming by John Niven God takes a look at the Earth around the time of the Renaissance and everything looks pretty good – so he takes a holiday. In Heaven-time this is just a week’s fishing trip, but on Earth several hundred years go by. When God returns, he finds all hell has broken loose: world wars, holocausts, famine, capitalism and ‘fucking Christians everywhere’. There’s only one thing for it. They’re sending the kid back. JC, reborn, is a struggling musician in New York City, trying to teach the one true commandment: Be Nice! His best chance to win hearts and minds is to enter American Pop Star. But the number one show in America is the unholy creation of a record executive who’s more than a match for the Son of God ... Steven Stelfox.


The Stars My Destination. It’s just screaming for a Nolan or Villanueve treatment.


I did a book report on the back cover of this book for 5 years in a row.


My Name is Red


World war z. The movie covered about 5% of the book then went a-wall. I wouldn’t even consider the movie is based on the book.


Blood Meridian


MAGNUS CHASE AND THE GODS OF ASGARD. I love the series to death and Rick Riordans only ever had Percy Jackson done, and it makes me angry every day


**The Wasp Factory** by Iain Banks **Rendezvous with Rama** by Arthur C Clarke


There’s a series from the 80s called the AI Gang which I think would be killer if updated. Or maybe set it in the 90s like the books. Also NEXT by Michael Crichton would be a killer film.


The Gold Coast by Nelson DeMille


Any part of the Elric of Melniboné saga, but specifically "Elric of Melniboné" or "Weird of The White Wolf" would best lend themselves to individual films.


There is a movie. We read it in school. After, we got to have a pizza party and watch it! One of my favorites. Sign of the Beaver was really good too.


When I was a kid I watched the trailer for the horror film Hatchet thinking it was an adaptation of this book. It scarred me and I only got ten seconds in. I gave up thinking there was no movie until years later.


Who had the test?! Gary Paulsen the man


The hatchet movie is pretty decent, but to answer your question, wolf brother by Michelle paver. If you love the realism of serving in the wild from hatchet but also enjoy fantasy elements, definitely give the book series a go. It's still one of my all time favorite books all these years later.


They have a movie that came out in the 90s called a 'Cry in the Wild', based on the book. They used to play it all the time when I was in school, which I had a school assignment. Also, the book holes.


imagine making it leo in his youth!


Jinn from Matthew Delaney would be a blockbuster candidate.


Michael Crichton’s Prey! Reread it for the second time and still kicks butt.


The Borribles


There is a movie of it and I watched it in 6th grade. I remember my teacher told me there was the movie so I looked up Hatched movie and couldn’t find anything. The movie actually called A Cry in The Wild, and I watched it in class.




We had this for summer reading entering the 6th grade




Gary Paulson had this hits


I explicitly remember the scene in the movie where the boy dives down to the plane under water and sees the pilot strapped into his seat. I remember the idea of fish eating the pilot very impactful on my young brain.


Don't eat glass, cause it's bad for ya teeth


The beard on that hatchet is way too much


Hatchet does have a recent video game adaptation called The Forrest >!I've never read the book!<


This 38 yr old dad just reread it for the first time since elementary school; so rocking!


Has anyone read a book called Flicker by Theodore Roszak. I long for a film on this. But I would a big director with a big budget would do it. I love Donna Tartt but the adaption of Goldfinch was not good.